Friday, March 9, 2012
Does anyone know any fun places to go to in San Diego or around San Diego besides the beach, balboa park and old town. I'm looking for something new.|||There's a cave in La Jolla. You have to pay to walk down to it. Or you can swim or snorkel to the cave.
San Diego Harbor Excursion. Take a 2hr harbor cruise. 1050 Harbor Dr.
Birch Aquarium at Scripts. It has more than 3000 fish. 2300 Expedition Way, La Jolla.
San Diego Coronado Bridge - drive through this 2-mile long bridge to Coronado. Visit the Hotel del Coronado where it has attracted the rich and famous since 1888. It served as the backdrop for movies such as Some Like It Hot with Marilyn Monroe.
Shopping at UTC, Horton Plaza, Mission Valley Center, Seaport Village, etc.
Point Loma - You can get a complete panoramic view of San Diego Bay, Shelter Island, Harbor Island, Coronado, the Embarcadero, and downtown from the Cabrillo National Monument at the southern tip of Point Loma.
Other more costly places or tourist trap are Legoland, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Sea World, etc.|||There are lots of wineries in San Diego county if you enjoy wine tasting.
Be sure to watch the sunset from Mt. Soledad in La Jolla. Visit Coronado Island. There's a great view of the San Diego skyline from Coronado, which you can drive to from the bridge or take a ferry across.
San Diego is known for its beautiful sunsets. It's quite a sight to watch the sun sink slowly into the ocean. There is also plenty of outdoor activities to chose from: spend some time on a bay cruise, go kayaking through the La Jolla caves, bike, hike, or even ride a gondola on Coronado Island.
Enjoy!|||They got a big Zoo!|||sea world, the zoo, not really a site to see,,, yeah its gooood a lot of clubs, hang out on san diego state campus. Museums, art shows, take a drive up to la and find me :)|||Tiajuana but, Rosarita beach is better for a day trip. Also in downtown San Diego is the Gaslamp dsistrict with small hotels, jazz clubs and bars. The huge warship is down there too- to tour. Seacoast village. The wild Animal Park. They now have Barongo (spelling) casino nearby too. Also a hour up the 15 fwy is Temecula and their winery tours are great and the Old Town there is small and fun. They have several "Rod Runs" of fifties cars a year and street painting festivals etc. Carlsbad is a wonderful beach and the village is nice. Chk out the city website for more! Have fun!|||Take a drive to Julian, Borrego or Mt. Palomar. Or, take the train up to Capistrano. Also, visit Coronado and Encinitas. And that commune up in Encinitas has a really pretty piece of land with a botanical garden. They have some times during the week where people can come in visit. Also, Quail Botanical Gardens is find of nice. Oh, and then there is also the aircraft carrier down at the harbor that you can tour as well.|||Tijuana|||Seaport Villiage isn't a bad place to go see. Head up the 78 to Julian and go get some good apple pie.|||sea world, wild zoo|||Black's Beach!鈥?/a>
And there's La Jolla, which is just a few miles from San Diego, and is a place where you can shop shop shop until you drop drop drop.
Will be on display at the San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park. June 29th to Dec. 31st of 2007.|||Oh thank you so much for mentioning that here...I had totally forgotten! I am so excited!!|||No - I did not know.|||ya and my mom is on a comitty and they get a special tour and get to touch them
me too
San Diego City Council unanimously adopted a resolution introduced by Mayor Jerry Sanders to designate July as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month."
James Hartline, who brought about 35 supporters. Hartline, a former homosexual who says he participated in "pride" events in 1998, expressed deep disappointment that the city is honoring an event "opposed by thousands of San Diegans."
Hartline told council members of the festival's involvement with homosexual porn companies such as the F Street Book store, "raunchy S & M classes" held in city-owned Balboa Park, the showcasing of porn stars such as Tommy Blade, promotion of "gay" bath houses and public nudity.
Hartline also reminded the council that last year it would not allow him to show "photographs in (your) chamber which document the filth inside of the San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival
Heterosexuals do not identify themselves by who they are sleeping with, why do homosexuals feel a need to?|||That's funny...former homosexual. As if he just woke up one day and quit cold turkey.|||Yes, and especially so because while many of those same people are calling for equal rights and touting the freedom of expression, will throw the biggest fit if you try to mention anything about religious tolerance. They would scream and holler if you tried to have a religious holiday or "pride month" type event put into place.
The constitution grants us the freedom of religion not the freedom from religion.|||Homosexuals feel this need because of the constant sexistism they fall victim to.|||Hm. Well, first of all, I think you are generalizing about homosexuals. Not all of them like this kind of public activity.
However, I have a theory that when people are pushed to unacceptable extremes, they come back with a force. A pendulum effect, if you will. Black Panthers are a great example. Do you think they would have swung so far to one side if Black Americans had been treated equally? I doubt it.
The excess at Gay Pride parades is in part a reaction to their being silenced and socially sidelined over the years. We reap what we sow.
All that said, I have no problem with them at all. Go gays!!|||They do a good job of stirring up hate, which allows them to play the victim, thus scoring a "moral victory point" is the eyes for those who simply don't care.|||i dont go to any parades and I couldnt care less about parade activities. peaceful assembly I believe is constitutional.|||heterosexuals do so identify themselves by who they sleep with--its why they think they are superior to gays|||Please. Mr. Hartline and yourself need to get lives of your own. In his case, though, as an "ex-gay," it makes perfect sense that he's "outraged" at the fact that other gay men are not as abject and self-loathing as he is, and refuse to live lives of self-denial and repression because certain narrow-minded bigots would prefer it that way. I wonder what your excuse is.
I'm gay. I'm not really into Pride parades, but I understand the reason for them. I'd try to explain, but I suppose in order to understand, you would've had to have been oppressed and abused and discriminated against your entire life simply for being who you are.|||Heterosexuals most definitely do "show off" their relationships. But most people don't care or even think twice about heterosexual couples. Think about any dance club, bar, etc. Tons of heterosexual couples. And no one thinks twice about it but if it was a gay bar, club, etc... my gosh, the UPROAR!
If straight people do it, why can't gay people do it? They are merely frustrated with a society that does not allow them to express their sexuality in public and a gay parade is PRIDE, to show people that the rumblings of homophobics won't stop them.
Some pride parades and events ARE overtly sexual. But the GLBT community is a minority group (just like racial minorities, religious minorities, etc) trying to convey and demonstrate that they can be free to love someone of the same sex (and be sexual with them as well).|||Heteros don't need parades because they have never had to hide their true identity like some sort of criminal. The reasons for these parades is to bring their issues of unequal treatment to the forefront.|||I love a good gay bashing lol with a extra helping of god for good mesher lol get a cript crow up. and just to be dam right hate full if you lot are so against it all why to your vicase and what not find it such good fun to f*** the olter boys ( ye ye ye i know but if she can say crap so can i )|||immoral
people can pick who you sleep with or not sleep with anyone.
When people ignore God and the bible they slip into increased wickedness.|||Gay pride parades are not hurting anyone. Live and let live.|||I don't think the parades do anything to help their cause of being accepted as "normal" members of society. In our city the parade portrays them as very deviant, not at all like loving, commited coupled who desire to be married and raise kids. Who thinks a guy in a gold lame thong and makeup looks like a family man?|||Not at all. There is no god.|||perhaps if you and all your sick little theist friends stopped persecuting homosexuals they wouldn't feel the need to affirm their sexuality
It's similar to the equal rights marches made by women and black people
just more fun|||I think YOU are disgraceful to society and GOD, who doesn't even exist. I live in San Diego County; thanks for letting me know. At least now good ole conservative Diego is making efforts to reform.|||Yes, I think it IS disgraceful. Call me a hypocrite if you want to (those who already answered). Actually, how does that make me a hypocrite? If I were gay and were saying bad things about gay people, THAT would make me a hypocrite. But I am not gay. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. So yes, it is an abomination to have gay pride parades and all that other stuff.
Also, if what they are doing is not G rated, it should not be allowed on the streets where a child might see it.
Homosexuals have been oppressed because what they are doing is wrong and it is hurting society. Black people have a reason to be upset for their oppression. They were picked on because of the color of their skin. Homosexuals are "picked on" because they are not doing what is right. Yes, they are people, but they need repentance.|||I think Gay BASHERS are a disgrace to society, and one of MANY black marks on america's reputation.
Homophobia is probably one of the most shameful forms of stupidity- right up next to racism.
Why do you ask so many questions about gays? Certainly there must be better subjects to tackle? Why is this one so important to you?|||Well, shouldn't the christmas celebration you so cheerfully participate in be banned because it's a pagan rip-off and pagans may feel dishonored? Or does it all revolve around christians' wishful thinking taking over the world?
shouldn't you be stoned to death for not killing gays and adulterous women, and not making "burnt offerings" (aka animal sacrifices) and offering your god their slimmy guts and fat, and for going on birth control, getting along with people from different religions, not going through the "purification process" after giving birth to a daughter, and the holy list goes on...????
Come on. You don't do these things because they are ridiculous, BUT you think you are a righteous person by spreading hate? Do you enjoy it? In the eyes of your god, you would be a disgrace. In the eyes of your beloved society, you, my friend, are a hypocrite.
ps: "Former homosexual"? you're treating homosexuality as though it was alcoholism.
"Heterosexuals do not identify themselves by who they are sleeping with, why do homosexuals feel a need to?"
because heterosexuals have not been labeled "an abomination" by a,unfortunately, much read book, were not hunted down during WWII and are not being denigrated by posters like this.|||If you don't like gay pride parades, don't go.
It's none of your business!
Where do you go to church? Please let me know, so I can go protest your church services, hypocrite.|||Let's be truthful for once, even criminals like arm robber would admit that what they do is bad but they do it for certain reason; like for money. and shop lifters would tell you that what they are doing is bad, but they do it because they are poor or because that is a phychological disorder. but gay people are not admitting that what they do is bad, unnatural & stupid. homosexualism is wrong scientificaly, naturally and in all religion. even to the greatest bushmen. It is time to replace our congress and jurdges with the right people. Quote when you have a bad ruller the city weeps. our congress are corrupt, forgeting that this is a christain nation, which through chritainity coin the word liberty for all. Don't you all forget your God who brought you out of slavery. And with the help of God (liberty for all) so many both white and black and all other colors have gained freedom.|||It is definitly a disgrace to society. Is this how far we have come as a nation? Sad! I don't think it is the parade that is my concern. If this is what is in the hearts of the people that is what is truly disheartening. Look at Sodom, they were destroyed because the hearts of people were desperately wicked. Having said all that I totally disagree with this act of perversion. However, I do realize it is up to me to spread the love of God to these people and not judgment. To not allow lawlessness by overcoming it with love. Sometimes it means tough love. But, I do realize I don't have the corner on everything and need some tough love in my life too.|||Why are you bothered by what other people are doing? You should be worrying more that you are paying ridiculous prices for gas and housing in san diego.|||Even the Bible says..."Judge not"...we as Christians are sooo quick to point out others faults or so-called sins when we're not perfect ourselves. We act as if one sin is bigger than the other. Gays don't deserve to be disrespected or judged for having feelings and loving someone. Is sleeping w/ the same sex wrong? I believe it is. However, so is lying, cheating, stealing, killing, and JUDGING!!!! Yet we so-called Christians do it EVERYDAY. Let people live their life and let God do the judging.|||i have no problem with gay pride days, but a whole month seems a little extreme for any group.
i also agree with you (possibly for the first time) that there shouldn't be a need for gay people to flaunt their homosexuality anymore than straight people should. it doesn't offend me to see gay people being affectionate in public like straight people, but some of the things they do at those parades are just not necessary in public|||Gays are couples in meditation as Hermits are coupled with GOD. Gays mediate turbulently, therefore the Parade.|||I think gay parades are a disgrace. New Orleans has a gay convention and while we were living there some of the residents complained their children were being exposed to sex on the streets.
Of course nothing was ever done about it.|||When society's values are a few standard deviations from the norm, that is the result.
It would require at least eight or nine sigmas for that - and we are now there.
.|||God destroyed Sodom & Gommoriah for that very reason. It is a slap in God's face being gay. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.|||yes, they are pushing it so far, it's start to hurt my asss. they should call the firemen and wash them of the street.
I'm doing a fashion shoot in downtown San Diego with a photographer over the weekend. I need a scenic park, area, theatre, mural, landmark, or whatever that would be good for this that wouldn't get wouldn't get crowded with on lookers (I didn't suggest Balboa Park for that reason).
thanks!|||The Cabrillo National Monument rocks for photo shoots, you get views of the bay and the ocean, plenty of park settings, the lighthouse makes for a great back drop. Not alot of people there so you will not be bothered.|||How about Seaport Village? Depending which way the photographers shoots you, he may capture the downtown skyline, or maybe the Coronado Bay Bridge (a definite SD landmark), or the ocean. If I recall, there are areas within or along the outer edges of Seaport Village that may fit the scenic park scene you're looking for.
Since most photo shoots are taken in the early morning for the best light, you may not have the huge crowds you are anticipating.
Yes, some people may want to see what's going on, but, unless you're a celebrity, some may stop to look, but they usually move on.
Seaport Village and Balboa Park are always places photographers use to do shoots. The crowds there are use to seeing photographers/photo shoots taken there, and most see it as no big deal.
Have you consider the grounds of the Hotel del Coronado? I've seen many photo shoots taken there also. And for the beach shots, it's right at their doorstep...
Good luck!|||I'd recommend Torrey Pines Park, but the difficulty I've encountered is most public areas now require a license for professional location shooting which can get expensive. I suggest you check the department of parks and recreation before you start shooting as the will issue citations.|||Mission Hills park up above the freeway is perfect..Ive known photograhers that use that area for this type of work...its beautiful up there and few people.|||use a cemetary!|||Try the North end of Harbor Island across from the Hilton.
It is on the water and will not have much traffic.
Also Spanish landing park along Harbor drive and across from the airport. Both of these locations have grass, Big trees and are on the bay.|||I'd look into Presidio park. Crowds are way down there lately, but its just as nice as ever. They have the pergola area, the Serra museum, great grassy hills, cobblestone constructions, good trees, etc.
My husband and 8 month old will be visiting San Diego soon for a vacation, and we want to avoid renting a car due to expenses (rental, gas, $16/day hotel parking, etc.). We are staying at the WorldMark Club hotel on A Street in San Diego, zip code 92101. I was wondering how close that is to SeaWorld, Balboa Park, the beach, Old Town, Coronado, and all the other wonderful places I've heard about. How close are these places to each other. I was also wondering about other forms of transportation, if the walk would be too far. Are there trolleys, buses, etc.? How much do these cost? Which is cheaper? Would we need to have a carseat for our daughter in order to ride on a bus or trolley? How much is the ferry to the island that I keep hearing about?|||You're staying in a gool location if you are not going to have a car b/c you're downtown where most of the transit lines converge.
SeaWorld is over on Mission Bay and you would have to take the trolley, which runs along C St downtown, to the Old Town Transit Center then take the #9 bus to SeaWorld. The bus runs pretty often, every 15 I think, and runs till around midnight.
Balboa Park is located about 1-1.5 miles from where you are staying. You could walk there or catch the #7 bus that runs along Park Blvd through the park.
For beaches, you can take the #8 or #9 bus from Old Town for Pacific Beach and Mission Beach. Or you can take the #30 which starts in downtown directly to Pacific Beach. The #30 will also take you to La Jolla, which is a really scenic town with an upscale downtown. PB, MB, and La Jolla are probably the most popular beach spots for tourists. The #35 from Old Town or #923 from downtown will take you to Ocean Beach, which is kind of a hippy beach community. If you take the #30 up to University Towne Center just north of La Jolla you can take the #101 bus which runs right along the coast all the way up to Oceanside and check out great North County beaches like Torrey Pines, Del Mar, Carlsbad, ect.. A Coaster commuter train also runs from Downtown and Old Town all the way up the coast to Oceanside and is a really nice scenic train ride, probably the nicest view from a commuter train in the country.
For Old Town you can just catch the trolley from downtown. I;m not too sure about the ferry to Coranado b/c I've never taken it. There are several private companies that offer ferry service i believe so if you do a google search it will probably help you find one to take.
All of these locations are within about a five mile radius of each other, La Jolla be the farthest from downtown and maybe about 7-8 miles away.
if you go to they can give you all the information you need for public transit in SD County. There is a trip planner in the top left corner of the website where you can enter in two addresses or locations and it will give you several options on how to get there.
Good luck and welcome to SD!|||Hi there.. :) I know exactly where that is,. :) Unfortunately, if you are going to try to go to some of these places, a car is your best bet. There are ways to getting to Seaworld and Balboa Park in public transportation, but it will take you a while. The bus system is good in San Diego but if you are within the city, not so much to go venturing out, when time may be limited. Some of these places are not necessarely close to eash other.
The Trolley is helpful if you know the area well, but it is also limited. It does take you to Qualcom Statium and Petco Park. You can take it down south if you'd like to go across the border into Mexico. If you are in Downtown you can take the 901 towards Imperial Beach that will go over the Coronado Bridge, into Coronado. Imperial Beach is also nice (that's where I am from). Calm neighborhood if you just want to relax and have a nice day on the beach.
The car might be a better option. If you do rent a car, don't get it from the airport places, there are rental offices in the city (Downtown). My friend and I rented a little Chevy Aveo for $16.00 a day for a 4 day week she was here and it really helped us. Cabs are not really available.
Buses run from $1.75 to $2.25, and the transfer is valid for about 2 hours. You can use it on the bus and trolley, which is an upside. You don't need carseats for children on public transportation. The ferry you hear about is that one that goes from Downtown across into Coronado. I belive it is about $2.00. :) It's inexpensive and quite doable in public transportation if you are not going to far from Downtown.
Well hope my babling didn't bore you and helped. Let me know if you have any more questions. :)
I'm from San Diego, and there has been this big debate to get rid of the cross at Mount Soledad(for decades)...all because of one person who happened to be an Athiest....why do they let it bother them? Why can't they just let it be? Same thing with Christmas on the event in Balboa park that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. A group of Athiest complained and the event was changed to "December Nights". Christmas will always be known as a Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.|||Gosh, it's not like atheists are PEOPLE or AMERICAN CITIZENS... what do they matter? They should sit down and shut up and be grateful that the believers are around to babysit them.|||Why does it seem that you have the brain capacity of a goldfish?|||I don't understand it either. If you're going to be atheist, at least accept that everything and everyone around you does not have to be...
Why did this guy under me mention the constitution? Is He not mentioned in the Constitution????????|||Can you imagine atheists getting upset when tax money is being spent to support a religion? Those jerks! Probably read the constitution or something!|||For most people christmas means: "eating till you burst and receiving presents".|||Everybody must be miserable as they are -- by statute, if necessary -- so they won't feel so lonely in their spirtually desitute condition.|||Unlike Christians, Atheists care for other people's beliefs being discriminated against|||because they really cant mind their own business. i think they think that if they can convince other people, then maybe they might convince themselves. this is beyond ignorant. a true atheist does not have to annouce himself to the world, and would be secure enough to tolerate it. i mean, come on, we are tolerating alot of things that go on, are we not? atleast that is what we are taught to do..|||i dont understand it either.
if i saw a giant star of david or the cresent symbol of islam i wouldnt pettiton that it is removed.
if someone told me 'happy hanukkah' id probably respond w/ 'back at ya', not sue the person for 'pushing their beliefs on me'|||well, if these religious symbols are on public lands and Atheists are paying their taxes to help maintain those public lands then they have every right to protest their tax money being spent on religious propaganda. Fundy Christians will just have to learn that they aren't the ONLY folks living in America. nonChristians have rights too.
PS. how would you like it if Hindus started erecting huge statues of Shiva on the courthouse lawn or Wiccans built Pentacles on the town square?|||Originally the date for Christmas was chosen to work against a pagan religion that was large at the time of the rise of the Christian church. Look at the date of Christmas, right after the winter solstice.
It's not even the date of the birth of Jesus.
I wouldn't be upset if my city had a cross, but then I do have some beliefs in the Christian church. Perhaps if the Christian church stopped attacking atheism and other issues that don't effect it (gay marriage, stem cell research) then we might see less of an attack on it from the athiests.|||That is right, you people should have a Menorah up there instead.|||Why can you not understand that our constitution forbids the government sponsoring or showing preference for any religion? I don't care if there's a cross on Mt. Soledad (I'm from San Diego, too) -- but I DO care that MY tax money pays for it, which means the government is paying for the creation and maintenance of a religious symbol. Unconstitutional (and that ruling has been upheld by several different courts).
Again, I don't care if there's a christmas celebration, but I DO care that MY tax money pays to promote a religious celebration -- you said it yourself, christmas is a christian feast commemorating the birth of jesus, which means no government money should be involved in that celebration. Balboa Park is owned by the government, and MY taxes help pay for it -- and it's unconstitutional to use tax money to promote a religion.
How would you feel if the government spent a large amount of your tax money to put on a Ramadan feast (Islamic celebration), or to erect a huge Buddha statue on top of Mt. Soledad? The vast majority of christians would yell and scream about it --and rightly so. By the same reasoning, the government has no business paying to support or promote ANYBODY's religion, no matter what it is, and even if the majority of people agree with that religion. That feature of constitutional law *protects* your rights to the free exercise of religion, it doesn't take them away.|||Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus. Have you never wondered why your holidays have so many pagan symbols?
Tax money paid for a religious symbol. It needs to be tore down to teach people not to try to do that again. It is a waste of money on a useless item|||For your information, Christmas was known for a long time as Saturnalia (a ROMAN feast celebrating the harvest) until Christians decided that they couldn't mind their business, and the whole thing was change to Christmas.|||I don't agree with removing your cross, either. It accomplishes nothing, really, and whether it's there or not I am still the same person. I could care less if it's there or not.
But if I wanted to be vindictive, I'd say it's payback for teaching "intelligent design" in schools. If you can force people to listen to you, then why can't others force you to remove your symbols from public places?|||Your god made us this way
Anyone in California (SD) Going to walk for breast cancer at Balboa park?? Wooohoo if you are! Im ready for those 4 miles baby! |||Next year I'm doing the three day walk in Chicago!
Good luck with yours!|||Good luck! And drink plenty of water.|||No, I actually hate breast cancer... It robs the world of such great boobies !!! Thank you for caring about boobies so much !!!|||Nope, but I did it in Oregon.
Ha! We did it first! Losers!|||Um... I don't live in Cali. But in my town theres this breast cancer walk thingy and this girl in my grade's mom dies of breast cancer so she goes every year. My grandma had breast cancer, but she's a survivor.|||Is anyone for breast cancer? No, I'm against it. Several women in my family have had it, and it was horrible to see them go through it.
Sea World
Zoo/ Historic Balboa Park
Mission Bay Park complete with Roller Coaster made out of wood!
Downtown/ Gaslamp Quarter
Surfing, sailing, etc..
Car shows
T.J., Rosarito, MX, etc., just a short drive away!
on and on...
i have
jane|||Been to all and more!!!! cuz i live in San Diego. San Diego is a GREAT place almost perfect but it dosen't have as much hype as LA. It's LA with a football team, less polution, and just a little less people so it's not as cramped
Also its close to all the themeparks like 6 flags, Disneyland, and it has SEAWORLD!!!!! (just maby 30mins-3 hour away)|||I go there every summer and I love San Diego. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE <3333
-Don't forget Disneyland!! (its not in San Diego but you only have to drive for two hours to get there)
-All of the beaches (solana beach, del-mar beach, ect.)
-The Comic Book Convention
Oh San diego is amazing :)|||I've been twice. The love of my life was from San Diego. He was in the navy and I had to leave him standing at the airport to come home to my son. Son # 1, Self # 2. I still love that guy 20 years later. lol|||I haven't yet but we plan on going this fall. We want to take the kids to Sea World. We're waiting for the off season. We live in Las Vegas so it isn't too far.|||I have!!! I went to sea world and the wildlife zoo place!!! it was sooo fun!!! at sea world i saw the whale and I GOT SOAKED!!! GO TO SAN DIEGO!! IT RULES!!!!!|||Me! sea world long time ago.
Family reunion, boat rides, visited a friend and ate at a coffee shop. not bad.|||I have been there like 5 times|||I stayed in San Diego for a while and I thought that it was a great city. I would love to go there again.|||I live a few hours from there. The beaches there are beautiful!
And I'll never get tired of seaworld and balboa park =)|||San Diego native since 1952.|||I LIVE IN SAN DIEGO. Pacific Beach to be exact...92109. It's absolutely one of the greatest place to live!|||Over 20 years ago for me. I went to the zoo and had a great time. My ex brother-in-law lived there for a short time♥|||you left out ... outrageous home prices, parking lot freeways, and moronic surfer "dudes, but the weather is great.|||I passed through San Diego 3 times.|||yes
yes|||Plenty of times.|||I've been there,and the whole area is so beautiful.
We also got caught up briefly in a traffic holdup and police run detour;seems we just missed a mardi gras celebration turned riot. lmao!!|||many years ago☺|||few times i like sea world|||Yes i have.|||I have not been but I would like to go.|||Sorry, but I would like to go.|||Nope. Never have.|||lived there 20 years|||ive been there ^_^|||notme|||I havent yet.|||Not me...
I was happy to find out that I can fish in Balboa Park, which is about 20 minutes away, but when I arrived there I find out that there is no Bass or Trout... Where can I fish Trout/Bass around Los Angeles area? I like fishing in the rivers, but if a closest river spot is too far away I am down for lakes if it is the only option. I am down for driving for about an hour.
Any ideas guys?! I'll greatly appreciate any answers!|||Many of the local parks that have sizable ponds get stocked by the city and fish and game with trout during the winter months. The DFG will have the stocking schedule for your area. Pay sites for fishing trout and bass are fairly limited in L.A. you have to go down to the Orange County area to Santa Ana River lakes or Irvine Lake. Up in our local mountains the east and west forks of the San Gabriel rivers have trout. Puddingstone Lake, Castaic Lake,and Pyramid lake are well known for their bass. Eldorado park lakes is stocked with trout catfish and has a few bass very finicky taking only the best presentations it's popular with they fly bass fisherman. Peck road lakes also has all three again very finicky. Again check the dfg plants and see what's closest to you.鈥?/a>|||not mutch around from a hour.go to pyramid lake.its on the 5 going to bakersfeild.or try lake issabella.great fishing there for trout and bass.they hold the biggest bass in the world!!! 42.1 pounds. GOOD LUCK!!!|||Lake Castaic is on the Rapala Video game, it would be awesome to check it out in real life!|||idn look up on google
Is there any parks around this area that has cherry blossom trees or flowering plums?
I know theres a festival in little tokyo in LA but thats not till a while. Also know Balboa Park has some too, but is there any other places?
If you know any nice parks either please let me know, want to take my gf somewhere nice this year haha|||Flowering cherries dont do well in the LA basin. Flowering red leaf plums are widely planted in a lot of parks and as street trees but are not really spectacular and wont be in blosom for another 4-6 weeks. If you want to see something in bloom this month try Descanso Gardens up near La Canada. They are noted for their camellias which are in bloom right now. You can google it and get more information.|||right now the ornamental pear trees are in full bloom in the OC
they arre all over the OC
real pretty and listen to the bees
One morning I was working for a political campaign in San Francisco and we all met at the Glen Park BART station. We were going to pass out the flyers around the surronding stations. I took the train to Balboa Park and got off of the train and started passing out the flyers on the platform. Some guy comes that works for BART comes up to my co-worker and tells her to leave and then comes up to me and starts yelling at me for passing out the flyers in the station and saying I can't do that. I called BART about this but I still haven't heard from them. I was told I can pass stuff out there because since it's a private property but is open to the public, you can still pass out political flyers with protection of the first amendment. Would this be harrassment and violation of my rights and what action should I take against BART? Anyone who doesn't live in the Bay Area, BART is the mass transit in Oakland and San Francisco.|||They're very hinky about any kind of activity on the platform. If you were outside the station there wouldn't have been a problem, as it's public property out there.|||Political or not passing out or selling on private property is called loitering, The owners or management of the property can have you arrested and place a trespassing order against you, banning you from the property for good. Your rights do not hold up if you are on anothers property. For your rights pass them out on the streets..
Is there any parks around this area that has cherry blossom trees or flowering plums?
I know theres a festival in little tokyo in LA but thats not till a while. Also know Balboa Park has some too, but is there any other places?
If you know any nice parks either please let me know, want to take my gf somewhere nice this year haha|||There will not be any flowering by Valentines day. The city od LA parks department will help you.
Also the Orange County parks department.
Does anyone know if the Haunted Hotel is the same as Frightmare on Market Street? Also, would you consider it as good as the Haunted Trail in Balboa Park. I went to the Haunted Trail and was really satistfied.
Short Answers, Please.|||frightmare on market street is no longer in operation. the del mar scream zone is way better.
|||There is a haunted hotel at san diego. i've been there, This ghost lives there and at midnight it cumes and takes your blanket!|||Haunted hotel rocks got to their website it will give u a video of what its like..way better then the haunted trail. haunted|||Go check out the haunted hotel room in the Hotel Del Coronado Hotel!|||i went there last week it pretty sick 14 buck though
On July 2, 2009, there was an old style, old fashioned, 1950's style or model type helicopter flying over Balboa Park/San Diego Zoo area around 7:45-8:00p.m. It was not a news, police, or current helicopter, was definately older style. Does anyone know what this helicopter was for? Who owns it? Or what type?|||That was me. Did it bother you?
Just kidding. It could have been from a helicopter flight school or some such thing.
like do they close to the public at a specific time? for example balboa park. does it close? can i go there after dark? will i get arrested for trespassing? thanks =)|||there's a curfue yes
you can go, its rare an officer will roll by
a helicopter shined their light on me and my friends one time before but thats it, we left
Hi San Diegans,
This sounds a little corny and naive, but it has always been my dream to live in San Diego. I absolutely fell in love with it 10 yrs ago. (esp. Balboa Park, La Jolla, Mission area, Northern SD) - the weather, size, beaches, a good size metropolis, etc. I'm a native of Portland, Or. but have been living in Los Angeles now for the past 10 yrs. due to school and my job. Now I am thinking I need to change to a smaller city (and it'll be hopefully a little cheaper than LA)
But - this sounds weird, I have concerns that moving to San Diego with this preconceived dream of it's resort-like town will eventually disappoint me? I'm sure San Diego has it's many problems just like anywhere else. Is there something I should be warned about?
Like where do the upper 20's to mid -30something crowd hang out at (besides Pacific Beach)? I'm not a huge bar person anymore... I love indie shops, small restaurants, cafes and nature.
What are your recommendations? Do you love/like/hate SD?|||San Diego is no different than any other resort town. You will see tourists at certain places such as Sea World or dowtown La Jolla but they are not everywhere. It's just like when you go to Vegas, outside of the strip looks just like any other town. They have schools, swapmeets, 7-11s, you get my point.
The housing price in SD has gone down significantly and it's actually cheaper than LA. The reason I say this is because in SD, if you are looking for a good bargain, you can go a little east such as Mira Mesa or Rancho Bernardo that are still good neighborhoods. However, in LA, the only options are the ghetto places. If you don't belive me, name me a decent place near LA where I can get one bedroom apartment for $1000 per month.
I moved to LA from SD a couple years ago because of school and job like in your situation and I dream of the day that I move back to SD. I miss all the outdoor activities I used to do such as running, bicycling, or just going to the beach. In LA, I have to drive to certain places to enjoy these activities and the traffic is just unbearable. Sure, I could put on my running shoes and jog around my neighborhood but I learned that it's not a good idea real fast.
I can't think of one bad thing about SD. Perhaps the people who have always lived there seem a little naive about how the other half live but the place is like a paradise so you can't really blame them. My first choice would be Ocean Beach because it's close to PB without all the craziness. I also wouldn't mind La Jolla because it is at the center of everything.
If you love the outdoors and appreciate good weather, I don't think you will be disappointed with San Diego.|||i love it
SAN DIEGO is beautiful to live ....hurry up|||Dude going to San Diego is such a hard place to live. If you do move there, stay North. Things begin to be cheaper and less people. Yea I guess I would go back.|||yes , but its expensive ,but if you live in LA you can handle it|||idk bout the actual city of san diego. i live in north county, and carlsbad is pretty busy on the weekends. i love living in oceanside. i can go to san diego, orange county, or riverside county all in about 45 minutes. i think oceanside and carlsbad have the best weather of the whole county, and are less expensive than the city, yet not too far removed. i mean, yeah san diego is over a million people, but oceanside is almost a quarter of a million, so its pretty nicely sized. La jolla is is encinitas (for north county) just remember, there is so much in san diego county. if you get tired of the big city, you can move to a suburb. or you can start in north county and see if you like it.|||LA to San Diego transition isn't a big deal.. It's a little more expensive than LA but not by much. If you can line up a better paying job here than what you have, it'll be an easy move.
I like it a lot better than LA, I feel confined in LA for some reason.|||I am 25 and I am living in North Park/City Heights which is a great area for walking around and the rent is good. South Park and University Heights are nice and still affordable, while Hillcrest and Ocean Beach are now getting wicked $$$$.
North County is for rich, whiny hacks who can't handle the real world.
I don't know, I am from the northeast and San Diego will never feel like a real city to me, except for the
homeless problem and traffic. I moved out here from Buffalo/Rochester NY last year with my husband and I was really disappointed with this town. I am getting used to it now, but I will never really "love" it like most people do. Maybe I am the exception, but I like seasons, an educated populous and some kind of culture that doesn't revolve around the beach or shopping.
like do they close to the public at a specific time? for example balboa park. does it close? can i go there after dark? will i get arrested for trespassing? thanks =)|||Many public parks do close at specific times of day. Balboa Park is an exception, the park grounds are open 24 hours a day, but the visitor's center closes at 4:30p.m. daily.
Does anybody have an opinion on working the musical? We are thinking about going to see it in Balboa Park (San Diego). Is it appropriate for a 11 year old? Thank you!|||Working is a documentary. It is appropriate but I suspect that an 11 year old will find it extremely boring. It isn't like most musicals, not alot of dancing or anything fancy. Its about "People talking about what they do all day and why they do what they do"
So i'm going back there for thanksgiving after a couple of months away. I never liked SD while there, it was just sooo boring and pre-fabricated. Well, since I'm going to be stuck for a week, I might as well do something semi-fun. What is there? And nothing touristy (ie zoo, beach, balboa park, etc).|||So you are going to be stuck for a week in San Diego? lol You could be stuck in a lot worse places. You sound miserable and spoiled. If you think San Diego is boring I'd like to see your idea of exciting. My advice is to pull that stick out of your butt and try having a good time for once in your life.
Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.|||Hah nothing.
Just weird weather. Lmao. The beach is looking pretty nice though. Check out La Jolla Cove.|||The Animal Park and Zoo are always fun!:)
Sorry your not going to find anything in San Diego that isnt touristy if it's fun.|||What about wine tasting? There are wineries around Julian and also in the area around Escondido...or you could drive up to Temecula where there are even more. For more info check out:鈥?/a>|||Well the only thing i can think of is black friday... i know thats everywhere.. but the outlets are pretty damn good. . but yeah youre right not much to do besides the whole lighting of the tree in paradise point on the 24th and balboa park lighting of the tree on the 25th..|||go out to the bars and get **** faced!|||Like microbrews? Go to Stone Brewery in Escondido area and take their beer making tour. (They're the brewers of Arrogant Bastard and other fine beers; considered one of the top microbreweries in the world.) Free samples at the end! Bar with 30 beers on tap and an unusual restaurant. You can waste a few hours there and have lots of fun. See their website for details
We've taken visitors there and they always have a great time.|||Go downtown to the gas lamp district. Bars, food and live music. I always enjoy Croce's (Jim Croce's widow owns the place). Good food and live music....if you like that sort of stuff. Or bring your xbox and stay in the house all day.
Mr. A's was a restaurant on the top floor of an office building(?) near University Ave. in the Hillcrest area of San Diego near Balboa Park. It was a great place then and wondered if it's still around.|||Bertrand at Mister A's
2550 Fifth Avenue Twelfth Floor,
San Diego, CA 92103
same place, under new ownership, just as good if not better|||i know the area ur talkn about but i don't know of a "Mr. A's"
hello all! i will be visiting hillcrest in several months and i would like recommendations on places to go, things to do. i like balboa park but are there specific bookshops (fifth avenue was pretty okay), cafes/ coffeeshops, hangouts, restaurants - preferably cheap places but if it's the right mix of hip/ progressive and relatively cheap prices that's okay too. thanks!|||Bluestocking Book on 5th between University & Robinson is a great neighborhood bookshop. It's small but cozy and has interesting collections of book categories. There's a Greek gyro place next door that does good sandwiches for less than $7 and a Starbuck's at the corner of 5th and Robinson.
If you like Thai food, Lotus on 6th just south of Robinson is less busy than the restaurants on University Ave with great food and very reasonable prices.
If you like hiking, try walking south on 4th looking at Victorian Era houses. There are 2 pedestrian bridges to explore in Banker's Hill area just to the south (Spruce St suspension bridge on Spruce St west of 1st Ave and Quince St bridge on Quince between 4th and 3rd). A good walking area (鈥?/a> ).|||So does gay mean independent now? Cause your in for an *** raping if you go to Hillcrest! Report Abuse
What cities are these place located
The summit of Napa's Mount St Helena
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Yosemite National Park
Sea world
Balboa Park
& I need a place to go shopping like the san diego mall... can someone give me a mall name and where it is located
This is for a school project called Virtual it's pretty important|||Sea World is located at 500 SeaWorld Drive San Diego, CA 92109 (Pacific Beach).
Here's a map of the area鈥?/a>
Balboa Park is located just minutes from downtown San Diego. It's easy to get to and has an informative Visitors Center, located in the heart of the Park, to help you plan your day when you get here. The mailing address for the Balboa Park Visitors Center is 1549 El Prado, Suite 1, San Diego, CA 92101-1699. For general information call (619) 239-0512.
Here's a link to the park map:鈥?/a>
My favorite mall, or at least a good one is the Grossmont Mall in La Mesa, CA. It's a Westfield Shopping Center.
Here's a link to the Maps & Directions area of Yosemite, since it really doesn't have an address (1,200 miles of park):鈥?/a>
Here's a link to the Napa Valley Mt. St. Helena website:
Glad I could help you with your homework! = )|||Horton Plaza in San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter, downtown at 4th Avenue and F Street, south of Balboa Park near the intersection of I-5 and SR-163.
I recently took up hoop dancing and baton and I was wondering if a permit was needed to practice/hone my skills in places such as Balboa Park, Seaport Village and Downtown San Diego. I know a permit is needed for busking, but what if you just want to practice in public? If one is needed, how would I get one? Any information is helpful.|||I'm pretty sure you don't need a permit to practice your skills. I would expect common safety sense would apply and keep a short distance from the crowded area in case you had a muscle twitch while tossing that baton or you lost control of your hoop and took out a family of unsuspecting tourists.
Be careful that you don't put out a tip jar while doing this so you don't get cited for not having your busking permit.
Once you are done practicing, you can put your gear away and then it is legal to pester everyone for money.
The moral of that is that you have to get a permit to earn your money but not to freeload off others.
Good luck in your practices and have a good time:)
By the way, there is a huge grassy area about 200 yards South of Balboa park that may be an ideal place for what you need to do.|||The main reason that people say they have stage freight is, they wait until they actually have to appear and/or perform in public BEFORE they actually APPEAR IN PUBLIC.. So they freeze up or get very nervous because they have not trained theirself to PERFORM IN PUBLIC.
The QUICKEST WAY to get over STAGE FREIGHT is by PERFORMING IN PUBLIC.. Something I used to do with my students was, I would take them out to a mall or even a street corner or in a public park and HAVE THEM PERFORM. As long as you don't collect MONEY for the performance, then you are merely exercising your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to FREE SPEECH... just be sure you DO NOT take even one penny or you have gone from FREE SPEECH to BUSKING and in many places.. BUSKING is illegal without a permit.
There is nothing like BUSKING, where you are performing just a few feet away from your audience, to get over the jitters and stage freight that all you people have because you have NEVER APPEARED IN PUBLIC... And, once you can perform just feet from the audience, then it won't matter if you are performing to 10 people or 10 THOUSAND people.. It's all the same.,
i have been in san diego for about a yr
and i am just looking for some ideas of things to do to waste an afternoon that do not cost an arm and a leg
again things to do like balboa park not places to eat:)|||Tuesday are free museum day in Balboa Park. Alot park around town have free concerts, Sundays at 2pm they open up the Organ in Balboa park and put on a great show.
We have a group of people that get together about 4 times a week to play softball in OB and La Jolla. It is free and good fun, we dont care how good or bad you are.
Also you can get a Sea World annual pass and only pay about 19 bucks a month and I think that is the Platunim pass which is the best. It will not break you.
If you have any questions about Softball feel free to email me at|||They have an incredible zoo. And believe it or not its not like made for little kids. You can like touch alot of the animals and stuff and there are other things to do around that area of the zoo.|||I would go exploring and check out some cool spots in San Diego. Check out Torrey Pines State Park, it's a great place to hike and has cool views and some cool cliffs and bluffs. Drive to the top of Mt. Soledad or to the end of Point Loma at the Cabrillo National Monument and check out the views of Downtown and the region. There are also a couple of cool pedestrian bridges that traverse these steep canyons just outside of downtown in the Banker's Hill are and are cool places to explore and walk around in. And if you smoke pot, these are great places to do so and just walk around.
It's Opening Day at Del Mar for the races and it's not too expensive to go there. Also you can stroll around downtown La Jolla, check out some tide pools, go snorkeling, and get some food. Mission and Pacific Beaches are also cool areas to walk and check out the stores. Check out Ocean Beach and there little main street then go walk around Sunset Cliffs. The IMAX theatre in Balboa Park is also another good option. A short trip to TJ is also fun during the day to check things out.
Not sure exactly what you are into but these are some things I;ve done when I have gotten bored and just wanted something to do.|||The beaches are free, theres a hugh mall there, a world class zoo, the wild animal park, the U.S.S. Midway, TJ if you want to dodge the drug wars.|||you can go to sea world its fun i bet you will love the trip iv been there its fun maybe you can get tikets for sea world on the internet. good luck!
I found a website a few days that was a local posting or something from San Diego where anyone can meet up on Sundays I think and learn to speak Irish for free (in a park, Balboa park maybe...?). I just looked on Craigslist but can't find it, so it must have been from somewhere else.|||Meetup has a listing for Irish Language Meetups on which there are 19 people from the San Diego area. You sign up to introduce yourself and receive an email when a new Irish Language Meetup starts near you. Could this be the one?|||no thank you, I already ate|||Sounds, interesting and kinda weird but okay. Even in Ireland.. they speak fluent english with all english signs displayed.. it's a dying language :(|||Here is a really good on-line class that will have you speaking Irish Gaelic in no time:
These are 2 of the tours I would like to choose from in my cruise package.
San Diego & La Jolla Highlights-4 hrs
Board a motor coach and visit Del Coronado Hotel then off to La Jolla and here you will have free time to explore the many boutiques. After a short drive to Mt. Soledad, head for the Old Town historic district where you will pass through museum-rich Balboa Park. You may be dropped off at Hortons Plaza, the Art Deco Shopping Mall.
Old Town Trolley Tour Of San Diego 2 hrs 30 min
Board a themed, open-air trolley and pass by the Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum, Seaport Village, the Convention Center and Horton Plaza. Experience the historic “Gaslamp Quarter” en route to the Coronado Bay Bridge with its view of the city. Once on Coronado Island, learn about the unique history of Hotel Del Coronado. Pass through Balboa Park and Old Town State Historic Park. Option of being dropped off at Hortons or Art Deco.|||The second one, do that one! The first is more shopping oriented and you would be enclosed on a bus with considerable driving time to La Jolla. An open-air trolley would allow you to better enjoy the sunny and warm climate of one of the most beautiful cities and best climates to visit.
The Midway appears huge and wondrous as it sits right by the road you will pass by on. Seaport Village is right on the bay, it is very green and quaint with it's Mediterranean stley architecture, and it even has an antique carousel you can ride on. The Gaslamp quarter is also very historic and lively, that would be the place to visit for nightlife, if you have the time later. The Coronado Bay Bridge is fun to ride over as it rises up in an arc and curves over and around the bay to Coronado. It is very high up to allow for the passing of Naval ships and has great and panoramic views looking north and south over the bay! Hotel del Coronado is truely unique and is the largest solely wooden structure in the United States. Then, the opportunity to see balboa Park AND Old Town San Diego, while being dropped off at Hortons Plaza where then you could party the night away in the Gaslamp District, that is the icing on the cake!
If you choose to go through Coronado, let me know by email at my profile, and you could give me a call when driving by.
Have A Great Time!
Oliverio|||Second one. La Jolla is a neat place to visit and explore, but you'd get a lot more enjoyment out of the second tour.|||Old Town Trolley, done it, been there and really enjoyed it.|||da 1st 1 is by far better than da 2nd...
u'd had more fun on da 1st than da 2nd...|||if you love to shop, choose the four hours. i know la jolla is a great place. if you are often to historic experimentation, try the 2 hours. but do not forget to visit sea world or san diego zoo, they are both fascinating place to be in. san diego is for all ages, you will enjoy it to the fullest...|||well its your choice but niether i think cali sucks.|||I would suggest the first tour is you like window shopping and seeing a more modern San Diego. My husband and I visit family in San Diego each year. I've been to the Coronado Hotel (which has a view of the ocean), La Jolla has ritzy and eclectic stores and is safe to walk through, Hortons Plaza is a large, outdoor shopping mall and the Art Deco Shopping Mall is full of different, funky stores. Balboa Park has different museums but if you are not into that, you can walk around the park and enjoy the sunshine.
The second tour sounds too short too see all that is listed and the Convention Center isn't really that interesting. The Gaslamp Quarter is a must see but I think that you won't have enough time to enjoy it during the short tour time they have allotted. Either way, you will quite enjoy San Diego for its beauty and friendly people.
what are some of the mexican influences in san diego? Old town? Balboa Park?|||since calif. was originally part of mexico, sd culture combines traditional mexican with modern american. it is much easier to get around in sd if you know spanish. the food has many mexican influences, and the city itself has mexican influnces. geographically, sd might be considered southwest but culturally it is very different, since sd is more directly related to mexico|||It all started hundreds of years ago when the Spanish built the California Missions, Mission San Diego being the first built in California.Then when Mexico got their independence from Spain it became part of Mexico. After the battles in Texas, Mexico lost or was robbed of the territory by the United States of America. So yes there is a lot of very rich Mexican influence in San Diego.|||Visit the missions, dont go to TJ there is too much voilence right now. Old Town is a joke. For food visit Las Quatro Milpas in Barrio Logan. The only authentic mex food northside of the border. Google it and read the reviews.|||the only real culture we have in San Diego is from Mexico.
food & drink
parties, festivals
2nd language
it's all over town.
|||Good food. That is the best!!
I just got back from Balboa Park where there were hundreds of people playing soccer or softball or baseball or jogging or bike riding in the hundred degree heat. Men and women, old and young. No one seemed too concerned about getting a little sweaty or about the evils of direct sunlight.
So, are they crazy?
Or have too many of the rest of us gotten too lazy?|||havent u heard of "soaking up the sun" ?? lol least they should be wearing sunblock|||It depends|||well, i'm crazy but I don't do to well in the heat. I can't wait for the rainy days of fall and winter|||nope they arent i live in arizona and it is 115|||No the we are not lazy we are not stupid. You can get heat stroke when it's that hot if not properly hydrated like a majority of America probably isn't. I know I'm not. As long as you drink lots of water or Gatorade stuff you should be ok. You also need to be able to read your body, it tells you when it's had enough.
So far I have in mind: Mission Bay Beach, La Jolla, Coronado, Balboa Park, any other suggestions? I'm looking for mainly a nice beach, and somewhere really scenic and nice... Let me know what you think of these places or if you have any better ideas. Thanks!!|||the places you've picked are some of the better ones in san diego i love la jolla my husband and i had our first date there and i got proposed to there (well at the cove anyway ) they also have a hang glidding place there and scripps aquarium is there also. if your into golf (it's expensive ) but they have a pga golf corse there too. the only other beachs i like are carlsbad ( way further north ) . they aren't to crowded, Coronado is small, mission bay has many things sea world & close to the zoo , balboa park in down the freeway from mission bay so you could try to do both, Del mar is good but the one way stips make parking hard to fine, You could alway just drive the coast highway there are lots of places to eat along it|||Jusst north of La Jolla is Del Mar and I love their beach. Go eat at SWAMI'S five miles north of it. THat would be a really nice way to spend the day. i live there
Balboa park is all right. It is neat to see all the trees and plants...the zoo is sad, i mean it is nice but all those animals in captivity...go to to see a calendar.maybe a abnd you like will be playing?? i hope you have a nice visit!!|||luguna beach, dont go to the beachs at oc i herd they suck hey what about dana point?|||i liv in san diego youd love coronado and la jolla but they are kinda expensive, if you looking for a hotel stay downtown san diego in the westin you can get cheap rooms and its very posh!! its also conveniattly close to horton plaza(big mall) and u can easily walk to jamba juice!! YEH BABEY YEH !!! they also hav starbux if u lak ma mather|||Coronado has the nicest beach out of all of those in my opinion... Also it has a cute little downtown area with nice restaurants. La Jolla though is the best for dining... really good seafood restaruarants and italian restaureants. Mission Bay Beach is also great for bonfires and if the sky is clear perfect for watching the stars at night. Enjoy!|||If you want the Baywatch experience with access to beachy-type shopping, dive bars and cheap eats, try Mission Beach or Pacific Beach. For a beautiful 'day at the beach' experience, La Jolla Shores is a good bet. But don't miss the La Jolla Cove - you can start your day with breakfast and shopping a short drive away in the 'Village' section of La Jolla. Coronado has the widest and cleanest beaches, but you'll miss some of the charm of the other sections of town. For dinner and nightlife, try downtown. Since you're short on time, skip Balboa Park and the zoo.|||La jolla is a must see.The beaches are beautiful.Dont miss the childrens beach with the seals.Coronado is also a beautiful, you can see the Navy ships and planes land.Cabrillo National park is also with a beautiful overlook of Coronado. If you go there dont miss the tide pools.Also Old Towne is nice for a low priced meal,(The Alamo has great Guacamole)and if your a ghost hunter dont miss the Whaley House. SD is a great area and the people are friendly.Enjoy!|||Balboa Park for sure....more for the buildings than the plants. If you're there on Sunday they have a free outdoor organ concert every Sunday. Coronado or La Jolla are both great beaches. The downtown La Jolla area reminds me a lot of the French Riviera. Coronado, with the Del, is really special, though. Both are nice...but I'd go with Coronado if I had to choose.
I'm in Poway, San Diego. Where is the closest places to play badminton? I know there's a san diego badminton club at balboa park but it's in downtown and too far because my parents don't really want to drive a lot in this economy.
I'm thinking of a recreational center or a park. Is there anything close to where I live? About 20-35 minutes commute is ok, anything above and I prolly can't go.|||Check carmel mt. ranch rec center, off ted williams and saber springs pkwy
What is worth seeing in San Diego?
- Balboa Park
- Belmont Park
- S.D. Downtown
- Seaport Village
- Star of India
- Old Town San Diego
**I am staying in Balboa Park area|||1. Balboa Park - This is a great park with beautiful gardens and lots of museums and other attractions. Take advantage of the free park bus that drives throughout the park. The driver is very knowledgeable about the park.
2. Coronado Island - You can drive to Coronado or take the ferry from downtown...cost $3 each way for the 15 min. ride. Nice beach here, lots of upscale shops, and the historic Hotel Del Webb.
3. La Jolla - An upscale community about 15 minutes north of downtown San Diego. Beautiful beaches...kayak through the 7 caves...It's an awesome trip Drive to the top of Mt. Soledad for fantastic views.
4. Enjoy a dessert at Extraordinary Desserts on 5th Avenue near Balboa Park.
5. Go wine tasting in Julian and Ramona....or the area around Escondido.
6. Eat at a restaurant in Old Town. My favorite is Cafe Coyote...and stroll the historic streets. Presidio Park (next door to Old Town) is a beautiful park.
Tip: If you don't want to drive, there is a double decker bus that drives around to many of these (and other stops). You can buy a ticket that is good for on and off privleges for 2 days. Here's their website:
Whatever you do, have fun!|||try all of them or as many as you can|||1. Mission Trails Park - take approx 2 hours - Visit the Visitors Center, then hike a trail to see the Indian grinding stones or visit the water fall and dam.
2. Mission Trails Park- Saturday 10am - Guide led hikes to grinding stone and other historical sites.
3. Kumeyaay Campground, Mission Trails Park - RV鈥檚 and tents - No hook ups This campground is in town. Fee $14
4. Tijuana Estuary 鈥?Imperial Beach
5. Town of Julian 鈥?Goldmine and Apple pie
6. Campo Train Museum and Train ride
7. Belmont Park/Mission Bay
8. Mission de Alcala
9. Old Town/ Presido Park
10. Reuben H Fleet Space Theater - Balboa Park
11. Balboa Park
12. Gravity Hill - La Jolla West Muirlands Dr
13. San Diego Zoo
14. Beach
Try鈥?/a>|||La Jolla Cove (see the seals, walk by the ocean, go down to the cave, have lunch or brunch at La Valencia Hotel)
Balboa Park
instead of downtown I'd go to the Gaslamp part of downtown at nite
boardwalk in Pacific Beach--rent a beach cruiser, or skate
I'd probably skip Belmont Park
after Old Town, go eat at Point Loma Seafood in Point Loma--really fresh fish, all kinds--great atmosphere
If you're staying in Balboa Park area, eat at Arrivaderci on Fifth--just the most amazing Italian food ever. Try the 4 cheese gnocchi
Downtown has Horton Plaza, but I prefer Fashion Valley
You're not too far from Phil's Barbecue--a SD tradition YUM!
Seaport Village is cute but a little touristy
If you want a splurgy decadent meal, Pamplemousse Grille in Del Mar
Or if you want to eat with the surfers, Potato Shack in Encinitas
Any restaurant in Del Mar on the water is great for the sunsets and the food is pretty consistent
Welcome to my town, and have a wonderful time!! |||you have a good list
you could add..
The Point Loma Light House;
La Jolla;
|||the worldfamous sandiego zoo/wild animal park.. the beach. sea world. um, gaslamp quarter
i want to find a good area because im getting stationed at balboa hospital and i found some places in north park near balboa park. anyone have any specific locations that you might suggest that i may not know of?|||Actually, you might find better apartments anywhere along trolley line,
with less than 30 minute walk to the hospital. Especially along Green Line and/or Blue Line. With a car, best anywhere north of 8 and/or west of 163.|||El Cajon, Lemon Grove, Spring Valley, La Mesa
Go to for more info
My friend and I are coming to San Diego this weekend and heard we should check out the Gas Lamp. The thing is we don't like huge crowds and don't really drink. Would it be pointless for us to go there on Sunday night? Are things still happening on a Sunday? We are in our mid 30's so we want fun, just not rambunctious fun.
Also any other fun ideas? We are not into the places like sea world and have already seen the zoo, Balboa Park, and Belmont Park.
We have all day and night both Saturday and Sunday. Suggestions would be great! |||Dont drink much myself, but I enjoy the Gaslamp for its choice of restaurants, its coffee shops, and the general atmosphere. It's just a nice area to go for a stroll after dinner.|||- Coronado and take lovely pictures of the waterfront scene.
- bonfire for two
- keorako [spelling, i know] at those private booths or a small bar. (; (message me or email me if you need assistance to find one)
- old town!! look at junk!! (; candy shop is awesome, brings back memories.
- take the seal tour. it's cute, fun, blah blah blah.
- ramen runn!!!!!!!!! at tajima on convoy.
|||This time of year the downtown crowds are not so bad
Little Italy and / or Old Town can be fun.
I will start at Balboa Park.
How do I get from Balboa Park station in San francisco to SF Airport using BART?
Thanks.|||this site really helped us a few weeks ago on vacation in SF.|||There should be a direct train. If not, you'll have to change at Millbrae.
BART has a good trip planner on their website. Look at it and use it.|||Just take the San Francisco International Airport train from there it comes every 15 mins.
And when u get on take it to the last stop which is of course, the airport.
These are 2 of the tours I would like to choose from in my cruise package.
San Diego & La Jolla Highlights-4 hrs
Board a motor coach and visit Del Coronado Hotel then off to La Jolla and here you will have free time to explore the many boutiques. After a short drive to Mt. Soledad, head for the Old Town historic district where you will pass through museum-rich Balboa Park. You may be dropped off at Hortons Plaza, the Art Deco Shopping Mall.
Old Town Trolley Tour Of San Diego 2 hrs 30 min
Board a themed, open-air trolley and pass by the Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum, Seaport Village, the Convention Center and Horton Plaza. Experience the historic “Gaslamp Quarter” en route to the Coronado Bay Bridge with its view of the city. Once on Coronado Island, learn about the unique history of Hotel Del Coronado. Pass through Balboa Park and Old Town State Historic Park. Option of being dropped off at Hortons or Art Deco.|||Hi, I lived in San Diego for 25 years and I loved it its an awesome place to live. However both tours are sweet but if yoou love to shop I would opt for tour number 2 because your not only getting Horton plaza which is awesome you are gtting the resturants and shopping experience in the Gaslamp district you are also getting the shopping experience and some history of the island del coronado and if lucky you will get to tour the hotel coronado and learn about its dark little secrets heheh. but whatever you choose have fun and enjoy it. Then take off after go hit the beaches seaworld and the zoo and the musems of san diego and if you are old enough the night life its totally awesome....Have fun....:)|||First off, I lived in San Diego for 30 years (up until about 2 years ago.)
Tough choice. But if I had to choose, it'd definitely be the trolley tour. Just the fact that you'll pass through Balboa Park (one of my favorite places ever) is worth it. You'll also see Coronado--which is a must as far as I'm concerned. Old Town SD is also great. Very peaceful.
As for the La Jolla tour, in my opinion you can pass through La Jolla and see the best of it for yourself. Just a walk along the "the cove" is wonderful. If you go there, stop at Cody's for lunch. My cousin owns it and it's awesome and overlooks the beach and cove.
HAVE FUN!!!!|||Both present the best of San Diego in a nutshell.
Shopping in La Jolla can be expensive but lunch and the Cove make it worth the trip. I'd opt for this trip because you see more of America's Finest City. Horton Plaza is a treat for its unusual design.
If you have additional time, hop a pedicab for a spin through the Gaslamp, Seaport Village and Petco Park.
I've lived here ... 27 years
I need to find the scientific and common name for this flower for a photograph submission please. Thank you! It was found in Balboa Park, San Diego in May.|||It looks like some sort of orchid to me......|||Yes, it's a cymbidium orchid, but there are so many cultivars of those orchids that it may be almost impossible to provide the exact name.
Google Images -鈥?/a>
Google "cymbidium" -鈥?/a>
My husband, baby, and I will be vacationing there soon, and I was wondering if there are any inexpensive places you'd recommend. Some of the places we may be visiting include, Balboa Park, SeaWorld, Coronado, and Old Town. Are there any places that we HAVE to try, regardless of cost, and how much on average is it? We are on a very tight budget.|||There are so many places to eat there...but you need to taste the flavor of the area...make sure you go to to one of the small hole-in-the-wall mexican places..(Usually called Juanbertos...Albertos...etc. ) Carne Asada Burrito is a MUST!! They are huge burritos and just a few bucks :o)
In Old town, you have many choices...Zacaros is good...O'Hungrys is good (yard long beers :o)
In Coronado...again...many choices...there are places right up on the water, and the walk along Orange Ave is really pretty... a little more expensive than the other two areas, but really nice. MOST places in SD will run you between 5-18 dollars a meal...really not too bad for SD. It runs (alot) more if you hit places like PF Changs in La Jolla
Have fun! So much to see and do there!|||if you are going to old town, then Old Town Mexican Cafe is a must. It's good, cheap and really yummy!|||If you're going to be in the north county beach area, head to Pizza Port in Solana Beach. When you first walk in you'll feel disoriented but you'll get use to it. You sit at picnic tables all lined up so you usually end up talking to people next to you that you don't know. Big screen tvs to watch sports but most important, great microbrew beer, many selections besides their own, and the best pizza in town, bar none. If you like pizza and microbrew beer, this is the place. Prices are pretty order food at the counter and pick up when they call your name, bus your own table, so no tip!|||Hit up Phil's BBQ, it's by the Sports Arena and it's super yummy!|||I agree with Hopper... you gotta hit up a "Berts" while you're here... You can't get Carne Asada anywhere in the world like SoCal...|||the carl strauss brewery! that place rocks! great food great people, great beer!|||The Broken Yolk in Pacific Beach is a good place to go.
Have you had any experience having a reception at La Jolla woman's club ? I need some feedback about the caters that provided on the list. Which one is the most resonable one that easy to work with, good food, affordable price which will cover the food, linen, cake,... etc... and good service that you know? I try to gather some info and do some homework on having a reception at La Jolla woman's club or Prado at Balboa Park. I want to have a nice wedding but cost effective is my main concern. Any venues, places that you know in San Diego ...please share. Thanks for your info.|||The most fun wedding I ever went to was a New Year's Eve wedding at Humphrey's Half Moon Inn in San Diego. My girlfriend got married at the chapel at University of San Diego (I think it's Catholic only), which was very pretty.|||Sorry, I don't know anything about the LJ women's club specifically; we were looking into getting married on the Star of India, and having a reception on the Berkeley or the HMS Surprise; maritime theme is our thing. However, at the end we opted for an informal out-of-town wedding.
When I was at 32nd St Naval Station San Diego, there were a few. One at the Naval Hospital. Another at North Island. Club Metro was great for cruising in the Mid-to-Late 1990's.
Balboa Park was alright... but not safe! I love the Military Trade!|||
u can search cruising spots by city/town.
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I live in San Diego in the east county to be more exact -my best idea was to go to a haunted show or something like that and hope they have candy there or go to the malls ---or go to Balboa Park?? there gotta be a way!!|||Steal it? But seriously dude just by your own candy.|||Okay....I do not condone this but.....
If you have a young relative, take them out trick-or-treating the first time around regular costume, you no costume. The child keeps 1st bag. Then change their costume a bit and add or change mask, then you change clothes and add mask and take them out again.You keep second bag.
I've personally never done this,but I know people who have...|||My step-dad used to get a picture of a kid and go around with the pic saying his kid was at home sick and he promised to get him some candy. Then empty the bag often into another and leave it in the car so it looks like you just started.|||go out 9n hallowing and just take the candy bag from the kids....if they make problems just punch them
and then run to the next neighborhood and do the same... till you cover all san diego, by the end of the day u will have enough candy|||Trick or treat!!! Get a good costume for yourself and go with friends!! If yur a girl get a sexy costume or if yur a boy get a funny costume!! |||Well first of all don't steal ( really?) . Just go with your kid or wear a funny costume and trick or treat
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good spots like abandon buildings for a fashion shoot, junkyards, graveyards, industrial? Please let me know. I just want to try something different other than beaches and canyons and balboa park.|||I searched Flickr groups for "San Diego" and found this:鈥?/a>
Take a look at these photos and maybe you can get some ideas.
I live in San Diego, and I was wondering if I could just free my turtle at Balboa Park. Would that in any way, be illegal? Are there any other places I could realese my turtle? Like SDSU?|||It's not right.
Once a turtle is in captivation, it does not know how to feed itself or survive among other preditors in another area.
If you do not want your turtle anymore, you need to give it to another respectable owner who can take care of it.
And since RES turtles do not live in California, yes, it is illegal.|||its best not to release a captive animal into the wild and it just may be illegal that depends on the laws where you live. put it up for adoption or find your local animal rescue and see it they can take it for you. a captive animal is so use to things being done for it( ie the giving of food) and may not know how to go about getting it for its self. plus its wrong to just let it go|||In California, releasing Red-ears is prohibited. Yes it is illegal.
They are not native to California, but have become established pests in some areas, after having been released by ignorant keepers that have grown tired of them.
The San Diego Herp Society has an adoption program- you can donate your turtle.
Here's the link:鈥?/a>
Please do the responsible thing.|||Releasing a pet reptile is illegal in many areas, not only are they at a very high risk of dying, but they also can introduce disease to the native populations, or do great, start breeding and decimate native populations.
Check with local reptile rescues, though aquatic turtles are much like igs ~ rescues are overwhelmed with them and may waitlist you. On the other hand, if they can't take in your turtle they do have the connections to let you know of other options.
If all else fails rehome it on a site like Craigslist, Kijiji, etc. Don't release it, never a good idea for many many reasons.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I am visiting San diego alone. I have heard that hillcrest is the gay/lesbian friendly place there. So what is there to do for a lesbian. I'm 20 so no places that are only 21+. Answers from anyone are welcomed but i'd prefer native lesbians. Suggestions like balboa park arent exactly what im looking for if that helps with your answers.|||Hillcrest has a lot of clubs and restaurants.You can go to Gossip Grill a popular Lesbian hangout, You could visit the Gay & Lesbian Center on Normal Street. I really think Hillcrest could be more gayer, but so many straights like visiting the restaurants and even living there.|||I think this is the pride festival this weekend that's a big deal in hillcrest
I'm goin on vacation to San Diego on June 10-16th OR July 15-21. Is June Gloom really bad? We'll be staying near Balboa Park. What is there to do other than the zoo and SeaWorld? Also, does the trolley/train system near Balboa Park lead to Petco Park (Padres Stadium)? Thanks and please answer all!|||The weather in San Diego is normally warm and sunny! Around this time right now it's been cold, 60s but it's beginning to warm up greatly. Today and all throughout the summer the weather is mostly 70s-80s. It get's pretty hot in the Balboa Park area. Other than the zoo and Seaworld, San Diego isn't too far from Disneyland (about 45 minutes away!). There's also Legoland. The weather is always perfect for the beach and small cities such as Oceanside always have streetfairs. There's plenty of shopping to do as well. There's definitely always much to do! The Coaster could probably take you to Petco Park as well.|||June gloom is usually just in the morning and on the immediate coast once u get a little inland the sun burns it all off!! Normally it is in the mid 70's coast high 80's inland 60' mountains and well over 100 in the desert. Rain is rare and u should see blue sky's everyday after 10 am|||was there once years ago but i think the weather is almost perfect year round
I got one of those things that transmit your iPod onto an empty FM station on your car radio. Can anyone recommend your favorite dead FM station settings that might have the least chance of stray signals from long distance stations on the same number? And do frequencies on the edges of the spectrum work better than those in the center? Is time of day a factor in all this?
I'm in metro San Diego, usually just East or South of Balboa park.
Thanks.|||I have the same thing in my car, and San Diego is a problem. I have 3 settings on mine, depending on where I am in the county. They aren't totally dead, but 88.9, 89.1, and 89.3 are the ones I use and they have minimal interference.
Good luck!|||91.1, 93.3, or 98.9 and the answer to all of you questions is no; we just have a ton of hills in san diego
I have recently moved to Ontario, CA and I have seen ads now for the haunted trail at balboa park and was wondering if it's worth the travel to go down there and have some fun for halloween? If not or even if so, where are some fun places for halloween that are not as expensive as Disneyland or Knotts?? For me and my boyfriend..we are 23 and 24.|||If you use coupons, and go during the week days (some sundays are included) the price of Knott's is only about $30pp. (discount coupons are availible through Burgerking, but I also have the codes so you can get them through Ticketmaster - message me if you want them). Universal studios also has discounted days where you can go for $30pp at Del taco. Disneyland never has discounts (at least not big discounts). there are other haunted mazes and other activities all around the Los Angeles area (鈥?/a> But they are small and not as well worked out as knott's, so rather than doing a few of them, I perfer doing the one night at knott's for about the same price.
Good luck!|||hi im planning to go to horror nights and i saw this. uhm can i have those codes you mentioned? please(: Report Abuse
|||try fright fest at six flags magic mountain.
get a coupon code here to save $20|||there is so much halloween stuff here in so cal. i have heard that the balboa park trail is good. i'd suggest kinda making a day of it. leave in the morning, do some things throughout the day, and then do that. if you are interested in haunt, you can go to burger king for discount coupons, which i would highly recommend. there is also universal studios' halloween horror nights, which is supposed to be the best themed halloween park. i'd check that out. finally, there is six flags magic mountain's fright fest, which is supposed to be pretty tame compared to haunt and horror nights.
here is some more info on the balboa park haunted trail:
knott's halloween haunt:
universal studios' hollywood halloween horror nights:鈥?/a>
and finally, six flags magic mountain's fright fest:鈥?/a>|||you knot the big scandia down there, well they have something kinda like knotts scary farm. its pretty scary i thought and its way cheaper than disneyland :)
I ride the bus and I ride the 239 down white oak and get off at rinaldi and gothic. I want to find out how to get to van nuys near balboa park and birmingham. Does anyone know which lines to take and please give landmarks so I know which side of the street to be on. Thanks :)|||Check on|||go to and do a trip planner or look at bus schedules! Give you all the info you need!
Other than the beach, Disneyland, sea world balboa park and casinos. Thanks|||Legoland, Universal Studios, that Disney Hall place, the movies, drive up to San Francisco..
If you're looking for sightseeing, you can go see the old California Missions (There are a ton of them) or go to the first one Mission San Diego, along with Seaworld!|||Compton|||Hollywood maybe?
Ok , so I'm from San Diego and my bf is a native nyer. Yes, straight from NYC and you can't get the city out of him. However I have become increasinly antsy with NOTHING to do. Friends aren't so much an option b/c all of the people I get along with over here are guys..and the women I get along with usually live far and have they are dealing with their own stuff. So...what is there to do for free? I'm simple. I even like getting out to run an errand across town.
Heck I will even go to the park but the weather here kind of blows, no what is there to do?! PLease refrain from including things that cost money.
For instance, in San Diego, I can go hiking..go to the beach, go to balboa park, head down to tijuana (and have a blast for about $10),go up to the mountains and bring a sled and go sledding..or skiing (I don't care for skiing though), I can take a blow up raft and head over to a lake..go mountain biking...the list goes on..all stuff that is free or costs next to nothing.
Here I feel like there isn't crud to do. Even when I'm down to spend a good chunk of money..I feel like it's easy to see everything at once here. You do empire, statue, wax museum, art museums, rockefeller, etc. All stuff that's kind of boring to begin with..and then what?!??!
HELP :) Best answer gets 10 easy points. Stupid answers will get a thumbs down and be reported so answer wisely.|||this site has a list of free things to do in the city including walks, hikes, movies etc.. if you let the weather stop you you'll never get out and do anything...this is a walking city girl, get walking! We gave beaches, get on a train and go into Brooklyn to Brighton Beach and walk along the boardwalk into Coney Island, it's quiet and beautiful this time of year.. go shopping in the Russian stores... there are lots of neighborhoods with different things to do. and to get into Tijuana you'd have to wait on the long line through the border, so get in a car and take a trip up to Bear Mountain or the Adirondacks, go white water rafting in parts of NJ and PA, do the research on where you can bring a raft to do this...
edit the bronx zoo is free on wednesday's I believe,
The Museum of Natural History has an ice skating rink that is 10 including skate rentals...
edit: I hear you ,but you would have to spend gas in San Diego to get to where you are going right? Become a member of ZipCar here and you can rent a car for 25 bucks a day I think... No it's not free but get your boyfriend who insists on staying here and keeping you from SD (use the guilt, this is NY it works here) to cough up some dough...|||Try
|||1. Empire State Building
Tired of staring up at New York City skyscrapers? Check out the view of New York City from atop the Empire State Building. You can avoid waiting in the ticket line for the Empire State Building if you buy your tickets online in advance.
2. Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States in honor of the friendship established during the French Revolution. The Statue of Liberty has become an American symbol of freedom and welcome to the immigrants who come to the USA looking for a better life.
3. Grand Central Terminal
Renovations since its opening in 1913 have turned Grand Central into more than just a hub for transportation -- there are shops, dining and more available to visitors. There are group tours available, as well as free tours for individuals on Wednesdays and Fridays.
4. Rockefeller Center
The Rockefeller Center in midtown Manhattan, is known for its Christmas tree, ice skating, Top of the Rock Observation Deck, Radio City Music Hall and numerous shopping and dining opportunities. Rockefeller Center is a great destination for visitors any time of year.
5. Ellis Island Immigration Museum
The Ellis Island Immigration Museum offers visitors a fascinating look into the immigrant experience. Interactive exhibits, walking tours and movies reveal the hardships and challenges faced by immigrants passing through Ellis Island.
6. Staten Island Ferry
The Staten Island Ferry is a free ferry from lower Manhattan to Staten Island, used by commuters and tourists wanting a view of the harbor and the Statue of Liberty.
7. American Museum of Natural History
Since opening to the public in 1869, the American Museum of Natural History has evolved and grown. In addition to the Rose Center planetarium and regular exhibits, the American Museum of Natural History hosts a revolving series of new exhibits, so there is always something new to see.
8. Central Park
Central Park has offered a welcome escape from the concrete jungle of New York City for over 150 years. Take a walk, a boat ride or just enjoy a picnic in Central Park and discover for yourself why Central Park is so popular.
9. Metropolitan Museum of Art
Over 2 million works of art from around the world and throughout history are housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an iconic art museum that is well worth a visit.
10. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Timothy HursleyFounded in 1929 as the first museum dedicated entirely to contemporary art, the MoMA is host to an impressive collection of modern artistic efforts. From painting and sculpture to film and architecture, the Museum of Modern Art's diverse collection has something for everyone.
Balboa Park? La Jolla Shores? Dinner?|||hotel del, in coronado. La jolla shores. dinner in down town gaslamp area.|||i would go to the beach in la jolla and check out the scuba diving. and dinner at the boat house in coronado, maybe a musem at balboa park (every first tuesday of the month they have a free day) pretty much anywhere you go will be fun. i would so all the things you listed. sounds liek a blast.|||(Assuming it's a nice day) I'd call Bertrand's at Mr. A's to find out when they open for the evening, then get there at that time to get a table on the outdoor patio for drinks, not dinner. I'd order drinks or wine, maybe a few appetizers, and eat/drink slowly, watching the planes land at Lindberg field, identify the buildings in Balboa Park, point out the South Bay and Tijuana, Pt. Loma, North Island/Coronado, Mission Bay etc. I'd hang there 'til's so pretty there!
Other things to do would obviously be the zoo, Balboa Park, the beach areas. I can't make blanket recommendations because I don't know the "someone" therefore don't know what would interest/amuse them the most. Many people enjoy the harbor cruises, the Gaslamp, the ballpark if the Pads (ouch) are in town. But find out what things your visitor is interested in and let that be your guide.
We really wanted to get married outside. Balboa Park in San Diego is beautiful. We do have an option that is not very attractive. That is to get married in the reception hall there that is not very intimate and not a very attractive building. Would it be stupid to just have everyone bring an umbrella and do our vows in the garden anyways? Has anyone been in a similar situation? Umbrellas can be neat in wedding pics, we have seen some.|||As long as it isn't pouring down rain and your guests are comfortable it might be okay.
I would worry for my older relatives that the rain could bother them, people slipping on the wet ground, or even ruining your dress.
You wedding party photos could be fun in the rain, but I don't know how the family and friends that are guests would feel about getting wet to watch your ceremony!|||I think you and your guests would be pretty miserable, but if it's a quick ceremony, it could work. I suggest you look into tent rental, just in case.|||I think unless it's absolutely pouring and bitterly cold, you could go ahead and have an outdoor ceremony even if it rains. Maybe have some umbrellas on hand if not everyone brings one, you can get cheap ones at dollar stores. Just keep an eye on the weather reports and definitely consider your options.
You also have to consider the ground. her dress, all your shoes, etc. So just keep checking the weather and hope for a nice day or only a light sprinkle.|||i'm getting married at a park at the end of April and have been thinking about the same thing you are. one idea we came up with is renting a big tent/awning thing. or do the ceremony near one of the shelter things at the park, so if it starts raining everyone can go under it. good luck (to the both of us lol)|||Not at all... just make sure to contact your guests about the weather. And if you can rent tents in time (call around, someone may have one) that would be ideal.|||For me, I would have an alternate plan. And I would also rent a large tent just in case. With my luck it would rain.|||it might ruin your hair, make-up, and photos =/ but other than that it might be absolutely funn! (:
guest might not like sitting in the rain tho--maybe you should look into a tent or something|||It depends: Rain but NO wind? It just might work.
Rain with horizontal winds? People will forever remember your wedding day. . . In a very NEGATIVE way.
See if you can quickly get together a team of friends who can decorate the interior of the building to something nice as a back up plan.
Where was the McDonald's comercial with the guy playing the bagpipes filmed? 'Ronald' started dancing, and yea. i think its in Balboa park in San Diego, because i have seen/ been there many many times, so im pretty sure its like right by the museum of man. like right accross the street from it. im pretty sure, but i dont know:)|||Balboa park in San Diego - -
Here's what I've already found to do: balboa park, seaport village, 24hr walmart in grossmont & off aero drive, beaches, downtown, etc.|||Here is a list and review of a lot of them鈥?/a>|||There should be some all-night diners down there, like a Denny's.|||clubs|||try the gaslamp quarter, there should be plenty of action there.
My finacee and I are looking for an affordable place to have a wedding in San Diego and I don't want to hire a wedding coordinater because we don't have the money to do that. But we want something special and fun. this means i'll be doing everything myself. I've found it to be quite stressful so far lol. Anyone have any helpful tips for a nice affordable san diego wedding that isn't in balboa park?|||There are some good places - if outside use a park, the price is right!:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
inside - try these:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||La Jolla cliffs- $500 for a permit- thats what we did!|||if you can afford it, I second Rose Creek Cottage -鈥?/a>|||Black's beach|||the beach or the border crossing could be fun|||sea world!|||the beach is always romantic. a long drive, but worth it!|||The Presidio
Rose Creek Cottage|||Me and my three friends (All in our late 20's) have formed a team to help out our neighborhood. I wear a Jar Jar Binks costume and am the leader. Then there is the guy who wears the Grimace costume, he is the strong man. Then there is the guy who is a convicted sex offender, he wears a trenchcoat like the matrix. And lastly, their is "The Professional", he wears a cardboard Burgerking crown and a fake muscle suit. We walk around town and knock on random doors. When the person answers, I dance and do a Jar Jar quote, then make a loud screech with an air horn. While the person is reeling from the sound, the sex offender confesses that he is a sex offender (as required by his parole). Then the grimace throws some leaves and dirt into the persons house. And lastly, Muscle King plays 'me so horny' on his boombox and we dance. We have done this to hundreds of houses. Are we some kind of kings? I don't know how?
I am trying to find a nice studio in San Diego in the vacinty of Balboa Park since I work at the Zoo. I'm trying not to spend more than $700/month. I'm a great tenant and will keep the place super clean. Thanks for letting me know.|||good luck
I am from san diego and there used to be some studios on park, and some of the little side streets up toward pennsylvania leading off of park ... i can't remember the exact street names; but the back up to the park
any way good luck to you. check the Reader also it comes out on Thursday. also check rooms for rent
Any off the beaten path things to do in or around San Diego or Southern California? I have been to the zoo a billion times, wandered around Balboa Park every field trip, went to every museum...all of the usual touristy stuff. I want to finds something new, fun and exciting to do! Preferably outdoors, but also really enjoy live music.|||The Quail Botanical Gardens are in Encinitas
Check out the surfers at Windansea Beach. At low tide you can walk out onto the tide pools.
The Old Point Loma Lighthouse at the Cabrillo National Monument offers great views of the dowtown skyline, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. On a clear day you can see all the way to Mexico.
The Pacific Southwest Railway Museum in Campo does train trips to Tecate and tours of the brewery there.|||It sounds like you are ready for an adventure. Consider these ideas:
Hang gliding off the cliffs in La Jolla, kayaking through the La Jolla caves,
take a ride in an historic bi-plane, go sky diving, parasailing, or sky sailing. Roast marshmallows on the beach, take a bay cruise, or rent a jet ski on Mission Bay.
There are some great nightclubs with live music in the Gaslamp Quarter. The Shout House is a fun interactive club with 2 dueling pianos and lots of audience participation.
For information on these suggestions visit|||Go to Society in Pacific Beach. Shoot pool there and get to know the natives. You will love it. I lived in the area for many years and it is the best place to hang in Pacific Beach. You will have fun!|||well then. i represent sd so here is a web sight that has every thing you need to know
I want to have my wedding ceremony and reception at the Casa del Prado courtyard in Balboa Park and I'd like to work with a planner that has worked with that venue before and knows what I need to do!! Also, if anyone has had their wedding or been to a wedding there, please let me know what you thought. Thanks!!!|||While I don't know of anyone in the San Diego area, I work as a bridal consultant. I can tell you that the most important quality you want your wedding coordinator/planner to have is not familiarity with your venues, but the ability to communicate with you, and be able to understand what YOUR vision of your wedding day is, and then be able to turn that into reality. A good coordinator can do that no matter if it's the 1st or 20th time they've worked at a venue. |||If you cant find a planner to work with look for a bride that had a wedding there to get tips and contact info.
Suggestions anywhere are good but specifically East County and by Balboa Park. (and if you have eaten there rate it!)
Thanks|||Celadon in Hillcrest is the best Thai restaurant in San Diego. It several blocks away from Balboa Park. Its on University and 6th Avenue.
The other answer mentioned Rava....Its a typo. Should be Rama which is owned by the same person who owns Celadon. Celadon is more casual dining and Rama is more upscale dining. I love both of these places and frequent both restaurants. All their dishes are very flavorful with spices traditional to the country of Thailand. I recommend getting reservations to both places.
Dont let anyone convince you that Taste of Thai is any good. Taste of Thai is extremely bland and has no taste to their dishes at all. Taste of Thai is good for people who cant handle rich, flavorful food. If you have really trained taste buds and can appreciate very flavorful food, then go to Celadon.|||I don't know.|||bag sum ho gi|||My favorite is Celadon, in Hillcrest, only a few blocks from Balboa. It is reasonably priced, and the food is awesome! I travel to San Diego often, and bring large groups there becuase it's so fun to get lots of dishes and sample them.
My second-favorite is Rava, on 4th St near the convention center and the Hilton. I would say that the variety is not what there is at Celadon, but it is really just as delicous. They have wonderful lunch specials at Rava.|||Royal Thai in La Jolla is Magnificent, 5-star, royal thai cuisine, but it is a little drive|||there is a good eats section at the following site
My father is part of the Big Brother/Big Sister program and his little brother is turning 14 this weekend. We've run out of ideas of what he could do with his little brother, and 14 is such a difficult age it seems like. We live in San Diego if that helps with ideas, but he's already done the most obvious ones like balboa park and the zoo.
Anyways, any ideas are great!!!|||Take him to an arcade or mini golf|||Laser Tag or paintball|||Go hiking.
Im a chainsaw at the haunted trails of balboa park this year and a gas mask is part of my costume so fogging is very dangerous considering what im wielding. I was wondering if any one had any solutions should i spit in the lense are there anti foggign sprays i can buy?|||Rainex brand windshield treatment also makes an anti-fog product.
I use it on my bathroom mirror and it works.
You might have to look at more than one store to find the anti-fog stuff.
Hi! I'm hoping on moving to San Diego next year (pending my application to college) and am really excited since I love the city and it's miles of beautiful beaches, Balboa park, downtown and the weather.
Any tips, cool places, restaurants, shops, culture or just random things you can give about the city? anything is game! thanks!|||I suggest you get a zoo pass so you can go to the zoo and Wild Animal Park as much you want. I use to work in Balboa Park and the zoo was pretty cool to go to in the winter when there's hardly anyone there during the weekdays. I'd go there with my zoo pass just to eat lunch; would be the only one at an exhibit.
Another good thing to know is that on Tuesdays the museums take turns having free admission days; here's a link with the schedule鈥?/a>
The zoo has one free day every October, I think, called Founders Day but don't go as it's so crowded it's not much fun.
Make sure you check the tide calendar before walking along the most beautiful stretch of beach in the county, the area from Torrey Pines State Park to Torrey Pines State Beach. Black's Beach is beautiful, but if you don't check the tide calendar first you could be trapped on a small beach when the tide rolls in and be unable to get your way back up.
Be sure to catch the Christmas time boaters Parade of Lights where people decorate their boats with lights and motor along the harbor.
Borrow or rent a kayak and take in a concert at Humphrey's Outdoor Summer Concert venue for free...or just pay the money for a regular seat.
Don't forget to kayak to La Jolla Caves in the summer when the water's warm enough to go swimming and snorkling to see the garabaldi and sharks.|||My favorite thing in San Diego is definately the San Diego Zoo, you have to check that out and look at the Pandas! Ocean Beach is more of the college part, while Del Mar is the upscale part. There are tons of restaraunts downtown that you must check out. Also, check out "sea side villiage" next to the Hyatt hotel downtown San Diego, there is a great place to eat there that has the best pizza in the shape of a surfboard!|||One of my favorite things is to have a beach bonfire....roast marshmallows and make s'mores. For more info on beach bonfires visit鈥?/a>|||If you are just moving here, one thing I would recommend doing is taking the Old Town Trolley Tour. You go to Old Town and buy an all day ticket for the Trolley. The Trolleys do a constant loop through 20 different places in San Diego every 15 minutes. They go through everywhere from the Zoo to Horton Plaza to Coronado.
You can get dropped off in one place and stay as long as you want. Then catch the next trolley. It's a great way to get to know the city. Good luck.|||The San Diego Zoo is the most famous zoo in the world. The conservation work they do at both the Zoo and the Wild Animal Park are amazing!! They have kept so many species from going extinct and at CRES at the Wild Animal Park they store DNA from current (and I believe extinct) species, so someday a Jurassic Park experience could be real!!!
It's an awesome organization that does a lot of good things to help animals around the world.
Oh, and the avocados are the best because they come from SD County, mostly in Fallbrook but some in San Marcos. They are bursting with flavor, unlike the crummy ones from Chile that are picked too soon.|||I alwas take my out of town visitors to the Mt. Soledad memorial. It is the best view of the city, and a wonderful breeze. There is also the wild animal park, zoo, La jolla shores, Hotel del Coronado, Pet-co park, and Sea World. You can always explore more beaches for diving, kayaking or other water sports.
Your best shopping are downtown, fasion valley, and many small areas like La Jolla and Old town.|||Ok, I'm not going for best answer here, but honestly if you want really good mexican food, head to Juanitas, which is on the 101 in Encinitas. Fillibertos is down the street and is also really yummy. Also close by is Lou's Records, which I think is one of the best independent record stores in the nation (go buy CD's! stores like that need it!) Encinitas in general is onw of my favorite places in SD, because it has a really laid back surfer vibe, and lots of rad mom and pop shops everywhere.
Husband and I will be moving out to San Diego at the end of this year. Husband will be working at the Naval Medical Center. Does anyone know of any nice apartments close to Balboa Park or I guess downtown? He will be working long hours and we need something with the shortest commute.
We are looking to pay no more than $2000/month. Any advice from people who know the area is much appreciated. Thanks.|||I have a house in mission hills (just north of downtown and slightly west of balboa park.
Best to just look on Use 'downtown' and 'balboa park' as keywords to find places in that area.
Good luck. Welcome to SD!
Besides the zoo. I am thinking of the ones in Balboa Park.|||Balboa Park has quite a few museums worth checking out. I'd recommend the San Diego Museum of Art, if they have an interesting temporary exhibit - their permanent collection is merely so-so. The Natural History Museum has some cool exhibits. The Museum of Man has some neat displays on anthropology, if you are interested in different cultures. The Mingei International Museum has neat displays of folk art from around the world.
While in Balboa Park, also check out the Botanical Garden, and just walk along the Prado to enjoy the architecture.|||The Reuben H. Fleet Center is the most interesting of the Balboa Park museums. It's a science-based museum with hands-on exhibits and activities, and an IMAX theater. The gift shop also has unique and fun gifts. There are no similar museums in California. The Air and Space Museum, Museum of Man, and Museum of Art often have interesting exhibits, but their permanent collections cannot compare with similar museums in Los Angeles, Chicago, or the East Coast. The other museums in Balboa Park are too small to warrant more than an hour at most.
i hav plans o go twin peaks with afriend and hes depending on me to take hime there for the first time, were leaving from Balboa park so what buses do we take to get all the way to twin peaks?|||No one can give you specific MUNI information without knowing your departure and arrival points, but generally the 37 Corbett runs up there.
You can put your info here for routes:
This sour cream is fresh. It is left over from our annual San Diego Lithuanian Day Celebration at Balboa Park where it is used as a topping on Lithuanian Kugeli.|||Make a Sour Cream Chicken Casserole -鈥?/a>
How about Sour Cream Apple Pie?鈥?/a>
There's always Sour Cream Biscuits -鈥?/a>|||sour cream can be used in mashed potatoes,cakes,topped on tacos/nachos or taco salads, theyre so many different recipes that call for sour cream:)
Shops meaning grocery stores, post office, banks, etc. able to walk to/from. Considering either Balboa Park, or National City, somewhere near the Navy Base in San Diego. Which neighborhoods should I avoid renting? Thank you.|||If you'll be working at the naval base you'll want to aim for living in Point Loma. It can be pricey, but not always. It's a great community--safe--and you can walk to the post office, bakeries, grocery stores, etc easily.
My other favorite neighborhoods are Mission Hills and Hillcrest. Very community-oriented.
Avoid renting in South Bay, Chula Vista, Lincoln Park area, as well as along the majority of University Ave.|||If you're just going to be using the base for services (gas, groceries, etc) then I might recommend Imperial Beach OLF. It has a lot of services that people go to military bases for (including work), the public transit is good in the area, and it has a fair amount of the things you're looking for.
I lived in IB most of my young life (until about 7 years ago) and I LOVED it. It has a small-town feel, it's close to the ocean, and it's generally pretty quiet (except during Sand Castle Days!).
Otherwise, none of the other bases (Miramar MCAS, North Island NAS, Coronado NAB, 32nd Street NS, Point Loma NTC/ASW, or Fort Rosecrans Military Station) have the resources you need within walking distance.
32nd St. is near National City, but the city is HUGE in and of itself and not necessarily the best neighborhood in some sections, and the base is actually split into two sections (dry side and wet side).
It would help to know what it was you needed the base for.....|||hillcrest is your best bet for that there's so much in a small area there stuff everywhere and its right by downtown and two freeways and there's even a hospital and a dmv in the same neighborhood.
Me and my Best friend are going out for a photoshoot for her 16th Birthday! I wanted to find a perfect place and i'm haveing trouble thinking of some that aren't over done. Like the beach and Balboa Park are very over done. Any ideas? Thanks.|||San Diego has so many beautiful places for photography, it's hard to say. My daughter lives in the area and I flll up several memory cards on my DSLR everytime I visit.
Here's a SD based photographer who's galleries might give you some ideas.
I'd look at Torrey Pines, especially the Glider Port.
There's always the Children's Pool with the sea lions.
For people watching, you can't beat the SD County Fair in Del Mar.
If you're looking at archectural views, try the Coronado.
And finally, here's several answers that residents posted about photo sites in the SD area.鈥?/a>
Hope that helps.
Hi. My friend and I will be driving to San Diego next weekend, staying one night (Saturday morning to Sunday evening).
What are some fun things to do in San Diego (besides SeaWorld, which we will not be going to).
We were thinking about hanging in La Jolla all day Saturday, then head down to San Diego on Sunday to visit Balboa Park.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? What are some great things to see in La Jolla, San Diego, Balboa Park, etc? Any advice is greatly appreciated!|||There are tons of fun things to do in San Diego.
While in La Jolla, I'd recommend kayaking through the caves. You can join a guided tour at one of the shops in downtown La Jolla where they also rent the equipment as part of the fee. It's an awesome trip and you get to see marine life up close.
Hiking at Torrey Pines is another fun thing....this is also in La Jolla. They have a choice of hikes that overlook the Pacific Ocean.
Balboa Park is a beautiful Park and Sunday is a good day to visit, Every Sunday afternoon there are free concerts at the outdoor Spreckels Organ Pavillion (the largest outdoor pipe organ in the world). You could see an outdoor play at the Starlight Bowl (showing "Into the Woods through July 27) or a Shakespeare play at the Old Globe Theater (current showing a variety of plays including Romeo and Juliet). Balboa Park has many museums and gardens as well as the zoo. The Prado is a nice restaurant to dine at in the park....make reservations to dine outdoors. Just inside the Sports museum "Hall of Champions" you will find a nice deli, reasonably priced that sells sandwiches. You can enter without going into the museum itself. Park in any parking lot at Balboa Park and make use of the free trolley that takes you around the park. The driver is usually very well informed about what's going on in the park.
Have fun!|||If you're here to party, check out Pacific Beach ("PB") - it's a great beach for the "college crowd." PB is also where the locals go to party (we leave downtown/Gaslamp for the toursits).
If you've got a car, drive up to Mt. Soledad for a breathtaking 360 degree view of San Diego.
La Jolla Cove is a great place for snorkelling, and you may even catch the seals that come and hang out near the south end of the Cove.
Hillcrest and Adams Avenue are great places for food...
...and you'll be here just in time for Opening Weekend of the Del Mar Races!
So much to do and see...are you sure you'll be able to tear yourself away after one weekend?!?|||I was there for the week of Memorial Day and I would HIGHLY recommend the zoo. Even as you are walking from exhibit to exhibit, it is like you are walking in a rainforest due to all the exotic foliage.
Most exhibits are set up in such a way, that although the animals have room to move around, you feel as if you can see all of them so easily and close up. I think if I had tried I could have reached down into the MeerKat pen and actually touched one of them! :)
The Polar Bear exhibit was also incredible. You could go inside a building and watch them swimming and playing underwater. You were literally face to face with them. I could have spent an hour or more just watching them. I t was awesome.|||It totally depends on what you like to do. The world renown San Diego zoo is at Balboa Park
If you are more interested in historical and cultural places, I would recommend wandering around Old Town
For shopping and just walking around the beach the Marina area is nice:
or a visit to beatiful Coronado Island is always great
Have a great time! The San Diego area is one of my favorite places!|||How about Downtown San Diego. - Seaport Village and such. I recently did the seal tour which is this car that is also a boat tour and it was pretty cool. We saw dolphins, sea lions, birds, and learned a lot about the area.
You can explore the downtown area - lots of shopping. Little italy and stuff. Also point lloma and all that is nearby.|||OLD TOWN SAN DIEGO, FOR SURE. i go there all the time with friends, it's pretty nifty.
Check out the Whaley House; it's spooky, but really cool. It's like a haunted house, and they do tours. Enjoy your visit!|||Absolutely see Balboa Park. Maybe take a water taxi over to Coronado and check things out there - beautiful. You'll be hooked and want to come back.|||The Best Place I like is Thailand
I have to baby sit my 5 year old brother and 11 year old brother this weekend. What are some fun things we can do for a relatively low price in San Diego? Where are some places that I can take them to that entertains people of all ages? Besides balboa park!|||Even though you ruled it out for some reason, Balboa Park is the ideal spot.
My favorite museum in the park is the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. It has some of the largest model layouts in the world. Kids get in free.
The New Children's Museum is downtown.
Belmont Park in Mission Beach has a vintage wooden roller coaster as well as other rides.
There is a state park in Old Town that recreates life in the Mexican and early American periods of 1821 to 1872.
The Birch Aquarium is in La Jolla
I'm a semi professional photographer here in San Diego and have done dozens of photo sessions at the normal places here: Balboa Park, Seaport Village, alll beaches, La Jolla Cove, and Cabrillo Monument. Does anyone know of great, possibly hidden gem type places in San Diego or east county for photo shoots?? My website is if you're curious.
Thanks for your help!|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
It seems to take place in Balboa Park (~Van Nuys, CA). Can anybody confirm this? the setting and background seems exactly like those in the park. thanks.|||Yes it was. In the behind the scenes video (listed in the sources), the director and Jason Wade (lead singer) say that are at Balboa Park and at Lake Balboa.
I would like to know any cool activities to do whilst in San Diego, we are two students from the UK and it is our first time in the states.
I already have a few things we are going to do-
- SeaWorld!
- The Glorious beaches
- Going to see a baseball game
- Going to Balboa Park
- Going to San Diego Zoo
So anything else?|||Some other things you might want to do:
1. kayaking - the caves in La Jolla are really cool to kayak through. You see lots of sealife. La Jolla is an upscale community in San Diego with shops where you can join a guided kayak tour of the caves.
2. take a bay cruise - it's fun to see San Diego from the water. You can take a dinner or brunch cruise, whale watching, or dancing cruise.
3. If you are 21, you might enjoy wine tasting and the nightclubs in San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter.
4. Cabrillo National Monument is a beautiful coastal area with tidepools, a light house, hiking trails, and a visitors center.
5. You can take the ferry (or drive across the bridge) to Coronado Island.
6. Bike along the coast.
7. If you like museums, there are so many to choose from in Balboa Park.
8. Old Town is full of interesting shops and restaurants....specializing in Mexican food and items, but you will find other types of food and items in this popular area as well. Presidio Park (near Old Town) is a gorgeous park for a picnic or stroll.
9. Jet ski on Mission Bay.
10. Enjoy a yummy dessert at Extraordinary Desserts.
Have a wonderful time visiting San Diego.|||museums in balboa park- free admission to certain ones on tuesdays
downtown restaurants and shops
seaport village and ferry btwn it and coronado island
seeing the hotel del coronado
whale watching, Birch Aquarium
the mission de alcala
old town
concerts (venues: epicenter, soma, house of blues, humphrey's concerts by the bay, cox arena, san diego sports arena)
shopping (malls: horton plaza, fashion valley, mission valley, university town center)
touring the u.s.s. midway
bonfire at la jolla shores
street fairs and farmers markets
california ballet productions
head up to disneyland or knotts berry farm in orange county
in the summer, the del mar fair and horse races
mission beach's belmont park (like a little permanent carnival with rides and food)|||Go to Old town and look at the Whaley House! It's supposed to be a haunted house but it's not scary, it's like a tour of a meuseum except more house like|||You have already listed a few of the cool things to do in San Diego.
Here are some discount coupons to the Zoo and Seaworld.鈥?/a>
You should also consider a day trip to Los Angeles which is a 2 hour drive. Visit Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Venice Beach.
Ok, so i am going to a school in Balboa Park. I live in Carlsbad, 30 miles away from school. I am the only one in my district that will be at this school, Balboa City School. So i will be the only kid on the bus. What can i do on the bus?|||Sleep. That's what I do. And listen to music.|||yOu CaN cRaCk OpEn A fAyGo AnD wOrK sOmE mIrAcLes|||Your homework, play a handheld video game, read a book, listen to music,
I like being with my types, so the obvious choice would be Hillcrest. But, I like to ride my Harley and must have a place to do maintenance on it while still being close enough to my softball league in Balboa Park. Where are the up and coming neighborhoods for a lesbian such as myself?|||North Park get in why it is still affordable.
i live in la palma in orange county and my parents want to have a 3 day weekend family trip around here in southern california. they just want to relax and just have some fun with a maximum drive of about 2 hours a day. i was thinking of heading to san diego to check out the beaches, balboa park, and even the parks over there.
if anyone can give suggestions of any other good spots in so cal or recommendations in san diego that would be great. THANKS for checking out my question.|||Just go out to Avalon.|||I would start off at Sea World, then to the red light district downtown, and maybe even catch a game at Safeco Field. If you get real adventurous you could head out to Julian and have the worlds best apple pie.|||Some good places to stay
I'm planning on going to the Zoo of course and also Balboa Park. Anywhere else I should really see? Or maybe some good restaurants?|||Drive to the top of Mt. Soledad to get a panoramic view of San Diego and the coastline. It's not far off of Interstate 5 in La Jolla.
It's one of the best places to watch the sunset. If you go before dark, there's also an interested war memorial with vetran's pictures on the top of the hill. For more info visit:鈥?/a>
For restaurants check out:鈥?/a>|||go to old town, seaport village, downtown, coronado, and anything near water. for good restaraunts you should try figros pizza up in eastlake. it mabe a long drive for you but it is the BEST pizza!|||Zoo, Sea world, Old Town which is interesting and if you want some good mexican food, visit Casa Badini. The aquarium in La jolla, walk along the beaches..Take a drive to Julian, up in the mountains east. There are casinos..Shopping..Coronado Island..Visit the Hotel Del. Take the 6 hour tour of the ship at Harbor Island..Interesting.Lots of things to do.|||Old Town: Go to Guadalajaras Restaurant. Fridays & Saturdays they have live Mariachi's...they always have great food. My fave is the Chicken Mole (Mo-lay) plate.
Coronado: Visit Hotel Del Coronado, great place to walk around, old shops, very nostalgic.
Downtown: Gaslamp, & the Harbor (Star of India)
La Jolla: Head to the beach & rent a kayak, or take a kayak tour.
Mission Beach: Head to the beach & hang out at the local bars, eat at the hole in the wall restaurant (so good) & hang out at Belmont Park for the rides & other attractions.
There is also the USS Midway Museum
You can also go to the San Diego County Fair...that will be going on until the 4th of July....I would highly recommend that if you get bored.
You can also head to Baja & have an awesome lobster dinner. Go to Rosarito or Ensenada.
Select your attaction type to seach what you're looking for:鈥?/a>
Good Luck & Have fun!|||San DIego Zoo!!! It's amazing!!|||go to Coronado. Visit Hotel Del Coronado. It's right next to the ocean and a big tourist spot.|||Go to Oceanside (the beach there is totally awesome) and you can get permits to sleep there. Also, go to Temecula...they have some awesome winneries. Also, theres a casino there (Marango?). Legoland is there. Visit the OC (I travel bw the two all the time..its like an hour drive); go to disneyland; Knotts Berry Farm; South Coast Plaza (3rd Largest Mall in the World!). Go to Havier's while your there (its on the beach, but make reservations).|||I just went there on vacation a couple weeks ago. There is so much stuff to do. I would def go to the zoo, its awesome. Go to oldtown, it's pretty cool tourist town. If you want you could go ahead and drive down to Tiajuana, Mexico. I went there it is about 20 minutes south of San Diego. You just pay and park at a parking lot and walk over the border. That is the safest. It was pretty cool, a lot of tourist also go there. There is lots of shopping too. If you just take a drive you'll see so many things to do. So have lots of fun and good luck!|||It's nice to eat at a restaurant right on the water downtown at sunset... I'd recommend Ruth's Chris or the Fish Market.|||anywhere near the ocean, i am from cali and you can't find a bad spot near the ocean :) have fun!
I'm a semi professional photographer here in San Diego and have done dozens of photo sessions at the normal places here: Balboa Park, Seaport Village, alll beaches, La Jolla Cove, and Cabrillo Monument. Does anyone know of great, possibly hidden gem type places in San Diego or east county for photo shoots??|||Just a thought...I have always loved the San Diego Wild Animal Park..there may be some nice hidden spots in there since the animals are in "natural habitat" kind of areas.
I love San Diego, California. Beaches, shopping, the zoo Balboa Park, great places to eat... and the weather, of course!
I wanna visit Moscow (Russia) because everything seems interesting there... :)
|||-Newport Beach, CA: Mostly because of the proximity to the beach and the great surfing, also I grew up here.
-Toronto, Canada: There is a lot of things to do there, such as sailing in the bay, great nightlife, Niagara falls is really close as well as New York, and the atmosphere is overall is very lively in this city and the people are super friendly.
-Munich, Germany: The beer is phenomenal, the BMW museum and headquarters are located there, there is this river that creates a standing wave to go surfing on, which is awesome.
-Budapest, Hungary: There is alot of history to this city, the nightlife is awesome, life there is very cheap, and the girls are beautiful.
-San Francisco, CA: I've been there 10-12 times because I have relatives that live there, there is also alot of things to do and Fisherman's wharf is pretty sweet.
-Annecy, France: It's a city on a lake surrounded by mountains in the French Alps so you do many fun activities such as hiking, swimming, water skiing, and great nightlife.
|||I haven't been many places...but I love NYC
I want to see LA, Miami, Milan, and Prague in my lifetime|||Shiraz|||I haven't been outside of the USA, but my favorite city is Asheville, North Carolina. I love the mountains and small town feel of the city.|||paris|||ive never been there but id love to see l.a|||I love Mexicali you know the weather is just perfect there!
My other dream place is Greece, some day......
xoxooxoxox|||kyoto, japan |||Gonbad Kavoos
also, does anyone live in SD and goes to the balboa park activity center to play badminton?|||smack it real hard!|||Serve regular, when they return it hit it hard so it goes wayyyy back and then while they're far back and they return it, immediately spike it before they get back to the front. Badminton rules!!!!!|||Placing the ball to the area where you think the opponent cannot or hard to reach. For example, the backhand side of the opponent or to that huge empty space. When in offense, one goal is to move the opponent frequently. Finding their weak spot.
It's gonna be held outside at balboa park and I wanna wear something nice.
And his friend that i like is gonna be there too so please help!!!
If u can!!!|||I was also wondering the same for my older brothers a few weeks ago. Alot of people suggested a cute sundress which is appropriate only if you don't go all out with stilletos lol. you can also do something simple like leggings with a cute shirt.. here are some links to cute shirts..… -- this would look cute with brown leggings or skinny jeans… -- this is more edgy and fun… -- this one is one of my favorites. I've seen alot of famous people are wearing them now a days. like Lauren Conrad and so.… -- this is also a personal favorite. it would look really cute with skinnies and cute flats or something (:
when you figure out what you're going to wear can you email me or something. not to sounds weird but i just love these types of questions and want to see what you came up with! hope i helped!|||A cute summer dress from Forever 21, Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe, etc...
Forever 21:…………|||Something pretty but semi-casual. How about a solid colored sundress and matching espadrilles?
Here's a pretty one -…|||Wear a cute summer dress with some high heals or flats depending on how tall you are(high heals make you look taller if your short!)Some jewelry to touch it up!|||something fancy!!!!
not jeans, not a t-shirt
you should wear a skirt and a blouse or a really nice dress|||A dress should do the trick.
So my friend is insisting on us to go to scream but I really don't know what it is &imma feel really stupid if I do. So can anyone tell me what it is?
The event takes place on feb 11 balboa park in San Diego California|||its like a rave ...... but not that good..... ive seen way better....... but for a legal rave..... its still not the best ive seen ..... kinda lame ...... but dont take my word ... im into the real deal ....check it out for your self|||a rave!:D
We're traveling to San Diego shortly and looking for some good kid friendly Mom and Pop restaurants in the area that won't break the bank. We love trying ethnic foods and my kids will eat about everything, including octopus so ethnic restaurants would be fine.
We will be visiting San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, Balboa Park , and the beach so we would prefer something not to far from those.|||The zoo and Balboa Park are near Hillcrest which has a lot of great places.
The Corvette Diner is a 50's diner type place. (3946 5th Ave)
Med grill has Mediterranean food, it is 1263 University.
Downtown isn't too far from zoo/Balboa Park. I have been to the Mary Jane diner at the Hard Rock Hotel and that is kind of fun.
If you google Hillcrest restaurants you will find a lot more, but these are 3 that I have been to and liked.
Wild Animal Park is further north, near Escondido. The WAP is actually not near anything specific, but if you wanted to venture off a little ways from there, there is a really good Mexican place, Hernandez Hideaway. 19320 Lake Drive in Escondido, near Lake Hodges.
Have fun!|||I really like The Prado at Balboa Park, but that can be a little pricey.
Which beach will you be visiting? There are good places at each beach:
Ocean Beach - Hodad's or South Beach Bar and Grille (minors allowed before 5pm Mon-Thurs)
Mission Beach/Pacific Beach - World Famous or Canes Bar and Grill (I am honestly not sure if you can bring kids here, but I love the food so I wanted to include it)
Carlsbad - Pizza Port (there is also one in Solana Beach)
Del Mar - Milton's
La Jolla - Wahoo's Fish Tacos
Let me think of some more and I'll get back to you.|||Well those arent really close to eachother, but their are applebees, chilis fuddruckers, TGI frdays REAL close to the zoo, and many others! San Diego is great! YOu will c many resterants while travelng in SD
I Am In The Excelsior District Near The 29, 54 & The Balboa Park BART Station. |||its almost on the opposite corner as the Excelsior district, looking at the transit map for muni in San Francisco you can take the 29 all the way to Lincoln Blvd and then get off at Bowley St. and walk to Gibson Rd., the last section however is only available during peak times, otherwise it will only go as far as Geary and 25th Ave.
It is also possible to take BART from Balboa station to Embarcadero station, and get on the 1 California Bus on Sacramento St. west of the Bart station to 25th Ave. and then get the 29 Bus for the last bit to Lincoln Blvd and Baker Beach, again the 29 for the last bit is only available at peak times, ask the driver.
The 29 may be the way to go, the 1 California Bus is usually slow.
Good Luck|||Take Muni #29, there is a stop and walk down to beach
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Starting From The Excelsior District. Near The 29, 54 & The Balboa Park BART Station.|||It depends on where on Folsom St., and on time of day, but in general I'd say BART to whichever is closest to where you're going - Embarcadero, Montgomery, Power, Civic Center - then walk three blocks to Folsom.|||The "best answer" only works if you're going to that particular portion of Folsom Street. You never did specify which portion of Folsom Street you were going to. Report Abuse
|||As everyone has pointed out, Folsom is a very long street, so there's no way to give you a specific answer.
Just wanted to provide a link where you can find this information for yourself:鈥?/a>
|||Depends upon where on Folsom Street. You're talking about a street that is about 14 miles long, goes through different neighborhoods and has sections served by different transit lines.
|||Depends where on Folsom you are going. The easiest way around the city is a cab or walking. (I think that's the easiest way at least)
Age fourteen. Oakland Coliseum Bart to Balboa Park. To and from school. An okay plan? My parents are worried about this. How can I convince them, because I'd have to do it to go to the school I really want to attend. They're just scared about my safety and I understand that.|||BART is just about the safest form of public transportation in the Bay Area, and using the Daly City line is a straight shot without connections.
Of course, as always out in public you'd want to keep your wits about you. Don't leave pockets or your bag open, don't flash expensive electronics or cash.|||You should be just fine, that is a quick direct trip on one train. Bart is known for being safe and has lots of staff available to assist should you need any help. Good luck!|||Yes, it's fine. I've seen plenty of teenagers on the trains by themselves.|||BART is good its fast and cheap and safe
I know of the big touristy spots like SeaWorld and Balboa Park, but what are some cheap places to see and even some nature spots to check out?|||Have a bonfire on the beach....there are fire pits provided for this. It's fun to roast marshmallows....make s'mores. Go to鈥?/a> for more info on beaches with firepits.
It's also fun to bike along the coast and kayak through the La Jolla caves. The ferry ride over to Coronado Island from downtown San Diego is only $3 each way and is a scenic 15 min. ride. Torrey Pines State Reserve just north of La Jolla is a great place for hiking and enjoying the coastline.|||Torrey Pines has some amazing hiking trails, and the coves at La Jolla are just beautiful year-round. There is a site that has activities going on all the tiem (some free) -- see what they offer for October...|||Every visitor should go to the Mount Solodad Memorial. It is the best view of the city.
I also recomend the cove in La Jolla for the seals, and concerts if there are any.
At the end of Point Loma, there is Cabrillo Natl. park wich has tide pools and great ocean views.
If they are coming the weekend of the 13th, the air show at Miramar is great.|||Hike at Torrey Pines State Park. You'll just pay a few bucks to park. Lots of nice trails among the Torrey Pines trees and then a trail down to the ocean. Hint: Check the tide calendar before you go so you go down to the beach when the tide's going out and return when the tide's starting to come in...that way you'll be able to hike on the beautiful beach and still make it back up.
Another good trip is out to Palomar Mt. during the week when the big telescope observatory is open to the public. You dont actually get to look in the telescope but if you're lucky you'll see it rotating around with the roof; there are lots of interesting exhibits inside, and it's pretty interesting. The trails on the mountain are doesn't even feel like you are in San Diego. Watch out though, I got poison oak there once.
I agree with the other poster's ideas. If you have time to get to Anza Borrego it's great out there, especially if you have 4 wheel drive or high clearance vehicle to get off of the highway.
The Cuyamacas and Lagunas aren't too far away. Also, in October there should be some nice weather to drive to Julian for apple pie and a few leaves turning color.|||There's a place on E Street in Chula Vista called the Nature Interpretive Center. It started out as an educational facility for kids, but it has expanded into an animal rehab unit, and all sorts of wonderful stuff goes on there.
You could also consider Birch Aquarium at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla.
Also consider going up to the mountains for a hike along any of the trails up there. Anza-Borrego Desert is lovely, and Cuyamaca is full of all sorts of falls, springs and pools you can hike next to.
All of these places have nominal fees which are plunked right back into the park/organization, and best of all they're a GREAT way to learn about local habitat and wildlife.|||A little known gem is at the end of LaHonda road off El Norte in Escondido off of the I-15. There is a wildlife preserve called Daley Ranch which has wonderful trails all over the place, but the main 1/2 mile walk to the ranch house and barns is well worth it. Right next to it is Dixon Lake where you can rent little boats and hike on the primitive side of the damn and reservior. Both are free, except for the boat rental. There is also Wild Animal Park in Escondido. You can take a drive up the grade from Escondido and go to Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center.|||yes i think balboa park is a good one and also should be san diego zoo sea world and museums|||Everyone has great suggestions. How about Cowles Mountain in Mission Trails park. The hike is 3 3/4 miles uphill, but the views are great; this is the highest point within the city limits. There are other trails in the park, but none as easy to get to, or as rewarding at sunset.
If you can catch a low tide, there are lots of tide pool areas along the coast. Bird Rock in La Jolla is a great one, but I spent lots of time at the pools between Scripps and Blacks beaches in La Jolla while attending UCSD. The Torrey Pines trails are nice, and there are other locations to view the beaches below. You can go to the glider port near the Salk Institute, or here鈥?/a> Both locations have great views of the ocean and La Jolla Cove. The map link I included is a spot we used to hang out at while destressing from finals at UCSD. Blacks beach below is a "nude" beach, but thankfully the cliffs are high enough. Great place to sit and each lunch. Enjoy!|||Kayaking in La Jolla cove is one of the best things to do (if it's warm) you can see all kinds of fish and sea lions and birds, the scenery is awesome. the caves are really cool to go kayaking through. there's a bunch of places to rent kayaks from in La Jolla shores.|||Torrey Pines (trail)
Old Town
La Jolla Cove (seals)
Coronado Hotel
Del Mar
Seaport Village
San Diego Zoo
Presidio - a historic landmark, is where Junipero Serra established the first of the Spanish missions in California.
Carlsbad Flower Fields
Gaslamp Quarter|||Kayak in La Jolla on a guided tour in La Jolla. Fun!
Well, let me ask it another way, which are the areas to stay away from that may be run down or have higher crime? I'm interested in seeing alot of the cultural attractions, museums, and the zoo, and someone told me that I should stay near Balboa park. Another person said stay in the mission valley area. Which is a better area, or are there even better areas? Thanks.|||You definitely need a car-San Diego is a commuter city. With that in mind, you also have more options for where to stay. It all depends on what you're looking for, but the majority of the culture/museum sites will be within a 15 minute drive of the downtown area. The zoo is part of Balboa Park, and there are a number of museums there. Old Town is a good place to go-a heritage-type site, and again, with a car and avoiding traffic, you can do that fairly quickly. The biggest historical sites-the Mission, the Presidio, are in Mission Valley-a good option, although traffic can get fairly congested around there, so you'd want to plan for that. The other option is to go near the beach, and for that, prices vary wildly with the area. Of course, both these areas, Downtown and Mission Valley will have higher rates of run-down-ness and crime than elsewhere in the city, because there are so many people, but it's not an off-putting amount. Like someone before me said, crime isn't bad in SD, and most anywhere where we have hotels is going to be pretty safe. If you have a car, are you opposed to the idea of staying inland a bit, or a bit north of downtown and driving into the area? You can probably find cheaper room rates heading out towards East County, and still be fairly accessible--San Diego is very easy to get around on the freeways. I would suggest editing your post here, to give us an idea of your price range/alternate interests like beach or shopping, and if you have any additional thoughts, like you like places where you can go for walks, or you want to see backcountry or hikes. San Diego has it all-a great city.|||I would recommend staying near the beach. Mission Beach is great because there's lots of grassy park areas and miles of beaches. They even have fire rings on the beaches for bonfires. You would need a car to drive to the parks, zoo, and museums.
For some hotel suggestions and more on San Diego go to:|||If you have no specific needs( ie price, cabs, etc...) I would say downtown/gaslamp area is tho most hip & fun! Mission Valley is more outside of certain attraction, but certainly not far. Same goes for Hotel Circle, although you will most certainly find the least expensive hotel chains there. If $$ or anything else is no object-I would stay at The Hyatt Manchester Downtown or The Westin Horton Plaza or the San Diego Marina Marriott or the Gaslamp Marriott or the Omni Gaslamp-a great location within walking distance to MANY restaurants, Horton Plaza, Seaport Village, Petco Park, The convention center, etc.....
If you simply want the biggest bang for your moderate buck I would suggest The Marriott's Residence Inn on Hotel Circle South-free breakfast buffet, free happy hour, spacious rooms & still has a pool, baby pool , and jacuzzi!|||Best places to stay are Del Mar or La Jolla.|||I lived in SD for 40 years. I only lived about four miles from the ocean and one mile to the bay. When my wife and I wanted to get away for awhile we stayed at the Best Western Blue Sea Lodge in Pacific Beach. It's right on the ocean. It has secured underground parking. Tell them you want room 105 or 107. Everything you need is within walking distance. It is on the corner of Ocean Front Walk and Pacific Beach Drive.
Another nice place is the Catamaran Hotel on Mission Blvd. It is on the bay side about one block away from the Best Western.
You will need a car to get around. The public transportation system is not very good. The attractions around San Diego are spread out and not really walkable. The embarcadero is really nice, but it's 4-5 miles from Balboa Park. Sea World is 6 miles north of the embarcadero...and so forth. That's why you need a car.|||I love the Mission Beach area. Have stayed at the Bahia and it's great. Walking distance to a ton of great stuff.|||like many other california cities it is essential to have a car to really experience it all. our cities aren't like gotham city or the 2nd city. that being said, look for hotels in the north county as we call it. cities like carlsbad, del mar, encinitas, solana beach, la jolla. it just depends on your budget.|||will you have a car? If no, then near Balboa Park might be good since the zoo and some museums are there.
Otherwise, there are loads of choices depending on your price range and if you want to be near the beach.
You might look into the Old Town area. It has some cultural things to see and is centrally located. It is near the airport, the train and trolley and not too far from the beach.
The trolley will take you downtown and to Mexico. The train runs north up the coast.|||I don't think you will find that crime is a big issue in San Diego, especially in any area with hotels. With just a few small exceptions there are not rental places in the "bad" parts of town. Better to make your decision based on rates, or other room amenities. If you have a car, anything is in close reach. There aren't many hotels or motels right at Balboa Park (some B & Bs, the Park Manor Hotel is an exception, but I would avoid that with the construction going on next door now). But downtown is just a mile away and is crawling with choices and is a possible walk. I would not stay in Mission Valley with no car, but it also is packed with choices and is a 5 or 6 min. drive from most anywhere tourists go to, except Mexico and the Wild Animal Park.
La Jolla or Coronado are "better" areas, if you have the bucks, but not necessary. If I had a car, unlimited money, and was interested mostly in the museums and Balboa Park stuff, I would stay at the US Grant downtown or the Hotel Del Coronado, on Coronado Island.
At Balboa Park here in San Diego the chipmunks will come up to up and if you sit down on the ground they'll crawl all over you, but the squirrels will only come up to you if you have food grab it and run.|||They are different species, so it is natural that they would have different responses to the same stimulus.|||I guess they've just had better experiences with people. I raised a baby squirrel for about six months, and he would crawl all over me. Chipmunks have never allowed me to get even close. But also, I haven't raised one.
I'm going to a haunted house with my 2 best friends tonight, and I am really excited, but scared.
Everytime I go into a haunte dhouse, I want to get out of there as fast as I can.
I need advice on how to remember that its all for fun, and how not to cry and wet my pants.
haha :]
oh btw its the ahunted trail in balboa park, is it really that scary?|||pee before u leave so u dont pee during the haunted house jk 8P unless u want to|||Just remember that you are in NO DANGER and that all the people there are hired actors. Its a safe environment, keep that in mind and you'll do just fine.|||When I'm scared I just sing a retarded song in my head... or one of my favorite songs that's happy, and it's stupid but sometimes it helps... =/|||just think of loli pops each time u see something
Anyplace which is reasonably priced- under $50. I am guessing with a tee time lottery places like Balboa Park may be hard to get on.|||The golf course on Coronado Island is quite nice and one of the cheapest courses.
For more fun things to do in San Diego:|||Torry pines South|||Balboa Park? That's a pitch and putt. You aren't going to find very many places under your criteria. Try Coronado, Riverwalk, Bonita, Chula Vista Country Club.
Okay. the question kind of explains it. she wants us to go on a field trip to balboa park after school. and she says that we all HAVE to go. i feel like this is wrong. is this in any way illegal?|||You can choose not to go and still do the work provided, just ask your teacher. Your parents have to sign a form to release you on school business, so if they sign that form it's legal. However if your teacher takes you without the form, it's illegal.|||I think it depends on how old you are--if you are in high school or middle school, I would not think that the teacher can require you to go. Have your parent write a note that says that you are not able to go to this field trip after school hours. You will probably have to do some other type of work though to make up for it.
In college, I had to go on a really stupid "field trip" that we rode around on a bus for and looked at the town dump and rivers and stuff like that. That I had to do, which was stupid. I think it is ridiculous that your teacher is requiring the trip after school hours. Talk to the principal about it and it might help if you get a few kids together to talk to the principal about other commitments, like work or taking care of siblings after school.|||I would think it is. Ask your teacher "What if i don't want to go?". Then if he/she says "you have to go" you can say "You can't force us". Finally if she keeps saying you have to go then bring up the illegal stuff.
idk, that's what I would do..|||This is an opportunity, not a punishment! No, it isn't in any way illegal. She probably has something specific she wants you to see that happens outside of school hours.|||tell the principle or your parent
....... hehe.......... its funny cus if you do go they might touch you in your... well yeah you get it|||shes stupid
just dont go.
We are bringing our children (ages 10 and 17) to San Diego. We are planning on going to Sea World and Balboa Park (a friend told me to be sure to check out Balboa Park - not sure what else is there). We love the ocean, boating, hiking, animals, history, ... etc. I would really appreciate any other ideas of great things to see or do in San Diego. Some websites and links would be great, what about restuarants too??|||Okay, how many months are you going to be there? Just kidding, but there is so much to do. I suggest you take a trolley ride
This will give you a great tour of the city then you can decide which places you want to go back to.
If you are going to Balboa Zoo allow at least a full day and you want see all of it.
Here are a few more links. ( You can simply visit the Hotel Del)
If you are looking for something specific please post it here and I will try to answer your question.|||Do not miss taking the two hour narrated harbor boat cruise! Hornblower has the best one and you'll get to see: Point Loma, lots of oceans animals, submarine base, Coronado Bridge, Coronado Island and many more sights from a comfortable 3 deck boat. Leaves from the Embarcadaro area along North Harbor drive about 5 times a day. Many great photo opportunities to see San Diego from an Ocean perspective.
My school is going to perform in this years Balboa Park Shakespeare festival, we only have 15 minutes to perform, so we're only gonna do a scene. Does any one know a scene with a humorous argument and a sword fight? I've looked at Twelfth Night, but we need a stronger fight scene then that.|||Yes, here' a good link from Shmoop.
I just got back from a trip to San Diego last night, and it is absolutely one of the greatest cities in this country. I would love to live out there permanently, or at least part of the year. What are the average rents for a nice apartment in downtown and surrounding areas? (Gas Lamp, Little Italy, Balboa Park) etc. Thanks|||In downtown San Diego, and anywhere near the water here, you're going to pay $1,200 - $2,000/mo. for an apartment. If you're looking at only spending part of the year here, or don't spend much time at home, there are a lot of loft-style places in that area that rent for $800+/mo.
The best bet is to go a bit east or south of downtown, where you can find very nice apartments for more reasonable costs. Just about anywhere in San Diego is within a 20 minute drive of downtown, so it works out okay.|||I agree with you about SD. I think you could find a nice 2bd/2ba for about $1000/month.
Try this link for rentals:
Good luck and enjoy beautiful San Diego!|||Check also|||1550-2000 a month|||A decent one will cost you $1200|||Average cost of apartment is like 1100-2000+ It is outrageous. You might as well buy a house if you plan to stay here. That is...if you can afford that too...-.-|||$1500/month
I am planning on the following:
Balboa Park
Astronaut Museum
San Diego Zoo
Day trips to Los Angeles
Disney Land
Chinese Theater
Museum of Modern Art
What am I missing? Any specific cool activites/ festivals/ must sees in San Diego??
Thanks!!|||Mission and Pacific Beach are your best bet for fun in the sun. Belmont Park has a vintage wooden roller coaster (one of two remaining seaside coasters on the west coast) as well as other rides. There is a boardwalk that runs the entire 3 mile length of both beaches. It's a great place to rent a bike or skates.
Balboa Park is the largest urban cultural park in the country. You can get a park passport which allows you entry to a dozen museums as well as the zoo.鈥?/a>
My favorite museum in the park is the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. It has some of the largest model layouts in the world. It is really awesome and a real hidden gem. Kids get in free.
North County San Diego is home to the Zoo's Wild Animal Park. There are multi acre enclosures where herds of wild animals roam plus lots of hiking trails.鈥?/a>
La Jolla offers great views, great surfing, great food, and great shopping.
Check out the surfers at historic Windansea Beach. At low tide you can walk out onto the tide pools. Walk along the Cove and check out the caves. Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art. Take a stroll on Prospect St and check out the shops, galleries, and have some authentic Mexican food at Alfonso's. Then head to the Birch Aquarium at The Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It has a spectacular view of the bluffs over the Pacific Ocean.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Take the trolley from Downtown to Old Town. There is a state park there that recreates life in the Mexican and early American periods of 1821 to 1872. There are also a lot of restaurants in the area. Pizza Bella has the best pizza in town as well as homemade Italian food.鈥?/a>
The Old Point Loma Lighthouse at the Cabrillo National Monument offers great views of the downtown skyline, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. On a clear day you can see all the way to Mexico.
The USS Midway is an aircraft carrier turned into a museum
For nightlife, the Gaslamp Quarter offers dining, drinking and dancing. It's also the home of Petco Park and the San Diego Padres major league baseball team.
Pacific Beach also has some great nightlife.鈥?/a>
Check out these sites for discount coupons and other info|||I might plan one day trip to LA for Disneyland, but in all frankness, the rest isn't worth a lot of time. It's stuff you might drive by if you're already in LA, but I wouldn't normally go out of your way for it. You're likely to spend most of your day just sitting in traffic on the freeway and looking for parking anyway.
At most I'd venture out of San Diego for Disneyland and Magic Mountain and leave it at that.|||Over the Line might be going on in August, on Fiesta Island - it's really cool
Old Town has old missions/history of SD stuff
Ocean Beach is my favorite beach here
LA sucks, I went there for a day & hated it
Sea World is cool
Wild Animal Park is different than the zoo, but affilliated with it - the animals run free there
There's wine tasting at various vineyards (especially in Temecula)
Gaslamp district for nightlife|||Depending on your age, interests, and whether kids will be with you, Legoland (1/2 an hour away in Carlsbad) is a lot of fun. I am 41 and we took our 6 yr old and 8 yr old sons for 2.5 days in June and I could easily have stayed there longer. The Lego creations are amazing, and the rides are fun (there are rides for every age).
It sounds like you have a busy vacation planned! Have a great time!|||I suggest going to Coronado Island. It is a small town and it is in San Diego. If you have heard of Hotel Del Coronado, it is on Coronado Island. There are theaters, ice cream parlors and a magnificent beach with tide pools and it is pretty large.
Hope this helps|||You're looking good! You've pretty much got it covered and if you didn't the suggestions above will give you plenty to do. The only thing I haven't seen anyone suggest is Legoland. See here for good photos and info:鈥?/a>|||I LOVE BALBOA PARK <3 THERE IS ALOSO A BIG BLUE BRIDGE WHICH NAME I HAVE FORGOTTEN. there was this one ship with like aircrafts nd stuff. the mall was NICE!!!...but ive seen better. and i forgot everythings name [X|||Birch Aquarium
Old Town
Mission Trails
Seaport Village
San Diego Maritime Museum
USS Midway
La Jolla Seal Colony
Sea World
Have fun!|||SEA WORLD DUH! del mar too bc it looks like a village!
Me and my friends can't decide to go to the haunted hotel or haunted trails or Balboa park this Friday . We already know what both are but still can't decide . Help us out :/|||If it's raining or the ground is soggy, go to the haunted house. If it's a dry nice night, go to the haunted trail.鈥?/a>|||Both are fun and scary and everyone will have their own opinion. My favorite is the Haunted House!
My fiance and will be doing our engagement photo shoot in a few weeks and we need ideas on where to have them done in San Diego. We are not Beach people, and our Reception is in Balboa Park, so I don't want it at either of those places. Suggestions Appreciated!|||Try for ideas since that is focused on San Diego weddings. Are they any locations that have special significance to you?|||Hotel Del Coronado, baby.
Just go there, and you're welcome.
:D|||By not Balboa park are you knocking out the whole place, b/c I was thinking in the zoo would be great.
There are so many missions out there that would make a beautiful background. Also try another park--one that suits your personality. You could have a playground with swings or more of a romantic by a creek.
I'm going to San Diego City College next year and I need to find a good apartment relitively close to it. (If you don't know where that it is below Balboa Park.) I'm looking for something around roughly $800-$1000. If you know any good apartments around there that would help me immensly.|||Web sites are a good place to find an apartment or house to rent, if you want to go through the entire list to find one in your state and then city.
The best place to look for places to rent is to go to the yellow pages of your telephone book, look under property managers.
These individuals list properties for rent in certain areas, so make sure you select the areas in which you wish to rent.
Call several of the property managers listed there, tell them you want a list of properties that they have for rent. Some will fax, email or mail the list of local places to rent along with the address, number of bedrooms and bath rooms, amenities available, such as washer and dryers or gyms, the monthly rental of the unit. Most will include a rental application. These list will include the monthly rental required, if a lease or month to month agreement will be signed. They will also indicate if they will accept Section 8 vouchers. They will also indicate it they have disabled access, allow pets and if so the type allowed.
They might indicate a web site that you might visit to get their list of places to rent. It does not cost to get a rental list from a reputable property manager.
Some will require you to stop by their office and pick up the list. A lot of them post their list outside so the list are available 24/7 365.
Make sure you don't fall for the scams and purchase a list as 70%-80% of these list are composed of free list they have compiled. They are not the property managers of any property in most instances.
You might also google Property managers in whatever city or community you want to live in and see what comes up. Again do not pay for this information as it is free from reliable property managers.
I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.
"FIGHT ON"|||Neighborhoods around Balboa Park used to have some decent areas, decent apts. Lots of formerly nice areas - or at least clean & decent working class neighborhoods - are long gone. With all the illegal aliens in the area, crime, filth & assorted problems often crop up seemingly overnight. You have to be very careful where you choose to live. and the San Diego newspaper classified ads are the best sources of apts. But do check out the neighborhood & landlord as well as the building & unit VERY carefully. You must be diligent & vigilant about checking things carefully.|||good is a value judgment; call RE brokers
I have my great granddaughterer until June. We have taken her to the carousel at Balboa Park and Sea Port Village. We thought it would be fun to find a list of all merry-go-rounds on west coast and take her and take photos for her to have when she gets older.|||A list of every carousel may be hard to find. Most just list the best, oldest, most unique, etc... Also carousels in shopping malls, such as the ones in Lakewood Mall, and South Coast Plaza, may not make any of the lists.
Also, you may have to pay a full admission price to ride carousels within a major amusement park such as King Arthur's Carousel in Disneyland, Dentzel's Carousel at Knott's Berry Farm, or The Grand Carousel at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
The links below should give you a good start on your list.
I am doing a project about the San Diego Cabrillo Bridge in Balboa Park. I have to answer the question "What social/economic/cultural impact did your structure have on San Diego?" I am not sure how to answer this question. Do I talk about ornamentation? And how the bridge was influenced by a bridge in Spain? Can anyone help me at all!! By the way, I am in nineth grade and have to write a research paper. Thank you!|||Think about why they built that bridge in the first place. Was it to replace an aging structure or was it built to ease traffic from other portions of the area. In terms of production, does it help by having people spend less time in traffic and therefore becoming more productive. How does this bridge perform aesthetically speaking. Does it contribute in a positive way or is it an eyesore.
I am traveling to San Diego in October with my husband for a convention. We will be staying at the Hilton San Diego Resort in Mission Bay. I know it is very close to Sea World but I also want to travel over to the San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park while my husband is working the convention. I don't want to end up paying $50 to $100 for cab fares and I'm so unfamiliar with the freeway system of Southern California that renting a car would not be a good solution. Any good advice on economical and safe transportation for a female tourist?|||The hotel should have info. Closest trolley is Linda Vista which is a stop away from Old Town, but I think a bus runs past the hotel, the hotel should have a shuttle and give you info.
Going to the zoo is only by bus or taxi. Same with Sea World, and most of the buses stop running after 9:30. There are a lot of transients at Old Town trolley stop and some of the downtown stops. Daytime is pretty safe to get around, but know the routes. The zoo and Sea World are on the costly side, but you'll spend a full day doing things.
Amtrak to Union Station LA is 30 bucks each way. Unlimited subway is about 3 dollars, but there's plenty to do in the area.
You can get a 3 day ticket at the trolley stop, which covers buses too.|||Grayline tours was my ultimate solution. For $47.00, they came by the hotel to pick me up and provided me with a ticket so I wouldn't have to stand in line. Then they picked me up at 4 pm. Report Abuse
|||Unfortunately there is no bus line that runs in front of that hotel so you kind of need to rent a car b/c of where you are staying. The closest bus stop would be at least a 10-15 minute walk away. Maybe your husband can drop you off at Old Town Transit Center and you can take the bus or Trolley to the Zoo. But driving is not that bad b/c you are so close to Balboa Park. I-5, which is the freeway that runs in front of the hotel, will take you to Balboa Park. Renting a car is really the only option other than a cab b/c there is nothing by that hotel, it's surrounded by a park and a freeway.|||You'll find your way around - don't worry! However, you MUST rent a car! I'm a San Diego native and it's really the best and only way to get around. San Diego is a city built for the car. It's also the safest way for a woman to get around. You'll love driving around San Diego! That's the best way to see it!|||Renting a car seems to be the only option. If you are really worried about it, try to plan out your days (or at least the events/places you want to attend). Before you leave home, mapquest all of those locations with your'll know your way around before you know it.|||Sorry, there's no way around NEED a car if you want to get around town in SD. That hotel is in a really inconvenient location for public transportation and it's not really THAT close to Sea World won't be walking there. Don't get me wrong....that property is great for walking at the bay - though....but Sea World is a little far. The best you could do is take a cab to Old Town and then take the trolley as far as it will go to Downtown or something....but really - you'd be better off with a car. Driving in Sd isn't like driving in NYC or can handle it the signs are good and most of the tourist attractions are easy to find. a car.|||Rent a car. Just consider it a learning experience and go for it. San Diego is a lot easier to navigate than LA, so don't worry much about it. But you need a car, it is So Cal after all.|||RENT A CAR...NO CABS. IF YOU GET A CAB TO ALL THE EXCITING THINGS YOU WILL HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR A CAR RENTAL.
Besides the people in my apartment building, I can go to Balboa Park, (kind of like Central Park in NY, but in San Diego. I'll be living a few blocks from Petco park. The Mall gets boring fast. What events and concerts should I attend. I have no true friends, but I don't think I'm a loner.|||You can go walk around the Embarcadero. Take the ferry to Coronado and walk around there. Or hop on the trolley and go up and down the line checking out attractions like Tijuana River Estuarine and Slough, Imperial Beach, Chula Vista Nature Center, Little Italy, Old town and the Presidio, Mission San Diego, etc.
There are tons of museums and beautiful gardens in Balboa Park (not to mention the Zoo. Buy a membership there and you get a really good deal if you go a lot). Every Tuesday two of the museums are open for free admission.
Walk around downtown and spot 'hidden' local attractions like the many gorgeously restored Victorian Era houses. Close to Petco Park there is William Heath Davis house on Market & Island. Then Sheldon house on Island and 11th, the Ginty house up in Cortez Hill, Villa Montezuma on 20th at K St, Britt Scripps Inn and Keating house in Bankers Hill area (along with the pedestrian bridges).
Downtown nightclub crowds are usually made of visitors, though. If you want local crowd, try the pubs in Little Italy or Hillcrest instead. If you like classical music, check out the San Diego Symphony at Copley Hall (B St at 9th, I think). They've got a good program this year celebrating their 100th anniversary. Mainly Mozart Festival is starting again next month at Balboa Theater (at Horton Plaza)... And the opera season starts at Civic Theater (next to City Hall) in January.|||Get a Padre Season Ticket Plan. Full season-ticket plans start as low as $8 per game. Forty-game plans are 30 percent below day-of-game prices and 20-game plans are 25 percent below day-of-game prices. Petco Park is one of the nicest venues in baseball. Take advantage of your proximity.鈥?/a>|||Lots its newyork go the offical state site and it will list multiple things to do in the next months or so
I've never been to SD so I don't know of any hotspots. I won't have a car while I'm there, but I'm willing to take public transit, as long as it runs late. If I can't stay in a hotel downtown, I want to at least be able to get to the Gaslamp district, Balboa park, and the beach. I'm trying not to spend more than $100/night. THANKS!|||You are not going to find a downtown hotel for under $100 and public transit doesn't run much past midnight. You best bet might be a hotel in the Mission Valley / Old Town area. You can catch the trolley right to downtown and the Gaslamp.
I am going to have my wedding pictures taken this Sunday. Considering Balboa Park, but would like to hear more opinions. I would like to have something different for backdrops instead of the usual. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.|||Congrats!
Balboa Park sounds like a great place for:
- Gardens
- Architectural Buildings
- Museums
Mt. Woodson
- Is in east San Diego
- It is a castle, so it might be pretty to have some pics taken there
Presido Park
- located above Old Town
- Historical location
- Spectacular views
- Romantic setting
- Hotel Del Coronado (beach): Victorian Architecture, private beach
Paradise Point Resort And Spa
- Tropical romantic
- Palm Trees
- Blooming Ginger
- Beach
Have an awesome time, and Congrats again!
I have $200K in cash. Want to invest it in real estate, but not sure if a cool downtown condo is the wisest investment. I like the Cortez Hill area not the Gasslamp-too crowded!
I only want to borrow another $250K max. For a total $400 or $450K purchase.
OR how can I let someone know who may honestly need someone to save them from bankrupcy that I have this cash w/o scaring them into thinking I'm another predator like the one who sold them the FANTASTIC loan that got them in trouble in the first place! I'm looking to invest this money wisely.
Any knowledgeable honest advice in the subject out there?|||A condo in downtown San Diego is possibly a good investment if you find one at the right price and plan to live in it your self for several years. Under ANY other circumstances than I have just described, a condo in downtown San Diego is currently one of the WORST investments you could choose. The only other investment I can think of any worse right now than condo's in San Diego would be for you to invest in ANYONE on the verge of bankruptcy in an effort to save them. People on the verge of bankruptcy about to lose their homes don't need another loan. They most likely bought more house than they can afford under ANY circumstances and will unfortunately have to pay the consequences by losing what they cannot pay for with any loan that does not become a gift.|||real estate is a wise investment; it's a buyer's market right now. I would avoid bailing others out as you are likely to not get your money back - after all, they got themselves into bankruptcy by being irresponsible with money. friends and money don't mix so beware.
Okay, so I know my question sounds totally stalker status (it even creeps me out) but I saw this really cute guy at the Body Worlds 2 exhibit in San Diego. I was there on a trip with my phisiology class and he looked like he was there with a small group of college students and a professor. He tried making a conversation with me but I'm a shy person and now I'm hoping that by some miracle I'll be able to contact him. Well, If anyone can help me out, I would really appreciate it!|||Hmmn?|||Oh yea, him.
I know it wasn't a Cirque du Soleil show, it seem to me it started with a V, but I could just be crazy. I remember there was one part where a woman with an extremely big dress walked out onto the stage and then a bunch of people came out from underneath the dress. There was also many other acts including bicycle trick and ribbon tricks. If anyone knows that'd be great, or if anyone knows of other popular cirque acts other than cirque du soleil I'd appreciate it!
Thanks!|||Varekai" (2002): A winged Icarus figure kicks off the loose narrative that has to do with 鈥?what else? 鈥?flight. Played here in 2004.
My fiance and I are huge Padres fans, but we also have lots of history in Balboa Park. I originally wanted to get married in my family church, but I thought it might be nice to have the ceremony somewhere that means something special to the both of us... not just me. I just don't think I would want the reception there. I was thinking more like one of the museums in Balboa Park, or one of the outside courtyards for the actual dinner and celebration. Any thoughts or suggestions??? Anyone???|||I don't know if that specific park will let you, but if you are asking about the general idea... I have been to a few weddings where the reception was completely separate to the wedding.
It means you can invite everyone who wants to come to the ceremony but then only invite closer friends and family to the (more expensive) reception. The ones I have been to had quite a lot of time between the two. If you are inviting all the same people to both then you probably don't need as much of a gap.
I went to one where the wedding was in a park and the reception was in a large function hall (not religious), and another one where the wedding was in a church and the reception was at a function hall connected to the casino.|||i cannot imagine why not. you just have to be willing to pay the price for renting which ever venue site at petco park you want to use for the ceremony. they have so many sites to choose from, i would look at them, at least online, before i decided if i were you. click on "venues" and then click on each one in the left hand column.
balboa park is a wonderful place for weddings and receptions as well.
can anyone tell me what haunted trails will be like. Im going for the first time ever, with a bunch of good friends!!!!|||I don't normally get scared at stuff like that. But if I compare Haunted Trail with the place on Market street, then Market Street is better. You are constantly in the atmosphere. At haunted trail, they set up "rooms" along a trail, so it's more like a series of scares as opposed to one long one.|||i already been on it twice about a 6 bring alight jacket,money, wear things u r not afraid to get dirty shoes included, and if u want a camra|||It is fun|||get ready to piss you're pants. wear gym shoes. BOO! have fun!
One of them talked to the news media and said he didn't do it? Is he lying? I saw it on Channel 10.|||Thats good they captured someone...he is probably those guys who killed Matthew Sheperd. I hate gay bashers. I wish theyd play in traffic instead of harming those who have a different sexual orientation than them. It's ridiculous. I just read about these guys who are on trial in St Marteen (in the Caribbean) for beating this gay couple with a tire iron. I hope they get life or the death penalty...|||I haven't heard anything, but I hope their punished to the fullest extent of the law! Cowards!|||havent heard about it, but i hope that justice is served..|||I don't know if he did it or not..but if he did I hope they execute him.|||I'm glad they caught people, and if they're guilty, I hope they're brought to justice.|||I hadn't heard about this, but I hope they catch all of them and get them off the streets so they can't harm others.|||May justice be done, that's all I'm saying.
Im trying to plan a Happy Hour/Field Trip thing at work and want to score some free tickets for my co-workers as a surprise. Iv already won 4 tickets but i have like 11 people going and i dont think its fair for me to just give 4 peolpe tickets. any suggestions or any places, websites, anywhere giving away tickets?? pls help!!|||i couldn't find any giveaways, but tickets are $13.99. on the website, it says you can get group rates for groups of 10 or more.
call this number for info on group rates:
(619) 231-0131
here's the site for more info:
click on haunted trail, and then you can find more info on it.
Balboa Park is a fabulous place just waiting to be explored. There's so much to do here. You can visit the animals of the famous San Diego Zoo, explore the exhibits of the its many museums, enjoy fine dining, hike the trails and paths, see a play, or simply enjoy a picnic with the one you love The gardens and Botanical building are always free. The different museums rotate being free on Tuesdays.|||My favorite place to relax and have fun when visiting my hometown of San Diego...
Anyway, here's a link I save in my 'Favorites':|||when are you going to be there??
go to
or then events
I need his answer now. I live in Woodland Hills|||Balboa Park is in San Diego, California . I have included a link to Maps and directions.鈥?/a> It is the nations largest urban cultural park. Its GPS coordinates if you are using a garmin or tom tom or other GPS device are 32掳 43鈥?53鈥?N, 117掳 8鈥?43鈥?W
Have you been there? Is it nice?|||LOL I didn't think this question made any sense until I saw who posted it....NOW it makes perfect sense..Good one cope...have a nice weekend after a hard week at work..
The Tillman Japanese Gardens are absolutely the most uniquely situated in all of California....Yikes....
i know it takes 31 minutes to walk, which is nothing to me, i just need to know there are no freeways or highways that will block me from walking to the Cow Palace|||it is a 4 lane roadway (Geneva Ave) mostly w/ sidewal;ks and mostly downhill.|||There is no freeway or highway between that BART station (also streetcar stop) and a long walk to the Cow Palace.|||It would tale you 57 minutes walking because 2.7 miles, but it's still doable
I'm going for the first time tomorrow with two little kiddies. I'm going to try and get there by 1130am - 1200pm since that is when they open. Will this be good for parking? Any other tips would be greatly appreciated!! |||I know theyh have a free puppet show tonight. I cant go because my baby is too young, but if your kiddies are old enough, they may enjoy it. I love December Nights at night time. Ive never been there during the day. I actually just posted a question about it! =) Here is a link to the puppet show though.鈥?/a>|||For parking, get there early as possible if you can.
the haunted hotel is better skip the haunted trail
|||Though I have absolutely no idea what your talking about, I would have to say a haunted hotel would probably be scarier for me. Personally, it would make me feel kind of trapped and like I can't run.|||i heard haunted trails is better. (but i've never went to that one). the one on market st. is too short.|||i would have to go with the haunted trails, although i don't think you'd be dissappionted with either.|||neither i say the del mare scare zone is way better
|||the Hotel
the haunted trail is fun, but can be a little silly
my chemistry class wants us to do 5 hours every month|||I'm assuming yes, if you are the responsible age.
Having previous job records will help allot.
But since you're just volunteering im sure they'd appreciate the extra help :)
explain to them this is for school.
or give em a ring:
Balboa Park Visitors Center
1549 El Prado
San Diego CA 92101
Tel: (619) 239-0512
:D|||Putang ino mo gago malaki pangit tanga
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I just moved to san diego and im looking for a good place to do my cardio, i live close to balboa park but when i go (the part thats on 6th street) its not really what i was expecting, ive heard theres actualy nature trails to jog on and im looking for a good 3 mile span to jog (Round trip) i know balboa park is huge and i was wondering if anyone can tell me where in balboa are the good trails are and how to get there. thanks alot :)|||not to sound like a jackaxe but balboa park entrance that meets 6th was a huge hang=out for gays.
so if that is your thing
or if that is not your thing
you know either way.
jogging, straight through the entrance of the park from 6th, right over the bridge, down and go left past you'' run right into the entrance of the zoo, go right towards the exit to the carasoul and through that park area and you'll be at the far end of 6th, go right and back to the bridge.
or something different drive down to the end of broadway, there is a little parking lot 4 quarters should get you an hour,
and either run north up along the bay front, or south and eventually meeting the shopping area next to the Marriot.
Does anyone know the best location (ie. street name) to photograph the Cabrillo Bridge in Balboa Park. I am looking for the spot with the bridge, 163 and the skyline...thanks !|||Try the Quince Street bridge. It runs over the 163. You can walk down from sixth and and Quince. You will need to cross the bridge on foot and climb the embankment. There is a fence at the top that borders the zoo. The bridge is also the offramp from 163 north so be careful.|||this link may help you|||you may have to think outside the box (or outside streets) i took some awesome nightshots of downtown from behind the Aerospace museum, but the bridge was behind me, try behind the zoo, or maybe climbing down the th banks along side and hiking past it a few hundred feet till you see a spot you like. Also try getting on the bridge and looking at whats in front and behind you. what ever is behind you, thats the spot where you need to stand.
I'm considering moving to: 3569 4th Ave #A, San Diego, CA 92103.
Is that a safe area? It seems to be south west of hillcrest and west of balboa park. Check is out and help me out! safe? nice?|||this isn't a bad neighborhood, but then i consider San Diego in general a pretty safe city. go to Google maps and use the street view. you can get a good idea of the surroundings.|||Probably one of the safer areas for women in San Diego. But just as you would anywhere, pay attention to your surroundings.|||hillcrest is great! its a predominatly gay community, lots of nightlife more or less, and fashion valley is down the street!|||yes, it's safe
it's in Hillcrest and it is close to Balboa Park.
almost all of Hillcrest is 'nice'
Any tips on how to get the most out of it? Also, what museums should we hit up? Thanks!|||The biggest tip is to get there as early as possible. This is very popular and as the evening goes on it gets extreamly croweded.
For Parking the Zoo lot would be your best bet, but you could also take the Shuttles from either City College or the County Administration Building
When you arrive there pick up a Schedule that will have a map as well as all of the events for the evening, and should list any changes that have occured. For the Museums they are open from 5pm to 9pm for free each evening. Which ones to see is really a matter of your personal preference. You probably should look at the museum list and decide which ones are a "must" do and hit those first. Give yourself at least 30 minutes per museum. This should get you about 5-6 for the full evening with time for walking between museums and stops for food or entertainment.
One other thing about this event is that just about every museum will have some sort of food. The biggest concentration is the International Cottages near the Organ Pavillion. This is a lot of people in a small area so it is also best to get this early in the evening. But they will offer the widest range of foods. Other places will have more traditional fare such as Hot Dogs, Hamburgers....|||Take public transportation if all possible, also be careful there is a recent influx of crime in the Balboa Park area. Check all the Museums out.
Does anyone know if there is park./garden where it is allowed to have a picnic??
Location: Balboa Park, San Diego, CA|||you are allowed to picnic anywhere in balboa park (except inside the museums, of course). it's a beautiful park. i would recommened in front of the fish pond outside of the museum of art, i believe. also, there are gardens and trails all over the park. in addition, if you are going with kids there is a wonderful playground.
is there such thing as a tumblr convention at balboa park ? a friend told me about it but i googled it and cant find information on it , anybody know about it ? like where it is and what days and stuff ? thanks in advance...:)|||go to the park district website, they have all the info there :)
have fun!!!!
Does anyone know how much it cost to get married in Balboa Park in San Diego...I keep getting the run around
also do you know if the price includes chairs setup or do i have to rent chairs
I think there is a pretty gazebo with a pond or something behind it google maps shows it
I live in GA now but moving to California in 6 months so i cannot go there to ask these questions|||You are going to have to email these people and they will be able to answer your questions:
If not, is there a place in the San Diego locality that does?|||Otay Lakes Park in Chula Vista is awesome.|||Umm NO? Not that I have ever seen, but they do have unlimited restaruants in the park.perhaps in one of the outskirts of balboa, To check:
try the 1st link below
Doyle Recreation Center | Park & RecreationSan Diego, CA 92122 (858) 581-7170 ... sand volleyball courts, tot lots, ball fields, barbeque areas and meeting rooms which are for rent. link 2
I would like to get married at Balboa Park; I checked the website and it didn't say anything about special events like weddings. Does anyone know, or have a hunch? Thanks :)|||Yes you can get married at balboa park, and they have a two websites just for the occasion.
CONGRATS!!|||I have seen many weddings around Balboa Park, especially in the botanical gardens and near the rectangular pond in front of the large indoor gardens. I would call for more information.
I am looking to take my dog out of the city for a big walk today. hoping to walk around a nice forest or something but i am new to san diego and am not sure where to go. please give me some recommendations!!|||well the local walking trails/paths are lake murray, cowls mountain, and mission trails park
though if you want something in the mountains you may have to go up to the cuyamacas or something
I live near westlake shopping center and I need to find the bus go to BALBOA PARK BART STATION(NOT DALY CITY BART!), do u know any bus routes go to balboa park? ANY? tks!|||well you have to go to Daly City Bart to get to Balboa Park Bart.
You can either take the Bart from Daly City Bart to Balboa Park Bart or take the 54. Which takes you DIRECTLY outside Balboa Park Bart.
But their are no sam trans busses that will take you to balboa park bart directly. So you gotta go to Daly City Bart.|||Actually, it's easiest to take the SamTrans 120 (catch at Lake Merced & John Daly) to Daly City BART and take BART to Balboa Park station.
I'm flying out to southern california to visit my family, I usually just use my bus pass for BART, but I didn't buy one this month and wouldn't work going to SFO. Anyways, I was wondering if any of the machines in the station take debit/ credit cards or should I get change?|||ATM cards, yes. Credit cards, in the East Bay but not in SF. (Don't ask me why, it's annoyed me for years.)|||All BART stations have machines that takes credit and debit. Have a safe trip!|||yes,all accepted except american express card, you can't use muni pass to take BART beyond balboa, you have to buy $7.60 one way ticket to SFO.
We are having a 40th birthday dinner celebration at the Prado and was wondering if we should reserve for the patio or inside? We have guests coming in from out of town and there will be 5 of us total. I know lunch on the patio is lovely but have never done dinner out there and don't know if it would be more celebratory and nice inside or out.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be wonderful.|||Outside. If you are lucky there might be something going on at the Organ Pavillion to entertain your guests.|||Both are nice but outside is good when you have a group that way you can get up and move around a bit without getting into the waiters way etc.鈥?/a>|||Outside is always nice and would be my preference, especially during the summer.|||outside is very pretty!!! i would highly recommend it
I'm turning 14 and wondering if the Haunted Trails at Balboa Park are too freaky to take people to for my birthday. If you know anything about it or any experiences from it PLEASE tell me. Thanks|||It's definitely fun! Take it from me because I went last year when I turned about 13 (Now I'm 14) and my friends and I had a blast. The only sucky part is people scare you when you're in line. You totally freak out when your just talking to your friends and then they come out of no where!But other than that I think your friends would have a great time but get there when it's dark but not too late because the line will be very long. I remember my friends and I were there until 9 or 10 but it was worth it.|||Haunted trails of Balboa Park? I've never heard of them and I live near there. Is that on the other side of 163 by Cabrillo bridge? If so then there are some freaky people there. Its best to be in a group just in case.
For a mom and her 5-year old girl, and their somewhat-nerdy cousin visiting from Tennessee?|||Balboa park is GREAT. It is free, there a many cool buildings and interesting people. There are fountains to play in, fish and sometimes turtles to watch. There is also a Science museum, but it is hands on, very fun for kids of all ages. Lots of really cool toys, magnets, very fun stuff. I loved it at the age of 5 and I love it now (I'm a 21 year old girl)
However, if the weather is nice Sea World is a ton of fun. You pet sting rays (No stingers), pet starfish, feed and pet the dolphins, watch Shamu shows, Sea Lion shows, there is a large play set like a huge jungle gym for kids to play on. There are polar bears, Clydesdale horses, a few rides that the 5 year old can probably go on. I used to work here and it was fun to watch families having a great time. It is expensive though.|||They are very different so it is hard to compare.
Sea World has whale and dolphin shows, and this summer at least they had a great circus show. If you like to be entertained with live shows, it is a blast. It is expensive, and an all day activity.
Balboa Park is a beautiful old historic park that in itself may not be that interesting to kids, but it does have some great museums. My favorite is the Reuben Fleet Science museum, which has interesting hands-on exhibits. They also show IMAX movies, which are fun. This is a less expensive choice that Sea World, and you can just spend half a day there and get your money's worth.
For ideas for other San Diego activities, see
http://www.San-Diego-Beaches-and-Adventu鈥?/a>|||Sea World is very commercial and very expensive. It's a lot of choreographed shows. It's like a bad casting call for "Up With People." The Zoo is non profit and a better place to go.
The Balboa Park has tons of things to do including the Zoo. You can get a passport and see a dozen museums plus the zoo.鈥?/a>
One of my favorite museums is the Model Railroad Museum. It contains the largest model railroad layouts in the world. Kids get in free.|||Try to do both. You will enjoy the shows and exhibits at Sea world - no question. But Balboa Park is a beautiful place. The ornate old architecture is very nice - mold or not. And the museums are very good. But the real treasure is the zoo. Don't miss it. And don't overlook all the plant life from around the world.|||my vote is for...
Balboa Park and the Zoo|||I agree with the other people, they have good points. My thoughts are this:
for a 5 year old, SeaWorld is much more cool. Shamu show, dolpin show. She'll be talking aobut it for days afterwards. However, SeaWorld is very commericialized with a gift shop at every corner you can imagine. SeaWorld is expensive and for adults - it might be a bit corny in as much that you know Orca whales and dolphins are trained to jump and flip. It's not their natural behavoir.
I think if I were you, I would go to the zoo.鈥?/a>
Balboa Park is very nice but I think adults enjoy it more than kids. There's a lot of walking with gardens and waterfountains etc, but how much does a 5 year old really enjoy that? Two good things about Balboa Park for little kids are the Puppet Theatre, and the Science Museum (hands on play and explore).鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
You can just check this list for kid friendly places in San Diego (the beaches are very nice, though it will be too cold to go swimming in it)鈥?/a>|||well balboa park is kinda small and dissapointing and theres mold that grows of the sides of the buildings which leaves huge noticable streak marks. Anyway I was surprised at how small balboa park was. The museums are all right, but not that great. so i'll go with seaworld which is also small too btw.
Does anyone know roughly how many miles it is around the Balboa Park in Encino, California?|||8 to 10 miles, you can't walk though some part, there are park,lake, golf courses, and dam area.
see balboa park pictures in|||The Trail is 7.5 miles. Great for bike riding or inline skating.
hi. so i was thinking of going to haunted trials im 14 but i would have to take all these 12 year olds with me ( dont ask why) but do u think its too scary for them? do the people like chase u? like on a scale 1-10 how scary is it? do u no where i can find more information? thanx|||Well to tell you the truth it didnt seem scary to me(im 15). I went yesterday(1st time) and i didn't get scared. scale 1-10 i give it a 5-6. They do get close to you but its funny at times. I thought it was also short. I went on the clown maze and my friends and i got out in less than 10 minutes and for the trail it lasted around 15-20 minutes. So i say you should take them but only if their up for it. Short but really fun cause you get to spend time with friends.|||I've been a couple of times (I'm 14 as well) and I think that as long as they're with you it will be okay. The first time I went I totally freaked out while in line but during the actual thing it wasn't bad, it was actually fun. So I recommend it.
I need one that's dog friendly. My dog and i have nothing to do today.|||Florida Canyon offers shared trails for hikers and mountain bikers that meander through rocky hillsides of sagebrush, cacti and other natural flora. Trail maps are available in the Balboa Park Visitors Center.
I would recommend calling first to see which trails are dog friendly.
(619) 239-0512
Found another site w/ some more info:
Have fun!
I am going there next month. Ones NOT to miss???
I am not going to the zoo because of time restraints.|||I love the Aerospace and car museums. I also enjoy the space museum. It doesn't take long to walk around Balboa and so many of them change their displays on a regular basis that it's always an adventure. When you first get there, get one of the maps and see what looks interesting to you. If you're planning on visiting several museums, you might want to get a pass. It's less expensive than paying for each one. Enjoy!|||After living in Southern California for 25 years, I am sad to say I have never visited any of the museums in San Diego (I travel a lot, so go to most in New York). But I will tell you that the Aerospace Museum is a favorite among most people I know in San Diego.
Oh, and if you have time while there, check out Seaport Village - great place to go if you only have a short amount of time!
I would like to get married there and I've looked at the picture from their website but I wish I could see more pictures. I've researched all over the web with no results. Can anybody share some of their reception photos? Please|||I haven't gotten married there, but I did a little research...I don't know if these photos are what you are looking for or something that you may have already come across, but it's worth a of luck to you =)鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
18 and 19 yearl olds. We're meeting up around 11. We probably will only be there a few hours, but to look at the gardens and just lay in the grass, is that ok? can we lay in the grass? Are the gardens free?|||Hi! Balboa Park is an excellent place to go on a date. There are so many things to do there. Balboa Park is especially great if you've got a limited budget since there are so many free things to do there. Check out this list of free things, including free museum days:鈥?/a>
Also, the gardens in Balboa Park are very romantic. See this link for details on the gardens:鈥?/a>
I would especially recommend Alcazar Gardens, it's absolutely beautiful:鈥?/a>
Another really romantic thing to do in Balboa Park is to see a concert at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, see this link for more info:鈥?/a>|||If you mean Balboa park in San Diego California:
it is free, and very peaceful place, i always ride my bike there and stop to watch squirrels and rabbits jumping all around. If you both enjoy outdoors, it is a perfect place to relax and talk.|||yes it is a very nice park to visit and lay in. i have done it several times. the museums in that area are also very nice. some are free and some require a small fee. If you both like art you should check those out.
hope that helps. have fun on your date =)|||Balboa Park is very nice for walking hand in hand, have an ice cream, sit in a garden, maybe see a museum etc.
Gardens are free (except Japanese garden). Museums are not free except select museums on Tuesdays.
Check here for info. Great garden pics鈥?/a>|||yes. check out the botanical garden and the pond in front of it with lots of koi fish. i think the botanical garden is free. the last few times i was there i was able to just walk in. although i can't remember if it was a particular time of day.
check out their website for more info.|||Yes - Balboa Park is a good place for that.
sounds nice
have fun
Im just wondering if its possible to have a wedding here. I have never actually seen it in person, but is there any more secluded parts of the park that you could have a wedding ceremony were people wouldnt be all up in your business? My dream is to get married in a cherry blossom field and this is the closest thing to my dream. Soooooo do you think its possible?|||There is a little hidden Garden of Cherry Blossoms in Downtown LA (More precisely in Little tokyo) Between The Japan America Theater and the JACCC building.(Approximate Location is on Los Angeles Street between 2nd and 3rd)(or is it San Pedro St?) anyway you would need to get permission from the JACCC to do anything in the garden.
The cherry blossoms seem to always be blossoming in this garden(along with the best Japanese Waterfall garden in LA)
Balboa park is always crowded on the weekends(and sometimes dangerous)
Better choices for a park might be (the Far West end)Crescenta Valley Park or Verdugo Park or south of the Rose Bowl near the Aquatic Center
As for cordoning off... Im not sure you can, but contact the Parks(for what ever city you use) department for info on having events.|||It is very crowded those are not "cherry" trees but flowering plums. They produce tiny fruit mistaken for cherry. Actual traditional cherry trees do not do well in Southern California. Secondly they bloom in Mid March and April during the end of the rainy season.|||There aren't any secluded parts of Balboa Park.
You could have a wedding there, but you'd have to have the area cordoned off.
In July, ill be staying near Balboa Park in San Diego, CA. I'm interested in going to Petco Park, home of the Padres and the beach. What trolley will lead me to both of these? How much cost wise? thanks! ANSWER ALL PLEASE|||Take the #7 bus from Balboa Park to City College. From there, you can take either the Blue Line or the Orange Line trolley to 12th and Imperial, just a short walk away from Petco Park. Round trip for the trolley is $5, which is good for all day, and if you're paying on the bus, always have exact change in hand (in fact, it's better to pay for your day pass in cash as some trolley station ticket dispensers don't always accept credit/debit).
Go to the transit website at just in case.|||how close will you be to balboa park? the closest the trolley lines run to the park is at the city college station which is still quite a walk. the trolley does go right to the stadium but nowhere close to any body of water that you can swim in. for the beach, you'd want to take the trolley to the old town station and transfer to a city bus. from there probably mission beach or pacific beach would be your best bet. you can get day passes for $5, not sure about weekly passes.|||The cost of a 1-day trolley/bus pass is 5 can use ALL trolley lines/buses all day long, but NOT the Surfliner or Coaster, that is a separate fee.
I cannot give you the bus/trolley route from B.P., since the only time we've gone to Petco is from Old Town area..sorry. ...
Update: Here is a link for the San Diego MTS schedule鈥?/a>|||The blue or orange lines to 12th and Imperial will take u right outside Petco Park or if u r there on a weekend day there is an extra trolley that goes through downtown too
wine tasting, amusement parks. I am looking for suggestions on other things to do that aren't known to many people and are relatively cheap. We are looking for things to do that are not crowded with tourists. My mom will be here Thursday until Tuesday.... please help|||1. Mission Trails Park - take approx 2 hours - Visit the Visitors Center, then hike a trail to see the Indian grinding stones or visit the water fall and dam.
2. Mission Trails Park- Saturday 10am - Guide led hikes to grinding stone and other historical sites.
3. Kumeyaay Campground, Mission Trails Park - RV鈥檚 and tents - No hook ups This campground is in town. Fee $14
4. Tijuana Estuary 鈥?Imperial Beach
5. Town of Julian 鈥?Goldmine and Apple pie
6. Campo Train Museum and Train ride
7. Belmont Park/Mission Bay
8. Mission de Alcala
9. Old Town/ Presido Park
10. Reuben H Fleet Space Theater - Balboa Park
11. Balboa Park
12. Gravity Hill - La Jolla West Muirlands Dr
13. San Diego Zoo
14. Beach
15. Visit the recycled Boat Houses - They can be found on Third street, near F street in Encintias, California - This is not new but very old. 2 full sized boats are used as apartments. In the early 1920 Mr. Kellogg used recycled materials to build these two homes. The boats are not open for tours there are private residences.
1. Mormon Battalion Museum - Old Town, San Diego
2. Mormon Battalion Hike (total 5mile rdtrp) - Anza Borrego
3. Borrego Springs
4. Palomar Mountain visit the Observatory - Visit the State Park, Hike to Thunder Springs (1mile) and the grinding stones. There is a state park ranger show in the evening. On the drive back to San Diego fill up your water bottles at the Palomar Mountain Artesian spring along side the road
1. Amtrak to Olvera Street 鈥?Union Station - LA - - Pack snacks. restaurant lunch, light snack on the train, Total 15 hours Return to homepage鈥?/a>|||Well, the Wild Animal park shouldn't be that crowded and the caravan tours inside the animal areas should be an experience.
Not sure how old she is and if she enjoys Bingo but the Indian casinos usually have some events going on.
As a joke, you could go to Disney's California Adventure since nobody goes there. Well, not that many.|||With the price of gas coming down, why don't you take a road trip to Los Angeles. Visit the Getty Center, Hollywood walk of fame, or Rodeo Dr. These are all free things to do.
if you must go to the zoo, here are some printable coupons.鈥?/a>
Have fun|||Strip Club, ladies usually get in for free and all you need is a few dollar bills!|||Have you asked your Mom what she wants to do while in town? Is this her first visit? Try to think of her when you're planning your week.
Some possibles include Cabrillo Monument up on Point Loma, The Scripps aquarium or a trip to one of the Indian Casinos.
Lots to do, but get her input first.|||There are so many things to do in San Diego depending on what you and your mother are interested in.
Presidio Park is an uncrowded park that is absolutely gorgeous. It's located near Old Town.
You could take the ferry from downtown San Diego to Coronado. It only cost $3 each way and will be a 15 minute ride.
Take the Bahia Belle from the Bahia Resort across the bay to the Catamaran Resort in Pacific Beach. Get off, walk around, eat at a restaurant, then reboard the boat for a return trip to the Bahia Resort. The cost is only $6 per person.
Go hiking at Torrey Pines or Cabrillo National Monument.
You might want to enjoy wine tasting in Ramona and around Julian when you take your trip to Julian. Romano's Italian Restaurant is a great place for lunch or dinner located in downtown Julian. There are also wineries in the Escondido area that are good. My favorite is Orfila Vineyards located on the way to the Wild Animal Park.
Have a great time whatever you do!|||This would be perfect:
Pretty freakin scary...if you like to be scared I highly recommend it, but it you are more of a Disney Haunted House person, no way...there is also a haunted house at the Del Mar Fairgrounds that will scare the pee out of you if you like that sort of thing.|||I screamed myself hoarse. Loved it. Very scary.|||I went to the haunted hotel last night, that was damn scary too!|||Even the website is scary.
I heard all museums in Balboa Park are open to the public without charge one Tuesday a month. 12/29 is the fifth Tuesday. Any museum free on that day?|||Sorry -
Fifth Tuesday -
Normal museum prices in effect.
All normal admission prices apply.
The Timken Museum of Art is always free.
First Tuesday - Free to San Diego City & County residents, Active Military & their families
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Centro Cultural de la Raza
Model Railroad Museum
Natural History Museum|||None of the paid admission museums are open for free on a 5th Tuesday. The museums are very popular during the week between Xmas and New Years. The first Tuesday of the month is when the most popular museums are free.|||Timken Museum of Art
Here's a schedule for which museums are free:鈥?/a>
I know we can freely enter some museums in Balboa Park on Tuesday. But, I can't find the informaiton on the wensite. Does anybody know about it?|||Free Tuesdays in the Park
As a public service Park organizations offer free admission on a rotating basis throughout the month.
First Tuesday
San Diego Model Railroad Museum
San Diego Natural History Museum
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Centro Cultural de la Raza
Second Tuesday
Museum of Photographic Arts
Museum of San Diego History
Veteran's Museum and Memorial Center
Third Tuesday
San Diego Art Institute
San Diego Museum of Art
San Diego Museum of Man
Japanese Friendship Garden
Mingei International Museum
Fourth Tuesday
San Diego Aerospace Museum
San Diego Automotive Museum
San Diego Hall of Champions
House of Pacific Relations International Cottages
Fifth Tuesday
Normal museum prices in effect.
The Timken Museum of Art is always free.
Veterans Memorial Center is free, donation requested.
*Some museums may offer complimentary admission to their permanent collections only and charge admission to special exhibitions.
Going to San Diego for a few days. Planning to go to the zoo, but I see there are dozens of gardens, museums, and attractions in Balboa Park. Recommendations from people who have been there and had a great time? (Family vacation, 7-year-old child.)|||Walk around and check out the fountain and gift shops. ALso check out the japanese garden , they have cool plants that you can rub the leaves and smell different scents.
go here for more:|||The Wild Animal Park (not in Balboa Park) is also worth a visit.
There is a merry-go-round near the entrance to the zoo that a 7 year old would probably enjoy. Sunday is a good day to visit the park because of the free outdoor organ concert and the international cottages are open as well.
For more details on the pipe organ concert:鈥?/a>
To learn more about the international cottages which are open Sundays from noon to 5 visit:鈥?/a>|||Watch out for all the dead squirrels. They city has been poisoning them in droves.|||well the zoo is great!!
and im pretty sure all the musiums are free. you can just walk around balboa park.. its really nice. but if u wanna entertain a 7year old..just go to the zoo.|||With a 7 year old they probably won't be into some of the museums. However, there are several museums that would be very interested in.
San Diego Railroad Museum
Ruben H. Fleet Science Center & IMAX
Natural History Museum
San Diego Sports Hall of Fame
Aerospace Museum
San Diego Automotive Museum
Remember if you are planning on going to more than a few museums you should look at getting the "Passport to Balboa Park". This gives you admission to 13 museums at a reduced rate of $35 adults/$19.00 or $59/$33 if you want to add the Zoo.|||My daughter, who is now 10 will tell you that the Space Theatre Science Center, the Natural History Museum, The Museum of Man, and the Model Railroad museum are best. The Art Museum the Aerospace Museum, and the Automobile museum are OK, and the Museum of San Deigo HIstory, The Timken (ancient art), The Mingei (folk art), and the Photographic museum are a bit slow. And she's never been to the Sports museum.
Adult opinions may vary. There is something for all tastes. We have one of the best carousels in the world, about the last one with the "brass ring" game and kids are nuts for that.
Friday, February 24, 2012
We want to go to Balboa Park and are wondering if we can take my dog on a leash?|||on a leash yes..|||If I remember correctly they can but you need to clean up after them and they may not be allowed throughout the entire park. But I am pretty sure that I have seen them by the organ pavillion. Course I haven't lived around there in awhile.|||yes and sometimes you have to take a muzzle in some areas
i need the sunday schedule|||Take the Blue Line north to City College and walk or take Bus #7 up Park Blvd.鈥?/a>
1. walk S from 24TH ST TROLLEY STATION to 24th Street Station - East Platform
2. At 10:21 AM take the Blue Line Old Town
3. Get off the stop at City College Station at approximately 10:36 AM.
4. At 10:43 AM take the MTS BUS route 7 College & University via University Ave
5. Get off the stop on Park Bl at Village Pl at approximately 10:49 AM.
6. walk 0.1 mile N to BALBOA PARK|||Route 7 will take you to Balboa Park from downtown
I want to take a trip down to San Diego with my husband, we've been before but already went to the same usual places that everyone goes. Does anyone have any suggestions on what we could do that is different?|||well this depends on what you want to do while you are in SD-
shopping- the outlets, Seaport Village
spas- La Costa Spa in Carlsbad, which also has golf available, or Pala Casino, Resort, and Spa
beaches- Del Mar, Torrey Pines, La Jolla, Carlsbad, Encinitas
wander around Old Town or the Gaslamp Dist.
try the USS MIdway or the Maritime Museum- most people forget about these two gems!
take a Harbor Cruise
catch a play at the civic theatre or at the Center for Performing Arts
if you drink, check out some wineries:
Wilson Creek Winery and Vineyards- a bit of a drive it's in Temecula, but is worth it just to tour the grounds, not to mention the food is great
Bernardo Winery - in Rancho Bernardo
take a hot air balloon ride lists all kinds of attractions and what not; you can narrow your search by category- ie spas, casinos, or golf; most places listed have links to their websites
when all else fails- go to the city center and wander around, or the beach with a picnic lunch, or head back to Balboa Park and check out the museums you skipped or go back tot he ones you've been to before- the exhibits are always changing; I think the Nautral History or the Archaeology Museum are supposed to have the dead sea scrolls on exhibit soon....|||Try Old Town, La Jolla Cove, hike up Mt Soledad, Coronado islands, Alpine, etc ....|||Choose from this list of 101 things to do in San Diego:|||Take a ride up to Viejas, the casino. It is about an hour away but well worth the trip. Play the slots, shop in the open-air is a great time!|||There are a few casinos down there. Also some great places to eat. Or what about a hot air Ballon ride, from Del Mar? Also you can go to Old town, that's kind of fun.
Try here for some great ideas:
Looking for a picture of the moreton bay fig to purchase. Preferably black & white. Need to find a photographer who has taken pictures of the tree.|||鈥?/a>|||Here ya go!鈥?/a>|||In your camera after you take it....|||try the history museum.. i think they sell postcards w/the picture of that tree|||Actually its not a fig tree, its a banyon and it is in behind the Natural history museum.|||The San Diego Historical Society sells black & white photos online. Try looking there.
I know there are many, but this one is very elegant. Love the mkexican raw fish in a martini glass. Great wine too. Like Meridian Pinot Blanc. I try to go there every time I'm in San Diago. Can't remember the name and would like to make reservations. I'm from Los Angeles. :-)|||I think you are talking about the Prado. It is located in the House of Hospitality right near the Museum of Art and Organ Pavillion.
Their direct number is 619-557-9441|||The Prado?鈥?/a>
are the cherry blossom trees still at balboa park in van nuys? Where in the park are they? Thanks!|||They are not actually cherry blossoms, but actually flowering plums. some time they produce small fruit that looks like cherries but actually flowering plums. they are all through the park. They bloom more like march and April.
It is a little too warm for us here for cherries to bloom successfully.|||Hi -- although we have many blossoming trees, and they even blossom at different times in the area because we have varying climates within the LA basin, cherries don't make it in our warm Southern California climate. It never gets cold enough for the process to take place for cherries and certain other stone fruits.
As for Balboa Park itself, see copestir's answer.
If so could you rate it on a 1 - 10 skull basis on the following things. 1 being the worst and 10 being the best!
Actors ((were they good, scary, and energetic?))
Scenes/Facades ((Did the set and scenes look scary and good, or rather was it visually appealing?))
Overall scariness factor?
Thanks everybody!
Its really helpfull!|||i have a freind who stays in Lancaster, CA who went, i called, he rated it 6 skulls, he stated the one in San Diego ran by the Jaycees, VFW or one of those types of organization was way better. he didnt know what it was called and was unsure if it were listed in a suburb of San Diego or San Diego|||I work at the haunted trail and the experience differs from person to person. We get a few people who don't get scared at all and think it sucks, but other people get really scared and some even ask to leave before they're even half way through.
Actors - 8.5
Scenes - 7.8
overall - 8 Report Abuse
San Diego. 4-5 foot wing span. Long thin neck. Long pointed beak. Long legs trail behind it when it flies..|||Depends on the color - could be a Great Blue Heron or a Great Egret. Possibly one of the other large herons, and it's remotely possible, I suppose, that it could be a Sandhill Crane. What is the pattern of colors on it, and does it make any noises?
I have a 4 month old baby this year, so I am a little hesitant to take her this evening. But I may go tommorow during the day. I checked the agenda online, but I want to get a better idea of how it is during the day. Is it still as festive? Do you know if/where/what time the Santa pics are taken there? What is it like during the day at December Nights?|||Hello!
You just answered my question and although this will be my first time going tomorrow I do have some answers for you. As far as Santa goes he will be in numerous places as stated here:鈥?/a> This makes me think if there is going to be more than one Santa. What I will be doing is checking out the news to see what it is like this evening to get an idea for tomorrow. I'm sure there will be other small babies like yours there but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to do much. From the looks of it it attracts a lot of people so I am sure its pretty festive. They have so much to offer which is why I am sooo excited!! I will be there all day long with a 1yr old and a 3 yr old.
I'm going there tonight, is it really scary or just ok? The website said 10 and up, so I guess it can't be too intense. ||| i wasnt amused with it i likeed the del mar scream zone way better especailly the haunted hayride
|||really scary . . . it is well worth it to go.|||not really scary because you can see them comming out at you 1
For V-day, to get the Miss' mind off of some of her troubles, I wanted to have a picnic with her. I live in San Diego and I'm wondering if this is an appropriate setting.
Any other suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.|||The Pepper Grove is a picnic area. It's right by the Space Theater.|||many good spots in Balboa Park for a picnic.
but Palm Canyon isn't one of them.
I haven't ridden a bike in years but I now live close to downtown San Diego and want to start riding again. I don't know what type of bike to purchase. Mountain bikes seem popular, but off-road riding will probably be the least style initially.|||I'm voting a big 'thumbs down' on mountain bikes. Why? How many times will you truly be off-road enough to need one? Always buy a bicycle based on "Where & How" you will be riding. The where we know...hilly streets. How? Do you want to go for casual rides or do you 'feel the need for speed'?
Hybrid bikes generally have a large 1st gear on the rear sprocket. Comes in handy climbing hills. Some 'performance hybrids' have this feature too. Road bikes will weigh a lot less & therefore be easier to climb hills & go for pure speed.
Go see the R.E.I. store at 5556 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 279-4400 Ask them about the bike on this link...鈥?/a> Also see link below... "How to Choose a Bicycle"|||Hey Scott,
Not that I'm against mountain bikes per say.... But if you DO decide to get one I'd suggest sticking with a rigid frame. All you'll be doing otherwise is wasting energy moving suspension up and down that could be used to move you forward.
Tires for mountain bikes come in a wide variety so finding something suited for pavement shouldn't be difficult.
"Hybrid" or "Cross" style bikes would be a good choice for city riding but probably not all that great off-road.
Good thing is there are a LOT of different makes, models and styles so it's likely you'll find something to fit your needs.
There are any number of really good bike shops in San Diego so start your search by looking for shops near you.
REI has a pretty good selection as well. Most any reputable bike shop will probably have a good variety of bikes to show you and make suggestions about the type of bike best suited for your needs, frame size, fit and any accessories you might need.
A few things that are a no-brainer: Lock, HELMET, lights.
You can expect to see prices starting at around $300 and going up from there. If there's one statement that pretty much holds true for bicycles it's "you get what you pay for"
If it's at all possible bring your bike inside whenever you can. At home especially, if you store it in a garage be sure to LOCK IT UP!
It's been awhile since I've lived in San Diego but I remember it as being pretty bike-friendy|||mountain bikes are your best choice, although you might not go offroading, they still provide a very comfortable ride, and they're very good for hills because they have mutliple gears so its makes life a lot easier, as opposed to BMX's which only have one gear that will prove very difficult for hills. Also, you tend to hurt your back riding a BMX as you have to lean over a lot where as on mountain bikes you can sit up straight more easily. More alternatively, you could have a look at Jump bikes, a kind of mix between BMX's and mountain bikes, they have multipul gears and a highter frame for easy riding on hills and sitting comfortably while still looking cool ;) but they have the bmx side of no suspention or front suspension forks. its down to you but i would deffinately go with mountain bikes, good luck finding one :)|||Most people agree, for the price, this bike is awesome. If you are an occasional biker who assumes every mountain bike are the same, you鈥檙e in for a surprise.
If you are looking for a bike that is sturdy and fits into your budget, think again. There are many criteria by which mountain bikes differ. Here is a list of featured for the Mongoose Sector mountain bike to help you judge.|||The hills in SD can be huge and there are TONS of places to mountain bike. Get a mtn bike and you'll use it on the trails very quickly.
Been riding here for years. Balboa Park actually has a really good off road trail, rode it last month.鈥?/a>
Actually ridden down the stairs in this picture as I was unfamiliar w/the trail next to them & was at speed ;/鈥?/a>
Apparently the haters have never lived here. Unless you are in great shape, the average person will need every bit of granny gear to get up hills here as they are high and long. This is evidenced by the many people I see walking their bikes up hills. There are so many places here to mtn bike many people do it as evidenced by the numerous clubs and attendees and weekly events.|||Two votes thumbs down on mountain bikes. And I own one! But I use mine mainly off road where suspension parts are needed to soak up bumps & ruts. I don't think the streets are that bad in San Diego, are they? A bicycle with no suspension fork will be better for street riding. But, you can find hybrids that do have suspension forks, or not.
I bought my mountain bike from Bikes Direct. The downfall is you assemble the bike yourself or get a bike shop to do it for you. But they have great prices & a wide variety of bicycles. I'll put down a few suggestions.|||Hybrid or performance hybrid. See links.
we are having a small wedding and we like balboa park, we don't necessarily have to have to have a ceremony here, we were thinking maybe the beach for the ceremony. we have a small budget :( or other locations are nice... thank you for your help!|||Best I can suggest is call them and ask.
Here is the site...hope this helps!
I'm going on a field trip to the Old Globe theatre, and I was wondering if there is any vegan food sold in Balboa Park. Not just fruit, but actual meals.|||I just did some google searches and found this place near Balboa Park:鈥?/a>
This website may also help you out:鈥?/a>
Hope that helps!|||yes! perfect place!!! there is an AWESOME place called natures express AKA veg-n-out AAKA (also,also known as) evolution :), it is completely vegan/vegetarian and it's soooooooooo good!!! i go there every friday and it's my favorite...please try it and tell me how you like it!
We are visiting our son next month and would like to find a decent hotel near a BART station so we can visit our son who leaves across from Balboa Park. We would like a short commute as we won't have a car. Hoping to be closer than the airport or the financial district.|||Sorry, there isn't any hotels or places you would like to stay in or around Balboa Park.
But if you stay in Downtown, there is a bart station there and you can catch the bart to the Balboa Station, it's just a 15 to 20 ride. Try to travel during the day, I don't think you would want to walk around the area at night. Not the safest area, but not the worst in SF. Just be careful of your surroundings.|||as far as I know, no hotel near balboa park BART.
most hotels in SF are in downtown( union sq, market,lombard, soma), you can get $59
I'm not familiar with San Francisco so I was wondering what is the best way going to Stonestown Galleria from Balboa Park BART is. Thanks.|||the M line. it takes about 8 minutes|||鈥?/a>|||Take the 29 muni to Stonestown, from Balboa Bart.|||Get off at Daly City station. Take Muni bus #28.
I have heard that one day of the month, all the museums in Balboa Park are free, but everyone I ask has a different answer as to what the day is. Does anyone know the correct day, definitively?|||No wonder you're confused -- the park offers Free Tuesdays, but they're on a rotating basis, so on the first Tuesday of the month, the Model Railroad Museum, for example, is free, on the second, the Museum of San Diego History is free, and on the third, the San Diego Museum of Art is free (and so on.) There are usually between three and five museums open for free on any given Tuesday.
The good news about this set-up, of course, is that if you're there on a Tuesday, SOMETHING is bound to be free -- although you might want to plan according to which museum you'd rather see. I've given you a link below which shows you which museums are free on which Tuesdays within the month.
Hope that helps - -have a great trip!|||If you have a Bank of America debit card (i think credit card too), show it at the entrance and you can visit any museum in Balboa Park until the end of May 2007 for free. We just came back and did not have to pay the entry fee ... See article below:|||I live a block away from balboa and go walking to it every day pretty much. The free day is every week actually and its tuesday. But here is the catch it is one different museum every week so if you have one particular in mind check the scedule when that one that you wan tis free.|||Every Tuesday at Balboa Park there will be a different museum that is free. It rotates so its always something different!
Victoria|||every Tues on a rotating basis
dont bring your dog to the park at this time either
they are poising the squils there live there.|||But about half the museums are only free to San Diego County residents on that certain tuesday. Others pay the regualr price. All the museums are free during "December NIghts" a few weeks before Xmas for 2 days. The Timken museum (ancient paintings) is free every day. The zoo is free for County kids in October, but adults pay full price always. If you aren't coming on a Tuesday, get a discount one-day pass at the park information center that gets you a rate for all the locations. If there is a special show, most often at the Natural History Museum (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls show) or SD Museum of Art, you may only get in to the regular collection areas for free.
Hi. We are going to San Diego in July. We have done Sea World and the Zoo already. We have 3 small children, would it be fun to go to the Coronado Islands with them? What is there to do?
What are the best things to do at Balboa park with the kids? Thank you so much for your help. Always great to get advice from the locals.|||Coronado Island is OK for kids: there's a beach there where they can play. The Hotel Del Coronado is world famous, though kids may not exactly find it interesting. One great thing about Coronado is that you can get there by ferry boat - kids will love that. A lot of people like to bike at Coronado because the Island has fewer cars.See here:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Balboa park has lots of stuff: free gardens, museums (not free), and there is usually an organized event or exhibit ongoing every week end. This place is great for adults and children.
Check here for Balboa Park info:鈥?/a>
Puppet Theatre:鈥?/a>
The Reuben Fleet Science Center is very good for children.
and all the Gardens are pretty cool:|||I would not suggest taking three small children to Coronado. It is a nice area to explore but not with the kids. Shops, restaurants, etc only entertain the kids for so long.
Balboa Park however is a great option. The carousel is always fun, their is a small train to ride, Fleet Science Center is a blast for kids and even has a special play area for younger kids, The Science air and space museum is great, The Marie Hitchcock Puppet Theater puts on shows starting in June, and you might even be able to catch a show at San Diego Junior Theatre.
I would also suggest checking out the new childrens museum. The kids will love it.|||Coronado Islands are a dive destination. Unless you plan on diving I would not recommend it.
Harbor Excursions are short and fun out of Downtown. A short ocean voyage is great
Balboa Park has the Reuben H Fleet that has an interactive science area that is great. It has an Imax theater which is fantastic.
On the weekends it is fun to go to the International Village
The Aero space museum if fun as well.
I live here and never get tired of the zoo
Legoland in Carlsbad is fun.
La Jolla cove is one of the places I would also suggest you visit. The Cave is fun for kids|||When in Balboa Park be sure to check out the Model Railroad Museum. It's 30,000 sq ft of model railroad exhibits and contains some of the largest model train layouts in the world. It is really impressive. Kids love it and they get in free.
Also in the park:
The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center has hands on exhibits and an IMAX theater.
In front of the zoo is the Balboa Park Minature Railroad which takes a 3-minute, 陆-mile trip through four acres of Balboa Park.鈥?/a>
The Natural History Museum is having a special exhibit featuring Body Worlds, where over 200 real body specimens, including 20 whole bodies are on exhibit. They also have that kids favorite: dinosaurs!鈥?/a>
The Air & Space Museum contains one of a kind artifacts including the Apollo 9 Command Module.鈥?/a>
If you're into vintage cars check out the Automotive Museum.鈥?/a>
For free entertainment check out the Speckels Organ Pavillon. It's a one of a kind outdoor pipe organ that was built in 1914 for the Panama-California Exposition. There are free concerts, Sun. 2:00鈥?:00 p.m. from mid June thru Aug. During the week the stage is used for various performances.鈥?/a>
Just For Kids
There are aso a variety of gardens and trails.鈥?/a>
Be sure to get a Passport to Balboa Park. They have a zoo / park combo pack that allows you to go to the zoo and up to 13 museums.鈥?/a>
If you're a movie buff, be sure to check out the facades of the buildings on The Prado (the main street in the middle of the park) These buildings were used in the film Citizen Kane as a stand in for Kane's oppulant mansion, Zanadu.
Other Stuff:
Legoland is a short trip (20 minutes) up the freeway in Carlsbad. It's ideal for small children.
There is also the New Children's Museum downtown.
The Shedd Aquarium in La Jolla also has children exhibits including a tide pool where you can touch star fish, etc.
BTW The Coronado Islands are off the coast and are in Mexico. Coronado Island (which isn't an island, it's a peninsula) is referred to as just Coronado. Besides the beach, not much for kids to do.
I am planning a trip to Southern California in May. I want to check out a select few museums at Balboa Park, but I would like to know how much time to set aside for each meuseum to make time for other fun stuff in San Diego.|||The time needed to visit each museum really depends on what you are into - Balboa Park has museums for art, sciences, and different aspects of culture or history. For instance, I'm not much into cars, so the Automotive Museum isn't that exciting for me - but it may be fascinating for car buffs.
Here is a list of all the Balboa Park museums:鈥?/a>
Here are my top Balboa Park attractions, and how long it might take to enjoy them:
1. San Diego Zoo - not really a 'museum' - but it is a world class zoo, with many different animals in natural setting-type enclosures. If you like animals (or plants), you could spend all day here. If you just want to see the rarer animals (like the pandas), you can spend a half day.
2. The Mingei Museum of World Folk Art - instead of the typical 'art' of the world (paintings, sculptures, etc.), the Mingei shows off exhibitions of things like textiles, kites, pottery, carvings, etc. - maybe 2 hours.
3. The Natural History Museum - their special exhibitions have been pretty good, though the permanent collection (mostly fossils, both land and sea) is not huge. If they have a special exhibition that interests you (for May it is "A Day in Pompeii"), go see it (3 or 4 hours), if not, perhaps spend time elsewhere)
4. Museum of Photographic Arts - maybe an hour or two to see the collection.
5. The San Diego Museum of Art - has quite a few different permanent collections, and sometimes a special exhibition worth seeing - maybe two or three hours (or as long as you can remain standing)
6. San Diego Museum of Man - anthropology - showing cultural artifacts from ancient and existing cultures, especially those of the Americas. - again maybe two or three hours.
7. Air and Space Museum - showcasing the history of aviation and spaceflight with actual aircraft and spacecraft - maybe an hour or two.
Don't forget to take time to actually walk around Balboa Park - there are several gardens tucked along the main east-west stretch (El Prado), as well as the Botanical Building. just east of El Prado, across a bridge over Park Blvd is a Rose Garden and a Desert Garden. Walk west over the Bridge over 163, and get a nice view of downtown. Don't forget to check out the Old Globe Theater, which is tucked in between the Museum of Art's Sculpture Garden and the Museum of Man.
And don't forget: every Tuesday is Free Tuesday - one or more of the Balboa Park museums are free each Tuesday:
Check out which one will be free on the Tuesdays during your trip:鈥?/a>
Perhaps skip:
If you live in a city with a good science center (like San Francisco or Boston), the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center doesn't compare. The Timken Museum of Art is always free, but there's a reason, it's small, and to me, not that interesting. The Hall of Champions is really of interest only to sports fans (with a focus on athletes connected to San Diego).
Last note: The model railroad museum is cooler than you might think (and it's underground, which is nice on really hot days).|||Well, I'm not sure which museums interest you, because we have museums that range from cars to airplanes to art and sports. Some museums are HUGE, others you can get through within 20-30 minutes. I would say just give yourself an hour for each museum you want to visit, and if it's something your REALLY interested in, give yourself an extra 30 minutes. And if you get out of the museum early, there's lots of stuff to see in balboa park, from magicians on the corners, and there is alot of stuff to eat. Depending on how many exhibits you want to see, 1 day should be enough, but plan maybe an extra 1/2 day just incase you want to go back!! Have fun, balboa park is one of my favorite place to go in San Diego.|||I would plan an hour for each museum. Some other tips on visiting Balboa Park:
There's a free trolley that will take you around the park. I would recommend that you use this trolley as some of the museums have very limited parking nearby.
The deli inside the San Diego Hall of Champions Sports Museum has great sandwiches at reasonable prices. You can go inside to the deli without visiting the museum.
Balboa Park also has beautiful gardens and other attractions that you might want to visit as well.|||there are so many great museums, try to spend at least 15 minutes- 30 minutes in the smaller ones, and at least an hour in the larger ones.
A great tip is that on Tuesdays many of the museums are open free. Check out there website to see which ones are free for a particular Tuesday, that way you can plan your day.
Be cautious though, sometimes a special exhibit may not be part of the free area.
Let me know if you are interested, i can e mail you a map , i know you can find one on line, but i will indicate best spots for pictures and parking.
Let me know if this would interest you.
Good luck, have fun, welcome to san diego.
P.S. if your not a vegetarian, ask a few locals where you can find a local taco shop. Order "Carne Asada Fries" Its a San Diego delicacy. You can eat it as a meal, or split it among a few people as a side to another dish.|||I'd allow a few hours each at least. Just the Hall of Champions and the Aerospace museum could take you 1/2 a day to enjoy. The SR-71 out in front is one of the highlights to me. Take your time and enjoy them.
Here is a link that will help you. It tells you about all the museums in town.鈥?/a>|||I don't know who's giving all the thumbs down to these excellent answers, but I gave them all a thumbs up because I am a San Diego native and every answer given is a good one. These people know what they are talking about. Please ignore the thumbs down that have been given by whomever. I would have given my own suggestion about the museums, but every answer already said what I would have said.|||that depends how many you are going to|||You cant get through all the museums in San Diego in one day. Two maybe...
I'm a international student who is live in La Mesa.
I want to go to Balboa Park this sataurday.
I don't have car.
Trolly and bus is only transportation I can use.
So please tell me how to go to balboa park ?|||From La Mesa, there are a few options to get to Balboa Park.
Route 7 /7A /7B goes from La Mesa to Downtown San Diego, via Balboa Park. You can catch it at the La Mesa Blvd Trolley Station and ride it west all the way to the Zoo or Museums. See the first link to get time tables or maps.
You can also take the Orange Line trolley toward downtown San Diego and get off at City College station - and then catch a 7 /7A /7B north into Balboa Park. (If you want to go by the west side of the park, get off at 12th and Imperial station and catch the 25 north)
Check out the cool route trip planning system at (second link):|||I live in the area. I live in Spring Valley. I would say to call the trolly or bus station and ask them. IF there is a bus or a trolly that goes near there. IF you need directions to get there visit Do you have money to take a taxi? Because a taxi might be easier and more direct.
Can anyone tell me what is the right time to visit Balboa Park and all related informations?|||each museum in Balboa is open free on Tuesday's, but not every museum is free every Tuesday. It rotates, but you can call or go to their website to find out what museums are free each Tuesday.|||You can visit the breathtaking museums in Balboa Park without entry fee on rotating Tuesdays. Each museum is open to public on one Tuesday of the month. Botanical Building, Timken Museum of Art and Lily Pond are always free. So you can check them out anytime.
If you are in San Diego during the first Tuesday of the month, then you can see the Model Railroad Museum Natural History Museum and Reuben H. Fleet Science Center for free.
On second Tuesday of the month, you can visit Hall of Champions Sports Museum, Historical Society Museum and Museum of Photographic Arts.
On third Tuesday you can walk into the Japanese Friendship Garden and the Mingei International Museum without entry fee.
If you are visiting Balboa Park on the fourth Tuesday, you can check out the Aerospace Museum and the Automotive Museum.|||See this link for which museums have free days when:鈥?/a>
Right time to visit Balboa Park is around 10 am on a Monday...most are quiet except for school groups, which can be noisy. Best time of year to go is in'll have the place all to yourself.
I do not recommend going to the zoo on Founders Day, the day in Oct which is the one free day at the zoo. It is PACKED and very unfun because of the crazy crowds. The free museum days though aren't quite so bad.|||Every Tuesday, some of Balboa Park's museums are open for free (the special exhibits still cost money). It depends on what Tuesday it is, though (i.e. 1st Tuesday, 2nd Tuesday, etc).
Google Balboa Park for more info.
The Timken Art Museum, which is located next to the San Diego Museum of Art, is always free but accepts donations.
I plan on staying near Balboa Park. How far is the drive/walk/coaster ride to the coast/beach? What is best to take, trolley/coaster, car or on foot? Answer all please. Thanks!|||Stay in the Gaslamp Quarter. There are many nice hotels there and many nightspots for drinks and dancing. Also there are many choices of restaurants to eat at.
Let me explain to you how the city is layed out. At the foot of Broadway there is the Embarcadero which is San Diego Bay. It is, like another said, a harbor full of cruise ships, dinner-cruise yachts and the floating Midway aircraft carrier museum. It is not a swimmable beach. It is primarily docks designed for accomodating the movement of sea going freight. It's an interesting sight to see, but again it is not made for swimming or human water contact.
The Gaslamp Quarter is about eight blocks from the harbor. Balboa Park is about 20 blocks from the harbor. Your best bet to get to Balboa Park from the Gaslamp area is to board a bus on Broadway and get off at the Balboa Park/SD Zoo stop. Buy the all day bus pass for $5 or take a cab. I'd take the bus if I were you.鈥?/a>
You don't want to walk to Balboa Park for three reasons.
1) It gets very hilly the last 7 blocks.
2) At 10th Avenue there is a lot of speeding traffic because it is the exit from Highway 163.
3) After about 10th Avenue it sort of turns ghetto or just doesn't look like a nice area to be walking in alone. Balboa Park itself is a really nice place and is well spaced from the urban areas surrounding it.鈥?/a>|||You'll either want to drive or take the bus (not walk, Balboa Park is too far from the beach and it's perched on a hill, a fairly significant hill)... I would drive if it were me...San Diego, for a big city, is fairly easy to get around... and although the entire city lies along the coastline, there are several areas that are NOT accessible for swimming. The downtown beach area, just west of Balboa Park, is the harbor where all the cruise ships and the Maritime/Midway museums are, also Seaport Village as well, so there's no access for beach swimming to the public.
FROM BALBOA PARK, here are some directions to some of the public access beaches:
CORONADO: Hop on the 5 fwy South, exit Coronado Bay Bridge/75, after you've dared to drive over the bridge, turn left on Orange Ave (this will take you all the way to the Hotel del Coronado) and you can park along the small residential streets just before the hotel...really beautiful beaches there. There's a good pizza place, Village Pizzeria on Orange Ave & Churchill, they have the best Bleu Cheese Wedge Salad...yummmm!
OCEAN BEACH: Take 5 fwy North, then the 8 fwy West till it ends, the a left on Sunset Cliffs, and a right on Newport.
...and from Ocean Beach, you can just drive around and end up at other beach areas. If you drive south, you'll be in Sunset Cliffs, pretty with lots of small trails. If you drive north, you'll end up in areas like Pacific Beach and La Jolla (which La Jolla, in my opinion is the most beautiful of all beaches, smooth rock bluffs, hilly, and if you drive slightly inland it gives a rustic mountaineer feeling with all the gorgeous pines).|||Just get an all day pass for $5 and take the bus. It's a few miles away but you want to save your energy for walking on the coast and through the park.|||8 miles to the beach 3 miles to san diego bay.
The event is celebrate in Christmas and there are vendors from different countries. They sell different types of foods from their original countries. The event also has some free shows and music. Is celebrate in Balboa Park. The event usually runs for a few days. There is one main scenarios with a big Christmas tree and the main chores and band sings there. I would like to know the name of the event and they days it will be available.|||December Nights (formally known as Christmas on the Prado)
It was last weekend (Friday and Saturday).
It's always the first full weekend in December.鈥?/a>
I have a school assignment to take photos of 12 landmarks to create postcards for graphic design and connect with a theme. These photos were taken at night and the teacher gave us assignment of Balboa Park at night, but I need to connect these photos with some type of theme.|||There is much there. You will need to shoot some site shots during the day of things that interest you and then edit them into their logical themes.
Once you have your basic idea and sites, then go out with your tripod and camera and get with it.
I have shot there many times, both on assignment and when shooting idea sets. If you have any eye at all you will see many possibilities.|||You already took your night photographs and need to think of a theme for them? ? ...What did you take them of. I live in San Diego.
I know some people think it is unnecessary to go to an aviation college for a lot of $$$, and that an aviation degree is useless outside of aviation, but without those sterotypes which is the best one?
UND, ERAU, Purdue, Florida Tech, Daniel Webster? Maybe another one I did not mention?
I do plan on double majoring maybe in business and with commercial aviation, I know this is allowed at UND.
Also what do you think about the University Gateway program at UND/ERAU that guarantees a job right out of school as an instructor, then cape air for 2 years, then guarantees an interview at JetBlue?|||I think you HAVE to look at the accreditation of the school at least for "value" vs "cost" of your education. I know that UND and Purdue are recognized fully accredited universities, that means that hours from them will be accepted at other universities and colleges within the US. It also means that they meet certain educational standards that other "for profit schools" may or may not meet. Just look at the database at the US Department of Education ..鈥?/a>
That link is for UND. Check the other schools, see who, or what, or where they rate and rank.
When you get a "degree" you want that degree to be of recognized value in the job market arena. ERAU may indeed have value within aviation but within the rest of corporate America it does not carry the same weight as does Purdue or UND or Florida State, Texas A&M, or University of Arizona, etc.|||MrAUDU, I am much younger than 17 and am currently working on my private pilots license.
I say Purdue, but I like Embry Riddle Aeronautical University at Prescott and might go there for college.|||Parks College In St. Louis, The Army or Airforce|||probably embery riddle|||There are multiple routes available to you to become a pilot. At 17 you can go to a private pilot training school, generally located at the airport and begin to take flying lessons or you can go the military route. Also you can locate a community college that offers the same sort of training. Keep in mind that these schools are very expensive. If you want to go the military route you will need to go to college, earn a degree and commission in order to apply for flight school in the military. There is no expense to you; in fact they pay to go! Also in college you may opt for a ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) program that earns your commission prior to graduation. The Army will let you fly as a Warrant Officer; all other branches require you to be a commissioned officer prior to entry into the flight training.
Airlines prefer the military option because the training is infinitely more extensive and demanding. These are the steps that you go through to get to the cockpit of an airliner via the military. Do not fall prey to the civilian flight school hype. Remember that there are few jobs available and that you will compete with ex-military aviators whose qualifications are infinitely better than yours. The poorest performing military jet trainer has an infinitely higher level of performance the best civilian propeller-powered aircraft. For-profit schools such as ERAU and others do not get you a better quality of flight education, can't guarantee you a job and they are the most expensive. Last week an ERAU grad asked how to get into the military flight schools because after sending out applications and having interviews he discovered that not only was he still unemployed, but worse, he was " unemployable". Airlines were not only unimpressed with his ERAU training, but actually scornful of it. I never met a Navy pilot who attended a civilian flight "academy". According to a CBS 60 Minutes report, for-profit schools have the highest student loan default rate because their education is so substandard that the students can't find a job. 'Nuf said. Get your degree in any field other than one related to aviation. When flying jobs go south, they take the entire industry with it. According to BOAC, they could furlough every pilot they current employ and replace them all out of the applications they have now, plus there would still be still be few dozen left overs. Give you a clue? Give up the notion that you will be the exception. You will not.
If you are considering starting flight training prior to having your degree, don't start. If you are already flying prior to having your degree, stop. If you are going the civilian route, start flying after college and schedule your lessons as closer together as possible. That way you avoid reviewing which costs the same as instructional flying. The military has students fly at least once a day and twice on the day of a scheduled night hop. Football teams have 2 practice sessions a day prior to the season opener for the exact same reason. No review.
For military flight school openers you must be a 4-year college graduate, graduate from Officer Candidate School (OCS) or some other officer entry program; i.e. AFROTC or NROTC, USAFA, USNA, USMA. You must be in nearly perfect health with at least 20/20 vision and no color-blind issues, at least 5'6" tall and no visible tattoos. Then you apply for flight school, graduate at or near the top of your class and the service must have an available slot in the jet program. So far, so good. Then you must learn to fly the particular aircraft that you are assigned, then learn to fly combat missions, day and night, good weather or bad, and then get the bird back to base (if you do all of this in the Navy you return to the most hazardous part of the mission - landing on the aircraft carrier). You can plan on roughly 6 years between the start of college and completing the program. Then you must complete your obligated length of service in the military. If it were easy, anybody could do it. Then go to the airlines and apply.
I'm pretty sure that most airlines have offices (not big offices, but offices none the less) in cities that they serve. What are the mailing addresses of these airline's respective offices in Boston, and if the airlines doesn't have an office in Boston, then could you please give me the mailing address of their headquarters. Continental Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Air Canada, American Airlines, Spirit Airlines, US Airways, AirTran Airways, Cape Air, JetBlue Airways, United Airlines, British Airways (I know that they have an office somewhere in Boston), Porter Airlines, and Southwest Airlines.
I know that it is a lot to ask, but I would really appreciate it if you could help me out. Thank you in advance for all of the answers.|||US Airways
155 Federal St
Boston, MA 02110
British Airways BA
Logan Airport Terminal E
Logan International Airport
Boston, MA, 02210
Phone: 800 247-9297 Fax:
British Airways: Ticket Office
(800) 247-9297
Boston, MA 02108
American Airlines
Boston, MA 02110
United States
(800) 433-7300
American Airlines AA
18 Terminal B, E
18 Logan International Airport
East Boston, MA,
Phone: (617) 634-5190 800 433-7300 Fax:
Air Canada AC
Logan Airport Terminal E
Logan Airport
Boston, MA, 02128
Phone: (617) 567-5336 888 247-2262 Fax:
Airtran Airways FL
Logan Airport Terminal C
18 Logan Airport
East Boston, MA, 02128
Phone: (617) 561-7100 Fax:
Here's a few but try this link below where you will find a full list and phone numbers of the offices at the airport. They could then maybe point you in the right direction :o)鈥?/a>|||Well since you have access to the internet, why don't you just go to each of the above listed airlines websites and look them up yourself. Just look under their contact us tabs at their respective websites and you'll be able to find the information your researching there.|||I agree with ACE on this one -- this is a considerable amount to ask of someone to do for information that really isn't very hard to find by one's self.
The newly established Gateway program partnerships UND/ERAU with Cape Air and JetBlue.
A student at UND or ERAU accepted into the program will go to college for 4 years. Sophomore year their is an internship at Cape Air during the summer. After graduation the student will work as a flight instructor at UND/ERAU (where ever you attended) to build up time for ATP minimums, most likely for 1 1/2 years. Then a job at Cape Air is guaranteed at Captain of a C402. After working at Cape Air for 2 years, an interview at JetBlue is guaranteed and most likely the student will be hired over other interviewees.
This program seems pretty fair to me, seeing one can make it to a major airline at around age 26/27.|||The only JetBlue "guarantee" is an interview -
Cape Air - yes, that might be... Salary probably peanuts -
Do they provide the paperwork for food stamps too...?
With 100 applicants for every 5 openings, no "hiring guarantee" -
Most likely hired - Who says "most likely"...? Did you dream...?
Again, ERAU has another scheme to empty your wallet -
Pilots trainees are the most gullible people on earth -
Good luck, buddy -
Spending $300,000 total for a worthless degree and a CPL certificate -
No thanks, to get a salary of $18,000/year gross at Cape Air -
Or do you have to "donate" your time, fly for free as well...?
Beyond my civilized understanding -
Edit -
I hate to rain on your parade -
But F/O pay is $9.oo/hr on C-402 = 70 hrs/mo = $630.oo per month -
Captain pay is $15.00/hr on C-402 = 70 hrs/mo = $1,050.oo per month -
Here are the Cape Air C-402 pilot rates -鈥?/a>
To make $18,000 gross per year, you have to fly an ATR as F/O...
Sorry - The C-402 pays next to nothing - Cape Air is a joke -
The $35-39K per year is start pay as ATR captain -
My apologies to repeat my statement -
Pilot trainees are the most gullible people on earth -
Can you read Ingliche, Se帽or...?
Besides cape air. Any kind, be it caravans, single engine props or multi.|||A lot of airlines use Cessnas...Off the top of my head.
Air Sunshine
Bering Air
Bighorn Airways
Corporate Air
Grand Canyon Airlines
Hageland Aviation Services
New Mexico Airlines
Wiggins Airways
Air Contractors
Baron Aviation Services
Empire Airlines
Merlin Airways
Morningstar Air Express
Mountain Air Cargo
Most of these airlines are either Charter or Cargo and a fraction of them operate in Alaska.|||And don't forget NetJets. They fly the largest fleet of Cessna Citation X's in the world. They're in fact larger than many airlines with over 600 aircraft in their "fractional" program. They're technically not an airline, but they operate like one..|||lol no. all boeings and airbuses but airbuses are sh't. if it aint boeing i aint f;cking goeing.
Ok I'm a student and this summer I am working in ptown, but I have to head to philly often since I am moving there for the Fall. are there any other airports besides pvc? I noticed that there is an airport with cape air and it goes to boston, but the tickets are pricy... Are there any flight deals at all to fly into ptown?|||I'd see if you can get a friend with a boat to take you to Boston. Other than that you are stuck.
There are ferrys that go to and from Boston to P-town.
Also, do yourself a favor if you plan on doing any driving to Philly. Try and make your trips to Philly ANY other times but between Friday night and Saturday morning and from Sunday night to Monday morning. The Vacation traffic during that time is one big mass of gridlock.|||Your best bet is to take a ferry ride to Boston. They have them, because my bestfriend and I are taking one this summer. Take it to Boston then go to Logan. That is your best bet. It is only $30 for the ferry ride.|||Cape Air is the only one I know of. You might want to check other small airports in the area like, Norwood Memorial Airport. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance, I lived on Cape Cod for 20 yrs., I always drove.
I am going next thursday to see my husband in Fort Leonard Wood. However, to get from St.Louis to Fort Leonard Wood, I have to fly Cape Air to the Waynesville Regional Airport. My question is, do I pick up my luggage in Lambert Airport (St.Louis) or do they deliver it in a taxi to my hotel which will be in St.Robert about 2 hour away?|||Sounds like your man is in the Army!
First off the airline will not deliver your bags to your hotel!
Secondly I hope you booked your flights going all the way through to Waynesville so the first airline will transfer your baggage to Cape Air at Lambert Field. If you booked the two flights separately you might have to claim your luggage in St. Louis and check in at Cape Air again. But the thing to do is when you check your luggage in the first time make sure you mention your final destination to the airline clerk so the first Arline makes the transfers for you.
So when you get to Waynesville be sure to go claim your baggage.
You sound like your man is in the Army and you are probably pretty young to the world. I wish you all the best in your travels.|||All of your luggage will go with you from the airport you are going through. IT is not delivered to the hotel
We're considering taking a flight with Cape Air between St. Thomas and San Juan. Anyone know the altitude they fly on this route? Is being pregnant on this flight a bad idea?|||You will probably be OK. They are not flying pressurized airplanes so you won't be over about 8000 feet, if that. It's a short flight and too short to get very high before they start down... so 8000 feet is a good guess.|||pressure can effect the baby or its is not a good idea flying abroad ether.|||My doctor told me flying is safe, as long as the air pressure is regulated in the cabin. You should speak to your doctor before flying.
I'm going to the Adirondacks with my cousin and her family this August and I am really nervous about getting homesick. I am going on a small plane out of Cape Air Airlines and depending on how I feel there, I can leave after two or three days or stay up to six days. I went to a summer camp a few years ago and had a miserable time there from severe homesickness and I don't want that to happen again. I am pretty close to my cousin, but she's a little insensitive when it comes to this stuff, and I'm not super-close with her family. I'm so worried I'm going to get to the airport and freak out and not want to go, but have no choice (we bought the ticket already).
Pleaaassseee help me. I don't want nasty comments, this is something that's totally eating me up and I'm extremely anxious. Its possible that because they're family I could get there and have no problems but I doubt it ...|||How old are you? 6 days really isn't very long. Just keep yourself busy having a good time and don't think about it. Don't call them all the time I would limit it to every other day, because the more you talk to them the less you will think about them. You have to learn to be independent, one day you will have to move out and make it, and your family won't be there forever. Just be tough! You can do it |||i no i get homesick too.. take something that reminds you of them the most a picture they favorite stuffed animal and call the at least 3 times a day.. and do the web cam thing so you can see them also this will help because you won't feel like your so far away... also focus on having.. Good Luck and have a fun safe trip|||The easiest way to prevent homesickness is to GROW UP. Get over it already. You're just visiting. It's going to be a FUN trip. You're already ruining it. Seriously, it's not like you're going away for years.
Enjoy and soak up the atmosphere of where you're going, not where you've been.|||Keep yourself busy and entertained. If you go onto your trip with a negative attitude you will be homesick. Look at it as a short adventure. Hafe fun and be safe!|||Bring a picture of your family or something from your house that has the smells of your home |||Give your house some medicine. joking. Uh, I'd say there really is no way to cure it besised keeping yourself distracted.
Okay so I'm taking US Airways from Omaha to Chicago. Then I go from Chicago to Boston, also on US Airways. Then In Boston, I'm switching to Cape Air to fly to Hyannis/Barnstable in Cape Cod. Will I have to claim my bags in Boston and re-check them with Cape Air? I have 7:57 between flights so time is not an issue. The US Airways flights say "operated by United Airlines" if that matters.|||To my knowledge, Cape Air has an interline baggage agreement with United, meaning that when you check in at OMA with UA, they'll check your bags all the way through to Hyannis.
Note that, since you purchased a US Airways codeshare flight operated by United, you'll check in with United at OMA, not US Airways.|||If you booked it all together, all the airlines have codeshare agreements, meaning they can sell you tickets on different airlines for one trip, and they will transfer the bags.
If you're still unsure you can ask the agent in Omaha where your bags are tagged to when they tag them.
In Boston Logan Airport, can you go from Terminal B (US Air) to Terminal C (Cape Air) without exiting security and needing to go through security again?|||No
Terminals B and C are in separate buildings. There is a indoor walkway between the two terminals, but it is outside security.
In fact, Terminal B is actually two terminals separated by a parking garage, and it is not possible to go from the US Air side to the American side without leaving the secured area, and then going back through security.|||Yes. There is no need to clear security again as long as you don't leave the secured area.
Does anyone know an operating flight school (Flywright is closed) or aircraft owner that has a single engine plane for rent? Preferably a Piper Arrow or a Cessna 172.
I need to go back and forth to The Vineyard every day for about a month. Cape Air doesn't fly in the winter (up here anyway) and I'm not looking forward to taking the ferry.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
not sure if this is helpful ?|||
I will be flying in one of these small 9 passenger planes and im a little nervous.. :]|||the 402 is a very nice plane, you have nothing to worry about|||i havent the smallest plane i have flew on its is called a brazillia, it seat 30 ppl and the propellars are on the wings its way loud and its freakin scary! i would be nervous to cuz if the that one is scary than a 9 seater will be scary!
Good Luck!|||No but I've flown in a Cessna 310, five seater. Just a small plane. No big deal.|||i have flown on many small cessna planes..and each trip was nerve wracking, its sooo NOT like the big commercial jetliners...every trip has been a white knuckle experience but the good news is i survived!
it seems unreal - it's totally affordable and easy, so i have to wonder if it's safe or not. I'm going from washington DC to lancaster PA so it's only a 35 minute flight but i really need some advice. My budget really only allows for about 150 for means of transportation so cape air is ideal in that sense, any advice?|||Statistics generally show it is actually SAFER to fly than drive. Cape Air has been around a long time and have a great safety record.
Their planes hold 9 passengers plus one pilot and they serve BWI (Baltimore-Washington International Airport) to Lancaster. The staff and crew are great, I have taken many flights with them in the Northeast and Caribbean for a long time. If the pilot deems the weather or aircraft unsafe, he/she won't fly!
So as far as if they are safe, I would say yes. But if you are nervous about the small plane you can either overcome that fear by giving them a try or take the bus and hope for a well trained, safe driver!|||Yes, they are very safe, but the pilots they employ generally have far less flying experience than those at a major airline. They are also woefully under-paid. Don't worry though, they have undergone all the same training and qualifications. The chance of being in a fatal major airline accident in the USA is 1 in 9 million. The chance of being in a fatal commuter airline accident with a company such as Cape Air is one in 3 million. Statistically you have over 10 times greater chance of being in a fatal bus accident.|||Yes, very.
They have never had a passenger fatality and only one passenger has been injured, since it began operations in 1988.
They fly fairly new Cessna 402's.
They also have very high hiring standards for their pilots.|||As safe as any other puddle-jumper air service. Why not drive? It's not that far.
Hi. I am planning a flight from Boston to Ponce Puerto Rico on either American Airlines or Continental. However, both require that I take a small Cape Air flight from San Juan to Ponce. I am afraid that my luggage will get lost in the transfer from a big boeing flight to San Juan, and then I being the only one to get onto that small Cape Air flight, so that my luggage will not be in Ponce when I claim them. Does anyone have any solutions or comments? I need to get to Ponce from Boston, and want it to be cheap and arrive at a reasonable time.|||your luggage is safe. if it happens to not be on the plan when you arrive to Ponce, Cape Air will deliver it in a taxi.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My Birthday is October 21 and im turning 13 i wanted to ask my mom and dad if i could have my birthday at Six Flags! but they take like literally take a month to to decide for what to do for me AND my lil broz birthday party. so yea i want to know ahead of time if six flags is open during that time? AND! if it is do they have that halloween party thing like Lake Compounce does? thx guys.
* i tried the website for Six Flags but i didn't know how to find out the answer to my question so don't recommend the Six Flags website for me!
if you also have any other places that i could have my birthday party and things to do for it i appreciate that 2!!!! lolz k thx agn!|||Yes they are open as long as you u just clicked the calendar button when you tried the first time its in the lower left hand corner you just have to choose a park. You should also go to fright fest in October sort of like a haunted house but throughout the whole park. Never went but my friends say that its real fun|||It depends on which specific Six Flags park you mean, but I believe all are open on weekends in October at minimum.|||Yes, it is open all through October. Fright fest goes on during October at Six Flags. Have fun at your party!|||Yes go check again its under park info|||Yes
please please please please help me
i have abs; and i started dieting on May 26 or May 27
and im doing a great job. im going to lake compounce on June 10
and i really need to loose some weight.
im 13 and 5'2 and i weight 155
i was 152 but i gained it all back.
how many pounds can i loose the most plus tell me what kind of workout and foods i should eat ?
the most im eating now is up to 770-800 calories a day.
i know it may be unhealthy but its the only way|||1. Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.
2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It鈥檚 a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.
3. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.
4. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster. SIDENOTE: Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water鈥?It鈥檚 amazing! Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I donated so much space to it, above.
5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.
6. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds.
7. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.
8. If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.
9. Choose fresh fruit to processed fruits. Processed and canned fruits do not have as much fiber as fresh fruit and processed and canned fruits are nearly always sweetened.
10. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.
11. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always|||Im 5'10" 146. Ive been taking soloslim diet pill and lost 8 pounds in about 1 and a half weeks. It make you fill up very quickly, and you never get hungry. The first couple of days I couldn't sleep, that was my only negative side effect. I usually eat some fruit or oatmeal for breakfast, not hungry at lunch and a small dinner about 4o'clock and no snacks. I know i'm not consuming enough calories or eating enough but i'm never hungry now, i just stay thirsty. I rarely exercise because I hate it. I know this isn't the healthy way to lose weight but i'm to the point now i'll do about anything to lose for the summer.|||Its good that you decide to control your weight...and keep u r self healthy..most important things i think you should consider as follows...
1) Dieting does'nt mean ...staying hungry. You should have all the essential nutrients and proteins that are requirement of a body.
2) Avoid eating junk or packed food from outside... eg. Burgers..pizzas etc,,,, eat healthy green vegetables at home.
3) you get something called as Kelloggs K factor Cereals....they can be useful for reducing weight. Worked on me.
What did i do to reduce 5 pounds in 2 weeks:
1) morning 9 ...kelloggs K factor cereal... 30gm with 60 ml fat free milk and 1 fruit (eg. Apple, banana..etc)
2) Proper lunch at 12 but not heavy... (no fried, creezy stuff..fresh green vegetable salads...less oil)
3) Evening 7 again... kelloggs 30gm and 60 ml fat free milk +1 fruit
Everyday work out for around 1 hour.
For 2 week same diet , same timing, same routine would help u reduce.
If you feel hungry in between the meals u can have fruits or green vegetables in small quatities.
Hope this helps...n all the best...Good Luck.
i am going to lake compounce in Bristol CT with my grade (im in 8th grade and a girl) on Friday. I don't know what to wear. The highs are in the low 70s and the lows are in the low 50s. We can't go in the water park but there is this one ride that we can go on and u get really wet, so should I wear a bathing suit? dress code doesn't really matter and I don't like most rides so the hot plastic on my legs doesn't matter. Thanks!!! Also, how should I do my hair??? It's brown, medium thickness, to like the top of my sports bra in length|||I'm going to be straight foward you should wear a bathing suit,duh...and also take spear clothes if it's going to be cold pack a jacket i'm no good with helping out girls but hey if it works wear it all i can say
I'm going to start reviewing rollercoasters on my website, I was wondering if you could tell me your experiences on any rollercoasters you've been on, tell me what you thought and if you liked it or hated it, or that it was so horrible you went mad and thought it was a Superman: Ride of Steal...
I just want your oppinions, and yes if the experience was that bad you can talk crap about it, I don't care because I probrobly will too.
I've been to most of the six flags parks, Disneyland resort, many Ceder Fair LP parks, Islands of adventure, Disney World, Silverwood, and Holiday World, so dont think I havent ridden many rollercoasters out there. Really the only place I want to go to would be Lake Compounce to ride BoulderDash...|||The only parks I've really been to are Cedar Fair parks...Kings Island near Cincinnati, OH and Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH.
I have nothing but good things to say about Cedar Point's coasters. Millenium Force and Magnum XL-2000 were by far my favorite two rides there, and are the greatest rides I've ever been on. They're smooth as silk and a ton of fun to be on! Now I wasn't there when the Dragster was there, so I haven't yet experienced the thrill of that!
Kings Island's newest coaster, Diamondback, although not much of a ride, is a ton of fun. It's hill after hill after hill, which is what makes it so attractive! ...thus giving it the name Diamondback, like the snake. It's very fitting. The ride is a ton of fun with all of the hills. The Racer is classic, as well as the Beast and Top Gun (now called Flight Deck). Some other newer coasters, such as Flight of Fear and FireHawk, are incredible with their wide-varieties of amusement.
There are no flaws that I have noticed about any Cedar Fair park. The rides are incredible and the attractions are great fun and affordable!|||Anything at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio is AWESOME! Top Thrill Dragster, Millennium Force, The Maverick, The Raptor, The Mantis. There are just so many good rides there it's hard to choose my favorite.
I'm graduating on thursday and my senior trip is tomorrow (tuesday) and prom is wednesday. Yesterday, i got the flu. I've been taking pills and sleeping a lot and i feel a lot better, not completely though. For our trip, we're going to Lake Compounce which is a theme park in Connecticut (i live in NYC). My mother says i can go, but i shouldn't go in the pool or on any water rides because i might feel even worse for prom the next day. The problem is, i've really been looking forward to this trip and i have my bathing suit and everything ready. My question is, what can i do to make sure i feel completely healthy by tomorrow? I mean, healthy enough to go in the pool without having a massive headache for prom the next day.|||There is no magic treatment for flu. Rest as much as you can today, drink plenty of fluids, and that's the best you can do. You cannot be certain that you will be 100% tomorrow. You can try a ride to see how you feel afterward, and then either continue or stop if you aren't up to it. Maybe a few rides and a little time in the water, but not too much of either will give you your best odds. Ben Franklin said "everything in moderation" - that's good advice. And congratulations!|||well the flu is a virus which means that there is no cure for it. it just has to run its course. the only thing medicine can do is cover the symptoms. however the best thing to get the flu to go away is to get plenty of rest and fluids.|||sorry to tell u but 95 percent of the flu now is h1n1 virus. u should go until a week. u should be quarintine. for the safety of your classmates
Ok so we have this school trip to Lake Compounce and well the problem simply is that i have a little belly fat and i dont want it. Everyone says i'm so skinney-but that is because they don't see what I look like with a bikeni on. I know eat healthy, cutt, the callories, work-out, ok hello, my belly is still here. Today is Friday May 9th, 08 - I need no belly - a flat belly by Friday June 20th - please help me - exersizing moves, what the heak is motionless exersize?, just give me something please....thankyou (btw i'm 5.0, 95pounds,girl,14) .... so ya|||an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a
stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture, for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you will damage your back and spine!
Slowly move the upper part of your body back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times.
Every week add to the number of repetitions.
You will see the results in a week, guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.|||walking, walking, walking it really works :)|||Getting rid of a big belly is a common request. Unfortunately there is no way to specifically target one part of the body for weight loss. In order to flatten your stomach you need to reduce your body fat.
Losing weight shouldn't even be your goal. Your goal should be to improve your body composition.
The best way to do this is:
1) Eat small frequent meals approximately 2 1/2 to 3 hours apart for about 6 meals a day. Men should eat at least 1800 calories a day and women at least 1200. Can eat more calories if you are more active.鈥?/a>
2) Drink plenty of water. Recommendation is 8-8oz glasses a day but a gallon is preferred.
3) Do full body weight training 2-3x a week where you are shooting for 3 sets of 8-10 reps with a weight that is heavy for you. Focus on compound movements.鈥?/a>
4) Get some form of cardio exercise 4-6 days a week for 30-60 minutes per session.鈥?/a>
5) Track your progress and consumption. By keeping track of everything you eat, drink, lift, or sweat you can easily make adjustments to your program if the results are not what you desire.
You can make significate progress in a month so don't write off the right way.|||Eat less rice and other types of carbo.
Do not eat after 8pm.
Cut down on sugar.
Do sit ups and leg raise to tone up tummy muscle.|||u should walk a lot or jog and stay away for any kind of white food it repeat......STAY AWAY FROM ANY KIND OF WITHE FOOD!!!
Im supposed to go to Lake Compounce today, water park and amusement park. But something came up and i cant use it as the real excuse for many reasons... So i need a good excuse because the only thing i could come up with was, " I threw up this morning, we went out to dinner last night to some fancy place and it didnt sit with me, i think im gonna stay home since i have a weak stomach today" I dont know if thats good so tell me or give me a better one!! Thanks|||Just tell them your Aunt Flow is visiting.|||Say that you've had a massive fear of water for as long as you can remember but you never told anyone for fear of looking a wuss. They'll feel sorry for you more than likely.
If you drive you could just say that on the way there a glue truck overturned and you got stuck in traffic.|||Sounds good to me!
It also might be helpful to mention something that makes people feel awkward like "To be honest, I'm not sure how long I could be away from a toilet"--it grosses people out just a little, and therefore they won't ask you anymore questions.
Good luck!|||thats perfect! say that u ate at a bad restarunt not a fancy one and that it could be food poisoning and if u really want to say yu do have food poisoning, say u need to rest so ur gonna stay home
hope this helped!:)|||Just say that and that you feel really sick and that going to an amusement park would probably make you feel worse. Hope I helped,
Milana x|||its pretty good. you could just say you werent feeling so well yesterday, and that u threw up, but if people ask 'how comee' and stuff, just tell em that ^
which one is better for you|||six flags is a lot bigger with more roller coasters and stuff. i have been to six flags and i am going to lake compounce in about 15 days, and either one is fun but if you are a roller coaster person who loves roller coaster i would suggest six flags because its bigger, but also its not as clean as lake compounce. lake compounce is very clean..its almost like a smaller version of hershey park.
my friend (lets call her.... maggie) has been getting on my nerves lately. we've been going to summer camp together for the past month or so with some other friends of ours. she was fun at first but then she started to get mean and annoying. some example are excluding some people from a group of ours when everybody else wanted them to join, getting extremly bossy and directing people in our trips, overeacting, getting sympathy from other people when apperantly i do something wrong, being extremly clingyand worst of all, getting only mad at me when all of her close friends and me did the same thing... the example of the worst thing is of yesterday we went to lake compounce and we had a group of us going around. when we got on line for a ride maggie and her friend were on the ride since we were in a different group. we yelled to them and tried to wave hi, or at least i did, she and her friend gave me dirty looks, cold stares and did the loser sign to me. worst of all, her friend was my friend too and she was telling her, "ignore kit" which really ticked me off then when me and maggie talked she said " well you ditched me so im only mad at you" she is also very braggy, teases me about the person i like and i know it sounds stupid, but pokes me forever! so, should i keep her as a friend or ditch her for real? no stupid answers and 10 points for the best one!|||Personally, I don't think you should remain friends with her. "She was fun at first..." This kinda shows that, originally, they were showing their best side to become friends with you, but after a while, her true colors start to show through. :P Still, you should try giving her another chance, but if she is still mean to you, then you should just stop talking to her.
JUST SAYING, but you don't have to "confront" her in order to end your friendship, its much better to gradually lessen contact with her, until you two just drift away.|||I think you should tell her how you feel. Some people don't know they're being mean until you tell them. If she acts this way tell her that she isn't being a good friend and when shes sorry and realizes to apologize. That's what I would do. Hope it helps :)|||each seeks its own level. you will be judged by the people you hang with. so if you know its a pain start not going with them. the earth has how many billions of people. you can find some friends you'd want to hang with
Ok, so tomorrow I am going to An amusement park (Lake Compounce) with my school. The only problem is that I have my period. I got it on Sunday, and it is supposed to end This upcoming Saturday to Sunday. Right Now I have a medium flow. When I go on water rides (for roughly 1-2 hours) what should I do?? (tampons are out of the question). I am already wearing a very dark purple bathing suit, and have a dark towel and dark shorts. Is there any way that I can slow down or stop my period for a short ammount of time??
Please please PLEASE help!!!! I am desperate!|||Sorry to say but your going to have to use a tampon, or if you have a medium to light flow maybe use a liner? If ur having trouble with tampons use the no aplicator ones. They were a lot easier for me, put some lubricant on it and dont give up, its not as scary as it sounds!|||well hun you will have to really get used to them if you want to be able to do stuff like that, so why don't you try a really light tampon so that its not like super jumbo or anything, if you can't i guess just wear a pad in ur suit and wear your shorts on top|||theres nothing you can do really. if you stay i the water most the time then it will wash it away an as soon as you get out cover yourself with the towel an get dry quickly thats the best you can do without a tampon.|||No there is no way honestly tampons are not that bad i just turned 13 but ive been using tampons ever since i was 11 they dont hurt or anything if ur going to be there to long then u could get a diva cup which just holds the fluid not absorb sory
have fun at the amusment park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||A lot of people say drinking a lot of water, exercising and sex or masturbation helps. I'd strongly think about the last one depending on your age. lol.|||stick a sponge up there
I mean, it's not REALLY boring. You can have fun at the mall, go ice skating, go to the movies, go to fairs, go to the outlets, go to the pools in the summer, go out to eat, and go to a couple good clubs in downtown Middletown and downtown Hartford. There's Lake Compounce, which is a fun amusement park. Also there's the awesome haunted graveyard in October. We're near Six Flags as well. There's also the Manhattan is right around the corner, too. Brownstone park is in connecticut too. You can zip line there. Also the farmington river has places wear you can go tubing. It's not that bad.|||I love your question! I am from Connecticut, but am currently in Maryland for school. It is kind of true that Connecticut is boring, but I think that is what makes it so great. Yes, there is Lake Compounce, river tubing, and malls. However, those things get kind of repetative and dull. I think that the "boringness" makes CT so great!|||It's not that boring, but it's not the most exciting place to live. It's because everyone fantasizes (sp?) about living in places like LA that it makes CT seem boring.|||Boring people will find everything boring.
interesting people will find things fascinating in a desert
i am going to lake compounce in Bristol CT with my grade (im in 8th grade and a girl) on Friday. I don't know what to wear. The highs are in the low 70s and the lows are in the low 50s. We can't go in the water park but there is this one ride that we can go on and u get really wet, so should I wear a bathing suit? dress code doesn't really matter and I don't like most rides so the hot plastic on my legs doesn't matter. Thanks!!! Also, how should I do my hair??? It's brown, medium thickness, to like the top of my sports bra in length|||you would probably purfur to wear your hair eathir half up or in a pony tail. ( thats what i do im in 8th an im a girl lol ) as for clothes a cute short sleeve top and capri's but not jeans if your gonna get wet cause the stick to you but the matieral like sweat pants..... and i would take an extra set of clothes to change into after you ride a water ride. also it's comfterble to wear the two piece top under the shirt. with these chocies u wont be to hot or cold but if u want to just in case bring a hoodie or light jaket an when u get to hot wrap it around your waist. btw u also might wanna take sunglasses....|||Wear a tank top (not a reavealing one but one like this)鈥?/a>
and wear shorts like鈥?/a>
and do your hair like鈥?/a>|||Wear a bathing suit underneath shorts/capris and a t-shirt, and be sure to wear secure sandals or tennis shoes. For your hair, just pull it back into a ponytail so that it will stay out of the way. You are there to have fun, not make a fashion statement, so be sure to wear what is most comfortable. Have fun!|||A t-shirt like this鈥?/a>
shorts like this鈥?/a>
and converses or cute tennis shoes because u will be walking a lot
ponytail that is braided and twisted around the ponytail holder|||wear a 2 piece under neath so you can take of your clothes then you should get one of those dress things that go over swim suits(make the dress really cute) if you wear shorts or pants after you gte of he wet ride if you put your pants on it will look like you pied yourself - embarrassing - hope i helped|||I'd wear shorts or capris and a tee with shoes that you can walk in and maybe a cardigan or sweatshirt. Nothing too fancy or special since you'll be outside running around. As for your hair, I'd put it in braids/french braids so it doesn't get all messy.|||wear knee length jeans and either flip flops or cute flats and finish with a cute top - either a tank top with thick straps or a cute graphic tee (light material). Have fun!!!!!!
yesterday i was at lake compounce with the school band and i was waiting for my friends to get off a ride so i was bored, i txted this guy who i use to talk to. he got popular and stoped talking to me. so i was writing him that he was a b**ch and he was being a do**he. I accedently sent it (i wasnt going to, i was just doing it to let my feelings out) i hit the wrong button nd it went. i said sorry at least 50 times. he wont answer. there is not enough words in the world to discibe how bad and how sorry i feel. to me what i did was unforgiveable. i just feel so bad that i did that. how can i make it better?
we use to talk every night, he was the one person that i trusted and he acuatlly cared. i feel so awful i have cried 5 times today. i just wanna make this better.|||Just simply tell the truth. Tell him he hurt you and you needed to get your feelings out so you wrote him a text and had no intention of sending it to him. Tell him how sorry you are. If he still won't forgive you, than he really became a jerk. Just be honest. Good luck.|||Unfourtunatly apologizing to a guy wont do anything :/ I had a really good guy friend and we would talk everynight before we went to bed and things just fell apart :/ tbh.. There really is no undoing what has been done, all you can do is hope that they have the heart to forgive you and not be a douche about it, just explain yourself.. I am sorry that i don't have enough info but...yeah|||Saying sorry 50 times seems like you are spamming him - that is probably why he ignores you.|||1 reason i hate txting is bad thing to easy to make a mistake and hurt ppl|||Just tell him in person how you really feel (: It will usually work out better than over texts (; Good Luck|||move on..he doesn't care..why are you?
Okay, I went on the bizzaro at six flags and it was terrifying, i'm not scared of heights or anything i just hate the falling feeling. But when i'm on a trampoline or something after i get used to the falling feeling, or just when i first get it i love it. Is there anyway to ajust to this feeling? Can anything bad happen if i go on alot of rides with my friends and i get scared like. shitless lmao
Also Will going alot of rides at lake compounce make the feeling NOT as bad? Since i sorta like it, but if its to much i start to not enjoy it and get extremely scared XD
If your going to answer, don't go on just because your friends wanna, don't haha i'm going because i like the rides but sometimes i just can't handle big drops like thunder and lightning and down time XD|||The more your ride crazy rollercoasters the less you get scared Lol :)|||You should ride kingda ka it is AMAZING!|||Well, from my experience, the more I went on the coasters, the less I got the feeling because I was soo used to it. So what im saying is just get that dropping feeling over with and keep going on the coaster and it should go away.
Atleast thats what happened to me. I live 10 minutes away from Universal and I rode the Hulk all the time and didnt get that feeling anymore when I went on it a bunch.
But I miss that tingly feeling in my stomache>:( that feeling was the best part of the coaster haha but im used to it wahh.
And you shouldn't be scared on Kingda Ka, because you know whats weird, I have been on 2 or 3 straight down rides and have never gotten that feeling, nor have my friends. My friends get the feeling on like- \ <-- Drops likes that haha. Not like on, drops like that ---> |
So I've had back problems since I was probably 3 years old. Nothing originally set it off, it's just genetics. As a kid, I was EXTREMELY active with sports. There were times when I was on 3 different sports teams at one time. I was one of those kids who wouldn't be able to go to the pizza place to celebrate a big win, because I had a soccer game 10 minutes later (just thought I should mention this to explain that it's not ALL genetics). I always experienced the occasional back pains then, but it didn't really phase me.
So anyways, I am now 16, going on 17 in two weeks, and the back issues have become more frequent. Usually, they are completely random, and they come in go. Sometimes, I can be walking and it just happens and I have to chill for an hour or two. But after a few hours, the pain has mostly subsided. The most it ever lasts is a day or two. However, I just got a job three weeks ago. It's at a floral shop. They were hiring, and it seemed like an easy job! So I've been working for the past few weeks. I noticed after the first week that my back was a bit sore, though that was expected because it's my first job and there was a lot of physical work I was doing. Then this week came along, and the problems began. Just about everything I did this week, in and out of work, involved carrying large heavy things. I did this for four straight days, and every day the pain got worse. Yesterday, after work, I was so happy because I figured that I could finally just relax. So I decided to go with my family to Lake Compounce (an amusement park here in Connecticut). They had been planning on it for a while, but I wasn't planning on going. I felt that it would be nice to do though, and so I went. I have anxiety as well, so getting out of the house is difficult for me, and I thought it would be good to do. So anyways, we went. And I was stupid. Very stupid. I went on the three most intense rides there. One is a wooden rollercoaster that goes about 500 mph (lol) and is so incredibly bumpy that you feel like you're gonna fall out the entire time. Then I went on another coaster that is a solid minute of corkscrews and loops. And then I did the sky coaster, which is that thing where you are attached to a bungee, and are lifted 180 feet and then fall. That was quite dumb, especially. And so on the way home, I noticed the pain was getting worse. However, I ignored it. Then about 3 hours later, I was sitting in my bed and was unable to move. If I made any movement at all, I would feel like I was getting stabbed. I had a bottle of water next to me on my dresser, and I was unable to even get that. Yeah, it was that bad. I took Motrin and eventually fell asleep. And now today, it's the same. I can't move AT ALL and it's scaring me. I don't know what to do. It's definitely a muscle thing, but I'm not sure if I should see a chiropractor or something. Any advice?|||Of course you should see a chiropractor. They do much more than just "crack backs" and "work on bones". They go to school for 4-5 years after their undergraduate work and are trained to diagnose the same as your general practitioner, orthopedist and/or physical therapist for much more than just musculoskeletal conditions. You wouldn't want a chiropractor treating your low back pain if you were suffering from prostate cancer so they trained to diagnose that. A chiropractor knows when back pain is due to a disc/muscle/arthritis/nerve problem. They know what they can treat and if they diagnose something they can't they will send you to the right health care provider. Their training in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal issues actually far exceeds your general practitioner and/or physical therapist.|||HAVE TRIED HANGING UPSIDE DOWN BY YOUR FEET FROM A PROPER ANTI-GRAVITY STRETCHER AND HAVE THIS TRACTION RELIEVE YOUR PAINS?|||I had the problem where I couldn't move. Stayed that way for several hours. Turns out I had a ruptured disk. I would see a doctor on Monday if I were you.|||DO NOT GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have obviously aggravated your back whether it's a muscle pull or another injury having you back manipulated by a chiropractor will only make matters worse, all they do is crack your back and if there is an injury there they are going to make it worse or they will end up herniating a disc, that is not pleasant. Go to your doctor or if you can skip right to an orthopedic spine specialist. Until you can get to the doctors try laying on a heating pad as hot as your skin can handle for 20-30 minutes every couple of hours, take Tylenol or Motrin is fine as directed.|||You're right, it's a muscular thing and chiropractors work on the bones. You have tight muscles in your back causing you this pain. To get rid of the pain you have to release those muscles and the pain will be gone. Here's how to release your back muscles:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder and find the muscles next to your spine and firmly press on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed. If you still have neck pain try this for that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your head. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After 45 seconds, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.|||Well, if you think it is muscle related you should see your family doctor.
Honestly, I think this sounds like a disc problem. Have you had a history of degenerative disc disease?
Also, you need to note whether or not you've had any pain or numbness in one of your legs.
Hi - I'm looking for some ideas on things to do this coming weekend (Memorial Day weekend) around the Massachusetts area. Including southern Maine, east coast NH, northern CT or RI.
We have a 12 year old, so something that she'd be interested in. She likes thrilling theme parks - we're hoping to avoid six flags because its so expensive...
I already have as ideas, going to Ogunquit, ME, doing Canobie in NH, or perhaps this park I saw called Lake Compounce in CT (i know nothing about it though)...or Boston's Aquarium, MOS, or Stone Zoo.
I'm looking for lesser-known fun spots...that you can't really find from an easy internet search.
Anyone have any thoughts?|||Hey,
I live in CT and i've been to both six flags and lake compounce.
Let me tell you Lake Compounce is so much cheaper.
There are not very many extra fees like in six flags. In six flags you can either wait in long lines for tubes or pay for them, but at Lake Compounce the tubes are included in the fee. mmmmm..... what else it might be a little cold but Misquamicut Beach in RI is my favorite around here.(CT beaches have no waves because they are blocked off by the long island sound. There's Hershey park in PA, but that might be to far. Other great beaches are Lake george, NY and Cape Cod. In mass. theres Faneuil Hall and quincy market. I don't know how far north you are willing to go, but there is also Niagara Falls with a NY and Canada side. Sorry I don't know to much about Maine and NH, but i will try to give you some good links below.
Good luck and have a fun trip!!!!!|||I live here in Boston have all my life and let me tell you the Aquirium is not worth it, it is wicked small.
Canobie Lake is a great choice I love it there. Try tour at Fenway Park those are always great.|||Well if you want a theme park you could try Canobie Lake. You could go down to the Cape (there is a lot to do there for a weekend: beaches, shops, drive in movie in welfleet, horseback riding, food, etc). I'd go to Boston though and do the aqarium and museum of science, duck tour, swan boats, they really are fun.|||Go see a game.|||Checkout this website for full details of things to do in the area Good Luck!!|||Go to the Earthfest on Saturday, a family-friendly FREE concert on the Esplanade in Boston. Since it's supposed to be a sunny day, there should be a big crowd. Can't beat the price and it's always lots of fun when the weather is nice. You could add other cool things to do in the city and make it a great day (freedom trail, Quincy Market,etc.) In my opinion, you can't visit New England without seeing Boston, and Saturday will be a great day to do so!
After trying the cinnamon glazed pecans from The Nutty Bavarian stand at Lake Compounce, I just had to get my hands on the recipe! I know just looking it up would be good enough, but I wanted to ask people with personal experience and knows for a FACT how delicious they are, because there are just so many different recipes out there!
I don't like nuts with spice or any other flavor but sweet and sugary :)
If you've ever had nuts from The Nutty Bavarian, then you'll understand how delicious and how much i'm craving them! The recipe doesn't have to have cinnamon on them, but just a nice sugary sweet glaze. You don't have to share secret recipes, but if you are willing to share some recipes that would be really appreciated!
Thank You!!!|||Cinnamon sugar pecans
A favorite to serve at my winter holiday parties and bag and give them as gifts, but they are great year-round too
1 egg white
1 tablespoon water
1 pound pecan halves
1 cup white sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Heat oven to 250 degrees and grease a half-sheet/baking pan
Whip together the egg white and water in a mixing bowl until frothy
Mix together sugar, salt, and cinnamon in a separate bowl
Add pecans to egg whites, stir to coat evenly and completely. Remove nuts to sugar mixture and toss and stir until well coated. Spread the nuts out on the prepared baking sheet.
Bake 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
Cool the cinnamon sugar pecans to room temperature and store air-tight|||the ones from Nutty Bavarian are probably the boiled German syle and not the ones made from the recipes already posted
I have had both and the German boiled style are absolutely the best and the recipes for baked glazed are ok, but not on the same day as the boiled style.
1 cup vanilla extract
1 cup water
1/4 cup ground cinnamon
bring the above to a boil in wok, stir in 2 pounds pecan or other nut halves and cook and stir until all water is boiled off. Spread the pecans on oiled cookie sheet to cool.
Watched a gentleman at a festival make them one day! I have cut his recipe down to a smaller batch for you.|||Ingredients:
1 egg white
4 teaspoons water
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 pound pecan halves
1.Preheat an oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2.Beat the egg in a bowl until frothy; whisk the water and vanilla into the egg. Stir the sugar, cinnamon, and salt into the egg mixture. Add the pecans; stir to coat completely. Spread the pecans onto the prepared baking sheet.
3.Roast the pecans in the preheated oven, stirring about every 15 minutes, until the coating forms a glaze, about 1 hour. Allow to cool on the baking sheet at least 10 minutes before serving.|||Those up there
Top 10 Wooden Roller Coasters in the World (Golden Ticket Awards)
1. The Voyage (Holiday World. Santa Claus, Indiana. Built 2006)
2. El Toro (Six Flags Great Adventure. Jackson, New Jersey. Built 2006)
3. Phoenix (Knoebels Grove. Elysburg, Pennsylvania. Built 1948)
4. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce. Bristol, Connecticut. Built 2000)
5. Thunderhead (Dollywood. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Built 2004)
6. Ravine Flyer II (Waldameer Park. Erie, Pennsylvania. Built 2008)
7. Beast (Kings Island. Kings Mill, Ohio. Built 1979)
8. Hades (Mt. Olympus Theme Park. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Built 2005)
9. Raven (Holiday World. Santa Claus, Indiana. Built 1995)
10. Lightning Racer (Hersheypark. Hershey, Pennsylvania. Built 2000)|||Weird how these are all in the United States... Kind of like the "World Series."|||Sadly not. I have been on the Big Dipper at the Beach Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, Ca, and another one at great america I think, but don't remember the name. Only that is was wooden.
I went on the Big Dipper 36 times in a row one day. OOPs. Correction. It's the Giant Dipper! Built in 1924. Quite a bit older than all those "new" wooden coasters.|||No i have not been in this top 10 wooden roller coasters in the world. How come this is in the world and yet all these can only be found in us?|||Yep. #'s 2, 3, 6, and 10.
And quite a few more that aren't on that list, and were built a long, long time before they were :)
I love roller coasters!
Peace.|||1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. No
9. No
10. No
Thanks for the 2 points.|||I was on a plane that lost power in both engines for a time (felt long!)- it sh*ts down on any roller coaster ride.|||Not once in my life have I set foot in the USA. So, no.
i am in girl scouts, i am also a 7th grader (is that babyish? cuz everyone else in my "troop" does. we dont do anything fun. our troop leader promised us we would do fun thing years ago. but still nothing. we raised about 1000 dollars and she CHOSE FOR US to go to lake compounce. and WE STILL HAD TO PAY! now we have to pay for all this other stuff. for some center or wutever, WHY DONT WE USE THE MONEY WE HAVE?! and its annoying she is sooo snotty. -.- idk wut 2 do.|||I'm a Girl Scout volunteer myself.
Is it babyish to be in Girl Scouts or is it babyish to be in the 7th grade? Either way, the answer to that question is no.
Some of the money you raise stays with your troop, and some of the money you raise goes to the Girl Scout council office, to pay for things like adult volunteer training, development of materials (like the badges and handbooks), and membership fees for girls that cannot afford to join Girl Scouts otherwise. Most Girl Scout activities are coordinated and delivered by volunteers -- people are not paid -- but there are some paid staff members who help support all these many thousands of volunteers all over the country.
You will often have to pay some money for the outside activities your troop undertakes. Going to any event or fun site costs money -- even state and national parks charge entrance fees.
Ask your leader to please produce a pie chart that shows where the 1000 dollars you raised (I'm assuming through cookie sales) went. Ask how much stays with your troop, how much stays with your region, how much goes to the state office and how much goes to the national office. Tell her that you think this would be helpful for the entire troop to understand the budget process.
If she says no, that she doesn't know how or doesn't have time, find the council web site for your state or region (just type in the name of your state and Girl Scouts into Google and you will find it) and say,
"Hello. My name is _________. I live in ___ city______. I am with Troop xxxxxxx. I do not understand how the distribution process for the money that my troop raises. I have asked my troop leader to explain, however, she said she does not have time to explain it/she said she couldn't/whatever. We raised $1000 through cookie sales/whatever other activities. How is this money distributed? How much stays with my troop, how much goes to the state Girl Scouts office, etc.?"
Also, at future troop meetings, raise your hand and very politely say,
"I would like for the troop to be able to vote on the next outing we take or the next badge we pursue. Girl Scouts is an organization that is supposed to promote girl leadership, and I think this would be a good way for us to learn to be leaders."
"I would like to see the budget for your troop. I would like to see how much money we raise, how much money is spent on things our troop needs, how much money we get from Girl Scouts to engage in activities, and how much all of the various activities we undertake costs. I think this would help our members to understand financial management and budgets. These are very important things for girls to know."
Always be polite, always be respectful, always be calm, always be as clear as possible with your questions, but you keep right on asking those questions.
And when you are ready to pursue your Gold Award, here is some advice for you:鈥?/a>|||i'm in 10th grade and still in girl scouts, mainly because my three best friends are in it. my troop has a great leader so we always go on trips, have demonstrations, go on vacation, and just have fun. maybe go to the next meeting with a few ideas of what to do and information about them, and see what she says (for example... maybe plan a trip to Great Wolf Lodge or Six Flags... go online, get group prices and dates, print it out, and discuss it with the troop)
My BFF is going to Lake Compounce tomarrow. She asked if i would like to go. I would like to, but I am scarred that I will puke on a ride. Some1 plzzzzzzzzzzzz help.( First one to answer gets "Best Answer")|||yes why don't go?is a nice place i think .Go and you wil see how is.|||dont worry, unless you have been eating like, A LOT of food (like more tahn usual) you probably won't puke. just go and have funn and dont eat a lot
kaay, well i got invited to go to lake compounce tomorrow by my boyfran.
and other peopless.
and i told him i can't go cuz i can't afford it[which is true]
and he's offering me a pass
but the main reason i really don't want to go is because i'm getting my period and i get REALLY sick when i PMS.
and i'm not gonna see him for a week afterwards so he reaally wants me to go :[
how do i tell him i can't because of that?|||"awww i wish i could go but its that time of the month and i dont want to snap out at you"
hello, i hvae a group of very close friends, theres 6 of us, and we want to do tons of stuff together this summer, but we need more is what we already have listed:
-shopping day
-beach day
-lake compounce
-ice cream
- we call oursleves KAJAMA (our initials) and we could have many KAJAMA nights with themes, if you know any...i want to knwo some.....
-dinner & movie night
- have a full week of sleepovrs, every night as someone else house
if you have any other ideas different from these, plz answer my quesion.....THNX!|||WATER PARK,
hope i helped!!|||zoo, museums, arcades, ice skating =)|||hiking, skinny dipping, surfing lessons, mani-pedis, lemoade stand.|||-bowling
-pic nics
-mountain biking, hiking...
-luna parks or whatever!!
-cooking day|||go to a water park
go swimming
go to the park
have a sleepover
throw a party where u guys are the stars
make up dances
go to a place to drive go carts
thats all i can think of bye lol...
u can add me as a contact if ya like or anyone else....|||mini golf, fashion show sleepover (try on everyone's clothes and model), zoo, go out to dinner and get all dressed up, out to a movie or stay in to watch one, picnic, manicures/pedicures, swimming pool, outlet malls (not sure if any are near where you live), bowling, etc. have fun! happy summer :)|||dvd and popconn day, bbq,car wash day|||sounds like you guys are very close. maybe you guys could do something a little more rewarding this summer like help some elderly people in your neighborhood clean a garage paint a house mow some lawns or wash some cars. If thats not what your into, check out the local news paper under activities or entertainment. In some towns they put on local bands for entertainment or have arts n crafts shows. Those are interesting. Anyway enjoy your summer and stay out of trouble!!|||What about going to the theater? or taking a train and get to know other places? or museums...
and a day spa?
It's almost summer!! (as you all know) I HATE wearing bathing suits. I have a bug but and I am 14 and i weigh like 132!! Im going on a trip in the summer to Lake Compounce with a youth group. The guy I like is gonna be there and i don't wanna be super fat around him..any advice?|||OK
#1. when ur 14 132 isn't that much at all!!!
#2. u shouldn't worry about that i mean if he likes 2 then it won't matter how u look!!
#3. Good Luck!!!!!
#4. if ur really that worried then just excersise and go 2 the gym ... and stay away from junk food|||um mm you can just wear trunks with your bathing suit if you just wear a bathing suit don't try to be something other that your self if he doesn't like you for who you are than hes not worth it|||Healthy diet and exercise. There are no quick fixes that are healthy.|||no offense but try to lose wieght
or spend most of ur time in the water
six flags or lake compounce|||Six flaggsss.|||which six flags park?|||Six Flags|||Six Flags|||six flags is awesome but sorry never been to lake compounce|||Which Six Flags?|||what about Cedar Point?|||six flags|||six flags(:|||Six flags is,it has more variety on different rides|||six flags. Even though I have never been there.|||six flags|||Six Flags :)|||six flags|||Six Flags|||IDK what lake compounce is but I like six flags, any of them|||i never been to none but carowinds and carowinds is the bomb.|||Well, given that I live in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, the only amusement park we get is 'The X' which isn't TOO bad.
But I'd say Disney World if it counts. TOTALLY AWESOME!|||I dunno we dont have any amusement parks here in Vermont. I gotta drive to Lake George, NY for "the great escape" which is six flags and thats cool so id go with six flags|||six flags. i've never been to lake compounce ... but what good can be in CT???
other than yale, of course.|||six flags !!!
i've never been there though but it sounds good
:) :D
My birthday is in May, and i am going to turn 16. I want to begin working after my birthday, and start at an amusment park in my state(ct) called Lake Compounce. You must be at least 16 to work there, but the "Job Fair" is in April so they wont let apply then
I called Lake Compounce and they told me that since we are in the middle of a recession, that more adults will start taking the jobs, that are made for teenagers. I dont think this is fair. Adults should not be able to take teenage jobs. There is a minimum age to work so there should me a maxium age to work at certain places too like:
Amusment Parks
Movie Theathers
Im not trying to say that we should refuse them to work at these places, but It really isnt fair that our country is screwed up and the TEENAGERS have to suffer for it.
Could I please have your opinion?
Do you think im wrong, or do you agree??|||Teenagers will be hired because the adults will quit after a short time. In the meantime you have to think up jobs that can make you money. Paint the front of a neighbor's house for $250 if she will pay for paint and brushes. Organize neighbor's garages for $10 apiece.|||do you have bills you have to pay? do you have children you need to support? do you have to pay rent?
the adults who need these jobs do. you don't NEED a job. adults do.
there is a minimum age required b/c of child protection laws. if any place were to refuse an adult, that would be discrimination
Top 10 Wooden Roller Coasters in the World (Golden Ticket Awards)
1. The Voyage (Holiday World. Santa Claus, Indiana. Built 2006)
2. El Toro (Six Flags Great Adventure. Jackson, New Jersey. Built 2006)
3. Phoenix (Knoebels Grove. Elysburg, Pennsylvania. Built 1948)
4. Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce. Bristol, Connecticut. Built 2000)
5. Thunderhead (Dollywood. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Built 2004)
6. Ravine Flyer II (Waldameer Park. Erie, Pennsylvania. Built 2008)
7. Beast (Kings Island. Kings Mill, Ohio. Built 1979)
8. Hades (Mt. Olympus Theme Park. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Built 2005)
9. Raven (Holiday World. Santa Claus, Indiana. Built 1995)
10. Lightning Racer (Hersheypark. Hershey, Pennsylvania. Built 2000)|||no|||8. I was just in the Dells last weekend. I wasn't impressed. The Eagle in Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Ill is way better and should be on here instead.|||I've been on The Voyage, El Toro, The Beast, and The Raven. My favorite is the Raven =] I loooove roller coasters|||even not familiar.|||none
The only roller coasters I've ever been on were at DisneyLand and the one at the Santa Monica pier.|||none|||no
i'm running for president and i'm a little bit nervous about it so i wanted to hear your opinion.
Margaret Mead once said 鈥楴ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it鈥檚 the only thing that ever has.鈥?I believe that with a little guidance, Jepson can change the world. You鈥檙e probably thinking changing the world is a big thing to change, but if we put our minds together, we can change the world one small step at a time. First of all, let me tell you what being student president means to me. It means helping find agreeable solutions to problems and listening to the students ideas or suggestions. One of my intentions as student president is to make sure we have extra-curricular activities we enjoy. Many students probably want a school newspaper, school radio, photography, debate team, etc. If I am elected as student president, I will try to make sure that we have these programs at our school. Another one of my intentions as student president is to make sure the students voices are heard. Instead of the fundraisers we usually do, why don鈥檛 we have a school store, art auction, or walkathon. We could probably find someone to sponsor us. Jepson has talent and we know it so why can鈥檛 we have a talent show. It will be a chance for Jepson students to show what they got and also help acknowledge them. It will also be another great idea for a fundraiser. My last intention is for Jepson students to have fun. If I am your student president, I will make sure that we work together to have fun events such as going to lake compounce, playing indoor minigolf, going to the ct science center, visiting old Sturbridge village or maybe even going to six flags. I will not try to bribe you with promises I probably can鈥檛 keep so anything that I鈥檓 saying is what I will try to do. If you want a student president that is honest, respect your views, smart, a born leader, a honor student, and will always work hard to find an agreeable solution, I鈥檓 the one your looking for. Today is the present and the present needs a change for a better future. Thank you and have a good day.|||I think this is a very good speech and if I were a student at your school I would definitely vote for you! By the way, what grade are you in? High School or middle school?
In a few months I will be going on a field trip to an amusement park called Lake Compounce in Connecticut. I suffer from a terrible fear of roller coasters. I'm 16, and I remember when being younger (7,8), I would have no problem going on such rides. But as I got older it became scarier and scarier, now to the point where I just don't go. I went on a medium-sized RC in the park about 3 years ago, and did not enjoy the experience at all. I'm not scared of dying or being injured, but rather the heights and large drops and this terrible feeling I get in my stomach. Today at crew practice, we were getting ready to run stairs and were all lined up at the bottom, then one kid jokingly says: "Keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. . . " and I just got a horribly nervous feeling and tensed up. Don't tell me to just not go on them, because its going to happen I just want some advice as to how to alleviate me fear and make it an enjoyable experience.|||I struggled with this fear for a very long time. I was actually deathly afraid of going on roller coasters when I was smaller but now I love them. What made a difference for me was just calming and clearing my mind while I was in line, waiting to go on the ride. I would also do deep breathing which would really relax me if I concentrated on it hard enough. When I was on the ride I tried to consciously let go of the fear and actually enjoy the ride. I did this by just not analyzing my fear so much. I let the nervous thoughts just float away and be replaced by thoughts of "having fun".
I think the best option for you is to just not analyze it anymore. Each time a nervous or negative thought enters your brain, you simply just think about something else. I know it sounds way too simple but, trust me, it absolutely works. The best of luck to you and try to have fun!|||im 10 and i LOVE coasters but in ur case i would say just once ur at the top close ur eyes thats what i did when i was 8 so try it and i hope u have lotsssss of FUN|||well i absoultely love rollar costers and i only 13 and i think they are a blast.. i like getting scared thats the whole fun part about it.. i mean once you get off you will realize how much fun you had getting scared.. kinda like a haunted house.. but totally do it.. see i scared of water slides like at water parks and it makes me feel like i free falling cause i not straped in cause i don't feel safe.. but roller coasters you are strapped in and i feel safe.. i recommend the six flags over georgia the golaith roller coster or ninja or definatly super man and bat man but galaith was the scarrest cause it went up 200 feet high and dropped at 70 somethin mph and it was so fun i forget how many drops but after that first drop i wasn't afraid of nothin..|||Its ok that you feel that way, I used to have a friend like that. Just think about the hundreds of thousands of people that ride the roller coasters yearly and don't get hurt. And if this "Lake Compounce" amusement park is like all of the others, they will spend the most money on safety because injuries cost them big bucks. You'll be ok just relax and try to have some fun, nothing is going to happen to you, and after a few rides you will probably start to enjoy them.|||Well I absolutely LOVE roller coasters, but my best friend is terrifyed. A big problem when we go to places like Disneyland and Great America.
I suggest going on small rides first. Like the kind that just sit you down in a little two-seater and take you on some little kiddy adventure. Sounds retarded, but you can gradually build up from there.
I dont wanna be cruel like I can be with my best friend LMAO. I tricked her into going on the Tower of Terror at California Adventures xD She took it surprising well after the bloodcurdling drop >___> LOL But of course we did the kiddy ride method first. It helped her, now she can ride the sorta-good rides x]|||I have tried and tried to conquer this fear and I just can't. It's not a fear of heights, not a fear of speed or jerky movements, and knowing it's safer than the way I drive my own car is no help whatsoever. For me it's the long drops; the feeling is so uncomfortable and so memorably awful that my body rebels any time I even consider riding these rides.
Thankfully I don't have so much fear that I can't set foot in an amusement park because I've heard that there are people who are that scared. I can also stand in line at a roller coaster with my friends with no problem because I know that I won't be riding it with them. Beyond that I can't go.
I've never tried taking a valium or xanax with me when I go to the amusement park simply because the rest of the day is enjoyable enough that I would like to stay alert. Besides, I'd still be alert enough to feel that dropping sensation and I doubt chemicals can fix that fear.
I wonder about hypno therapy, but again, I doubt it would help.
The best I can offer you is to say hopefully you can find some rides/activities that will justify the expense of the ticket cost when you go. Sometimes just a nice day with friends in the sunshine is more than worth it.|||It sounds like something happened to you, if you used to like roller coasters and now have a problem with them. I am 45 and my girlfriend is 40. We were both afraid of roller caosters our entire lives, but we started out with some daring non-coaster rides this past summer, then worked our way up, and rode some of the biggest and baddest coasters in the country in the fall. The coasters at Lake Compounce are "kid stuff" compared to a lot of the ones we have been on. Just start out with the milder rides and work your way up. If you don't go on the most daring rides, at least you might have gotten past a former hurdle and might be able to try something more daring the next time. We are both afraid of heights, but we don't worry about heights on roller coasters. My girlfriend likes the "butterflies in the stomach" feeling, while I control my breathing and abs to reduce that feeling. It takes practice, but it doesn't take away from the ride experience for me. It also helps to NOT eat a lot of yucky foods before going on the rides. We usually pig out on stuff like trail mix, peanut butter crackers, candy bars, and water before entering the park. None of those things seem to make our stomachs queazy when we go on the rides. Chili cheese dogs, corn dogs, greasy burgers, soda, and other foods are more likely to make your stomach queazy.|||I don't think that's a fear; it's just a strong dislike of that stomach-in-your-throat feeling. I have it too. I'm not afraid to go on them, I just don't like my insides moving around that much, lol.
Try stress relieving activities, like taking deep breaths, closing your eyes (which I find helps actually), picturing yourself somewhere else, squeezing a stress ball -- things like that. I would just avoid them; I'm sure you wouldn't be the only person doing so. (Besides, maybe a cute girl will ask you to hold her purse, haha.)
kay so tomorrow im going to Lake Compounce in Bristol, and my friend is bringing me. Both of her parents, and my friend all have season passes but i don't. So now i kinda want one because idk if we're going to be go a lot of times. But i dont wanna get one and assume that they're always gonna take me :/ but if i do buy one, and we don't go alot im just gonna waste money :/ idk what to do :( someone help?? the season pass is 80 dollars and regular admission is about 35.|||You should definitely buy the regular admission at this point. You don't want to make it their job to bring you there all the time, you will likely anger them.|||You have to take into affect if you go out with them often. If you get along with your friend and her family than just politely ask your friend if she thinks it's convenient for you to get the season pass. Your friend will probably be totally honest with you and suggest you do or don't. Do you also have someone else that can take you there?
ok his name is Nick and were in a lot of classes together like english and pre cal and health, we just went to lake compounce to fright night and like i was scared out of my mind and he offered to bring me around the whole thing letting me claw to his arm and warning me whenever something scary was about to happen and helping me walk through the dark and on the car ride home we were both in the back, a few other friends we there one was driving. We were in the back next to each other and we were going back home it was like past midnight so i fell asleep on his shoulder and he sleep with his head tipped onto mine. Anyways my point it its now a day after and were going to the movies, with my friend cassie and beeves, hes paying for me b.c all my money is wrapped up in my sisters b-day present and he offered to pay... its to see eagle eye... i wanted to know if this would be a date.. and depending on the recent events... if he likes me as much as i like him... should i put some like... stronger moves on him at the movies or let him do it? thanks adivce would be great!|||Hi,
I'm not sure if this is actually a date. If its with your two other friends, it's more of a get-together, you know?
I guarentee you 95% that he likes you. If he offers for you to stay close to him, it means he is interested in you. And if he warns you about scaring things, it means he cares about you and wants to protect you which is so, so sweet.
I think you should maybe let him start with the moves, and when or if he does snuggle closer to him. But remember that your friends are also there!
hope I helped, and best of luck! :]
I'm reading about how Lake Compounce is considered the oldest continuous running amusement park in north america (Opened in 1846) but six flags New england (Used to be Galloping Grove) was opened in 1840. Did six flags, Galloping grove, or Riverside ever close down for an entire season? Because that's the only reason I could find that would make SFNE not the oldest park.|||Not that I know of.|||Lake Compounce was originally started as an amusement park, with rides, etc. SFNE was started as a picnic grove and added rides in the early 20th century.
So I am going to Lake Compounce (a theme park) tomorrow and I need a little style help. I CAN dress but a little suggestion and thanks
I am going with a skirt with shorts underneath because it will be a little rainy and so the skirt is like a little coverup. I am wearing a huge t-shirt and flats. We will be going to rollercoasters and all that but NO water rides (we r not allowed) So yeah... With my hair I am putting on a homemade braided headband with a loose side braid to get a loose messy hippie look. So is is a good idea? I am not bringing anything else besides chapstick and my phone. Thanks!!!!! Please suggest makeup :) Thanks|||Well if i was you i wouldn't;t wear a skirt especially if it's going to rain i would wear just shorts or jeans and a t-shirt. But if you really want to wear the skirt then make sure you have somewhere to put your phone. And about the ,makeup if you wear any make sure its water proof, because if its raining you don't want to look funny with your make-up running down your face.
And with your hair i would just put it up because its going to get all messed up if your on roller coasters and maybe you should wear regular shoes with short.
Hope i helped! =)|||make sure you use a reasonable amount of hairspray if you want your hair to stay in a loose hippie braid.
as for makeup, use a little bit of cover up (if you usually use cover up) with SPF, just in case the sun comes out.
use a waterproof mascara, if it is going to be rainy, and only use 1 light coat.
Put a little blush on and that should be about it, unless you want to put on eyeshadow, then go for neutral colors, or colors that match what your wearing.
It's not like your going anywhere fancy, try and keep it your makeup simple :)|||Don't dress up too much. You hair sounds too intricate for a theme park. I suggest you either put it in a pony tail, if you don't want it in your face, or leave it down if you don't care. Make sure your flats fit, so they don't fall off the roller coasters.
Remember, don't try too hard, the rides are just going to mess up your hair anyways|||when i pictured that outfit (no offense at all) i didn't think "oh that's cute"
this may not really answer your question right now but i will get to that but here is a suggestion for outfit鈥?/a>
Make up i wouldnt do too much. your just going to have fun, so here is an idea for that鈥?/a>
im 16 and i weigh 180 lbs . my skwl's havin a feild trip to lake compounce on the 15th of next munth , and i bought a bakini that i plan on wearing, all mii frends tell me "dnt werryy , u'll look great ," . but no i wont . iNeed some ideas on how to lose at least 10 ponds before then , i dnt play any sports and i dnt like running . and i cant go on no special diet cuz i aint the 1 that goes food shoppin in the house and if i tell mi mom to buy the stuff she wont . so HELP ?!!??|||well first off, cut out ALL of the pop out of your diet! any sugar drinks, like Gatorade, powerade, drinks that come in bottles and others like that. Also stay away from anything that has splenda or sucralose, it's very bad! If you cut off all sugars like cake and ice cream and other things, and you cut out all carbs like, white bread, potatos, pasta, noodles stuff like that it willl imensely help! For breakfast you have 2 eggs made with no butter! for lunch you could have a salad, NO DRESSING! lol, and for dinner maybe you yourself could buy some cans of tuna, or bags of frozen chicken breast, skinless chicken breast, and broil it, and you eat as much salad as you can! eat veggies ALL the time, and fruits, use fruits as substitutes for sweets! drink lots and lots and lots of water! Ok, the work out part, if you have use of exercise equipment, I recomend using an eliptical, all you have to do is work out half an hour EVERY day! and if your high school has a track, walk two miles in the morning on saturdays when it's still a bit cool outside! Believe me I'm 16 I'm on this diet plan, I've alread lost 3 pounds in 2 days!! you say you need to loose 10, all you have to do is loose 8 more pounds then that! I say that would take two weeks! I REALLY hope I helped, from an overweight teen to another!! = )|||Just tell your mom to buy you alot of vegetables even if their frozen,
she can't say no to veggies can she?
And you need to exercise hun, starving is not gonna help you.
If you don't like running, try jogging or even walking, do jumping jacks like 300 per day and as your stamina increases so should the number of jumping jacks.
Also you could try going to blockbuster and renting out one of those pussycat dolls workout videos or hiphop abs if they have it.
& try to cut out as much of the bad foods you can, no fast food, chips, cookies, brownies, ice cream, or even bagels.
eat fruits with low fat yogourt, whole wheat english muffins, eat low fat whole wheat crackers; they actually taste good!
Good luck & I hope you reach your goals! :)
Ok so me && my boy are either going to Six Flags New England or Lake Compounce in CT. My boy wants to go bad butt doesnt know if they have rides for him to fit in because he's like 5'7 && 300lbs. Anyway, do either one of those amusement parks have rides with adjusted seats for heavier people && if so which one has more & which rides have adjusted seats. This will be great help because this is the last time I can chill with him before I leave for college. Thx|||sorry i have not been to either of those places but speaking from experience most amusement parks have test seats before the line so that the larger people can see if they will fit. sorry can't be of more help. maybe check on their websites to see the restrictions for height/weight
hey guys so i've been assigned to look for a vacation spot! lol and i'm having no luck :( but here's some information about our family:
mom, dad, 1 & half year old, 8 year old, 12 year old, and 15 year old
lol so it ranges
we were thinking about going somewhere w/ a rv but its not a necessity & we don't want to spend too much oh & we live in new england so we want to try to stay in the area b/c we can't really go on a 5 day trip b/c of work (itll prlly be a 2 to 3 day trip)
we've been to alot of places in the past that we've liked heres some:
-lake george (we mainly went boating and it was alotta fun, kayaking in the future would be cool to but it prlly wouldnt be the main thing b/c of the baby)
-niagara falls
-hershey (amish, chocolate world, amusement park)
-statue of liberty
um yeah lol oh & we don't really want to go to an amusement park unless its REALLY unique cause we were kinda dissapointed @ hershey lol and we could jst go to six flags or lake compounce at home so yeah! thnx!|||Cape Cod
The White Mountains of NH
Acadia NP/Bar Harbor ME
it might be a bit far but Washington DC is pretty great
Burlington VT is supposed to be pretty cool
Lots of good outdoorsy stuff all over western MA. I like the scenery in and around the Mount Tom Range near Holyoke|||You could go up to Conway NH where theres a ton of campsites and theres so much to do. You can go for some shorter hikes if you're up to carry your youngest. There is also some nice state parks and beaches. Conway also has some nice shopping areas.
Have fun on the trip|||Boston?
Somewhere in New Jersey, like Atlantic City or something?|||disney world
ok his name is Nick and were in a lot of classes together like english and pre cal and health, we just went to lake compounce to fright night and like i was scared out of my mind and he offered to bring me around the whole thing letting me claw to his arm and warning me whenever something scary was about to happen and helping me walk through the dark and on the car ride home we were both in the back, a few other friends we there one was driving. We were in the back next to each other and we were going back home it was like past midnight so i fell asleep on his shoulder and he sleep with his head tipped onto mine. Anyways my point it its now a day after and were going to the movies, with my friend cassie and beeves, hes paying for me b.c all my money is wrapped up in my sisters b-day present and he offered to pay... its to see eagle eye... i wanted to know if this would be a date.. and depending on the recent events... if he likes me as much as i like him... should i put some like... stronger moves on him at the movies or let him do it? thanks adivce would be great!|||yes you should make your flirting moves more intense, you never know what may develop
My birthday is in May, and i am going to turn 16. I want to begin working after my birthday, and start at an amusment park in my state(ct) called Lake Compounce. You must be at least 16 to work there, but the "Job Fair" is in April so i cant apply then.
I called Lake Compounce and they told me that since we are in the middle of a recession, that more adults will start taking the jobs, that are made for teenagers. I dont think this is fair. Adults should not be able to take teenage jobs. There is a minimum age to work so there should me a maxium age to work at certain places like:
Amusment Parks
Could you give me your opinion. am i wrong??|||It's good, both in a good and bad way, due to this period of time.|||Recession or not, Americans who are supporting for adults to take jobs from American teens.
Don't realize supporting employment changes like this, will be only be fully supporting lowering the national minimum wage, for all Americans to teenage hourly pay rates rates.
American minimum wages for adults are already three to four times lower than in any other first world or western civilized country.
In mine or many other global countries you never see an adult working in teenage designed employment, or anyone over thirty working in a bar.|||There can't be a maximum age to work at places unless it is for all places, and the only reason a maximum age would make sense is if the reasoning is incompetence for example being too old to see or function properly. Like 1/2 a brain said, adults need the money more than a teenager. What if your parents needed a second job to help pay your bills and keep a roof over your head, would you rather have your teenage friend get that job because it's not fair your parents would be taking her "teenage job"|||I disagree that there should be a maximum age for people to work at certain places.
that would be discrimation.
I'm 16 too and lots of my friends are having trouble finding a job and as much as i hate to say it, it's understandable.
Adults are more experienced and reliable than us.|||You're wrong, I know it seems unfair but think of it this way, those adults need the money to buy food and pay bills, you don't.|||I feel teens should be able to work too. They need money as well.|||Depends on how sexy they are. The girls who work at my house are clean and free of STDs.|||It wouldn't be fair to say an adult couldn't work somewhere like that. Sometimes people need the money to be able to feed their kids and pay the bills, and not everyone can work a 9-5 job. Some parents have to work weekends when the grandparents or the other parent can look after the children. In the end, an adult who needs to pay for things and look after others needs the money more than a 16 year old who is living with their parents.
I've worked part-time whilst studying since I was 16, and I still feel this way. My mum used to work in a fast food restaurant during weekends and evenings as well as her main job just so she could afford to pay the rent.|||Setting 'maximum' ages for employment is the first step before death camps for those 'too old to work.'
Jobs are given to whoever qualifies, and there's always a chance that you might be better qualified for a position than anyone else, so just apply.
I find your stance on the issue to be highly inflammatory and indicative of unfounded ageist biases. One day you will be where they are - how would you feel if all the jobs you were qualified to do were forbidden you because you were 'too old?' The minimum age-limit exists to both prevent the exploitation of children and to ensure that potential employees have the required maturity to handle the responsibility of the job. This of course can backfire as there are 12 year olds with awesome work-ethics out there and 16 year olds who bear striking resemblances to kindergarten students.
I'm going to SFNE this saturday then leaving at 4 to spend the rest of the day at lake compounce. It's the only day I can go. There's a free concert in the park that day so I'm wondering just how bad the lines will be. Should I invest in a gold flash pass?
Also, how do their flash pass lines work? Do they merge with the normal lines at some point or are people going to be giving me the evil eye because I sat in the seat they were going to get on the next ride?|||I think you should just go to lake compounce if they're alot of free stuff going on. Lines are terribly long but, and gold flash pass will make it very fast. Don't mind people giving you an eye or w.e haha rarely anyone even does that.
But the cost of the ticket is sorta alot, so its really only worth it if you wanna go on alot of rides and stare there a while
I'm turning 16, going to be a junior. My house is pretty small and not that great for a party, and I don't have enough friends to have that big of a party. [hah, i have like 6 good friends] so I don't know what to do. My options are:
-Go to Lake Compounce for the night, which is an amusement park in our state.
-Have a fire & maybe go on a haunted hayride? [I did that two years ago, is that too kiddish?]
And that's it. I have NO more ideas. Any help?|||I am going to a day spa with my BFF (She has to pay) Then we are going on a shopping spree to a few malls (by a few I mean 2 or 3 malls) but hahahaha my b-day is in september tehe..... thats what I would do.|||try they do a whole bunch of stuff and can help with ideas!
my name is sarah. at the end of the school year my class is going on a field trip to Lake Compounce. i don't like to wear bathing suits because of my body. my butt as cellulite, my thighs are a little too big, and my stomach is somewhat chunky. my mom says i have to just tone my body and eat healthy. i don't really eat healthy so i don't know what healthy foods i would like. i don't know how to tone my body ether. oh and we are going sometime in May or June. so i need something that will work FAST! please help me.|||Try the Acai berry, apparently it works. Try a resistance band. yoga is what my sister does at college, she is now strong and looks super skinny, im going to try that to LOL. Do sit ups as well.
if you don't like healthy foods, try making it pretty and fun. have a salad and drop pieces of fruit you like on the lettuce like grapes or Mandarin oranges. Have a banana with peanut butter on it.|||Toning your body and eating healthy would be the right approach, as your mother said.
Do a lot of cardio... dancing, walking, jogging, step aerobics, crunches, leg lifts etc.
Start off little, but gradually increase your exercise as your body becomes more accustomed to it.
Eat protein, vegetables, and fruits.
Be patient with yourself, results won't show overnight.
And is there anything you'd add to make it longer, better?
The objective is to communicate personal info through the use or preterite and imperfect
Cap铆tulo Tres
Cuando era un preteen Yo comia* muchos dulces. Yo Visitaba mis abuelos con frequencia. Yo miraba el programas de television*. Yo hace* Castillo de arena en la playa. Mi familia y yo acampemos en el bosque.
Cap铆tulo Cuatro
Cuando era un adolescente yo corria* en el parquet. Yo Escuchaba musica*. Yo miraba peliculas* en el cine. Mi* familia y yo ibamos Lake Compounce. Ahora, yo voy al centro comercial.
* means the word needs an accent
Thank you very much|||Cuando era un adolescente yo comia muchos dulces. Yo visitaba mis abuelos con frequencia. Yo miraba el programas de television. Yo hacia castillo de arena en la playa. Mi familia y yo acampabamos en el bosque.
Cap铆tulo Cuatro
Cuando era un adolescente yo corria en el parque. Yo escuchaba musica. Yo veia peliculas en el cine. Mi familia y yo ibamos a Lake Compounce. Ahora, yo voy al centro comercial.|||Hey, I think you are that Lauren from youtube, you speak spanish pretty well but Im not going to confuse you by correcting your work because spanish is my second language and I dont write it as well as english.|||NIce. Don't capitalize YO o Visitaba.
Use hice, no accent, not hace*.
Great Job.|||Cap铆tulo Tres
Cuando era muy joven, yo com铆a muchos dulces. Visitaba mis abuelos con mucha frecuencia. Me gustaba ver los programas de televisi贸n. Tambi茅n hacia castillos de arena cada vez que 铆bamos para la playa. Mi familia y yo acamp谩bamos en el bosque.
Cap铆tulo Cuatro
Cuando era una adolescente, yo corr铆a en el parque. Me gustaba escuchar m煤sica. Tambi茅n me gustaba ver pel铆culas en el cine. Mi familia y yo 铆bamos al Lake Compounce. Ahora, me gusta ir al centro comercial.|||you got some mistakes, i think this will be better..
Cap铆tulo Tres
Cuando era una PREADOLESCENTE Yo com脥a* muchos dulces, visitaba A mis abuelos con frequencia. Miraba LOS programas de television*. Yo HAC脥A* CastilloS de arena en la playa. Mi familia y yo acamp脕BAMOS en el bosque.
Cap铆tulo Cuatro
Cuando era un adolescente yo corria* en el parque (without the 't'.. that means floor :P). Yo Escuchaba musica*, miraba pel铆culas* en el cine. Mi* familia y yo ibamos A Lake Compounce. Ahora, yo voy al centro comercial.
ive corrected the accents :)
with capitals are the mistakes. use only capital letters after the dot
good luck!|||Cap铆tulo Tres
Cuando era un preadolcente com铆a muchos dulces. Visitaba mis abuelos con frequencia. Miraba programas de televisi贸n. Hac铆a castillos de arena en la playa. Mi familia y yo acampabamos en el bosque.
Cap铆tulo Cuatro
Cuando era un adolescente corr铆a en el parque. Escuchaba m煤sica. Miraba pel铆culas en el cine. Mi familia y yo ibamos al lago Compounce. Ahora, voy al centro comercial.
Friday, February 17, 2012
ok i know i asked a question like this b4 but well that didnt wark out so...
I am not overweight
I am 14
I am 5.0 (or somthing like that)
I weigh 92-96 pounds
Today is May 14 - I need to have a flat belly and smaller thighs by June 13 - help me
my school is going on a trip-to lake compounce - i kinda wanna look good 4 that ... plz help
idk what u give me - a diet, exersize, lemits, somthing -please
i need a flat belly ... thx .... <3 bi|||If u calculate your BMI you;ll find you are in nornal weight, JUST above the underweight category!!! If you really feel like you want to do something, the best thing to do is cardio. HOWEVER you will need a miracle or will have to starve from now til june 13th to get whatever it is you are looking for! I have been in these shoes before. I still am not perfect and confidence really does help so try working on that to. You would be surprised how much people DON'T care what you look like!
Anyway to make yourself feel better do the cardio, cut out crappy foods, only eat at meal times, avoid food that bloats you, make sure you go to the toilet regular. Also if you are used to eating more, drink more water to get rid of hunger pains! Finally, to eat less as the day goes on, your biggest meal should be earlier and getting progressively smaller!
Hope this helps!!!
If I've got your BMI wrong calculate it yourself, google BMI calculator!|||Give all your money away you rich snob!|||Try pilates..go to and type in's actually pretty helpful.
good luck
also cardio helps burn fat everywhere so do it!
:)|||One of the best all-round exercises you can do is Swim....And, I mean swim laps! Get in the pool and swim at least 30 minutes everyday!
Another good exercise is just walking - walk at a good rate for a couple of miles everyday.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from fast food and fried foods. And don't eat supper after 6pm!
Good Luck!
ok so i have two best friends taylor and amanda....
taylor, i met in third grade and never really get in fights with and shes in my grade...
amanda known whole life and shes a grade younger than me...
like 2 years ago i instroduced the 2 and theyre like best buds now tooo...!!!..!.!.!.!!!
but now they are choosing eachother over me and for some reason i get like EXTREMLY JEALOUS
NOW we are going on a field trip to lake compounce and when i talk to them they are just like "why arnt you hanging out with other people" cuz they dont want me to hang out with them. ive told em i dont wanna hang with others but like omg... and now i just wanna not go on the trip
WHAT SHOULD I FRICKEN DO!!!|||talk 2 them if u can and tell them how your situation make u feel. and or make new bffs|||How old are you?
I am going on a "field trip" to lake compounce with my school (8th grade). If i do get dizzy there...i mean so dizzy i cant walk...should i find a teacher or have a friend frind a teacher? Or walk to first aid or walk to a lifeguard? Or send my friend for first aid or a lifeguard and bring them to me? Also, if i go to first aid what will they make me do? will they help me? How do i make myself feel comfortable with them??|||If you get to the point where you can't walk, lay down and prop your feet up. Make sure you are drinking plenty of liquids. If you are drinking a lot of water, but are still dizzy try some gatoraide. That will replace any nutrients that you may be defficient in. Send a friend or someone near by for help, but make sure you are not left alone, in case you black out. If this happens to you a lot you need to see a doctor.|||you need to find out what is causing dizzy, allergies or nerves? you should not be experiencing dizziness. If you have inner ear problems, that causes dizziness, there could be many reasons, tell someone about it and go find out what is wrong so you do not need to worry about it.|||I understand this can be a scary situation. If you are dizzy from an injury you need to go to the ER. If it is because you stood up too quickly then sit down for a while. If you become so dizzy that you can not walk have a friend seek medical help to come to you.
If you feel uncomfortable around medical personnel tell them. They know what you are feeling and want to help. Voice all of your concerns.
Really all they can do for you is give oxygen most likely through a mask and get you to the hospital. If this was from an injury PLEASE seek medical attention now. There can be serious delayed effects.
Best Of Luck To You|||Ok, first of all, you need to get this dizziness checked out. It could be anything...maybe you're an undiagnosed type 1 diabetic.
And, honestly, a lifeguard or a person trained in first aid cannot do much for you if you're dizzy. They do not have the proper medical background to fully understand the implications of your dizziness. They can only treat your symptoms to the best that they were taught.
The best thing to do is to get this dizziness checked out by your doctor.
If you do get dizzy that you can't walk, LAY DOWN FLAT and have people get help for you, your parents may be called and you may be taken to a hospital. There's nothing that EMTs, Paramedics, lifeguards, or first aiders can do in the field besides lay you flat and take you to the hospital where they'll run tests on you to see what the hell is going on.
Paramedics may start an IV line on you if they think your blood pressure is low and they might do a finger stick blood glucose to see if you're hypoglycemic...then they're going to take you to a hospital.|||Some times when you are growing you can get dizzy spells
If you get very dizzy sit down right away to prevent from getting hurt.
Even if you have to sit down on the ground
If the dizziness continues get a friend to get someone a teacher or someone from the first aid station
Your teachers should be made aware of the problem you have go to your doctor and find out what is going on and even if it is from growing too fast your teachers should know in the event that you do pass out they would have a better understanding what is going on and how to treat you
your doctor should give instructions on how to treat you to your school
okay so im going on a school trip to lake compounce( its a water park) on the 29th and im predicting that i will have my period on the 26th so im not sure what to do... im scared to ask my mom if i can use a tampon. im 14 by the way. is it too young to start wearing tampons? im just scared that when im in the water, something will happen. ugh.|||no im 14 and i started wearing tampons when i was 13.I had gone to an indoor water park.I also had my period and wore a tampon.Nothing happened.|||Well you can wear tampons as long as you have started your period and are on it. It doesn't really matter what age you are but some mom's don't like their daughters wearing tampons. But if you want to go swimming on you're going to be on then you need to wear a tampon so just tell you mom exactly what you said here. Talk to her when its just you two in the car about to get to a store and just tell her that you're going swimming, you'll be on your period... etc, and you want to know if you can get some tampons and try them. If she says yes then, YAY! :) if she seems hesitant then ask her why she doesn;t want you to and talk about it. Good luck:)
Goin to lake compounce inna week its just a typical amsusment/water park wat r the key things to bring n how much money not includin ticket|||I don't know about that specific park, but my experience in many visits to Disneyland:
Water bottle. You can refill at one of many water fountains if you don't want to pay $5 for a new bottle.
Not only do they let you bring your own water, but snacks as well. We pack crackers and granola bars for the kids.
Sunscreen, camera or video camera, and a debit or credit card (we never carry cash). If you're with a group bring a cell phone to re-connect when you have split up or someone has gotten lost! Have fun!|||bring a towel, sunscreen, water bottle if you dont wanna buy expensive overly priced water, change of clothes, and it all depends on how much you want to spend, iid say 75
im madly in love with him and i dont want to break up with him. here are the problems starting from the beggining; okay he used to smoke pot ALOT and he told me he stopped becuase i dont like that. but i never was sure if he ever did. another thing is hes a man whore. he still flirts with people all the time. theres two girls that i know of that have recently came back into his life. this girl rachael and this girl hannah. okay he used to like hannah and now she likes him, he still talks to her. and he broke up with me before to go makeout with her. now were back together we've been together for 5 months and i feel so much in love with him. he tells me he would never cheat on me and will always be there for me, he gives me the sweetest gifts and up until today, he has been a miricale to me and everything ive ever wanted. he was like my night in shinning aromor. but now idk like, he went to this amusment park (lake compounce) with rachael and he didnt tell me and i guess they smoked pot together there. i mean why would he do that he told me he never wanted to smoke again! it hurts me so much that he would do that, excpecially with her. rachael used to be my best friend and before we started going out they liked eatchother, but i didnt know that, until she told me when we were going out that he told her that he wanted to have sex with her. they never did though. im so stressed out becuase my best friend just told me that they went to lake compounce together and did all this. and i guess rachael told this girl corrina that they did other stuff together to but she didnt say what, but im thinking what could you DO at a family amusment park?
anyway thats just some things, he obviously lies about other things to like people he has met. he says that he met this famous guy that lives in florida and he lived with him for the summer. im not too sure if thats true. i do anything he wants me to do for him, i listen to him and dont ask much from him. but it seems like he takes advantage of me. i want to ask him about it all but hes a compulsive liar, litteratlly so how am i supossed to know if he is telling the truth?
other problems he has, hes bipolar and has depression problems.
i just want to know if theres any ways i can help him, and get through this with out him getting mad.
oh i almost forgot, he doesnt even know that i know he has these problems, him mom told me.
i love him so much and want to spend the rest of my life with him, we shared our first times together so hes special to me. i dont want to leave him, even if he were cheating on my i dont think i would even be strong enough to let go. just thinking about this all makes me cry. i dont know if i can take the stress, but it seems like it will be all worst if i leave him.|||WALL OF TEXT
Dump him.
Find someone who respects you.|||Dump the #$%% cause you are going to get hurt badly|||Move on - be friends and find or wait for someone more deserving of you - you don't need the stress of worrying about whether he is lying or not. And cheating on you is not as easy to forgive as you might think - it sits in the dark and haunts you...
Okay so I'm in 8th grade and I want to be on the senior committee because it's usually so dull and boring and I wanna spice it up a bit. Okay so I need idea's for senior week which is we have a whole school week *5 days* to dress up according to special themes .
I was thinking this.
Business Day
Pajama Day
Retro / 80's Day.
Twin Day
then I don't know what else ''/ Any ideas?
Now for Senior Trip. EVERY YEAR they take the 8th graders to Lake Compounce in Connecticut and they also make that the no demerit trip *for kids who behave* every year and I've been their 4 times. We can't go Washington D.C or anything like that since We're in Brooklyn,NY the farthest we can go I think is less then 2 hours away so is their anything else we can do in NYC that's fun? Like amusement park wise ? (No Six Flags because it gets to crowded) and is their any amusement parks in NYC that offer like school days we're that day is mostly for schools to go? *Lake Compounce has that feature*
So Yeah, Any help is appreciated. Thanks =D
Also Note: Don't give me like go to Madison Square Garden or the city because they take us on trips their on a regular basis since it's easy to get their from Brooklyn.|||Hmm... If your part of the town part of Newyork suggest that you all go into the woods part and go to a tourist site ;]. Also I would look up what places there are in NewYork. There is always traffic jams on the way back so be careful with your timing!! Also another nice place is called Natures Classroom. Its basically a camp for 5 days. Every single last person who went there had the BEST time of there lives. I really loved it ;]
Ok so we're at lake compounce and this guy and i are riding the boulder dash together and we're wearing our hoods and they fly off halfway down the first hill. And we're sitting on a bench and he's eating his lunch and i'm wearing his glasses and then we see my old group and then they leave. We ride this one ride, then we go on the pirate ship twice and the second time we go into the line and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders.
And after we got off i felt like i was going to throw up and he wanted to go on this spinning ride and he didn't want me throwing up so he didn't want me going on it. And there's this puke on the floor so he tells me not to look.
Later we meet up with this person from his old group. And we're walking back to the pirate ship and he grabs my hand, and she asks why are you guys holding hands. And I'm like, I don't know. And he says I wanted to hold hands.
And then when we were in the room where our insturments were and he puts his arms around her shoulders and then does that to me. Then he does it to me again. And then to her again. And then he hugs me straight on and our heads were to the side and our checks are like touching and we hold it there for a while.
And then yesturday as we're walking out of the school, he's like if I have a chance with danielle (one of my friends) next year i'm gonna take it. And before he said he was just messing with me and that he doesn't like me.
And thursday morning before we left for lake compounce one of the drumline guys said either kevin (that's what i'm gonna call him) likes you now or is still just messing with you.
Can you tell me what is up with this guy if he likes me or not?|||he likes u , but he wants 2 b a playa and keep u guessing
he sounds wierd
Okay, so first of all, there is a guy at school that I kinda like but more as a friend. I hang out with him but there are always other girls around too, and it's like we're competeing to be his better friend. It seems as though he prefers to talk to me, but he still communicates with the others at school. How do I make myself stand out??
Now, secondly and much more importantly, the guy from one of my earlier questions in Singles and Dating, the one from my drama camp where everybody went to Lake Compounce (question link:;鈥?/a>
. Anyways, now we're doing another play until Jan. and we hang out and are pretty good friends- but we're kinda like a threesome- there's another pesky, bossy in some's opinions, girl who he is also friendly with, and me too when I want to be. We're kinda good friends but she also bugs me- she's competeing with me again and I really like this guy. What to do?|||Always be cheery, have a smile on your face and enjoy listening as well as talking. Definitely be nice to others around you, because if you are mean or catty he may think that you are like that about him when he isn't around. When he is ready for it to be just the two of you together, he will let you know.|||I just be myself.Different guys have different preference when it come to a girl.Someone can say be cheery,be cool,etc and that would make you stand out to a guy.But because every guy is different,you could potentionally stand out and look like a fool,when your trying to do anything but be yourself.So I encourage you to just act YOUR normal,and you will get the attention of the guy thats attracted to your character.,Be you,STAY you|||how the hell do you expect me to read all that|||I would answer but thats just toooo long to read!! its the end of the day at work, keep it short.|||Ask the guy if he is interested going out with you alone you will figure on his reaction whats up chin up you can do that...PIA|||you've really gotta find that one things hes totally into..sports or w/e it its...and make it known that you're into it too..guys always wanna be with a girl they can talk to and what better tot alk about than smething he's in love with?
1. my bday is july 7 so a july4th bday and c fireworks at the national park then sleepover
2. invite only a few friends to lake compounce then sleepover|||2. invite only a few friends to lake compounce then sleepover|||2. sounds funner id rather do that =)|||at the lake on the 4th, camp out. =)|||Why cant do both,
but im more of a sleep over
you can ask your friends also|||how old are uu? i guess a sleepover would be fun|||2.|||numver 1
unles ur frinds would want to go to the lake, i wouldnt sry
whats your favorite wooden roller coaster? mines boulder dash at lake compounce.|||American Eagle at Six Flags Great America|||mine is "comet" at six flags great escape in lake george NY.
it used to be at crystal beach which is near where i live and then it layed in pieces at martain's fantasy island which is also near where i live and then it was shipped and set up at great escape.
the annoying thing is they have th original and then they put in "silver comet" in at martain's fantasy island which isn't quite as good at the original when they could have just put the original there.|||My favorite wood coaster is The Voyage at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. Boulderdash happens to be a close second! I could not get enough of Boulderdash last year, and I was so sad to leave Lake Compounce. What a gem of a park.
A close third is Raven, also at Holiday World, followed by Boardwalk Bullet, located at the Kemah Boardwalk near Houston, Texas.|||Well I'm going to the USA soon, so when I visit Hershey Park, and If I ride Wildcat or Comet, They will probably become my new one :P
Well so far it would probably be Wild One at Six Flags America, or Big Dipper at blackpool pleasure beach. <-- That one was a while ago so I don't really remember it well.|||Lightning Racer at Hershey is great, but my favorite wooden one right now is El Toro at SFGAd. The first drop is nice and steep, the ride is smooth, the cable lift hill is great, and the Rolling Thunder hill (oh yeh) is the best.|||Texas Giant!!!!! Voted #1 wooden coaster in the world by coaster enthusiasts.
Gemini isn't wooden. Just it's supports are. It's made by Arrw Dynamics which is a steel roller coaster company.|||Its called annabel grealish named after the actress at a theme park in holly wood. You can search it on youtube and get a god pov.|||Terminator Salvation at Magic Mountain, and GhostRider at Knott's Berry Farm.|||My favorite is El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure. The ride is full of many drops and turns. The first drop is almost straight down!|||Mine is El Toro at Six Flags over Jackson, NJ! It goes up to 84 miles an hour on the first drop and then there are lots of other huge drops. Totally fun!|||megafobia in oakwood in wales.|||Thunderhead from Dollywood.|||Shivering Timbers at Michigan's Adventure.|||Renegade at Valley Fair|||Giant Dipper, Santa Cruz.|||terminator salvation- six flags magic mountain|||The rattler at six flags fiest texas! the last drop is so insannly awsome that someone died from a heart attack.|||the rattler at fiesta texas since its the only one they have i think.|||Gemini at Cedar Point. It's a classic.|||el toro at six flags great adventure.|||texas giant at six flags over texas!|||giant dipper belmont park. or ghost rider at knotts berry farm
Im going to Lake Compounce for my senior trip and i want to cut my T-shirt , what are some ways to cut it ? links and How to's .. Thank youuu :)|||I cut the sides then tie them together, the neck line|||I like cutting the Sleeves off and tying then up with ribbons,or cut the bottom part of your t-shirt to your ribs and wear a cute tank top under.Good luck!|||I cut a ton of tshirts of mine like this. they always turn out cute and all my friends always ask where i got them!
I really wanna loose weight. I tired so hard for the last 2 months but I keep giving up. Im going to lake compounce in June, i need to loose alot of weight. Its not april,which almost leaves 1-2 months left. Someone please help me. How many calories should i eat everyday?How many pounds can i loose in that time. I wanna look good in a bathing suit. Im 152 pounds,and im 13 and 5'2. I KNOW! im overweight but please help me.|||Firstly, don't calorie count. It's not healthy mentally and doesn't really have that much effect on how much you gain or lose.
Make sure you're eating small healthy snacks all through the day to keep your metabolism burning so it has an easier time burning off fat. Basically just eat healthy. You'll be more likely to lose weight if you eat foods that fill you up, than eat too little and end up hungry all the time.
Try eating things like weetbix and fruit in the morning, then a fruit smoothie a couple of hours later, maybe a piece of fruit before lunch, wholemeal sandwiches, with vegetable soup, fruit salad, etc.
And make sure you're getting enough exercise obviously. =) Swimming is good exercise and uses all your muscles, and yoga or pilates is good for toning your body.
milli vanilli was caught lip syncing at lake compounce amusement park in bristol connecticut do i know this?i was there as a security officer when lake compounce had concerts there.nobody realized that history was made on that night until weeks later.good or bad, i feel i was lucky to have been there to see a part of pop culture history.|||Good for you!
In July 1989, during a live performance recorded by MTV at the Lake Compounce theme park in Bristol, Connecticut, the recording of the song "Girl You Know It's True" jammed and began to skip, repeating the partial line "Girl, you know it's-" over and over. According to the premiere episode of VH1's Behind the Music which profiled Milli Vanilli, fans attending the concert didn't seem to notice or even care and the concert continued as if nothing had happened, but critics did notice and questioned Rob and Fab in their concert reviews.
How do I get Skinny/Get a flat tummy?
like this :
i really want to get skinny/flat tummy by june because my school is going is lake compounce. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write to me.|||pure cardio and reducing calorie intake. the cardio will burn off the extra fat and reducing calorie intake will prevent it from coming back
doing crunches and similar excercises will increase muscle, but not get rid of flab|||JQ is partially correct, but you should lift light weights as well. Doing crunches will build muscles, which in turn burns fat. The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. Try out pilates, or yoga in conjunction with cardio.
somewhere in the ct/ ny / mass area i guess nj too haha its my 16th bday on the 13th and my moms said we could do something earlier like on the 11th i know of lake compounce coco key water resort six flags but id like to go some place for me and five of my friends and do something fun water park rides etc any ideas let me know thanks|||florida
Im going to Lake Compounce in Bristol,CT (I live in south NY ((not city)) )|||Our school (from Massachusetts) went to Washington, DC. It was a pretty interesting trip. We visited several museums and even got to meet our state Senator.|||Our school went to San Diego, California
Our end of the year field trip was AWESOME! We went to Seaworld, saw Shamu and Killer Whale, got soaked, saw a whole mess of animals and water creatues, and rode fun rides.
-We also went on a cruise boat and got to ride around the ocean.
-We also went to this outside shopping mall and ate there and got about 2 hours to shop.
We live in southern california, so it was about a 2 hour ride on the tour bus. But it was even fun on the tour bus! we had tv's, ate snacks, chewed on candy, and played games.
I miss fifth grade...|||Port St. Lucie, Florida.
Field trips IDK if they were actually for graduation.
IDK what town but it was wannado city(awesome)
And the kennedy space center(but had to talk to an old fart)
ours is lake compounce in bristol ct with the family.|||no plans|||My wife and I are ballroom dancers. We had a 2 hour lesson tonight and we are meeting friends at a dance on Sat night. Sunday we are going to a local water park and then back to work on Monday.|||mini rib burn-off in town. Lots of beer and wine, in fact we have started already. Puppies to dog-park at some point. "private time" on sunday as it is to rain that day hehe.|||pary party get fukd up!!
&& sex<33
it seems like eveyone loves them and enjoys them. i wanna enjoy them like everyone else. i went on one called boulder dash in lake compounce and my back, stomach, and neck hurt sooo much after. people said it was nothing but it was sooo scary for me. how do i get rid of this fear? is there a way to decrease "the feeling" when you ride a roller coaster? help?!|||Not everyone loves them. My husband and my sister don't like them. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. I've heard that the only fear we are born with is the fear of falling. When you're on a roller coaster, you feel like you're falling, and instinctively it triggers fear.
If you really want to get over this, you could start with some of the less-wild coasters and work your way up.|||Some people have a fear of heights.That's something you'll probaly never get rid of.but do what i might try.look for a little kid in line.Say"If that kid can go on, so can I!" Report Abuse
|||Don't go on something really extreme, but go on something more enjoyable then scary. Take your mind off of the bad things that can happen and pretend they don't exist. Relax your body and just enjoy yourself. =)|||Sounds to me that you have a fear of not being in control. It's hard to let go and just relax enough to have fun if you are worrying about what may happen. It also sounds as if you have had a bad experience in the past. That's enough to keep you resisting. You can always get psychological help for relaxing. I'm not sure it will totally alleviate your worries though.|||just go on them alot and alot of times something happened that turned u off from them|||learn to like it fool...|||some people just don't like being in anything that goes too fast without knowing for sure how safe the ride really is.
same goes for cars going over 70, I'll bet you get alittle scared then too|||Sorry I agree with you. I spend most of my time trying to avoid being dizzy, sick and whipping my neck around. I never saw the appeal of coasters.|||Sounds to me your scared of heights and the fear of falling and afraid of dieing.Don't be.Live your life.Roller coasters are safe and it's almost impossible to fall off because gravity will cause you to stay in place.Belive me, i've had the same problem when i went to Dolly Wood, I rode the thunderhead and it scared the heck out of me on the first hill, buy when i fell i couldn't help lifting my hands up like everyone else.They're really fun.
i went to lake compounce todayy, [if any of you are wondering, it's an amusement park in connecticut] and i was walking around ALOT. my calves are killing me. i know i can take some Tylenol but last time, it didn't work that well. i need to get some sleep tonight, so what else can i do other than take tylenol, elevate, and ice? thanks!|||You can stretch and rest, sleep with your feet elevated that will help with the pain in the morning.|||Go the muscle relaxant and anti inflammatory. Straight Aspirin is the go really. Ibuprofen is good but short lived. Of course the valium it the standout here. Ask your Dr. of course...
Gentle stretch and some liniment massaged in b4 bed too.|||Aleve works better for sore muscles u can also apply some icy hot.|||Hot bath
Ok so im with a guy that we've been together for 7 months now and got together at lake compounce before that one day we were just friends and never looked at eachother like that i want some quotes of falling in love with the unexspected|||Your love for me came as a waterfall, flowing inside me like never before. Your love for me, something I didn't see, but baby, I know better now.|||Just when I thought I was Invincible, you came and happened to me! : )
I am going up to Lake Compounce with a couple friends. We are going from New York, in the West Point area. Is there anything we can do besides Lake Compounce in Connecticut, or is there somewhere we should stop on the way??|||You can visit the Yale campus. It is just cool to see since it's something most of us hear about, but never really visualize what it's really like. Mystic can be fun. too There are a bunch of little shops and stuff like that, and if you are old enough you can visit the casino. Don't stop in Bridgeport, though. Nobody goes to Bridgeport.|||Beautiful area, anywhere, will not go wrong.|||having lived in conn for 30 years i can honestly say you'd be far better off staying away from it altogether... however, you could always hit the coast and go to Mystic Acquarium and Seaport, and then we have two Indian casinos, Foxwood and Mohegan Sun not far from there..even if you don't gamble they are places to be seen (foxwoods has a marvelous museum!) have fun, and leave before it sucks you in the way it did me!
Ok the question is: how do you make a guy get a erection.
the reason i'm asking this is because we're trying to get revenge on the guy who acted like he like me and it turned out he was just messing with me. so we want to make him get a erection at lake compounce when we go. (i have size 38D boobs and he's 13 i'm 12).
so we want to make him get a erection.
My question is how do you make a guy get an erection?|||This is what you do.
You grow up and get over it! Big deal if a boy led you on. Ignore him.|||Get naked at the lake.|||You just make your boobs like almost going to come out of your shirt. Then you should wear really tight pants so it can see you butt.|||Wear a shirt that shows your boobs off and some tight jeans then get him kinda alone or semi-alone. Then start talking to him and touching him a little, like on the leg. Then act all flirty and stuff, after a few mins pull him up kinda playfully giving him no time to react and there should be an erection. Then have some people ready to go and laugh.
Ok the question is: how do you make a guy get a erection.
the reason i'm asking this is because we're trying to get revenge on the guy who acted like he like me and it turned out he was just messing with me. so we want to make him get a erection at lake compounce when we go. (i have size 38D boobs and he's 13 i'm 12).
so we want to make him get a erection.
My question is how do you make a guy get an erection?|||@at your boobs: how did that happen?
And with 38D, revenge is a waste of time.|||alright this is what i did to embarrass my boyfriend.....whisper something really sexual in his ear and pull your shirt down a little then start touching yourself a little and rubbing his pants and why not stick your hand inside! rub right under his belly button down to his penis and maybe even kiss your me im good at giving my bf erections in random places this will definitly get you revenge for that|||please dont ake revenge. remember that god has made men that way. That is nature. If man didnot have that nature, then reproduction would be difficult. Man is by natire having many partners but society is forcing him to be a one woman man. So pelase respct nature and dont take revenge.
If you are so horny, let me know ,i can use you.|||Your question is stupid the guys probably didnt act like he liked you everyone has the right to like who they want you should just move on and find someone else instead of being a hater..if you seriously dont like someone why would you give them an errection thats so act your age thats for sure grow up a lil!!|||Rub his stomach and then tickle down toward his penis. Blow hot air on his neck. Touch his body with your breasts. Touch his pants where his penis is. Rub there too.
Combo this up and u are sure to get him hard as a rock....well unless he's gay or somethin.|||You're 12 and have 38D boobs. HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!! I'm really sorry for you if that's the truth. You're gonna have serious back problems by the time you're 16.|||Have him wear boxers. They tend to cause unwanted or untimely erections.|||pretty much anything lol...and wat would givin him a 3in. ***** do?
38D...jesus|||well you can try and play or rub him a little down there
or get close to him and do some something that you think will get him turned on
ur 12 with 38d's JESUS!!!!!!!!
Announcer: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE NEXT PAM ANDERSON!!!!!!!|||Flash him! Very simple.|||flirt with him or rub him in the right area around his pants, if that doesn't work try sitting on his lap if that doesnt work then i dont know what else to tell you|||are you serious?! if your not lying about your bra size just go in front of him and jump... lol thats what i did and it worked on a guy|||rub his penis , and if you dont wanna touch his penis.... rub the part of his pants where the penis is... :||||Whisper something sexual in his ear or grab something on your body in front of him. Or both|||give him a nice massage face up and work your way down. if he gets uncomfortable...TOO BADlol
i know the parks lake compounce, quassy, & six flags i heard there's one in Willamantic please give me any amusement parks/theme parks/ water parks in CT thnks!! oh and i heard there's some rock climbing gym in CT too if you know the name or address of that place thnks!!!
~Fashion鈾orever~|||Here are some rock climbing gyms. Click on link for more detailed info鈥?/a>
Go Vertical
Ollie's Rock Gym
Prime Climb's Mountain Fun, LLC
Stone Age Rock Gym
CT Rock Gym
Going to be in the hartford CT area next month. Looking for some fun stuff to do with the family. We usually go to lake compounce in that area. I would mind traveling a little to find something cool we did the mystic thing, not into musuems. Kids are 15 and 9. Thanks.|||Not exactly museums, but in Hartford are the houses where Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain lived. They are adjacent to each other. It could be a good way to introduce your children to a couple of classic American writers. The Atheneum is a good museum, too.
Not too far away, Down I91 and then east along !95 in Essex there is a Steam Train and Boat Trip. A little further east is New London. You can tour a Nuclear Sub among other things. A bit further east is a restaurant where they serve the best lobster, according to Gourmet Magazine . And me.|||How far are you willing to travel?
New York City is 2 hours and 10 minutes away
Boston is 1 hour and 51 minutes away.
Providence is 1 hour and 41 minutes away.
There is a Six Flags amusement park 30 minutes away from Hartford.
There is also an aquarium in Hartford.
You can always go to the Bronx zoo in new york if you're willing to travel|||Check out Dinosaur State Park. It has cool exhibits in addition to real fossil footprints of dinosaurs. The park is located one mile east of Exit 23 (West Street, Rocky Hill) on Interstate Highway 91, a few miles south of Hartford, Connecticut.
If im going to lake compounce, do you think that itll be ok to wear contacts? not glasses right? because not everything there is wet.. so.. what do you think? probs yes right?|||Yea it is fine. I take a shower with them and nothing happens. The eyelids will have the natural reflex to close whenever your eye is going to be invaded with something. Just dont open them underwater because water may have chemicals to increase hygiene, but these are harmfull even without lenses...|||If you keep your eyes closed under water you will be fine. It's recommended that you not swim while wearing contacts because they don't stay in place under water. Also, don't get chlorine in your eyes or you will end up with a serious eye infection.|||Just don't open your eyes under water, they'll fall out. You might want to bring an extra one just in case you loose one. I also lost one when a bunch of water splashed me in the face, and made my contact move out of place in my eye.|||yes, i wore mines to a waterpark and went swimming with them in and nothing bad happened|||Yes ur right! My friends where contacts everywhere. Why bother taking em' out right?
My last one was Boulder Dash at Lake Compounce(:
I was thrilled by it!!!!
Now YOUR turn (:|||mine's is flight deck at great america.
it was my first time on that ride and it looked really scary and i did NOT want to ride it. but my friend forced me on it and i was terrified when it first started, but then I LOVED IT! it is one of my favorites now!
word of advice--if a roller coaster looks scary to u, don't hesitate...just do it!|||Goliath at magic mtn. It made me smile :)|||I don't remember what it was called...but it made me feel sick. D:|||My last one was Son of Beast at Kings Island. It was so fun!|||supreme scream at knotts i believe...|||The Mr. Freeze!
WOW! It was the fastest, most thrilling roller coaster I have ever been on!
Im going to Lake Compounce Park for my senior trip and i HOPE it doesnt rain , is it going to rain ? and if yes what rides are going to be off ? Thank youu :)|||Um...check the National Weather Service website and type in the zip code...|||Mostly clouded, showers and possible thunderstorms. Don't know about the rides though|||Yes. All day long in the whole state. Prepare for major flooding and tsunamis. tomorrow is my 8th grade sr. trip and we're going to Lake Compounce in Bristol, Connecticut. (im from NY btw) we have to stay in a coach bus for 2 hrs. Yeah i know there'll be tv, but im not really into watching television. So is there anything else i can do to to pass the time instead? Thanxxx|||your can take your ipod, mp3...take a good book to read...txt friends on the
other buses...sleep, prank call ppl (its fun)
lol|||lol yeah, i did that with my buds last year
it was soo funny
we used *-6-7 a few times though ^.^ Report Abuse
|||You can play some games with your friends inside the bus. If not if you wish to spend your time alone, then you can carry a book or play video game (in your mobile).
the reason i ask is because when i first went to lake compounce and i saw in newspapers zoomerang stuck i never rode it after that cause i was afraid i might get stuck and eather have to jump 20 feet from the butterfuly or wait to be sved any idea where it might be and who's fault it is?|||Don't you just want to hear it's unsafe. That's why people say when stuff like that happens.
There are five ways that this could happen. When you are going backwards from the station to the first lifthill, it lets go too early, and than it gets stuck in the cobra roll (what you call butterfly).
The second one is that it releases on the first lifthill, goes through the station, than the cobra roll, goes through the loop, and than doesn't hook onto the chain, and goes backwards through the loop, and it lands in the cobra roll. There are brakes near the loop, and the lifthill so this hardly ever happens. The brakes didn't work this time, and it got stuck.
The third reason could have been that it was going through the whole course of the ride, and maybe it was raining, and it was windy. I think that rain slows down the ride, and wind surely does also. These two things were too much, and it got stuck in the cobra roll.
The fourth reason could be that the brakes don't engage, or are barely working in station when you are done with the ride, and thus it keeps on going until it hits the cobra roll.
The fifth reason is that when it releases from the lifthill, let's say the brakes are working, and they aren't supposed to work at that time. It could get stuck that way.
Think about this. This hardly ever happens when it gets stuck in the cobra roll because it's that stupid of a ride even though it's only a machine.
As for getting off when this does happen, are you kidding me about jumping 20 feet, or waiting to be saved?? It's very easy to get off that part of the ride. They have a platform in which you go down stairs. It's easy for the employees to release the restraints on these rides even when they aren't in the station. So, stop being so scared, please.
Look at this picture, and see the platform: It's on the right side of train. Than, you see stairs. That's what that is for.
There is a company picnic comming up at Lake Compounce(Its the same as six flags but with a giant lake)
Theres is a CHANCE of thunder storms 40% of Rain
What makes them close the rides???|||lol
"oh my gosh there was a rumble in the skyyyyyy runnn!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lightening or rain is more likely.|||I'm not sure if they will shut down the rides if there is just thunder but I think if the weather is severe they will shut down the rides. If it rains they will probably shut down the rides.
I remember once back in the mid 90s going to Six Flags in Texas and when it started raining they shut down everything. They even shut down the indoor attractions. Personally I think they over reacted. I could understand shutting down the rides, but the things that were indoors?|||Well, thunder means lightning. The ride is made of metal. I would close it, or face the situation where someone is killed in a lightning strike and I get sued, or prevent it and don't go. If there is thunder and lightning, or if it looks it, help out and tell people (especially family) not to go on.|||The rollercoaster will be shut down in the case of: strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, heavy snow.
Thats according to the Theme Park Rule Code D243
I know this becasuse I used to work at a theme park (Blackpool,uk)|||because most of the rides are made of metal or iron of some type and if yo are riding the ride the tracks will get wet and slippery and it will end like final destination and we don't want that to happen do we:)|||Unfortunately yes since thunder usually means lightning. Also if its heavy raining they will because tracks could be too slippery. Sorry.|||They usually shut them down if there is a good chance of lightning. They risk a law suit if anything happens or someone dies cause they were struck by lightning while on the rides.|||no but when there is lightning then they shut down everything. If there is pouring down rain they will also close down the rides.|||Well, obviously to have thunder you need lightning, and if you have lightning then they will close the ride.|||yes and heavy rain will do it to, I know cause I was at the Clark County Fair on Thursday and it started pouring so they shut down all the Bigger rides|||rain and lightening and thunder will close the rides sorry to say it might actually say it on there website too|||I went to Six Flags once and there was a severe thunder storm warning and they shut everything down!|||one time it was drizzling at my local six flags and all of the high rides were temporarily closed.|||No thunder they keep them open unless they see lightning your in the clear.|||They close roaller coasters when its raining because rain rust's up the metal and it might break.|||The lightning closes the rides down.|||if there is thunder then there is lighting and rain, so yes they will shut down if they hear thunder|||Lightening tends to strike the tallest object around, like the top of any tall ride.|||Lightning shuts down the rides.
Not thunder.|||they dont close the rides while there is a storm.
unless they are having technical difficulties|||Lightning.|||yes they should close it down the thunder might kill somebody while on the ride.|||after the take off there is no power running the ride|||Rain or Lightning|||lightning|||rain :S|||i hope they do thats scary but would be cool :]|||yes|||well i would hope so!
We really don't care, so I told her we're going to go out on a whim and let you choose....
Keep in mind that we're college students, love to party, but also love to act like kids...
Should we...
1. Go to six flags for the haunted deal with friends.
2. Go to Lake Compounce (a local park) for their haunted graveyard with friends.
3. Stay at school & party. (We've already done 2 costume parties this weekend.)
4. Trick or treat with my little bro back home.
5. Just chill & watch a scary movie alone.|||I would do #'s 4 and 5. Its good to get away and spend time with the family but then have 5 so you and your girl can just relax afterwards.|||Donot worry, Just both of you watch each other's face wish the same.|||5.|||how about to of the characters from fantastic four? or the Zorro but she will be the girl version|||dress up all sexy as characters and have an intamate evening at home, role playing and have a steamy evening!|||go with little bro............numba fo|||5|||5th option would be best for you|||take your little bro trick or treating, and then chill and watch a scary movie together with popcorn and candy and hot cider and cuddling. hold her when she pretends to be (or really gets) scared.|||just dont worry u n ur gf....both of u go at each others house n make eachothers parents happy..k.|||just b at home doing romance(kissing,sex)
like this :
i really want to get skinny/flat tummy by june because my school is going is lake compounce. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write to me.|||i want one too, i htink just eat healthy and stay active nad do ab workouts constantly|||You must burn off calories. 3500 calories is a pound on your body. You can not spot reduce a certain area but you can work on toning it.|||I used to go to the gym all summer,
And that's how I had a flat stomach,
And If you cut back on carbs and eat less crap,
Then that will help too.|||stop eating fast food and do execises
I might get my belly button pierced saturday and im planning to go to lake compounce the fallowing friday. will it be safe to go to the water parks there? i would bring cleaner and clean it every so often and i wont be in the water for that long.
thanks|||You can not let it go in that water!!!!!! There as soooooo many germs in the public water. I had my belly button pierced in the summer time and wanted to go swimming. My piercer told me do get some clear waterproof ban-aid/bandage and put it over the piercing to keep it safe. I did and had no problems. I bought Nexcare brand Tegaderm transparent dressing. Good luck.|||If the water has chlorine in it, I suggest you don't go into the water if you just got it pierced.
It may irritate it and slow the healing process.|||Chlorine is bad for new piercings and you're supposed to wait 2 weeks before swimming in the water.|||I had mine pierced one saturdat and i remember having swimming for p.e on the Monday. I still did it, i just covered it with a plaster x|||After you get a piercing they will tell you not to go into water for at least two weeks. I've had mine done for 10 months and my piercer told me not to completely submerge my piercing in water at all for two or three weeks. So it would be a bad idea you could get it infected or else or body could reject the piercing|||go to the water park and enjoy yourself then you can get pierced the next day, because it might get infected or you might hurt yourself.
No swimming/sun tanning etc with a new piercing upto 3 months
Ok so my period ended two weeks ago and now it started again. I've had my period for about 2 1/2 years and i used to be regular but now im not. HELPP PLEASE I have a field trip this week to Lake Compounce so i dont wanna stain myself?|||You're still young, still have a little bit of time with your period.
You'll be fine just take some pads or tampons with you.|||This is very, very common, especially in the first few years after a girl's first period.
Just being some pads/tampons with you. :o)|||it could be you are having an irregular period, which doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, this has happened to me before too
i told my friend that we could hangout tommro and go to lake compounce but its supposed to rain =[[ what else is fun to do that indoors ???|||i would go to the mall...go watch a movie...or just hang out at your house and play games or do prank calls:)|||watch a movie or play some games,
you got play station?|||g2 the mall......listen to on the twister.....this is gold im giving you!|||My friends and I like to color/draw, do beading,
play board games, dance, sing & do puzzles.
All of those are fun to do, especially singing
& dancing. We also like to play mum while we're
coloring. You can't say anything and first person to
talk loses. So if we have something to say to
each other we write on a piece of paper little, short
notes. We say some really silly things sometimes.
Allot of the time we just write something to write something.
Hence the silly notes. Oh, I almost forgot, we also like to
do word searches. Each of us gets a row and a different
color colored pencil or marker and see who finds their words
first. Hope you have a good time whatever you decide to do.|||I'd take o long soak in a bath of warm before i'd watch a nice movie i think...|||Going to the mall rocks on a rainy day. Also, try and cook a nice hot meal. It's worth it in the end!!!|||have a inside party have fun. or you can watch movies, play games, you never kno, some people prank call
|||I got it!....heres what you need....
2 Pillows
1 Bed Room
1 Video Camera
0 Pants
1 You Tube Page
Have fun!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I cant go to casinos I am to young I know about lake compounce been their done that but what else is their to do here.|||There are lots of great places in Connecticut. Mystic aquarium is awesome, the zoo in Bridgeport is incredible, there are many science museums and other museums... We also have very scenic places like Essex Steam train and River boat, Gillette Castle...
Are you in High school? Ask some Friends where they hang out. This time of year we have harvest fairs and agricultural fairs pretty much every weekend -
Check out that site it will tell you where the fairs are and when.
There are so many great things to see in our fine state, enjoy!!!|||You need to look up all the attractions in the state and also pay attention to the beautiful countryside. The Groton Conn naval facilities are one of a kind and they have a submarine open for visiting. The coastline offers fishing and You need to appreciate nature's treasures that abound in conn.|||The world's largest casino is in Ledyard ,CT...I have provided a link for you.
It is in your state. It is called Foxwoods.
Good Luck ! :)
Right below this line is a link to Waramaug Lake in your state,where there is fishing,boating,camping..if you are too young for casinos.The other link is for Foxwoods.鈥?/a>|||I've never been to CT so it's really hard to pinpoint an exact place, but you should have no trouble finding somthing to do, especially having access to the internet. Ask locals your age. If you're in school, ask people where they go to hang out or shop or whatever. Yahoo! has a great travel section, so go there and type in your city and see what comes up!|||Go to an online casino instead!!
Have a look at the reviews at
There are quite a few good ones, all of which have great graphics and are full screen. Personally I like Intercasino best - again see the review at the above site.
There's also a good list at on the left hand side. These guys are not affiliated to anyone so you know they are genuine reviews.
Hope that helps... You could always vote for my answer if it does :-)
my friend went to lake compounce and said someone threw up on the pirate ship
how do u throw up on a swing ride?
i understand a flipping or spinning ride- like the zipper
???|||Some people have sensitive stomachs and are prone to motion sickness. I can ride fast roller coasters without loops, but I cannot ride a swinging dragon ship or a ferris wheel because the swaying makes me sick to my stomach. I have never thrown up on either, but I have thrown up in the bathroom when I have gotten off of those types of rides. You definitely have to have a stomach that can tolerate motion if you are going to go on a swinging or swaying ride. Another possibility is that the person ate right before going on the ride without waiting a half hour. When you do this, you are opening yourself up for throwing up.|||Some people have weak stomaches for stuff like that, or they just ate a big lunch or something.
Me I can do rollercoasters as long as they don't have 4G's around the curves, but I can't do any ride that goes backward or in tight circles....
everyone is different|||Sea sickness? A phobia of pirates?
So I'm going to Lake Compounce with my friends for my birthday and they want me to ride Thunder & Lightning and the Rev-o-lution with them. The thing is I absolutely HATE the feeling that you get in your stomach. I can handle roller coasters fairly well, but I can't do spinning rides like The Twister. So I just wanted to know if I will get the feeling in my stomach on these rides, and if I do then how bad will it be?|||Oh, you will! But, not that bad. It depends on what kind of person you are.
Im going on a class trip in june to lake compounce. I am 5 foot 8 inches and i weigh 160 /: i need to lose weight so i can feel good in a bathing suit ... Is there any ways to lose a lot of weight really fast ?!? Im only 14 so i am not going to take any diet pills. Please tell me some exercises or good foods to eat. Thank u!|||Cut out sodas, Starbucks, etc. If you are drinking those kinds of things regularly, you can probably lose close to ten pounds just by switching to water!
As for food, obviously avoid fast food and anything deep fried, soaked in butter, or otherwise unhealthy. Watch out for trans fat. They are allowed to label foods as having 0 trans fat if it has less than 1 gram, so look at the ingredients - any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils = trans fat.
Also try to get 30 minutes of cardio daily (walking, jogging, swimming, biking, anything that works up a good sweat and gets your heart pumping!)
Good luck! You can do it!|||special k cereal red berries is pretty good and filling! but me personaly i get tired of eating the same ol' same ol' good luck hun!
i met this girl at lake compounce for the graveyard thing, she goes 2 my school and i added her on facebook. how do i start a convo with out syain hey.
because we barely talked|||Just say whats up ... are you alright, something like that. Or start a conversation with her about something that you did or something exciting that is happening at school.
Speciffically the Lake Compounce one. Also is it really scary because me and my friend are going to go tonight and we are 11.|||No, they are not. The only way they will make contact with you is if you accidentally bump into them, but they are will not grab you.|||Okay so, first of all, I highly doubt ghosts will come out at night to attack you. After all, they're normal, dead people six feet underground haha
I'm not so sure what you mean but it's pretty much impossible for a person 6 feex under in a locked coffin to come up and touch you but if you mean ghosts.. sure haha I guess they're allowed, I mean, you'd be in their graveyard! Ahaha
Don't worry about it! :)|||No|||no
I am going to Lake Compounce on Sunday, August 24th, it is the last day that the theme park is operating. Should I go either then or on a Saturday?|||I'd go on Sunday. Most people will want to go on Saturday but if you go on Sunday, it'd probably be less crowded.
BTW, Lake Compounce ROCKS!!!
-akipper96|||go on the last day cause if its gonna be closing rides and stuff will be free and etc|||definitely go on Sunday.|||Sunday.
I am in my second trimester and we will be going to lake compounce and six flags. Can anyone tell me what rides I can go on?|||Any rides that a pregnant woman CANNOT ride will have a warning before getting on. There are rides that you would be able to go on, but they are typically only rides young children can go on - boat rides, carousel, stuff like that. If there is a height restriction, chances are there is also a pregnancy restriction.|||Do you mean your second trimester of pregnancy? It sounds as if you do mean that, so I will answer your question that way. (Sorry if I misunderstood)
My brother once told me that he was in Coney Island about to board a rather rigorous ride and there was a sign posted by the entrance gate saying that certain kinds of people ought not try the particular ride and those were, 1) pregnant women 2)people with psychological illnesses 3) people with physical handicaps and disabilities 4) intoxicated people 5) people who have severe back or neck problems etc.
There used to be a certain ride at the Empire State Building (approximately in the 1990s) that was not so rigorous, but it would have riders looking at a large screen in a darkroom and the screen had the rider pretend that he or she is traveling through the air and through the buildings in New York and the seat that the rider was sitting on would move and turn and shake. Nevertheless pregnant women were warned not to try the ride and it was not said as to whether it means only the latest stages of pregnancy or any stage of pregnancy.
Probably, to avoid any legal liability the people whom run or own any amusement park or any amusement ride anywhwere, would not want a female at any stage of pregnancy to try any ride, even the "gentle" ones. Furthermore probably no doctor would recommend that a pregnant woman at any stage of her pregnancy try any amusement park rides.
In practicality, you probably would not suffer any harm if you rode the carousel, or ferris wheel some very slow ride that does not literally have you hitting the walls or being violently hurled about, but even those would not be recommended by medical professionals.
(In a way it sounds discriminatory against pregnant women ( and people with handicaps)).
The answer by "drip" sounds logical , but also it assumes that the person whom asked the question has her own doctor.
Not every one does.
The best answer even by someone whom is not an official medical professional is to be safe and wait until the end of your pregnancy to do anything really physical and rugged.|||You should ask your doctor, not Yahoo
I go to parks like this all the time! This is the first time I'm going with my boyfriend! My church is having a teen trip this Wednesday and we are going to Lake Compounce amusement park! I'm really excited to go with my boyfriend I just have no idea what to wear! Help?|||Wear something sexy or some short shorts cuz Its gonna be hot. Try to wear flip flops cuz you will get tired and need a break every 10 mins if you wear tennis shoes.|||The only thing you will care about by the end of the day apparel-wise is how comfortable your shoes are.|||I would go to the shops and try on new clothes or be yourself.
I moved about 4 years ago to a differant state and recently got a facebook and found one of my old friends on it. Her birthday is coming up soon and we are planning a trip to Lake Compounce. I don't know what to get her for her birthday. But I want it to be special since we haven't seen each other since 2008.
~ She is a Girl
~ We're In Middle School
~ She has a great sense of humor|||You can always find cute interesting funny stuff at the mall. Does that help?|||If you have a lot of old photographs you could make her a mini friendship scrapbook with old photos of you two. I like to buy personalized picture frames from you can have it engraved with your names and stick an old photograph in it or a new one. (shows you put a lot of thought into your gift and that you didn't wait last minute)
You could make her a music cd with a bunch of songs that remind you of her.
Or you could look on her "info" section of her facebook find out what her favorite stuff is and find a gift that goes with that. Maybe a music cd or t-shirt of her favorite band. Most girls like perfume and jewelry.|||You should get some pictures of both of you guys and make a collage..I remember when one of my friends got me something like that; I hadn't seen her in a long time and it meant SO much to me(: There are also other nicknack's you can get her like perfume, movies, makeup, etc. You should also HAND-WRITE her a note. Best of luckk.|||You should actually tell us how old so I don't suggest a Barbie. Or a Ken.
I think it would be nice to give her something cute. Like, you know those miniature clay things? Things like these:鈥?/a>
Besides, you guys are heading to a water theme park so try not to give her anything bulky haha|||Give her some money, that way she can but whatever she wants. Or you could buy her a nice bracelet or necklace. You can keep one half and she can keep the other.鈥?/a>
^^ like that. Hope i helped :)|||What is her favorite color? Does she like jewelry or perfume? Those are usually nice and cute gifts for girls on their birthdays.|||Get an engagement ring and propose to her. You said she has a sense of humor, right?|||Tickets to see Gag Gag or Justin Beiber.|||Yea|||perhaps a nice movie? :)|||you need send her something creative
i met this girl at lake compounce for the graveyard thing, she goes 2 my school and i added her on facebook. how do i start a convo with out syain hey.
because we barely talked|||LAKE COMPOUNCE IS AWESOME!|||well first comment on one of her status's, one that you actually have something to stay for, do that a couple of times for like a week or two, and then when she comes on say hey, but don't make it super obvious you were waiting for her, wait a minute or two then talk to her|||Just start a casual conversation and ask about her trip and stuff, you will talk more and get to know eachother.|||Talk to her at school.
Help with my question?;鈥?/a>|||I dont know , hello , how did yiu like the graveyard thing|||uhm message her on facebook and ask her about the trip, then take it off from there ....
x|||just be like "hey you were at lake compounce the other day right?"|||Just say hey! what you been up to lately!|||say hey whats up.... and mention sth about the trip|||TALK TO HER (:|||thank you for adding in these details that mean nothing to me
talk to her in person
we have a 5yr.old and an 11yr old which would be better for the 5yr. old?|||If this is your five year old's first time going to an amusement park, I would say try Lake Compounce first. It is physically smaller, so there is less walking, so it'll be less likely that they would get too tired out. And there is still plenty for an eleven year old to do there--three coasters and a decent water park.
Has anyone ever been to Lake Compounce? What do you think about it and how would you rate it?|||it's a lot of Fun!.... they have some old rides like the Boulder Dash (voted the worlds best wooden roller coaster). They also have a newer coaster called the Zoomerang. I also like the Rotor where it go's around in a circle and the floor drops. The log ride is nice on a hot day....
Anyway Have Fun.......
I rate it a 7 out of 10
Well on friday i am going on a school trip to a theme park in connecticut called Lake Compounce, i am fat for a 14 year old, 6 feet tall and 230lbs, and i have a 130 over i forgot what the bottom number was blood pressure, is it safe enough to go on the rides there? The link to the website is here, shows all the rides:|||As long as the bottom number doesn't get over 100 and the top doesn't get over 160 I think you should be okay.
Here is a chart, of BP's鈥?/a>|||I'm sure you'll be fine.
If your not you can always just sit down for abit?
Just cause your heavier than some other people doesn't mean you cant have fun like the rest(:
i heard Lake Compounce in Bristol Ct. is closing!! is that true? uhg that'd suck. also, is the sky coaster thing safe?|||Lake Compounce isn't closing! That would definitely suck. It is one of the oldest amusement parks ever, and I am pretty sure that if it were ever in danger of closing, there are several Connecticut historical societies that would fight to keep it open... though it is not even in danger of shutting down. In fact, it's open right now for the 2008 season.
To answer your other question, yes, the Sky Coaster is safe. There have never been any accidents on it, and if it will help to ease your mind a bit, I have heard that when you ride it, you as the rider are the one who gets to pull the cord to start the fall, so everything is in your hands once you're all strapped in and whatnot.
Okay; well my classes in school are going on a field trip to lake compounce & I wanna bring my step mom but we just found out shes pregnant 5-6 weeks, We are going June 3rd so she'll be like 8-9 weeks, would she be able to go on the rides at the park or would that cause a risk of losing the baby ?|||babbies will come and go...there's only one lake compounce.|||People who are pregnant are allowed to travel. Except near the end of the pregnancy.
So she is fine to go on the field trip.
As for rides that is something she should speak to the OB/GYN about.
I've had 3 kids and gone to amusement parks. Certain rides have a sign warning about pregnancy.
Here is some info I found on the subject -
Currently, there are no studies that document a problem with roller coasters while you are pregnant. Similarly, there are no studies documenting that it is safe either. Automobile accidents have caused placental abruption and other complications for women who are pregnant even when the trauma is not directly to the uterus.鈥?/a>
That said, riding a roller coaster in very early pregnancy (such as the early part of the first trimester) is probably not likely to cause a miscarriage. In early pregnancy, the placenta is at much earlier stages of development and is less likely to be affected by jarring movements. So if you are wondering whether riding a roller coaster before you knew you were pregnant may have caused your first trimester miscarriage, it probably didn't.鈥?/a>
But still she should speak to the doctor. She may have health problems that may make it more dangerous for her.
I lost 3 babies to miscarriage so there is no way I'd ride wild rides during pregnancy early or late.|||The website has some general information. Usually, the rides would have signs telling pregnant women to take caution. I'd stay away from rough rides like roller coasters. But you can check the page if you want, but I think she'll be fine.
Congrats on your baby stepbrother or sister by the way! :)鈥?/a>|||she should ask her midwife/doctor :-)
I already have a few people in mind, but I /reallyyyyyy/ want to take my boyfriend when we go.
The only problem is, my parents think I'm too young (14) to have a boyfriend and they don't know I'm going out with anyone. They've never met my boyfriend before and they've never heard me talk about him because I've been keeping him a secret. Only our friends and his parents know we're going out.
So I don't know what to do....should I just ask different people to go or ask him to come with us anyway?
And telling my parents I have a boyfriend isn't an option. They'd kill both me and my boyfriend...=/|||i am 12 and my opinion is to tell Ur parents he is a friend of yours it is OK to have a friend that is a boy i mean i do and i am 12 you should be able to bring him oh and PS i am also going to lake compounce this year on 8-3-08 this August have fun also go on down time
so yesterday me and my friend were going into the line for bolder dash there were these two cute guys infront of us. its rly hard to explain but we sorta connected. we never talked, but like u cld tell they liked us we did too so we wenr on they were all the way in the bac and we were 2 seats infront then when we got off and went on other rides and tben when we went bac it started rainin and there was noone on bolder dash except a coupke ppl includong thrm!!!!! but they were already gonna go and we hd to wait but then they got went around and waiting in line again and we got ogf it was like we were chasing each other lol ohhh did i memtion iy was raining uhhhhh me and my friend rly regret not sayong something to them tell me what u think and post any songs thst make u think of wat happemed thx :)|||I think life is full of these cool experiences and take comfort in knowing maybe if you did say more the guys might not end up being as amazing as you thought. Use it for next time though! it's a confidence building experience. I'd give some songs but I'm sure your already listening to Taylor swift lol. Now there is someone I wish I could meet|||Is English your native language because it really doesn't seem like it... If you're interested try going back sometime and if you see them talk to them|||I think you should have said something to them
Well, Six Flags New England is only 1000 ft from the CT border in Agawam, MA. Is that good enough for you!? :-)
I would prefer going to Lake Compounce since SFNE is like a box of chocolates. You never know what kind of customer service you are going to get. Of course, things could have changes since the last time I was there. But having Superman closed for no good reason on Memorial Day was inexcusable.
I actually loved Lake Compounce and had a great time going between Boulder Dash, the Sky Ride, Ghost Hunt and Wildcat. I would go there again over going through the hassel of trying to have good time at Six Flags because their operations suck!|||I'm pretty sure that's the only one.|||The Roller Coaster Database lists two active parks:鈥?/a>|||you can try quassy in middlebury - real small and not as much fun as lake compounce
I'm going with a couple of friends and i love the drop feeling but when i wen't on bizzaro, the hill was to big for me and i like didn't enjoy the rest of the ride because i didn't have time to recover, is there any way to make the drop feeling less? or something|||The only way would be to go on more and more rides with big drops. This will cause you to become more tolerant of the feeling, eventually to the point where you will barely feel it at all. I would recommend going on Down Time a few times if possible, as this is the ride with the most intense drop feeling you can experience in the park. If you need a way to "warm up" or something, maybe try the Zoomerang or possibly even Thunder N' Lightning a few times before riding Down Time.
I used to have this same experience, but once I started riding more and more rides with drops, more and more often, I became extremely tolerant of this feeling, to the point where the only time I feel the feeling is when I ride drop towers (like Down Time), and I only feel it very slightly.
I live in Bristol, CT and it seems to be the only good one around. I went to a couple last year including the Lake and the Trail of Terro in Wallingford and I found them to be amazing. Just wondering if there are any other good ones in the area. So if you could, please let me know|||=Go to the Chamber of Commerce website for Salem, MA. There are so many activities there at this time of year. Halloween seems to be their specialty! There is also a haunted castle in Gloucester, MA that is very exciting. I have been there a couple of times and it is well worth it. They used to give free hot apple cider if you made it thru. Have fun and hope this helps.|||Thank you and have a great time! Report Abuse
|||there is one in torrington thats suppossed to be descent. its on winsted road across from dunkin donuts at a place called rjb only weekends though.
You may want to check with your local library. Sometimes they have passes you can check out.
Also, I think Dunkin Donuts used to have coupons, maybe they will have them again this year.|||and burger king does too Report Abuse
|||If you are a memeber to AAA I believe it knocks off a few bills, I only went last year so I don't know if it still is the same this year. Other then AAA I don't know of anything else unless you go with a group or something haha good luck|||The best place to look for this type of discounts is SearchAllDeals. Just start with a search term like "Lake Compounce Amusement Park".
are the lines for the popular rides long. about how many minutes?
Are they're carvinal games there?
THanks!!!!|||The longest I have ever waited for a ride at Lake Compounce was probably about an hour, and this is very rare. The only rides that ever have long waits are Boulder Dash, Ghost Hunt, Saw Mill Plunge, and Thunder Rapids, and the longest of those is usually Ghost Hunt, due to its low rider capacity. There are definitely plenty of carnival games, and all of the rides have places to stash your things while you ride, so there's no need to worry about that.
Have fun!|||they will be kinda long, but they give away free soda and yes there are cubbies. you may be okay tho cuz most ct schools just got out or havent even got out yet, and its a monday, so be preped to wait like 30 min for the good ones. get there early and youll wait less. yes they have games too.|||the lines there usually arent too bad, especially sense a lot of schools in ct are still in session,
definitely go on boulder dash and if i were you id skip wild cat, that ride has gotten really bumpy|||never heard of the park
your too excited!
have fun i guess?
need to know in advance so i can't just look when we get there|||Here's the link to the park map.鈥?/a>
You can right click to save the image on your computer to print later, or you can just print it.
If you have difficulties, just contact me offline and I'll email you the GIF file.
Hope that helps!|||Right when you enter the park, to your right next to the "Lost Parents" you will find a First Aid.
Only one in park.
If you have a season pass, can you get into the haunted graveyard for free, or do you need to pay extra?|||Hello, Stranger!
Judging from this link it appears you do have to pay...鈥?/a>
sorry :(
Edit: Sorry. I can't come with you. I'm staying at someones house instead.|||is it open in the rain
I've seen that there will be 2 new non family rides for the new season and I have a question for both of them.
WIPE OUT- Simple question: What is it? :P
TUNNEL TWISTERS- Are these in the same place as the old three body slides were? (which was just a grass field for the 2008 season)
The other 2 new things are A mini pirate ship and a Slushy food place or something.|||this is a wipeout鈥?/a>
and this is a tunnel twister鈥?/a>
there are like five if you hit them indivually at Jona' Roller Coasters.
that should do ya!
I'm looking to go to one of these this summer for a day trip with my boyfriend. I can't decide! I'm almost 18 and he's 19. He's never been to either, but I've been to Canobie Lake Park twice. We live in Rhode Island and both parks are exactly the same distance from where we live (2 hours).
I'm looking for opinions from New Englanders who have been to both ? Thanks!|||With both park's sets of roller coasters, it's a draw. Both have four each. Personally, I'd choose Canobie Lake Park since it would be a new experience for both of you nad because they opened that awesome new coaster this year: Untamed. It's a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter, which has a vertical lift hill followed by a beyond-90-degree drop.|||Lake experience!
Saturday July 10, 2010 is Channel 3 Kids Camp Day at Lake Compounce. Channel 3 Kids Camp Day allows you to save $7 on admission tickets by printing out a special coupon from the WFSB Channel 3 website. When you redeem the coupon, you save $7 on the price of admission to Lake Compounce and $2 for each coupon redeemed is donated to Channel 3 Kids Camp a program that is a summer camp program for underprivileged children in the area. Nothing else special is going on at Channel 3 Kids Camp Day, other than you save on admission.
i'm just wondering...
plz answer! (:
xo.|||The only Lake Compounce I know of is an amusement park in Connecticut in the US.|||No.. Its not America :)
Apparently you're taking about a theme park? If you want theme parks, go to the gold coast in QLD.. because Sydney has shi*t all. We have luna park, but thats so crap. We had a really good theme park called wonderland.. but it closed down a few years ago.. and i miss it so much.|||No, there isn't.
Ok ... I think i spelled "Compounce" wrong... but anyway!.. My Teacher and I and 4-5 other students are going to lake compounce for a trip next friday and me being so excited i went on youtube to see some videos on some on some of the rides they have.. So can you tell me these 3 things if you know please... ok. 1. How many Amusement Rides do they have? And 2. How many Water Rides do they have? ( Not like were going to the water park) but im just curious . And you don't have to tell me the total.. im capable of adding up the two #'s lol. But please lemme know im kinda curious AND OH! whats ur top 3 or 5 rides =D.. thanks for answerers <3 **|||hi there info for you,click on the blue details tag!! have fun..鈥?/a>
regards pops..|||thank you............ Report Abuse
i need 8 tickets for 8 people to go to lake compounce or six flags.i need to know which one of the 2 sells 8 tickets cheaper.(for those who answered this question already, i wrote it over cuz for some reason it has been deleted)i really need help cuz my birthday is coming up and thats when i want to hav my party(well 2 days later on a saturday)ppl include 3 frends, 2 siblings and both parents and me.soo i need specific information on how much both costs not just it costs more.rite now all i hav is $100(im getting)or $108.sooooooooo plz be specific .|||six flags cuz like right now they have this one deal dats up 2
6 ppl n u only pay the childrens price n if u buy the tickets online their cheaper
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Hopefully i wont get
If i do have to go to first aid will they make me feel comfortable...and where is the first aid station there?
If im in the water park should i just go see a lifeguard??
Sorry...dont mean to be paranoid...not usually like this but my friend told me a story about her friend cracking her wrist on a field trip there...and i just wanna be|||you should go to any adult or security will help you or the lifeguard.....first aid also....just be careful and have fun....|||be careful, and playsafe, ownup to your responseablities, the school has responsablity you your safely, but this doesnt mean to act like a fool and get killed|||Well truthfully some schools have different policies so I would check with your teacher and see what he/she says. At my scholl our teachers normally want us to see them because they need to know and if it's minor they can take care of it. if they can't take care of it they'll take you to the first aid.|||If you are trained in First Aid, I suggest you commence First Aid. If you are with someone, ask him to go find a teacher whilst you are doing first aid. However, if you two are alone, remember where you are, explain to him you are going to find a teacher, and try to get back as soon as you can.
If you are in a waterpark, there should be many people. Ask someone to find a lifeguard if you know First Aid. But let the lifeguard take over when he arrives, and help in whatever ways possible
I'm not sure if they will send you anything before next week when you sign up, but if you go to their website at and join the Lake Lovers club, they will send you newsletters with printable coupons at the bottom of each one.|||go to to find out about discounts/coupons/offers. also go to burger king near lake compounce when you get to connecticut you'll find coupons there too.
Ok so my friends and I are planning a trip to Lake Compounce in CT for the Fright Fest thing. I've asked my cousin to come along but he isn't sure because he's overweight & is embarrassed about not being able to fit on rides. He is like 5'7 or 5'8 and weighs about 300-315lbs. I want him to come but I don't know if he can fit on any of the rides. I'll be happy to not ride anything with him as long as he comes but I still want to know. So basically what rides, if any, will he be able to fit into.|||I wouldn't make any promises, but generally places like that have weight limits where 250 is the most, but people carry their weight differently. If it is a problem where ride restraints won't fit, then only things like trains could accomodate him. Don't count on any rollercoasters, or rides that seem to "fly", (like the Wave Swinger, Thunder N Lightning, etc.). The Sky Coaster is a definate no, as it probably has a weight limit below his weight.The Trolley might be ok though. Don't count on water rides, either. But again, it all depends on how he carries his weight.
Is it safe? What is the best ride? Do you feel like you are going to fall out of the ride "Thunder n' Lightning"?|||Lake Compounce is a very safe park. They have only had one recorded incident there in years, and that occurred in the "Lights Out" waterslide in the water park, where a boy drowned a couple of years back, but it turned out that the boy wasn't even able to swim, but his parents let him ride anyway.
All of the rides are very well-maintained and, as with every amusement park, they are checked for safety each morning before the park opens.
Thunder N Lightning does give you feelings of weightlessness and there are also times where your body is pressed against the restraint, just like with pretty much any ride that requires over-the-shoulder restraints. While this can be unnerving (I ride all the time, and it still makes me nervous), it doesn't mean it is unsafe--even if there is some "give" to the restraint. You will be able to tell that the restraint locks when the attendants are checking it; the restraints are perfectly safe.|||all amusement parks are inspected regularly. the only way someone can say one is safer than the other is the state they are located in. some states have lesser requirements than others. like the recent accident in california, the ride was inspected, and yet all the carnival rides at that fair were shut down becaiuse the one malfunctioned. the malfunction on the ride at hand was such a fluke that it is the first time this type of accident has ever happened on any swing ride built the same way. that was a yoyo ride but several others are built the same iden ticle way. the main cable snapped causing its demise. accidents are basically flukes, rider error, and hardly ever operator error or erection error. type this in your search bar - carnival ride accident report-this will throw you for a loop and read that article which is a summary of most ride accidents from last year, 2007.|||yes it is safe. its just a little single family owned park. best ride is either wild cat or boulder dash. yes but its the G force i guess
I'm deciding which one to bring my family to next week, can u help me ?
If possible I would like an opinion from someone that has been to all 3 if possible but any positive or negative experience of either park would help thanks.|||six flags is the most fun. also they have a promo right now -鈥?/a>|||I can tell just from my research that Six Flags New England has more roller coasters than the two other parks combined and is the only one out of the three that has any really big roller coasters. So, if you like roller coasters, Six Flags New England is your best bet.|||SEIS BANDERAS
do you like six flags or lake compounce better?|||Lake Compounce, it is less crowded and a bit cleaner, the rides aren't as long and no annoying people dressed up in ridiculous costumes for most of the time, oh and the important thing, FREE SODA!!! If you're talking about the Six Flags in Agawam, Mass. it's still good, but when it was Riverside, it was awesome and better than the Lake Compounce, but now that Six Flags bought it out, it's just generalized Commerical entertainment.|||lake compounce, less busy, and shorter lines|||Ur asking a question that i think only people the live in CT would be able to anwer but i say 6 flags.|||six flags
I'm going to Lake Compounce in Conneticut next week, and I was looking at the list of attractions. I love wooden roller coasters, but I was a little spooked when I read that it goes so fast. If you have been on this ride, what was your reaction to it?? Was it scary, fun..??|||Boulder Dash is my favorite wooden coaster. It is very fun! (although it can be scary at first) In fact, it has been voted as one of the best wooden coasters in the world as of 2008 and in 2004, it was voted #1. 65 mph isn't really that fast for a wooden coaster, since there are many others that are faster, although it is pretty fast. It is one of the most unique coasters in the world, as it is the only one built on the side of a mountain and in the woods.
I did everything in Lake Compounce in about three or four hours. And this was during a pouring rain/thunderstorm. Yeah, every single ride, even their 185 foot tall S&S Drop Tower was running in a thunderstorm. Just remember to bring swimming goggles on Boulder Dash in case it rains.|||That's not a question.|||What does this have to do with atheism?|||You lost me after "Atheists".|||Thanks, I will
Is Lake Compounce really haunted? And if so, whom is it haunted by? I've been hearing people say it is but im not sure if it really is and I'm curious.
P.S. I'm talking about Lake Compounce in Bristol, CT
Thanks to all who answered!|||there is no such thing as hauntings, but here is a link that can tell you all about the legend:鈥?/a>
lake compounce is in bristol soda all day, it's a theme park and water park.
mountain creek is all water park.
i'm gonna be with my 9 year old daughter, my fiance, his 18 year old brother, and his 16 year old friend...
i am at wits end trying to figure out where we are going-
because i want us all to enjoy.
but mainly the trip is for my daughter.
we are going on a tuesday-july 30th 2008.
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||I grew up about half an hour from Mountain Creek (then Action Park) and absolutely loved it as a kid. However, the newer version is MUCH more toned down than it used to be and I was an extremely energetic kid. There is not nearly as much to do at MC than there is at the Lake. I moved to CT as a teenager and went to the Lake more times than I can count since. When my wife moved out there with me, we both maintained season passes there and went as much as we could. We miss it now, we live in Illinois! Lake Compounce gives a lot of nice water rides that are somewhat thrilling, but not extreme. They also have a lazy river (which MC does not.) Nice themeing as well. The fact that the same admission also includes the main park AND free drinks all day just makes it the better choice. Especially since the trip is for the little girl, I think you should go to Lake Compounce. If the little girl wasn't there and you wanted more thrilling water rides, Mountain Creek would be the better choice.
How much does the sky coaster at Lake Compounce, in Connecticut cost for a group of two??|||heres the admission rates
2008 Summer Admission Rates
Type of Ticket Price
Regular Admission (52" and taller) $33.95
Junior Admission (Under 52" tall) $24.95
Senior Admission (Over 60 years of age) $17.95
After 5 P.M. $17.95
3 years and under FREE
Parking, per vehicle $5.00
Parking, per bus FREE
2008 Summer Special Group Admission Rates
(For groups of 25 or more. Advance reservation required.)
Group Size Weekday Weekend
25-99 $20.00 $21.50
100-499 $18.50 $20.00
500-999 $17.50 $19.00
1000+ $16.50 $18.00
just wondering cuz i wanna go!!!!|||more psychological and as years pass more and more stories keep o getting attached to it. but its fun going there as you meet several like yourself . check this out too鈥?/div>
- 4 years ago
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Lake Compounce in Bristol Connecticut|||Parques Reunidos, the largest European-based amusement park
company, bought Lake Compounce's parent company, Pittsburgh's Kennywood Entertainment Co.
The Madrid-based Parques Reunidos has vowed to "continue what we've already started," said Gerry Brick, general manager at Lake Compounce.|||The park is owned by Kennywood Entertainment Company, a subsidiary of Parques Reunidos, headquartered in Madrid, Spain.|||national park service
Is it cause I am afraid to go on it?|||"Scary" all depends on what kinds of things scare you. There are a lot of inversions, so if you're not used to going upside-down, it could be a little scary. Or if going backwards scares you...
Overall, though, the Zoomerang is by NO means a megacoaster, or anything most people would consider scary. It's very short, so you won't have to worry about being on it for a long time, and it doesn't go very fast if speed is an issue.
The only thing I can think of that'd make it scary is the fact that it tends to get stuck a lot... No one has ever been injured because of this, but it still sucks to be stuck up there for a while!
My advice would be to just ride it once. It'll be over before you know it, and then you can decide if you like it or not!
How much does the Sky Coaster (Bungee jump-ish thing) at Lake Compounce cost? I'm going there pretty soon and I want to try it out. I was wondering how much, I heard it was around $20-$40, but I'm not sure.|||A single person ride costs ~$25, a two person ride is ~$20 and a three person ride is ~$15
have fun! ive heard its awesome!!!
I have to do that right now in school too lol, and the topics that I chose were centripetal force, momentum (what gets the ride to go faster), pendulum (the whole ride is basically a giant pendulum) and conservation of energy (PEg beginning= KE + PEg ending). But I am having trouble explaining them too...
bacause i was on it once and at the end a ghost was screaming at us..........|||That actually sounds cool. Ghosts hunts are fun, or so I have heard. My uncle went to a graveyard with his friends and put a tape recorder on one of the graves. When they came to get it back in the morning, they heard strange sounds on the recorder, and they were haunted for a while. But other than that, they said it was fun.
So.... fun stuff.|||I don`t know where that is,but i love watching the show "Ghost Hunters". It`s pretty scary sometimes. I actually saw a ghost once and will never forget it. It was on a bridge where a woman and her daughter drowned in a car. I wasn`t sure what I saw till the next day,when I happened to mention it,while having breakfast at a local restaurant. The waitress told me the story of them running off the road and the car sinking right at this bridge. It was in the 40s during WW2 when it happened. A few others,besides me have seen it over the years.
Are you allowed to wear bikinis in their waterpark section? Someone who answered my last question says they aren't but I don't really believe that.|||I don't think any water parks allow 2-piece swimsuits. Just wear a boring 1-piece so you don't have to deal with any nagging park employees and save yourself the headache.
My family of 4 is planning to go to Lake Compounce in Bristol, CT. It will be for all day, either on a Tues. or the weekend. Can anyone tell me where to get some good discounts, better than $4 off w/ S&S card?|||If you join the Lake Lovers club at the Lake Compounce website (, you will receive emails with printable coupons for Lake Compounce. They are usually not for admission, but for food, games, & souvenirs there.
my friend and I are going to lake compounce on the 25th (yes i know exciting!!) and I was wondering dowe need to get our tickets online or are we able to get them at the park when we arrive there???|||You can get them either online or at the park. If you use the promo code 400901105 when checking out online, you can get a discount of $5.00 for each ticket. If you buy them at the park however, you may use a stop & shop card to get a discount when you're there (I think). You can also get coupons at Bob's Stores or a local AAA office and you can purchase discounted tickets at Costco.
Has anyone been to Lake Compounce what did you think about it and what would you rate it?|||well i am age 12 and this year is my fourth year going because we get free tickets because my dad works at Mohegan sun in ct and it is a easy 10 unless u like like a theampark with like almost all coasters it only has 3 2 are wooden and 1 is steal the same thing as flashback at six flags new England if u have ever been there this year i am going with my cousin and sister and mom and dad and down time is a free fall it slowly brings u up then drops u down straight 50 inches to ride it it is a really good park again if u like a more family type park have fun
is thunder and lighting at lake compounce included in the admition, or is there a sepreate fee.
if so how much?
THANKS!!!!!!!|||Thunder & Lightning is included in the park admission, and the wait is usually really short, too! Totally worth a ride; there's tons of airtime.|||everything is included but if you are talking about that huge like 3 person swing thing thats like 50 feet tall or whatever its like 20 bucks or so.
which one is better? ive only went 2 six flags b4 but people say that lake compounce is cleaner, cheaper, more family oriented, less lines and stuff like that. For us it is close its in bristol CT when we are in Franklin, CT. WE have a family of 4 me my older brother and my parents which one is better for us?|||I think that since you had been to Six Flags before, you should check out Lake Compounce. They have a killer wooden coaster there (Boulder Dash) that I think you would love if you are into that sort of thing. They do have a nice clean-family friendly environment (although Six Flags tries to strive for that also). They may not have as much there (in terms of rides) as Six Flags, but if you like to take your time and see shows and do re-rides then it is a nice park.
If you like rollercoasters and don't mind missing out on Bizarro at Six Flags, then you should definitely go to Lake Compounce for Boulder Dash. Your parents will probably love the park too, it's nice there.
Either way I'm sure you will have fun!|||yo check out lake compounce i went there with my cousins and the water slides rock!!!
I had just recently moved from my old school to my new school. Now my old school will be going to Lake Compounce and I was wondering if the park was open so I could go and see ALL my friends. If anyone knows it would be great if you answered.|||no. its open to everyone. im going with my school next mon.
I need to know because I'm going to go and i don't really want to wait.|||Not unless they added it recently. But the lines aren't that bad there either.
LC's one of my favorite parks. And Boulder Dash is my favorite woodies, especially at night!
What a wonderful park!|||No they don't. The only ride you have to wait a long time for is Ghost Hunt- even a short line equals a long wait- not sure why. If you want to take a break go on the sky ride- it is a 30 minute ride up a "mountainside"- very pretty and relaxing. Not your average sky ride.
Are there any new rides at Lake compounce this year? If there aren't, I'm probably not planning on going, also, is it true that the water park is going to be enlarged?|||hi there,YES to both questions,information on the link for you,enjoy your day out!!good luck..鈥?/a>
best regards pops..|||thank you... Report Abuse
i did ride the zoomarang and loved it but im sceptical about wooden coasters|||I would think Zoomerang would be more scary than Boulder Dash or Wildcat. I tend to think steel coasters are more intense than wooden ones. I also don't think that Wildcat is that intense at all. Maybe because I have probably been on it more than 100 times (same with boulder and zoomerang). I don't really think that these coasters are too intense and if you can handle the roughness and suspense of Zoomerang, you can definitely handle Boulder Dash and Wildcat. But just make sure you sit in the middle row of seats of any of the 3 cars on the Wildcat train (or the front seat of the whole train). Since they are not on axles, it makes the ride soooo much smoother and enjoyable. It's like a whole different ride when compared to the other seats. This ride is known for being rough and painful (especially in the back seat), but I don't find this problem when sitting in the middle rows. As for Boulder Dash, you may want to start in the middle of the train, but a little closer to the front. These seats are smoother and don't seem as fast and intense. Also, ride in the beginning of the day. The track "warms up" throughout the day (as on all wooden coasters), so it would actually be slower in the beginning of the day. All rides at Lake Compounce are very safe and they take good care of them. In fact, Boulder Dash was just completly retracted these past couple of years, so it is even smoother than before. It is also one of the top ten woodies in the world, so I bet you will like it. Just give them a try!|||My favorite coaster at Lake Compounce is easily Boulderdash. The ride is smooth, and it is unique because it is literally built onto a large hill/mountain. There is a fun curving first drop, and then there are multiple drops and surprises, with a turnaround that delivers some nice lateral G's (side to side), and then some bunny hops leading back to the loading station. I will vote for this one being the most intense.
Wildcat is a classic. This ride is well maintained, which allows many generations to enjoy it. The ride is not too intense or scary, but is fun. Ride this to prepare yourself for Boulderdash.
As for Zoomerang; these Vekoma Bomerangs are everywhere, and I have ridden so many of them. However, for the first timer, it is intimidating going up the first incline backwards, just hanging like that. This is especially nice in the back seat!
Wooden coasters are perfectly safe. Park maintenance walks the track every morning and inspects the ride. Wood is frequently replaced when needed. Wooden coasters require a great deal of maintenance, and Lake Compounce is on top if it in that department. Their rides are top notch.
Sometimes you will see the wood flex a little when a train flies by. This is actually for safety, because if the wood didn't flex like that, it would break! This may scare some people, but this is normal, and makes the ride safe. The structure is built to withstand the forces generated by the trains on the ride. In fact, some woodies, such as Boardwalk Bullet in Texas, is built with extra wood to help withstand hurricanes, because of its location on Galveston Bay! It also survived Hurricane Ike, intact, after standing in over 6 feet of water from storm surge!
These rides are tested, and tested, and tested some more, before they even open to the public.
I am a fan of wooden coasters, and I have taken more rides than I can even begin to count. I'm still here, craving more!
Speaking of ' OMG " moments, Thunder N Lighting looks MUCH higher on the ride than it does while looking at from the ground! This ride might actually get my vote for the 'scariest' ride in the part, because it caught me off guard! :)|||I would be the most scared on the Wildcat than any of the other coasters. As opposed to Zoomerang and Boulder Dash, which opened in 1997 and 2000 respectively, Wildcat opened way back in 1927, so the feeling of uncertainty about its structural integrity for being so old would be pretty high.
On another note, Boulder Dash is supposed to be one of the best wooden coasters and is arguably one of the best scenic coasters in the world. I don't care for wooden coasters either, but this particular one peaks my curiosity and may be worth checking out.
Im going for my birthday and I am wondering which rides are open in the park because I know some are open but IDK which oness. And what days is the Haunted Graveyard opened on? Thanks! Nothing rude plz!|||Boulder Dash is scheduled to be OPEN every day of the haunted graveyard, as is most every other ride. The only rides that will be closed are the train, trolley, sky ride, thunder rapids, saw mill plunge, and the kiddie park (and of course the water park!). The Haunted Graveyard/Lake Compounce will be open every friday and saturday of october, and every sunday except the first (oct. 3). The park opens at 5 pm and the rides are open until about 11 on fridays and saturdays, and until 10 on sundays. Remember that the Haunted Graveyard is owned by a separate company and is simply being hosted by LC, so it will have an additional charge - even if you have an LC season pass.
Be sure to check the weather before you plan a visit, and be sure to check the park's website at to verify that it will be open if there is any chance of rain.
Have fun on your visit, and happy birthday in advance!|||Idk. I don't think the Boulder Dash will be open at night due to the atmosphere of the ride and the woods.
Admission to Lake Compounce for 2009 is $34.99 for adults (save $3 by purchasing Lake Compounce discount tickets online), $25.99 for "Juniors" under 52" tall and $17.99 for seniors over 60 years of age. Enter the park after 5 p.m., and admission is $17.99. Children three and under are admitted free. Admission includes all rides and attractions. Parking is $6 per vehicle, or buy a 10-pass parking book for $25.
Lake Compounce offers a $79.95 Season Pass that entitles the bearer to unlimited visits. Save $10 on a season pass by ordering early.
Have fun :D|||One day regular admission is $34.99.
im havin my birthday at one of the two places which one should i go to?|||it depends which six flags you want to go to because there is alot of them in the us.
six flags because there is more to do like rides and with lake compounce you just have 3 rollercoasters and with six flags you got alot of rollercosters.
so six flags is better
here are some sites that might help鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Six Flags New England is better than Lake Compounce, definitely, as it has more than twice as many roller coasters. The only reason why Lake Compounce is even worth the time to visit is because of its two woode coasters, Wildcat and Boulder Dash. Wildcat is an old traditional one from the 1920s (only a few of these still exist) and Boulder Dash is a newer one that is built on the side of a cliff face. It's one of the top-ten rated wooden coasters on Earth. But, like I said, SFNE is better. The same guys that gave that ranking to Boulder Dash also ranked Bizarro at SFNE as the #2 steel coaster on Earth, and it has been #1 in the past a few times.|||Six flags most definitely.|||six flags...more rides
We were thinking about going tomorrow but the weather is not looking great. I went last year on a Wednesday or Thursday and it was not crowded at all but any idea about Friday?|||obviously no one answered your question in time. If you did go I guess you ansered your own question. If the weather was bad, the park would not be crowded. I would not go on weekends. Your best bet is to go during the wek because most people are working.
which one should we go to?? which is better?|||Hmm, well Six Flags New England has a REALLY good steel coaster, but Lake Compounce has a REALLY good wooden coaster. I would say that Six Flags New England has a LITTLE more to do then Lake Compounce (more coasters and rides in general), although they are both small parks. Really, go to the cheaper one. Lake Compounce doesn't feel like a "chain" park like Six Flags, so it depends on the also get free soda there...But both parks are about the same should look them both up online and look at their ride selection - pick the one that has rides that you'd like. Really, in my opinion the only thing worth going to Lake Compounce for is Boulder Dash (their wooden coaster), otherwise Six Flags probably has more "bang for your buck" - although I do not know your age...they kind of lack rides for the older crowd. Six Flags tends to be more crowded too. So it depends on what type of rides you like and what sort of atmosphere you are looking for. I almost want to say that you can do both parks in one day if you go during the weekday...but I guess you should just look at the websites and see which ones appeals to you (based on shows, rides, and distance from you).
If you hadn't been to either one and they were both equal distance from your house then try out Six Flags first.|||Six flags new england for sure.
I just want 2 see how many people know about it. If you do, tell me what state you live in.|||I LOVE this park! Just as another asnwerer said, it is one of the oldest operating amusement parks in the U.S.
This park is unique, offers free, unlimited sodas, and has a fun, family oriented atmosphere. The Chair Lift Ride takes riders up a mountain and then back down, and the view is INCREDIBLE. You just don't see this at parks such as Six Flags.
This park is also home to my second favorite coaster; Boulderdash. THe lift hill is built onto a 'mountain' and the ride is incredible. Other favorite rides include WIldcat, Downtime, and Thunder 'N Lightning.
This park is NOT to be missed!
I am a rollercoaster enthusiast (ACE member) from Texas.|||Bounderdash is my second favorite wooden coaster, second only to Voyage at Holiday World. The second I saw Boulderdash, and that lift hill built into the mountain, I knew I was in for a treat! I enjoyed this ride at the Preservation Conference last summer and was treated to multiple night rides. Report Abuse
|||I know about it. I'm from Florida.
The reason I knew about it is because it's the oldest operating amusement park in North America and has been open every season since 1846.
It's also home to Boulder Dash, which is one of the top-ten wooden coasters in the world according to Amusement Today. From POV videos on YouTube, it also looks like one of the best terrain-layout coasters in the world.|||Yes I've heard of it, only because of Boulder Dash.
I love amusement parks. I've been to Six Flags New England and Lake Compounce, but never Canobie Lake. (these are in the New england area, in New Hampshire and Connecticut.) My bf doesn't want to go to Six Flags because he's been there before. I would like opinions from anyone who has been to one or both, either positive or negative. BTW, I live in RI, and would drive there for a daytrip, so neither one is really advantaged over the other in terms of getting to it, they're both the same.|||Ive been to lake compounce they have a lot of rides and roller coasters and water slides plus you get free coke refills
but in canobie lake its very family friendly very cheap not too many roller coasters but lots of heart pumping rides or just slower ones. plus they have games and such so they are both great (in a 10 year old opinion)
so if you want a fancier one you should go to lake compounce but if you want a fun family one then you should go to canobie :)
hope this helped|||The one that's funner..and nicer.|||I live about a town over from Canobie and I gotta say, I wouldn't say its worth it from RI. The drive is too long for a small park. There's about 2 roller coasters, there fun, but nothing big, and a couple other cool rides that I imagine Six Flags has too. I feel like the park it self is targeted at a younger audience|||i have never been to canobie lake park, but lake compounce is extremely fun. i know your boyfriend has already been to six flags but i think that six flags is way better than lake compounce, so if you didnt like six flags you most likely will not like lake compounce. at lake compounce there is alot of fun rides, but six flags has more rolller coasters and big rides, however at lake compounce theres only like bolderdash.
Monday, February 6, 2012
for like a day or seasons pass when u can go up when u want to|||Season Pasess:
Lake Compounce is $69.95
Six Flags is$74.99
Daily Admition:
Lake Compounce is $33.95
Six Flags is $49.99
I hope I helped you!|||Lake Compounce:
Regular Admission: $33.95
Season Pass: $74.95
Six Flags:
Regular Admission: $39.99
I'm not sure which Six Flags so I can't tell you how much the season passes are. You can look it up on|||lake compounce is cheaper!
what is the cost of the sky coaster (bungy drop) at lake compounce? if posible link to your source!|||Sara,
Pay an extra fee and ride the Sky Coaster by yourself, a friend, or with two friends.
Single riders pay $29.95, a group of two pay $19.95 each, and a group of three pay $14.95 each.鈥?/a>
Burger King, Bobs Stores, AAA office.
You can get discounted tickets by using your Stop & Shop card when buying them at the park(I think), or by buying the tickets at Costco.
You can also get a discount by buying them online at Lake Compounce's web site.|||at my house! i have like 50 but i never go there, i've been there like 10 times already this summer
I'm going this sunday on the 19. Last year, my family and I went to Lake Compounce. It was raining on and off then. The fore cast shows 40% precipitation and it says showers.
Thanks :)|||Whenever it rains, all parks all over close down all their outdoor rides until it stops.|||. Report Abuse
|||first guy is wrong. When I lived in connecticut and went there one time it was pouring. All the rides were still open. I forget the name of the big wooden one (no pun intended) but I went on that and the rain actually hurts.
Have fun though.
I am 13 and my friend and I are gonig to lake compounce and we are not sure how much it is to get in. We went on the website and we dont know if we would be a junior or a regular?!?!?|||Regular Admission: Anyone 52" (4' 4") or taller
Junior Admission: Anyone under 52" (4' 4")
Senior Admission: Anyone over the age of 60
Anyone 3 and younger is free!
My friend is having a party at Lake Compounce. I wanted to know what i should wear I don't wanna wear a tank cuz im kinda fat and i always feel uncomfortable wearing them. And i don't own a pair of jean shorts that aren't to short on me cuz i grew like 5 inches. Oh and its tomorrow. lol. :) thx guys.|||then wear soffe shorts and a t-shirt anything like that is good for amusement parks
For a 14 year old, is a 134/64 blood pressure safe enough to go on the rides at lake compounce in connecticut|||Even for a 90 year old with a 134/64 blood pressure it should be safe! Why, do you have some kind of medical condition either physical or mental you're concerned about?|||i would say yes.|||134/64 is not bad|||The 95th percentile for a 14 year old male is 130/080 mm Hg and the 95th percentile for a 14 year old female is 125/080 mm Hg. Although no interpretation should be given to a single reading you are at or above the 95th percentile which means that your blood pressure should be followed. That having been said it is perfectly safe for you to enjoy the rides. I wish you the very best of health and may God bless.
Does anyone know if Lake Compounce has coupons or special offers for 2008? Anything from food to admission, thanks for the help. :)|||Go to the Lake Compounce website ( and join the Lake Lovers' Club. You'll get an email probably about every 2 weeks during the operating season, and every once in a while off-season. The emails will let you know when a sponsor is doing any special deals--this is usually Stop N Shop or Bobs. The emails also contain printable coupons at the bottom, which aren't for admission, but for things like food, shopping, or games.|||You can also get a great discount from AAA - almost 25% off the price of the tickets. You can order online or at any AAA store. See here: Report Abuse
|||I just went to Lake Compounce a couple of days ago, So I really don't know. I know Guilda's milk has a special offer, but I'm not sure how it works, so you might want to go to Lake Compounce's official website to learn more about it.|||Go on the website. That should help!
It's like, a Halloween thng. My friend wants me to go, but I'm not sure. I'd have to spend thirty dollars of my own money to go.
Has anyone ever been there? What's it like?|||Yeah actually.. and it was quite amazing!:)|||I went a couple years ago and it was pretty scary, i was 20 at the time. Six Flags Halloween thing is FABULOUS though if you can get up there!
I am looking for a new park to go to has anyone ever been to Lake Compounce in CT or Splashtown Funtown in Maine? Which is better? why?|||Definitely Lake Compounce.
It has Boulder Dash, one of the best wooden coasters on Earth. It also has an older wooden called Wildcat, which has been around since the 1920s. The park is also historically significant, as it is the oldest amusement park in the US (1846).
I went to the Haunted Graveyard yesterday and I think it would be fun to scare people in the attraction. How can I do this?|||pull out a pistol with blanks and shoot one of your friends and have them fall and show some phony blood and then point the cap gun at the attendant. that should do it. maybe use a recessing phony knife instead.|||You sign up in early october or late september at the graveyard. At that time they'll assign you a house an tell you all the rules. I usually sign up through my school but you can call and find out the sign up days and go down to the graveyard to sign up. Keep in mind you must be in high school or older to participate.
I'm going to that amusment park for the first time today and I heard different things from different people. Some people told me they sell tickets at the park and others told me you have to get them somewhere else (I don't know where) How would I be able to get tickets?|||Yes, they do sell them at the park. If you want to skip the lines and enter right away, you can purchase them online from their website.
Thunder and Lightning at Lake Compounce in Bristol,CT scary cause my BFFFL wants me to go on it,but im afraid too! What do you think?|||This is a fun, but short ride! When the ride swings to its maximum height, there are some nice (very brief) freaky moments, but other than that, its really not too bad. I was caught off guard, just a little, because this ride doesn't look too tall from the ground, but it seemed like it was much higher when riding. When the ride reaches maximum altitude, it will seem like you are perpendicular to the ground. Add a little airtime, and you have a fun ride!
The ride doesn't last long at all; and if you ride, you won't have to worry about kicking yourself for not riding. Note the people exiting the ride, grinning from ear to ear, as they head back to the rides entrance to do it all over again!
Get those hands up and have fun! :)|||i'd highly reccomend going on thunder and lightning. it's the best ride there. don't go on wildcat though, it'll hurt your neck.|||thunder and lighting fun but its very high and very fast my uncle spit on the ride and it hit him in the face that's how fast it is . Have fun I also recommend zoomerrang boulder dash and wildcat im 12 and i rode all of them yesterday twice zoomerrang boulder dash twice wildcat 7 .
Have fun at lake compounce
Last time I was there with my friend, it was closed and I really wanted to ride it. I have never had the "Boulder Dash experience" that I wanted to have now. I am also going on a field trip with my band class to Lake Compounce, and I do not want to get embarrassed. 鈽衡樅鈽?/div>
- 4 years ago
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|||Boulder Dash is one of the most incredible coasters I've ever ridden. The ride itself and the scenery are incredible. It is Lake Compounce's pride and joy; and therefore extremely well-maintained, so it rides very smoothly. Its top speed is 60 mph; it is not a "scary" megacoaster or anything, just a simple, extremely well-built woodie. You will love it.
Does Lake compounce, the theme park in CT, have machines were you can win big prizes like an ipod, psp, etc. like at six flags.|||No, Lake Compounce used to have a small arcade, but that has been gone for a few years now. They do have various carnival-style games all around the park, but the prizes are basically all the stuffed-animal type prizes; there is nowhere for you to win any 'bigger' prizes like electronics, sorry.|||Lake Compounce has a few games with "big" prizes. The new Golf Challenge game currently wins you 2009 season passes if you get a hole in one, and at both the Ring Toss and Skeeball games, you can win a $50 gas card. Report Abuse
I am having a tough time deciding whether i should go to a friend's football game where my school and friends will be there, or if i should go to a haunted graveyard with my cousins and brother at lake compounce. They're both on the same day at the same time. Can anyone help me decide?|||do what you want. i would go with my freinds anyday to a football game any day
I am going to lake compounce in bristol, connecticut tomorrow, i was wondering, for the non water rides, can i wear a drawstring bag while i am on the ride? For the water rides, is there any place to put my drawstring bag before i get on the ride?|||No, you cannot. But almost every ride has a cubby you can put it in. Boulder Dash has cubbies, and I'm pretty sure all of the other roller coasters do, too. I know that Saw Mill Plunge just has you set your stuff on the side of the ride you'll get off on, but you can't take it on. You'll be fine to bring the bag with you to the park because every ride has somewhere for you to put your bag until you get off.
There are also lockers you can rent. Not sure how much they are, but when I go, we will all split one and put our stuff in it that we don't want to carry around. The lockers are by the water park and I don't think they have them anywhere else in the park.|||Usually amusement parks have lockers that you can keep your stuff in, if you dont want it to get lost. And i dont think they will let you bring a bag with on any rides and i just dont recommend it either cause it could fall when going down a hill or in a loop. Sometimes rides have little cubbies you can put your bag in before the ride and then just get it when exiting the ride
Me and my friends REALLY want to go on the SkyCoaster at Lake Compounce but it says reservation required on the website. How do you make a reservation? Or do you even have to?|||The way it works is you go to the booth they have set up and pay for how-ever many people you wanna go on, and then after you pay they'll tell you a time too come back and ride.
So you know how every year there is something new at Lake Compounce? Well I wanted to know what it would be for this year of 2010. I remember there once was when the people re-painted Zoomerang, and once they added Wipe Out, Or they got rid of the 3 Large White Slides and added baby ones.....SO NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT WILL BE THIS YEAR?|||They will not be adding any rides this year - they were expecting to expand their waterpark, and a new waterslide was supposed to open this year, but they have to delay the project one year, so we will not see that new waterslide this year.
I think they are adding a new "virtual queue system" that you can buy for your phone (it comes as text messages) - it will include the coasters and some other rides.|||Hey, Can Anyone Tell me what are the prices for a full day. 2010
Like not if you buy it online. ? Report Abuse
|||The newest addition to Lake Compounce was in 2009, when Wipeout, a spinning ride, was built. The park's future plans are to further expand the water park.
there is rides and it lands in the lake. when it lands in the lake , how deep is the water?|||You should TOTALLY go to lake compounce! I LOVE IT THERE! and you'll have SOOOOOOOO MUCH fun!! well it starts out really shallow, kind of like a beach then gets to maybe for feet. but they have a rope to constrain you from going any deeper!|||4 feet deep if U like roller coasters u might want to go to six flags cause theres only 4 at lake compounce Report Abuse
|||that guy dont know what he is talking bout ive been boulder dash is quite quick60 mph and goes through the woods and its long if you live within 2 hour drive it is worth it i mean if you wanna make a weekend out of it go to six flags new england as well cause they dont have many coasters but the ones they do have are fun|||worst theme park every....go somewhere only has 4 roller coasters!!...all slow as thrill there.
Me and my family are going to Lake Compounce, Conneticut on July 4 which means we will be able to see the fireworks. Is Lake Compounce fun? Does it have good rides? Is the down time ride scary or is it fun? If you have already gone to Lake Compounce can you please tell me about your experience.|||Honestly Lake Compounce is my FAVORITE theme park. I live a couple streets away so its good for me. Plus I got a season pass so I could go ANY time I want, WHICH IS LIKE, EVERY WEEKEND. Once you pay you go in and you get access to ANY rides you would like besides the sky coaster, which is like a bungee jumping ride. I will tell you about some of the rides.
Thunder and lightning is like a giant swinging pendulum that goes back and forth. I have to admit it is a good ride. If you go on a certain side you go backwards over a fence which can give you a spook!.
Boulderdash is absolutely my FAVORITE ride. Its a wooden coaster built along the side of a mountain. It is high speed and very fun. It goes through the woods and dont forget to smile for the camera at the end!
The Wildcat is a pretty old coaster and you could see it right when you go through the gate. It is still fun but a little bumpy. Be careful you dont hurt your neck or back because it tends to do that at times.
Zoomerang is a nice purple and blue coaster which has a few loops. It pushes you up and then forward with speed and once that finishes you do the whole coaster again backwards. I love it!
The wave swinger is just your natural swings they have at all amusment parks.
The trolley can take you from certain ends of the park and back so you dont have to walk.
The sky ride, another of my favorites, is like a sky lift that goes up the mountain. It has a little bar going across it for safety and has a great view at the top but isnt recommened if you dont like heights.
The sawmill plunge is kind of a water ride that takes you up in a log and down with a splash!!
The roter, yet another one of my favorites, you are in a circular dome with the top part opened. You are against the wall and it SPINS. You end up sticking to the wall because the force, and then the floor drops!!
It has its normal horse carousel which is self explainable.
The Giant Wheel is self explainable to it is like the teacups in the circle and just spins.
The Ghost Hunt isnt really scary but a good way to be competitive shooting monsters and racking up points!!
The Lake Railroad takes you on a train ride around the whole lake.
Twister spins two different ways for extra speed, and you control one of it!
Musik Express is like a mini coaster that goes in a circle where you listen to popular rock music.
Enterprise, you sit in little cages and it spins and starts to go up, until its a big spinning circle going upsidedown and everything! I really like that ride!
Downtime is a really good ride. You travel kind of slowly up and at the top you stop which is really suspensful, and gets you really anxty, then drops!!!
The pirate ship is your basic amusment parks pirate ship ride.
American Flyers you sit in the air in scooters and spin.
Bumper cars are your average amusment parks bumper cars.
Thunder rapids you sit in a raft with about 6-8 people and travel along a twisting river with SPLASHING rapids!
Lake Compounce has great places to eat such as the potato patch where you could get items such as fries or a baked potato, fried bats where they make fried dough and fried oreos which are actually REALLY good, the croc pot which is kind of like a cafe/ store where you could pick out already made salads, wraps, energy drinks, etc. or order something. there is a pizza place and ALOT more! Plus free soda wherever you go in the park!! Shows and more rides plus a waterpark! I love that place!!
If you need any other assistance or info just email me I know everything you need to know about Lake Compounce.|||sent you an e-mail about it lol :) Report Abuse
|||Lake Compounce is a pretty fun, small amusement park. It has three roller coasters--a classic wooden one (Wildcat), a relatively new wooden one (Boulder Dash, which is VERY good, and was voted one of the top wooden coasters in the U.S.), and a steel Vekoma boomerang (Zoomerang). The other two main thrill rides are Down Time, the drop tower, and Thunder 'N Lightning, an S&S "Screamin' Swing." It also has two water rides--a log flume and a VERY fun river rapids ride, and a decent-sized water park with waterslides, a wavepool, and a lazy river. There's also Ghost Hunt, which is a dark ride in which you ride through a very kiddie-style haunted house and shoot at ghosts for points. It's a very fun, competitive experience!
Down Time can be really scary, but it's also pretty fun. I personally don't like floorless drop rides at all, so I found it really scary, but from an objective perspective it's a really great ride, and everyone I've talked to who has been on it loved it.
My advice--ride Boulder Dash as much as possible, spend a lot of time at the water park and/or on Thunder Rapids (the river rapids ride), and definitely ride Ghost Hunt at least once, even though the line is quite long--it is very much worth it. I have heard that watching the fireworks from the ferris wheel is the best way to see them, but I absolutely HATE ferris wheels so I have no idea :)
Anyway, have fun!
If you've got any more questions, feel free to message me.
While looking at houses in St. Petersburg Florida earlier this year I saw one where the owners had planted palm trees and other lush tropical plants on their lanai and it looked stunning. It was like a mini Gaylord Palms, if anyone is familiar with that resort in Kissimee. Now that I am moved in, I would like to begin adding plants to my lanai which is luckily quite large with a small pool. Does anyone have reccomendations about which plants would grow the best. Lanai is east facing and seems to get a good bit of sun, is very bright over the midday hours. My favorite palm is the Foxtail, I also like bougainvillea and climbing Jasmine. Any help, links or experiences welcome. Thank you.|||What is your list of plants. You truly have many plants to chose from for the Florida landscape. If the plants will be around the pool then you need to stick with possibly some of the lower growing plants. Again you have many to choose from but some of the low growing , shade tolerant plants for Florida would be.
Aglaonema, Cast iron plant , Star begonia, Spiral ginger, and Crossandra.
The University of Florida has a great website to help.
The Florida Gulf Coast University has a good page to help also.鈥?/a>
Then here are just a couple more sites to help you.鈥?/a>|||You live in Florida and need help finding a lush plant. What is the matter? Not enough water, sunshine, constant temperature? Try walking into your friendly neighbourhood tropical forest that is blossoming everywhere you turn.
AMTC is held at the world-famous Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando. Competitions are offered in Monologue, TV Commercials, Cold Read, Scene Study, Improv, Film Audition, Singing, Dance, Stand-up Comedy, Runway Modeling, Photography, Swimsuit, and more. Participants perform for top scouts and industry leaders that new talent wouldn鈥檛 meet under normal circumstances. Years worth of auditions are condensed into 6 incredible days. Instead of traveling worldwide to see these agents, managers and casting Directors, contestants can perform for dozens of respected Scouts in one place at one time. AMTC is economical, safe and smart!
Im Matthew Medlock, i live here in Atlanta and i aspire to be a Model/ Actor. i came to AMTC to have a shot at my dream career. So if you would be willing to help your company or business will be put in the news letter. For any additional info please email me
thank you|||Know that this is NO guarantee of success.
AMTC is just like IMTA, IPOP, Proscout etc. in that it's one of those overpriced conventions where wannabe actors go in hopes of "getting discovered."
The reality is you WON'T unless you're:
1. The BEST actor
2. The MOST photogenic
3. VERY wealthy
If you're not one of those, then you're one of the 500-1000 people who leave $800 POORER.
Yes, agents and casting directors come to these conventions. However, they are PAID to come. They're usually paid $5000 plus flight and room covered. NONE of them are obligated to take interest in anyone there so there is NO guarantee that they'll sign or cast you!|||Why are you looking for sponsors? That is something the organisers have to do - they have a whole marketing team who should be out getting corporate sponsors if they are reputable
My boyfriend and I are going to Orlando in July. The Disney resorts were much more expensive so we booked a 6 night stay at the Gaylord Palms. Now that I'm trying to plan, I see that it would have been a better idea to splurge on the Disney resort, however it's too late. So to my question..what are some ways we can get around? Our hotel has free shuttles to all the Disney parks along with Downtown Disney but what about other places like Sea World or Universal? And also if I made a dinner reservation at one of the restaurants at a Disney resort hotel could I take my hotel shuttle to one of the parks and use the Disney bus to get to that particular resort? I'm not sure how to Disney buses work seeing as I wouldn't be staying on THEIR resort. I heard too about the iTrolley system for International Drive but I don't know how we would get there to use that?|||Although you can take a shuttle to a park or Downtown Disney then a Disney bus to a resort. realize that this process is going to take about an hour and half, if not two hours to complete.
the free shuttle service these off site hotels offer are pretty bad. the pick up at several hotels, they are always way over crowded and the drop you off far from the parks gate. If there is any way to cancel the hotel and stay at WDW do so.|||Unless your hotel offers a shuttle I think the best way to get to Sea World is by cab.
As for Disney tranportation, buses, boats, and monorail, these are free for use whether you are staying on site or not.|||Are you sure you can't cancel your reservation and make one for the Disney Resort? Usually you can cancel the reservations with no charges up to 24-48 hours before the reservation.
If you can't do that then here are my suggestions:
1) you are already covered getting to all the Disney parks, so that is good. Do they also pick you up at the airport? If not, you can use the same company to pick you up & drop you off at the airport and to take you to Sea World & Universal. There name is Mears Transportation. They are reliable and affordable.
2) I believe you can use the Disney Transportation to get from the park to the hotel. When we were there, you did not have to show proof that you were staying on-site to use it.
If you have any more questions, just e-mail me|||Since your hotel has free shuttles to Disney and that's what you seem to be mainly doing, I think it might cost too much to rent a car for a few trips. You can always take the city bus, but that can get confusing. The best way to do it would be to get a cab there and back.
As for the question about you going to dinner, yes. once you're in the Disney park, the boat, monorail and bus are free and for your use. Certain hotels might be better to get to with the monorail, however I believe they have buses going to and back from all the resorts.
Have fun!|||Honestly, you are going to get very frustrated with your hotel's transportation. You might seriously consider renting a car. I've attempted to use off-property hotel transport twice - notice I said attempted. I got so frustrated with how stinky it was, I ended up renting a car after I got there. Disney's transportation is awesome. Off-site hotels - not so much.
If you are determined to use the free shuttles, you can either rent a car for just a couple of days or use a service. The most affordable and the best service I have ever used is Mears, who also runs shuttles from the airport. They will schedule your pick-ups and drop-offs.
You are allowed to use Disney's transportation as a paying guest. You don't have to be an on-property hotel guest. Technically, they reserve the right to see your ticket anytime, but I have never seen them do it.|||3 words, not joking....RENT A CAR. You are going to be miserable waiting for these buses and shuttles. Rent a car with a tom tom and you will be 100% happier. I promise. Orlando is BIG and the parks are BIG and spread out. There is a lot to see here and the hotel your staying at, while gorgeous, is very far from everything. 6 days of busses and shuttles is going to drive you nuts. Hope this helps. Have a GREAT time. RENT A CAR!!!|||I am shocked you found a better deal at Gaylord Palms then a Disney Value resort. That is impossible
I'm currently working at a Marriott property in Orlando, FL. I've been with the company for 10 years. I recently got a promotion and suddenly began to realize that the particular property I'm at now, is not the one for me. Unfortunately, with Marriott if you're a manager you can't transfer until after a year in your new positon. I'll have a heart attack before then I'm sure. I've been offered a position at the Gaylord Palms and am very interested! Does anyone know about this company? I know they're a tiny property compared to Marriott, but is this a good place to be employed with?|||You'll suffer from culture shock when you move from a large corporation to a small, familiy owned company.
I started with a large corporation ( billion dollar revenue) and if I came up with a good idea, I had to give it to my boss, who had to give it to his boss, who had to give it to his boss---you get the picture.
I then went to a small, family owned corporation. We were encouraged to come up with ideas, and when we did, the reponse was usually, try it---see what happens.
You work for a large corp, the accent is on, don't rock the boat. Work for a small company, the accent is on, let;s see how well we can do this, and, you can get a hell of a lot done if you don't care who gets the credit.
America's future is not with the giant companies, but with ther little companies who dare to do things diffgerently.
So, if Gayloird Palms is a small, family owned and operated company,be prepared to be challenged and even have some fun.
Best of luck to you. You sound like I did 30 years ago.
I am looking for an inexpensive (no more than $30 per person and kids under 3 eat free) Christmas day brunch in the Orlando area. I find it hard to believe that the only restaurants serving brunch are the snobby expensive places like the Boheme, Gaylord Palms and Ritz Carlton. I can't find any info on other restaurants though. If anyone knows of a nice restaurant or hotel serving an inexpensive brunch please let me know. No Boheme, no Rosen, no Ritz Carlton, no Park Avenue in Winter Park, and definitely NO Disney please. A nice family-oriented place. And please no sarcastic answers like "Golden Corral". Thank you|||Caribe Royale
Mixed Green Salad with Choice of Dressing
Grilled Sirloin & Haricot Verts, Wild Mushroom Salad
Brandied Seafood Salad
Saut茅ed Breast of Chicken topped with a Morel Sauce
Stuffed Clams Fantasy, Shrimp, Scallops, Clams, Coriander White Wine Sauce
Black Pepper and Herb Crusted New York Strip
Freshly-prepared selection
$37.00 Adults
$15.00 Children Ages 3 鈥?9
Children under 3 Eat Free
December 25, 2009 鈥?3pm to 9pm
In The Tropic谩le Restaurant
Reservations Required.
call 407-238-8020
Caribe Royale Orlando Hotel
8101 WORLD CENTER DRIVE | ORLANDO, FL 32821 | 407-238-8000
Its more than you wanted to spend, but trust me the food is worth paying for.|||Fernando's taco cart near the airport is pretty good
My fiance and I want to take our daughters to something called "ICE" this weekend..
Here is the website..鈥?/a>
I am wondering if it would be okay to bring my camera (Nikon d3000), or if the temperatures would do damage to it?
This is what their website says about it.. Guests are welcome to bring cameras and take photos inside the ICE! attraction. You can expect to experience a "fogging" of the lens when exiting from ICE! into warmer temperatures. This, however, usually goes away once the camera warms up. Please check the manufacturer information regarding the cold tolerance of your camera equipment. Gaylord Palms Resort is not responsible for damage to any camera equipment caused by the extreme cold temperature.|||"Gaylord Palms Resort is not responsible for damage to any camera equipment caused by the extreme cold temperature."
This tells you a lot. The main problem you will have is due to condensation that forms on your camera as it warms up. You should take a heavy-duty ZipLoc bag with you so that you can put your camea inside the bag while it is still cold. It would be a good idea to toss in some of those dessicant packets, if you have any. This will keep moisture from getting to your camera - including keeping it from the delicate electronic stuff inside - so that it won't get wet as it warms up.
Read this discussion:鈥?/a>
Read this article: http://photography.nationalgeographic.co鈥?/a>
More:鈥?/a>|||As long as the temperature is above 32 Degrees Farenheit, Nikon says that is the safe operating zone. Bring it :)|||I'll say bring it. Hope u have a second battery with you if you plan to shoot a lot. Photo Memories are important so I'll say it again bring it.|||The only real worry you've got is less battery life, as they die faster in the cold.
But bring it.|||bring it:)|||you will take ur camera,but keep safe. Enjoy
It's my third day in Orlando, Florida for a modeling convention. I'm staying at the Gaylord Palms Resort. This morning I woke up with a weird red rashall over my shoulders, chest, mouth area, and back. Taking a shower seems to make it worse. I have no food allergies, and haven't eaten anything unusual... How can I make this go away, or at least make it better/not visible? Any quick remedies? Please help!!!|||try to put some coverup over the rash. if the water is making it worse then its probably from the water. but some type of coverup usually works.|||You may have an allergy to the detergent which the sheets are washed in. Try using a hydrocortisone or benadryl cream/ointment, both which should be available at any supermarket.
Stay inside the park at the Value hotels, the (disney all stars)
or stay outside at the Hyatt regency, gaylord palms (or something similar). Will be going in July, this is the second time going, what do you recommend?|||I vote for on site ionly f you can get a good rate that complete trounces any others. With the ages of your kids, on-site may not be as big of a deal as a good pool and I'm not big on the pool areas of the values. I do know that Gaylord Palms has been offering some good deals lately - you may want to check to see if these are extending into July.
I think on site is great for the transportation, to be totally immersed in Disney, and for some great atmospheres....I'm just not convinced that the values provide that and, for the rate you'll pay, you could get a nicer lodging experience. Yes, the trade off is driving more but if you're driving to other parks regardless it seems this is not quite the issue it may otherwise be.
As much as I love the World I'd vote off site.....|||Staying inside the park and outside the park are really two separate experiences.
If you have small kids, and/or if your focus for the trip is Disney, you will be much better off staying inside the park even if the accommodations aren't as luxurious. You will more than make up for it in reduction of hassle getting to/from the park (shuttles, etc. no parking), and other package offerings such as early admission passes, character breakfasts, special features at the resorts, etc. Think about the convenience of being able to leave and return during the days, especially with little ones for naptime, etc. or even splitting up with some staying at the theme park while other family members take a break at the hotel--that would be next to impossible if you are staying across town.
If you want to see the rest of Orlando, stay outside the park and do Universal Studios and/or other area attractions instead. I would highly recommend this option if a) you've been to Disney before b) your kids are tweens/teens c) you would like some variety to the trip. You will probably save money that way as well. Stay somewhere on or around International Boulevard, and you will be in the heart of all other attractions besides Disney.|||Stay in the park at the value resorts. You get so many amenities and perks from the Disney resorts it is worth it. I however with the ages of your kids I would say the Pop Century resort, or go up a step to the moderate resort level, like the Caribbean Beach Club. Those resorts are much more apprecieated by older visitors.
As I said, you get so many perks. Your kids will most certainly take advantage of the extra magic hours, where one park is open late and one early for resorts guests only. Free transportation to all the parks, and free transportation to and from the airport.
Hope this helps, have a great trip.|||INSIDE THE PARK! It is such a pain to get around when you are outside Disney property. If you do a Disney resort you will be picked up at the airport, you can charge to your room and have any packages bought in Disney delivered to your resort. You can do extra hours at the parks. Which is a great time to get on rides. You can add on the dining package which I highly recommend. We did the regular dining package it saved us money and was plenty of food for us.
Your vacation will be so much better, save time if you stay in Disney|||The best reason to stay on Disney Property is that you get to take advantage of the Extra Magic Hours. It is well worth it. The value resorts are nice for families. We have stayed at one twice.
Another good reason is that the transportation to the parks works fairly well.
If you are driving or rent a car, you park for free at the parks. Which is about 10 bucks.
We have only stayed on property for these reasons. When we go to DW we like to immerse ourselves into it. You can only do that if you stay on property.
Have fun!|||Stay onsite!!!
Staying at a Disney resort (even a Value) is definitely worth it.
The rates are excellent, and you get free transportation (you don't have to pay to park).
Catching a bus and getting around via monorail, boat, etc is much better than driving, parking, etc.
:-)|||^^^ I agree with doc and ark ^^^
The Gaylor would be nice but staying on Disney property is much better.
It comes down to your decision ask the hotel you want to stay at if they have free shuttles to the parks. Taxi can get costly. So is parking at each park.|||Stay onsite. You get the extra magic hours. You also get easier access to the parks. You don't want to park again and drive back into Disney World again and again. The hotels are also a lot nicer on site.|||if ur kids r THAT old, stay at Gaylord Palms. GREAT hotel!|||Are you planning on renting a car? If you are, this is what I reccomend. Stay at the Disney value resorts. Staying at a Disney resort is not only fun ( they're fun to walk around and look at ) but it saves you money in the long run.
Parking at Disney is expensive. DIsney has four parks. If you go to each of those parks every day with your rent-a-car, you have to pay for parking every single time you go in. There's no sticker that says "I already paid for parking today!" - you have to pay every time. Granted, you could always park in one place and hop on the busses once you're in there, but it's so much easier to just not even bother.
Disney resort guests also get awesome perks. They get to get into the parks early, stay in the parks late, and get dropped off at the Magic Kingdom gate instead of the Ticket and Transportation center. That means no crowded monorail. They can also use their room keys as credit cards, and if you buy something you can have it sent to your room. Also if you buy a refillable mug, you can fill it with anything you want for free the entire time you stay in the hotel. Soda, coffee, water, tea, milk, anything.
There's also tons of awsome resteraunts near Disney. There's some great ones near Universal, too, but Universal is only about 7 exits up I-4, and they stop charging for parking after a certain time. ( I want to say around 6 ).
Also, if you stay on Disney property, you can take the busses to whatever Disney park you want and not have to pay ANYTHING for parking. Definite PLUS!
You'll still have to pay for parking at Universal, but Universal takes one day, maybe two. It's way better than paying out the butt like you'd pay at Disney if you drove to each park.
That's my reccomendation. If you're really set on staying OUTSIDE of Disney, you could always drive to Downtown Disney, park there, and catch the bus from there to avoid paying for parking. However, it's really more of a pain in the butt than necessary.
Since you're going in July, remember that a lot of the parks fill up to capacity on the 4th of July. Be careful!
Below are some links I think that will help you make your decision.
Good luck!
I need a little help with planning a trip to orlando with my 5 year old son. Its our 1st time going to Orlando, Florida :)
I have only booked my flights so far, could anyone recommend a good hotel for the 1st two weeks of march 2011? I was about to book Holiday Inn Club Vacations Orlando - Orange Lake Resort, which looks like a great resort, our own kitchen (to save a bit of money) and the pools and everything looks amazing..however after reading reviews on trip advisor there seems to be a LOT of extra costs, like $9 a day for tubes for the lazy river and $15 each for a shuttle bus to the disney parks etc. :/ and i plan to go to the disney parks almost everyday for the 2 weeks! My friend told me some hotels offer free shuttle buses to the parks and i came across Gaylord Palms, another gorgeous hotel but they only have small rooms with no kitchen so we'll have to eat out everynight.
I've searched the internet and the two best hotels i could find (in my price range was these 2 hotels). Would it be too much hassle maybe booking 1 week in the Holiday Inn, Orange Lake and 1 week in Gaylord Palms? As we'd get free shuttles in one hotel and great pools in the other! Or should i book into the same hotel for the 2 weeks? I'm so confused! Has anyone stayed at either of these hotels?
Could anybody recommend any other good hotels around the disney area, preferably with free shuttles to the parks, and good pools, and lots of things to do at the hotel, as i plan to spent the rest of the holiday relaxing at the hotel.
Also Im not goin to rent a car as its only me and my son and with the cost of parking at disney, fuel and the Daily Surcharge for drivers under 25, it wouldnt be worth it.
Whats the weather like the 1st two weeks of March? Also which parks would you recommend for a 5 year old? The Walt Disney Resort or to get the Orlando FlexTicket, or the Orlando Freedom Ticket which lets you visit:
* Magic Kingdom Park
* Epcot
* Disney's Hollywood Studios
* Disney's Animal Kingdom
* Disney鈥檚 Typhoon Lagoon Water Park*
* Disney鈥檚 Blizzard Beach Water Park*
* Universal Studios Florida
* Universal's Islands of Adventure
* SeaWorld Orlando
* Aquatica
* Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Which would be the best for a 5 year old? If we got the Orlando Freedom Ticket, would we have enough time to visit much diffrent parks, or would it be a waste of money? After looking both of them up, I thought the Orlando Flexiticket looked best, but would my 5 year old enjoy it?
Sorry for all the question :) hope someone will be able to help, Thanks.|||Parks: I'd say mostly stick to Disney and the water parts (seaworld and Aquatica). Universal Islands of Adventure has very little for kids and your son isnt quite old enough to enjoy all the movie stuff of Universal Studios so again, little for him to enjoy. A good idea in terms of accommodation might be to book one of the Disney resorts for most of your trip then for the last 3 days or so, book something cheaper on International Drive. You can get hotels there for real cheap and International Drive is where the water parks and both universal parks are.
I really wouldnt recommend Busch Gardens for a few reasons: 1. It's in Tampa Bay which isnt as close to Orlando as you may think and will be a hassle to get to without a car. 2. Doesnt cater to young kids too much - not in significant ways anyway. The best rides they have are roller coasters. The animals are cool too but if you're going to Animal Kingdom then you can do without it. 3. It'll end up costing you a lot in transport, hotel (you'll most likely need to spend at least 1 night in Tampa), food, park entry etc.
Weather: you can pretty much expect sunshine year round in Florida so it'll be sunny. Not scorching hot but it'll be warm enough to be wearing tshirts on most days. You may occasionally need a thin sweater.
Hope that helps a bit!|||Hey, at least your questions are specific. Much better than, "I'm going to Orlando, any tips?" :)
If you're not renting a car, I highly recommend staying on Disney property. They have great pools which kids love. More importantly, you will be able to get around the Disney property. Go to TripAdvisor or Expedia and read the reviews of people who stayed at places and relied on a shuttle. Hotel shuttles look nice, but in practice they can be a real pain in the @$$. Many are contracted with a third-party transportation service. This means if you have issues, the hotel can say "it's not our fault, call X transportation service." Some shuttles stop at multiple hotels. If you're the first/last hotel on the list, that can mean quite a long ride. So if you decide to stay off-property and use a hotel shuttle, I suggest you call the place directly and ask plenty of questions, like what happens if the shuttle is full, if you need advance reservations, how often the shuttles run, and how long it takes to get from the hotel to the theme parks. Think about being in a Disney park with a tired/cranky 5 year old and no way back to the hotel. Honestly, with a young child, being able to return to your room fairly easily becomes a HUGE deal. As an adult, if I was not renting a car, I would stay in a Disney hotel.
Staying on Disney property has other perks besides transportation. The total Disney experience is intangible, but it's worth it. They offer "extra magic hours" where you can visit the theme parks early or stay later than the general public. Getting the first crack at riding Dumbo in the morning---priceless!
If the cost of food worries you, you can get the Disney dining plan when you stay on-property, I think the quick-service one (2 counter service meals/ 2 snacks per day) is around $32 for adults and $10 for kids.
I don't think the Orlando Freedom ticket would be worth it. I personally think the Universal parks and Busch Gardens don't have much for young children. The only other non-Disney park I'd consider is Sea World. It's great for kids, they can get really close/touch the animals. Sea World's setup means much fewer lines. It's mainly shows and walk-thru exhibits. If you wanted to spend a couple of days at Sea World/Aquatica, move to a hotel on International Drive for a couple of days. They have private buses (the I-trolley) which run up and down International drive, they stop at Sea World and Aquatica. There's plenty of restaurants and other things to do you could reach without relying on a car.
Give yourself a pat on the back for thinking ahead. Some people have massive regrets when they don't. :) You'll love Orlando, and so will your son, enjoy your trip!|||You can visit Web Site:
Tab book travel and then Motels---- a list of motels with pictures/prices for different rooms. Tab on H for Hawthrone Suites.
I would think you would really enjoy the Hawthrone Suites by Wyndham at Lake Buena Vista..They have suites with kitchens, 2 TVs, pool, kid's pool and playground and are nice size rooms. They have shuttles to all parks.
You can go to the web site and tab on Tickets & Attractions to view the different tickets for the theme parks.. Your son would like Disney ( 5 to 7 day pass) and Sea World (2 day Pass).... You may wait to buy your tickets 1 week before your trip to view any specials by the Theme Parks, for March 2011..
If you need help call 561-704-2398 or e-mail me at for more information on the Web site or Hotels/Tickets Specials...
Fun Travel Coach|||um i would suggest you stay on property in one of the many disney resorts like the wilderness lodge or contemorary. transportation would be a lot easier and you dont have to pay for parking. usually the hotels have 2 or more pools too. as for the tickets it sounds like the orlando freedom ticket would be more wortth it because it lets you get into all the parks within your own time.|||* Magic Kingdom Park
* Epcot
* Disney's Hollywood Studios
* Disney's Animal Kingdom
* Disney鈥檚 Typhoon Lagoon Water Park*
* Disney鈥檚 Blizzard Beach Water Park*
* Universal Studios Florida
* Universal's Islands of Adventure
* SeaWorld Orlando
* Aquatica
* Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
ok i cant help you with hotels cos ive only stayed in villas.
but parks i can.
magic kingdom would be good for you and your son but the thing is its very similar to busch gardens which is also great but if your on a budget thats something to consider.
hollywood studios i love theres lots of tours and shows and rides which might not be ideal for your kid but is a great park.
epcot is absolutely **** and educational and sooo boring! dont inflict it on your son!
the water parks are quite alike the disney ones both great bit again i wouldnt do both.
unviersal studios is also brilliant if i was you i wouldnt go to islands of adventure as its mostly big rides and if its just you and your son you might not get a lot of things to do. saying that it still has things to do and shows. the other universal is really good and i highly recommend it.
seaworld! amazing! the shows are brilliant cant fault it.
aquatica, i havent been.
and of course magic kingdom is the heart of disney deffo go here its so amazing no matter what your age.
have a brilliant holiday.|||No worries about asking a bunch of questions! So hotels anyone you would ask would tell you stay on Disney property!!! You wont have to drive to and from the parks, and of course there is no parking fee because they pick you up from the airport. There is alot of stuff to do at the hotel such as, swim, play arcade games, and just explore the grounds. With a 5 year old son I would set aside a couple days just to relax at the hotel, he is going to get tired. I know you want a kitchen but first of all if youre flying and not renting a car, how are you going to get the food to cook? And some of the Disney hotels that are pricier have a kitchen too. Im not to sure about Universal, Sea World, or Busch Gardens but your son is going to LOVE Disney World and its going to take you at least a week to do everything there. The Orlando flex ticket does not include Disney World, and you are going to want to go there, Disney is amazing! I hope I answered some if not all of your questions for you. Good luck! Have fun!
Hi, I am going to Florida in one week. I will be staying in Kissimee at the Gaylord Palms resort. I would love to do some good shopping! I am assuming I will have to catch a cab to orlando... how far is it ? what are some good malls to go to?? outlet or not!! give me a couple please! thanks!|||There are tons of great shopping options for you!
If you are looking for an actual shopping mall, The Mall of Millenia and the Florida Mall are your best bets. The Florida Mall has your everyday stores that you would find in an American Mall (Abercrombie, American Eagle, Express, Forever 21, Nordstroms, etc.). There is everything you could possibly need here. The Mall of Millenia is a more "upscale mall" and offers both regular stores (such as those at the Florida Mall). The more upscale stores that can be found there include BCBG, Tiffany's & Co, Jimmy Choo, Anthropology, etc. I love it! You can get some great quality pieces there.
There is also great outlet shopping in Orlando! The outlets near Downtown Disney are great! They have everything from Polo, BCBG, Banana Republic, Guess, Calvin Klein, and more. The outlets on International Drive are the best! They have Victoria's Secret, Ann Taylor, JCrew, and more! The one on International Drive is a lot bigger and much more spread out. I also think there is a better selection there. But both outlet spots provide great deals!|||Florida Mall was the best mall we went to when we were there in September, I don't know what kind of stuff you're looking for but it ticked all my boxes!鈥?/a> we only went twice but I could have lived there happily shopping away my vacation.
Mall of Millenia was a really nice place but everything felt quiet expensive.
Festival Bay was I think a wasted trip, there wasn't very much there, a lot of empty units. Prime Outlets was also good, lots of discounts! These are both near international drive.|||There are a couple of good outlet malls near the area, The Premiere Outlet and the Prime Outlet. The closest malls to the area are the Florida Mall and the Mall at Millenia.
You will need transportation to all of these, but none are terribly far.|||the florida mall, mall of milliena, altamonte mall sanford mall ,fashion square mall
I am planning to go on a Disney trip just me, my mom, and my aunt. We are staying there for 7 days but two of those day we aren't going to any theme parks. I have looked into Ice! in Gaylord Palms and Cirque and Blue man group but aside from that are there any events to go to in December that isn't in a park? I'm kind of looking for maybe singing or holiday kind of thing but anything else is fine.
Please help?|||Disney is often much more than what most people think it is. The truth is, Disney World is not just four theme parks, but it is also two water parks (only one will be open when you are there though), two mini-golf courses, 22 different resorts, and a shopping district. There are also plenty of holiday things going on right at Disney during the time, some of which are free. If you are looking for Singing, I would check out the Candlelight Processional in Epcot for sure. This is free, although it is not guaranteed you will get a seat. This is a spectacle that happens every night at the American Pavilion in Epcot (World Showcase). It combines music (from a live orchestra), singing (choirs) and the reading of the Christmas story by a famous figure. This is a must see. There is also Holiday's around the World, which also takes place in World Showcase. You can travel from country to country around the Showcase and learn about holiday traditions from that particular place. It is very interesting, and can take up an entire day if you want it to. Everything with the Holiday's around the world is free. There is a special party at Magic Kingdom (prices for this range) called Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. It does cost, but it enables you to stay inside the Magic Kingdom for the later hours of the night, and special things go on throughout the park, including the same parade (other than the singers and such) that is broadcast on ABC every Christmas Morning. There are also stands with Hot Choco and Cookies throughout the park, along with special character meet and greets, dance parties, and more. This is worth the money, as I have been to it at least 3-4 times, and each time has been great. To round out the evening there is a special display of Wishes, called Holiday Wishes. Another great thing to do for the Holiday's at Disney is to just go around from Resort to Resort. Each of the 22 different resorts has it's own christmas tree, and some include special things going on as well, such as at the Grand Floridian, there is a giant Gingerbread house that is actually a shop, selling Gingerbread of course! Even if you don't want to spend an entire day going from resort to resort, be sure to check this one out, because it is amazing! Like I said, there are plenty of magical stuff going on at the Holiday's at Disney, and I didn't even brush the top of them! Be sure to check out all of this even if you still plan to go somewhere else.
Along with the parks, I mentioned the other things that go on as well. There will be one water park open while you are there, called Blizzard Beach. It is like a winter snowy wonderland in the middle of Florida. I suggest you check this out as well, because it is awesome. There is also a mini-golf course right next door to Blizzard Beach, called WinterSummerland. It has two different courses, each 18 holes, that are based on Santa's adventures in the snow and on the sand. Very fun! Finally there is a shopping District called Downtown Disney, where you can find plenty of shops and places to eat. I suggest spending either an afternoon or an evening there, but be warned, it can become busy!
Outside of Disney itself, there is always Seaworld, along with a large number of shows, but my suggestion is to stay in Disney. Also, be sure to stay at a Disney resort. You get the advantage of extra time in the parks each night, along with free parking if you need it. There is free transportation to and from each park and resort as well. If you have any other questions concerning especially the Disney aspect of your trip, please, send me an email or message, I would be more than happy to help you!|||In Downtown Disney, they have a Cirque Du Soleil show called La Nouba! I have never seen it, but I hear that it's amazing. Another show that Disney Hosts around Christmas time is at Epcot in the evening. So you could just see it the day you go there. It is a huge choir with a celebrity narrator. The choir stands so that their different color robes resemble a christmas tree. I've also heard that this is a really beautiful evening of songs. One day you could spend entirely of shopping! Maybe spend one day shopping at Downtown Disney. You can explore the Marketplace, West Side, and Pleasure Island. Trust me, I could spend an entire day here just shopping and eating. There is a Planet Hollywood and a Rainfoest Cafe by the way. Another thing that my mom and I love to do is, looking at the really nice and gorgeous hotels! We usually stay at a value resort, so we love to go and look at Grand Floridian, Polynesian, Wilderness Lodge, Port Orleans, Animal Kingdom Lodge, etc. It's really fun just to look around, and some hotels host dinner shows or character dinners. Also, just so you know, some parks like the Magic Kingdom can take 2 days to view. Epcot as well! So, having those extra days should be a nice way to see all of what Walt DIsney World has to offer! Have a great trip!|||If you are skipping the parks for 2 days to save money, that is not the way to go. 3 five day passes are $711. 3 seven day passes are $741. So it is basically 5/day/person for those last two days.
If, on the other hand, you are skipping the parks because you can only take so much of the parks (which I can understand) then have fun.|||Well, there are plenty of Dinner shows in Orlando. It is very entertaining. Depending on whether you enjoy dining and watching a show at the same time.
There are things like Medieval Times, Arabian Nights (Don't really like it much), Pirates Dinner Show. Medieval Times is located in Kissimmee, probably would be a bit more convinient for you since you're going to be in Disney.|||i have seen cirque de sol le (sorry prob spelled it wrong) and blue man group and they were both very good shows! you will have fun at them. why ont you just go to like universal city walk or downtown disney. at night there are shows and music and food for all ages. its very entertaining and theres tons to do! hope this helped! have fun!|||Fort Wilderness hosts a campfire sing-along every evening. At the end they show a Disney movie. Unless you want to purchase hot dogs or s'more kits it used to be free (can't guarantee it still is though).
I'm staying at the Gaylord Palms Hotel and would like to go to the local mall with the "papaya" store in it..i cannot figure it out on mapquest!!!please help with directions!thanks!|||1: Start out going EAST on W OSCEOLA PKWY toward INTERNATIONAL DR S.
3: Merge onto I-4 E toward ORLANDO.
5: Merge onto FL-528 E (Portions toll).
6: Take the CONSULATE DR / US-17 exit- EXIT 4- toward US-92 / FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE / US-441 / ORANGE BLOSSOM TR.
7: Take the ramp toward US-441 / US-17 / US-92 / FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE.
8: Merge onto CONSULATE DR.
9: Turn LEFT onto US-441 N / S ORANGE BLOSSOM TRL / US-17 92 / US-17 N / US-92 E.
10: End at Florida Mall:
8801 S Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, FL 32809, US|||Ask at the hotel, they will know-they are great for service,etc.............|||From Gaylord take I-4 to Sand Lake Road to OBT.|||The Florida Mall has what you need.
From Gaylord follow the signs to I-4 east.... take about 5 miles to 528 (Beachline) east. Its a toll road but you'll get off just before the first toll.
Go 4 miles to exit 4 which is the Orange Bloosom Trail exit.... follow the signs to the Florida mall.... you'll be on the service drive for about 1/4 mile before you turm left (North) on to Orange Blossom Trail (OBT to the locals). Once you onto OBT the mall is about 1.5 miles up on your right.
I'm originally from NJ and have been in Central FL for 5 years now... im still not used to the warm weather during this time of year! can anyone help me figure out some ideas to help get into the christmas spirit? I've heard ICE! is nice at the GayLord Palms but im wondering if that is directed more towards children? any festivals, shows, etc. would be greatly appreciated. thanks!|||I am a Christmas baby so I absolutly love Christmas and I am in the Christmas spritit every year!!
Put your Christmas decorations up
Play Christmas music in your house
Watch Christmas movies
Listen to Chirstmas music on the radio when your driving..
Think about all of the things to be excited for!!
The reason why i have so much chirstmas spirit i think is because of tradiitons i think..
but yeah watching chirstmas movies under a blanket with the fire on.. and your christmas decorations surrounding you is the most coziest amazing..
you couldnt not be in the christmas mood! (:
hope i helped (:
MERRY CHRISTMAS :)|||I know what you mean, I live in Singapore and it's the usual tropical weather for us on Christmas day (not like the UK where I'm from!) - it's weird and takes a bit of getting used to but if we're lucky we have a nice thunderstorm and torrential rain and that usually makes me feel more festive........LOL, strange but true!
The best thing to do is wack the air conditioning on nice and cool and stick a jumper on - makes me feel right at home that does :o)|||i live in florida.i been there for about 11 years and im used to the heat.i used to live in new york.and i miss it over there for christmas so i visit it a few times for christmas.but out here what i do is just kick back in the pool.i see people on the beach with santa hats,it weird but creative.the weather gets nice like a nice cold chill once in a while especially more towards december and its beautiful.once i have the tree up on that happens im in the christmas spirit but this time im going to new york.
Friday, February 3, 2012
I'm looking for somewhere that has trees and stuff but inside. Like Gaylord Palms in Orlando has a huge atrium that looks like your outside but there's a roof in case it rains.|||Why dont you get married at gaylord? Is it too expensive? I know freinds that did get married in that hotel, there is a gazebo and area for a party. You should check into it, if you havent already...I dont think they paid too much.|||Disney World
I am going to Orlando for the first week of December. (I have already been to Disney World and Universal and have plans to spend a few days at each) I would be looking for something else to do. I am not staying on Disney property, which I usually do, so I want to explore a bit more.
We already have plans to go to Dixie Stampede, and ICE display at Gaylord/Palms.
Thank you for any suggestions. (We will be 3 people ages 60, 44, & 25)|||Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights at Disney-MGM Studios
Monday, Nov. 13, 2006 – Sunday, Jan. 7, 2007
25th Annual Osceola Crafter's Holiday Gift Gallery
Friday, Nov. 24 – Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2006
Christmas Wonderland at Cypress Gardens
Friday, Nov. 24 – Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
14th Annual Festival of Lights at Silver Springs
Friday, Dec. 1 – Saturday, Dec. 2, 2006
Gatorland – 110-acre theme park and wildlife preserve, combining “Old Florida” charm with exciting new exhibits, unique animal encounters and daring entertainment.
Historic Bok Sanctuary
1151 Tower Blvd.
Lake Wales, FL, 33853
Warbird Adventures, Inc.
233 N. Hoagland Blvd.
Kissimmee, FL, 34741
Forever Florida – A horseback tour of this 4,700-acre working cattle ranch and nature preserve gives you a chance to try your hand at some of the techniques demonstrated by the cowboys on the previous tour.
Tom Reilly's Flying Tigers Warbird Restoration Museum
Enjoy your trip.|||Have you ever taken an Air Boat ride? You can see the wildlife we have here and they are quite fun for all ages. There is the Kennedy Space Center appx 1 hour away on the east coast, There is Daytona Beach appx 1 hr north east and Cocoa Beach appx 1 hr southeast. There are always brochures at most of the hotels and you can see other exciting things to do. I hope this helps. Regards KG|||I always make my friends go to the winter park museums when they are here. winter park is just up the interstate from disney. I am not sure what you like to do though. maybe provide a bit more information? if you have an extra day maybe go to busch gardens in tampa? its a local favorite and about 90 mins from orlando.
Would an ice sculpture garden with Disney characters be a good attraction for winter? Already in Orlando a hotel called Gaylord Palms has an indoor exhibit of ice sculptures but I would like Disney World to offer an exhibit.The price for the Gaylord exhibit is $20 and the parking fee is $12 which is more than I want to spend.A Disney World ice exhibit could produce an economy of scale that would eliminate fees.Disney World sells rain ponchos so for this ice exhibit they could sell cold ponchos made of foil for insulation.No jokes about bringing Walt Disney out of frozen storage.|||That would be awesome but they already have the bushes through the whole season|||No way. When we go on vacation we're going to get AWAY from ice and snow, I wouldn't be paying extra money to see it when it's expensive enough already to go there.|||oh NO NOT DISENY world shouldnt have it no matter what HEAT IN SUMMER TIME WOULD BREACK IT INTO PICIES and winter is still hot in flodai|||I personally have no interest, you see ice sculputeres at weddings, not Disney World.|||No no no no|||It might be interesting for people coming from the southern states, but as a northerner there's no way I would spend my time on ice sculptures when there's so much florida sunshine to enjoy.|||That would be brilliant.
Buut, ice melts.|||No, I'd much rather they spend money on something that doesn't already exist in Orlando...Ice at the Gaylord Palms is great though...well worth the money. PS: I think you can park at the front of the resort for free!|||look, I live in North Mississippi and yesterday DECEMBER 9, 2007 the high was 75 degrees F
I do not think that ice would last one hour 14 hours south of me in FL.|||disney and anything connected to disney sucks...period|||that would be cool, but the ice would melt no doubt|||man that'd kick *** **** man you rock you know anybody ever told you that?|||NO. I don't think they should, because this is not generally a Snow-State. Florida is Sun-Shine & Beaches.|||I think this idea is already executed just fine at Gaylord Palms. That really caters to the locals, and most people visiting Disney this time of year are looking to escape such things.|||totally not|||yeah! that would be really cool (no pun intended).|||I think Disney's fine the way it is, but they are always looking for new things, and that would be a great addition.
What is the weather like?
I have heard its jeans and sweet shirt (jumpers) weather and maybe a light jacket. Can anyone comment further? Do we need gloves a hat etc
How busy are the parks? Are the line times bad?
Where should we have Christmas dinner in Orlando?
I have heard Emeril's in Universal Studios in Orlando and The Gaylord Palms are two off the best, has anyone had Christmas dinner at either of these?
Is it expensive?
Thanks for your time|||Depends on when precisely you are going in December. I assume you are talking from Mid – December to early January (just after New Years).
Do realize that this is their busiest time of the year. Crowded parks is an understatement at this time of the year. We go every year at this time, since my in-laws live in FL, so I know Christmas & New Years at Disney well.
Here’s my answer’s to your questions:
I usually wear Jeans, a short sleeve shirt for the daytime and bring along a sweatshirt for night time. It can be warm during the day, but chilly at night (especially at Epcot due wind off the lake!)
I would say watch the weather. If its raining, then I’d take a hat. Or if you’re just prone to being cold, bring it along – you can always leave it in your car or rent a locker.
Yes, the parks are busy!! They get crowded quickly, so go early – be there when they open and get fast passes for popular rides. They go very quickly. As far as lines go – well let me put it this way – Test track, Soarin, and Mission Space can be a 2-3+ hour wait. Spaceship Earth and other rides like the living seas, Journey into Imagination, ect…were a 1 – 1.5 hour wait on New Years. And that just Epcot (their largest park).
Magic Kingdom, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom are smaller parks size wise, so you will feel like its more crowded there.
If you can get a reservation I highly recommend the restaurant at Canda - Le Cellier Steakhouse. It’s awesome.
Some other thoughts (maybe even just for a regular mean non Christmas day) - If you have kids or even if you don’t, Germany’s Biergarten is always fun (but it is German food buffet style). As for other restaurants non Epcot Chef Mickey’s is great at the Contemporary Hotel (kid friendly again buffet style). Cape May Café is great at the Beach Club Hotel (Seafood) as if the Flying Fish at the Boardwalk.
I HAVE HEARD EMERIL’s IN UNIVERSAL STUDIOS AND THE GAYLORD PALMS ARE TWO OF THE BEST: I have had Easter Dinner at the Gaylord and it was amazing! Not sure how expensive it is though sorry! As for Emeril’s I have had a regular meal there and it too was amazing. Both are worth the cost.
If you go on New Year’s Eve – This is the single most crowded day. If you want to go to Magic Kingdom or Disney's Hollywood Studios GET THERE EARLY! These two parks will max out and close their ticket gates a few hours after they open. Epcot never really maxes out, but it will be very crowded. Mid –day you will see people start to line the grass area’s and concrete area’s with blankets & such and they’ll start sitting there in preparation of saving their spot for the fireworks on New Year’s eve. This is the ONLY day I have ever seen porta-potties in Epcot!
More Tips: Go see the Osborn Family spectical of Lights at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Take the time to see and listen to the different Santa Clauses at Epcot. It’s a neat Christmas-ish thing to do. They give an explanation on Christmas in their country. Epcot also has Candellight Processional – A Christmas Choral narrative about baby Jesus. You have to pay for it if you want to sit down, but you can stand in the back and listen. It is usually narrated by someone famous and they bring in choral groups from across the country to sing.
Wear comfy shoes and bring lots of patience and you’ll be fine. :) Have a great trip!
PS...I do not think it is too early to plan for dinner. I would book now! Especially if you're looking at Disney for dinner. Christmas can get booked up early, so it's always a good idea to call and at least ask if you can go ahead and make the reservation. What's the worst they can say? - No please call back? If so, just ask what's the earliest you can make the reservation.|||We're going to Orlando this Christmas as well! :D
The weather is gorgeous in December. It's not humid, not freezing cold, just the right temperature. Of course, you won't be able to wear only a tank top and shorts, but that shouldn't really matter.
High 73°-Low 51°
I'm not sure what kind of clothing you wear in that weather, so I'm leaving that decision up to you. :)
The parks are extremely busy around this time of year. If I were you, I would start planning now. Especially if you're visiting Disney World; that's the busiest time of the year for them. If you want dinner reservations or such, you can call ahead 180 days to recieve them.
As for Christmas dinner, it's a bit early to plan for that. About a month or so before you travel, search for 'Christmas Dinners in Orlando' and a site such as this
Have a wonderful time! Orlando is one of the best places to be. :D|||the weather is pretty chilly i know disney is super super super super crowded from like the week before christmas til a few days after new years. Chef mickeys would be a fun place for christmas dinner. You will probably need to check the weather before you go because when i went for new years it was super cold but once when i went in mid january it wasnt that cold|||Hello
This can help you to find nice hotel deals.we can check and compare current hotel prices along with reviews at “hotels combined”
good luck!.......
What is the nutrition facts at the villa de flora restaurant for there breakfast buffet??? Anyone have pics of the buffet to???????|||If you have to ask about the nutrition facts, you'd better not go because it is a fantastic buffet with multiple stations with tons of food. Most aren't exactly on the "best foods" list but it's what we want and we all eat it. There are healthy choices, though.
I don't have any pictures but be assured, it's a pretty picture :)|||I don;t know the nutrition facts, but ive eaten there 3 times and it was super yummy!!
I had the best Margarita there, but forgot to ask for the recipe. I think it had orange juice, Contreau, Grand Marnier and tequilla, but I know I am missing some ingredients and need to know the correct quantities.|||Hi,
As a Bartender of many years, I will share my favorite basic recipe.
Glass full of ice - add:
2 parts Gold Tequila
1 part Triple sec (Or cointreau) If you use Grand Marnier, it should be floated on the top, after shaking, and the orange juice omitted.
1 part Sweet and Sour Mix (Sometimes listed as Margarita Mix)
1 Lime - Large (Not a Key Lime - too tart) freshly squeezed (If it feels a little tough - rub it on a cutting board before you cut it or put it in a microwave oven for 10 seconds on high). Please do not use sweetened Lime juice (Like Roses) or the plastic fake lime that you can find in the produce section.
Splash of Orange juice.
Shake it slightly
Remember, the very 1st Margarita's in Mexico were only Tequila, Orange Juice and Fresh Lime Juice. NOTHING MORE! I find that the fewer bottled ingredients and the more fresh, the better it tastes.
Good Mixing!
James|||This sounds very refreshing! Report Abuse
|||Tell ya what, sweet'eart, gimme 500 clams and I'll make the bartender an offer he can't refuse.
Answered by the Godfather.|||Just next time when you go out ask for a Golden Margarita...thats what the concoction is called....made the same in most places, make sure they use the orange juice and the Grande Marnier
ok for those who live in florida you know what im talking about but there is a place caled gayord palms and every christmas they have a thing called "ice!" everything is made of ice and they have ice skating and slides i was thinking of taking my three kids this year they are 15 12 and 4 i know the 4 year old is fine but do you think the other two would have outgrown it? i dont want to tell them about it cus it will be my christmas gift to them|||Well, I would take them skating first before you took them there, and see if they like it. If they do there's a good chance they will like it. I'm 13 and i would love to go to a place like that.
I hope i helped.
I want to have a birthday party and spend the night at Gaylord Palms with about 6 of my girlfriends... but I dont want to pay for three rooms because it so expensive. Are there other rooms for that kind of stuff or at least another fancy hotel near that is less expensive??|||Hi. The Gaylord Palms is a really nice hotel but there are other nice ones nearby. You can try Perfect Escapes - actually here is the link to their Orlando Hotels page:鈥?/a>
Every hotel on there is the same quality or better than the Gaylord Palms.|||Gaylord Palms is simply beautiful and is one of my favorite resorts. The Spa packages there more than make up for the price off accommodations. It is your birthday and you deserve the best. If you really want to stay there, perhaps you can talk to your friends and see if everyone can split the cost for one night. You can also check with a travel agent or call the hotel yourself to see if you can get a Florida resident discount or ask for the best offer they can give you.
Your other options near there would be Celebration Hotel, Westgate Resort, Marriott World Center or you can rent a vacation home and throw a pool party.|||rent a house or condo from a local, way cheaper, more private and more fun!
ice at gaylord palms ...any good? thinking about going tonight|||Oh it's so cool. It's incredible how they do everything. This year's theme is the Grinch which is really really neat. I'd definitely go, but the lines might be very long; but I did go two days before Christmas, so that may be why they were long for me.
It's really really cold- like 9 degrees farenheit, so I'd suggest you layer up. (: haha
If you have kids they'd love it. I'm 17 and I went along with some of my friends and we had a ball ourselves. They have an ice slide which is fun too. haha (:
Hope this helped.
Okay, so my family and I are wanting to go to gaylord palms. Any fun things to do at the hotel? fun things to do for teens and kids? i would love ur advice! LOL. anyways, i looked @the website but didn't get much out of it. Any help would be GREATLY appreciate. Lol thanks again! :D
- lovee
grace&hearts|||I was in the hotel next to Gaylord Palms the other week
There's a walgreens down the street but watch out for Gaylords ya' know like lord of the Gays haha
jk... But seriously though there's a helicopter tour place right nea walgreens its pretty cool
im going to Ice at the gaylord's in florida
they say its like 9 degrees inside
has anyone been there and what should i wear when i do go? i dont want to wear the jackets they lend you ^_^|||Wear a sweatshirt and jeans and you should be okay. It's not a huge exibit and you won't be in there forever.|||It is cold in there. Wear something warm.
I would suggest you wear the coats that they provide.
Orlando Premium Outlets is about 4 miles away. You should be able to take a bus there. The Gaylord Palms is technically in Kissimmee, so when you are looking for information online remember that. There are outlets and malls all over the area down'll have no shortage of shopping opportunities.
Two links for OPO and the other for the Gaylord Palms "Shopping" page.|||this is the closest outlet from Gaylord鈥?/a>
but there is a better selection over at the Premium Outlets.|||the pemium outlets are about 4 miles away and have agreat selection of stores to chose from鈥?/a>
.:)|||Orlando is the outlet capitol of the world lol. You shouldnt have a problem.|||HAHA! Gaylord Palms.......thats funny.
my cousin is staying there this week and wanted to know if there were tanning beds there. if so, how much does it cost?
thank you.|||none, they have a spa ,sauna, nail/ feet /hair place . no tanning beds. the sunshine state common|||Yea, go outside.
Its florida! Just lay out at the beach|||no they just have a spa sauna nail feet place hair
We are going to Disney World for a few days. There are some good non-Disney Hotel packages out there, so we can afford something a little nicer. I really like the two I mentioned.|||Gaylord hands down its the newest largest resort hotel Ive stayed a couple of times there is so much to see and do just in the hotel itself.
HRGC is nice too but if you want something nicer Gaylord|||Hyatt Grand Regency is just beautiful. I have never been to the Gaylord Palms but have driven by it and it is certainly impressive from the outside.|||I strongly recommend the Hyatt Grand Cypress. This is a beautiful resort with amazing pools and recreation. One of my all-time favorites. Checkout their website for pics and info:|||I never stayed at Gaylord Palms but I have been to the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress many many times and I love it!! I went as a child and I remember enjoying the pool area (there are two water slides too, one small one and one bigger one) and the nice area to relax. Now that I am much older, I still go back and enjoy it. The room service is great, the rooms are very nice, and the pool area is just amazing. I totally recommend it. I don't think you'd regret it. They also have a free shuttle service to Disney World.|||I hear Gaylord Palms is superb.|||Have you ruled out the Disney resorts? It may be a bit more expensive but there's a lot of perks. We really enjoy the heavily themed resorts like Animal Kingdom Lodge, Port Orleans Riverside, Wilderness Lodge, etc.
You have access to Disney transportation, you can get in the parks even if they're full, the themed pools can be totally wonderful, Disney service is usually great, etc. Really it's the atmosphere that's so worth paying for. For us it's a big part of the fun and relaxation.
In our guide book, Walt Disney World with Disabilities (, we talk about the many perks for people with health issues staying in the Disney resorts.
For us, we feel that you can find a Hyatt or other non-Disney resort anywhere, but but these themed Disney resorts are a unique experience and worth the cost.
Stephen Ashley, Author of Walt Disney World with Disabilities|||Gaylord Palms is AWESOME, and HUGE!|||Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the hotel room, all you are going to do is sleep there. I stayed at the Hyatt, it was nice, but afterward I wished I had stayed at a Clarion or something cheaper because all we did was fall into bed every night. Honestly if you stay in a chain you are going to get the same bed.|||Bever been to the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, but Gaylord Palms is beautiful, great pools, definately suggest there. Its amazing.|||marriott Grande Vista is fantastic
I'm attending a seminar at Gaylord Palms Convention Center in Orlando, and I wonder if anybody from Orlando can tell me if there's public transportation to this convention center. The seminar lasts for 3 days from 7 a.m. till 1 a.m so I don't find it useful to rent a car cause it will be park during all the day. Thanks|||You can conact the concierge at Gaylord Palms and they will tell you your transporatation options.
I just need the hours for sat. the 29th of november for the gaylord palms Ice event in orlando. Thanks to all who answer.|||I'm not sure try their website but that place is AMAZING its super cold so dress warm.. plus they give you this huge blue coat that EVERYONE has to wear because its so cold! :P
one of the disney hotels has a large gingerbread house. need to know what other disney hotel is included in the tour|||ICE at Gaylord Palms is a great exhibit that will cost you around $30 - $35 per person. You also have to pay to park at the hotel which is between $5 - $10. The ice display is worth it though - giant ice slides, ice reindeer, and you even get to meet Santa! They provide parkas as well, so you will stay warm :)
Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa has the giant gingerbread house for its holiday celebration. The house doubles as a sweet shop during daytime and evening hours. They have the best hot chocolate here!!
I am not familiar with this tour, therefore unable to tell you which other Disney hotel is featured but I would bet its either the Polynesian or Contemporary. They both have large holiday displays.|||You seem to be looking for a group tour operator to take you the most spectacular Christmas season hotel decorations and avoid the driving, navigating and parking yourself.
Try calling these. Maybe they have something for you that is not on the website full-year.
Florida Dolphin Tours
Gator Tours/Gray Line Orlando
Office: (407) 522 5911 Toll Free: (800) 537 0917
So I'll arrive there tomrow for some acting competion I do all week between the competion hours I have time to hang out and stuff is tere a indoor pool?|||Nope this is Florida... Have fun it's still a pretty cool place to stay if you've never been there also if you have time to get to the parks it's probably the best time of year to go.
Seriously I Googled and searched online and couldn't find this! I called the Resort and all I get is an answering machine...I don't like to leave messages. Hopefully someone can help me here thanks....oh and um hopefully before Sunday. Price Per Adult and Per Child too would be great.|||The dinner buffet is 30 dollars for adults not sure about kids sorry
I want to take my family to either the Gaylord Palms Ice or Snow. My husband and son have never seen snow, but the ice show looks really cool. Which is better if you could only pick one?|||I think Gaylord Palms Ice is better.|||Exploring the Gaylord Palms hotel! This place is nuts.|||Gaylord Palms Ice
ok well i have no idea what to do i don't wanna have a big par try with like a bunch of people and i was just gonna have like 3 of my closest friends and hang out i was gonna go to the nickelodeon hotel but it was REALLY pricey an di don't know what to do i have a couple weeks for planning time so any ideas......?
i was kinda thinking to go on a shopping spree with my mom earlier in the week and then on like friday go to a water park near where i live then maybe have a sleepover.|||a shopping spree with your mum sounds really good! stock up on treats and chocolates, sweeties, crisps, cake and marshmellows and a chocolate fountain for your sleepover. buy a bunch of movies and have a really big sleepover in your living room! and then go to a water park, have an amazing 13th birthday!|||Do you know you posted this question under the group Toddlers?
Thinking about going soon, just wondering how it is.|||LOOOOVVVVEEE It!! We were there in the spring. Pools are fantastic. There are hourly activities you can pick up a schedule. They tape TV shows, contests--my guys were too young. Movies by the pool. Free internet access for kids and adults. Food is good for the kids--not my favorite. I like more sit down upscale. Fast food for a whole week is not for me. Rooms are great--spongebob room is 100 extra--we went for Jimmy Neutron 189 night--through fun|||I have, and I really liked it. We had a 2 bedroom suite with a mini-kitchen and living room. It was really spacious...more spacious than the Disney resorts I'd stayed in (Port Orleans and Caribbean Beach). The only thing I didn't like was the shuttle transportation wasn't as good as at a Disney hotel, so we ended up driving and paying to park everyday...also, the food court wasn't great...but we loved the pool and the hotel it self.
Have you been there?
It looks really nice on tv and the computer - but wondering if gets too crowded and unable to enjoy it. Suggestions? My kids are 7 and 3. We did Disney in January and was looking for something a little different for the summer.
Thank you!|||I was very impressed with this resort! It isn't any more crowded than a Disney Value Resort is, so you'll be fine. And not a whole lot of folks spend too much time at their resorts anyway. They are usually out playing. I loved the pool areas with the climbing nets, water canons and other fun water activities for the kids. The Miniature golf courses were great as well. And the bunk neds are also great for families.
Not to mention, it is located right off I-4 and one of the main entrances to the WDW Resort. Rooms start around $114 a night.
If you would like help planning your trip or if you would like to read up on some fun tips and ideas which are updated monthly, check out our Disney Vacation Planning Services website at:
Have a wonderful trip!|||It is really a great place for your kids and you are going to have some fun also. Even though the sounds of kids screams and the sounds of video games can seem to be non stop, I must say that I never felt crowded in any way. The suites are very spacious and the kid suites make it nice because they have their own place to hang out. The color schemes of the hotel are great....don't forget your camera. There are tons of photo opps here.|||I have several friends whose families have stayed there. Everyone has raved about the rooms and the fun. The one complaint I always hear, is that it is loud.
I have never thought that somebody deserves a second chance after cheating but now that its happened i cant let her go. heres my story, i met this beautiful girl, i swear to God that shes the most beautiful girl in the world in my eyes. She everything i've ever wanted in a girl, everything. We've been going out for a year and four months now. Her life in general is really dificult and messed up. As soon as she was born her dad got custody of her because her mother was either a drug addict or an alcholic. Her dad got addicted to perscription drugs a few years ago and lost his house and couldnt provide for hid daughter and my parents, the sweetest people in the world, took her in. we built her a room, even though my house is small and my parents took over her financial problems, she needs braces and we pay for her to have a cell phone. all of the stress is destroying her and i have 4 AP classes so i have alot of homework and almost everytine she asked me to do something i couldnt cuz i was busy. A guy started being her prson that she vented on and he took advantage of her in her weakest moment and kissed her on the lips one time. the comfort she felt from it she thinks is enough to end our entire relationship. you dont understand everything weve done in our relationship, so much. from going to nfl football games and baseball games to going to the nickelodeon hotel. should i spend the time with her to restore our love? because i love her with all my heart, we swore to each other we would never seperate. we literally wanna get married. i believe she did it because of the time, place, and circumstances. help me|||Don't ever let her off easily!
As hard and risky this is, ignore her! She'll most likely crave your attention and keep wanting you more. If she learned her lesson then get back together, if you want. If she gave up then it wasn't meant to be.
Second chance are to be earned.|||If you truly love her you will forgive her for anything she does, just be there for her make shure when shes having a hard time with something you make sure you listen and help her. i hope you two last =)|||no --- she did it once --- she'll do it again --- if you can't / won't commit --- then do not get serious about a relationship --- good luck|||If she's going through a lot i'd give her another chance..
She just made a stupid mistake, she will have learned by it i'm sure
Good luck!|||I believe that she has a lot of problems on her hands and it's really sweet of you and your parents to have done everything for her, but she might be taking advantage of that sweetness. You just have to think about it seriously because although your love for her may be extremelyy strong, she may have different thoughts and she may be acting like she's in love because she feels that she owes you something so you may need to reconsider your thoughts about this girl, for your sake.
I am going to take my boys (7 and 9) to Orlando, we will be staying at the Nickelodeon Hotel (my boys love Sponge bob!).
They don't care what we do , as long as we go to Universal Studios at least twice.
I am going to get 2 day passes to the park and I don't know what else to do?? .. They don't want to see Epcot or anything babyish.
I would love to take them swimming with the dolphins and maybe some water sports.. like jet skiing and para sailing.. etc.
Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks!|||Epcot is not the slightest bit babyish. In fact, people worry about taking young kids there because it is too adult!
Anyway, since it sounds like you are just starting your planning, why not request free info from the Florida and Orlando boards of tourism? They also send good stuff, usually some good coupons, and some ideas of other things - including things that you didn't even know existed!|||Make sure you check the height of your children most of the rides at Universal and Islands of Adventure require a certain height.
There are Jet ski rentals, boat, para sailing on Disney property on the other side of the Contemporary hotel. You can call 407 WDW PLAY to make reservations. They also have a fleet of boat rentals at Downtown Disney Marketplace you can call the same number.
Discovery cove is the only place in Orlando that I know will allow you to interact/swim with the dolphins, they require you to book it in advance and food, towels, gear will be included.|||Discovery Cove has swimming with dolphins. It's located right next to SeaWorld.
Do they like waterparks? Disney World has 2. Downtown Disney also has an interactive theme park called, DisneyQuest.
There's also a lot of miniature golf all over Florida. And again Disney has 2 of those!
Have Fun!
i have long brown curly hair and i really need some ideas for new hairstyles that i can easily do in the morning before school but still have it look great. here are some ideas of what i want:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
thanx heaps xx|||Rollers! Get some depending on the amount of hair and how big you want the curls. some places might need big ones some may need little ones. spray your hair with some, hair spray roll... then style... get up a little earlier just in case it didn't work that way you can work them into place.
ok well i have no idea what to do i don't wanna have a big par try with like a bunch of people and i was just gonna have like 3 of my closest friends and hang out i was gonna go to the nickelodeon hotel but it was REALLY pricey an di don't know what to do i have a couple weeks for planning time so any ideas......?
i was kinda thinking to go on a shopping spree with my mom earlier in the week and then on like friday go to a water park near where i live then maybe have a sleepover.|||Sleepover with your best friends, that's what i did :)
Selena:鈥?/a>|||Nina is gorgeous! I'm going to have to go with her. <3
Victoria's pretty too, but not as pretty as Nina.
I don't find Selena that pretty because she looks like a little kid.
They all kind of look alike!|||1) Nina
2) Selena
3) Victoria
From an acting standpoint the only person I really like though is Nina, because I can't stand disney or nickelodeon. And Nina was in my favorite show, Degrassi =P|||Nina dobrev is definitely the prettiest of all of them. she is a really amazing actress as well. i love her in vampire diaries :)|||Nina Dobrev for sure. She's gorgeous.
Then Victoria, then Selena.|||Nina Dobrev definately,I liked her so much on Degrassi! Heres my Order:
Selena Gomez
Victoria Justice|||Definately Selena, then Nina, then Victoria ( I don't really think she's that pretty).|||I think they're all pretty, but i would have to say Nina :))
My order is
Victoria|||Nina Dobrev|||SELENA! <33|||selena gomez is a cutie pie|||victoria|||I like Nina
Bella Thorne,2421&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=697&vpy=150&dur=168&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=82&ty=159&ei=E28ETa_EM46hnQf8oNXlDQ&oei=0m4ETdOIK4_Xngfp7pSAAQ&esq=16&page=5&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:88&biw=1280&bih=655
Pretty Zendaya|||Cecelia "CeCe" Jones is described as confident and mischievous. Although confident, she almost gave up on her opportunity to star in "Shake It Up Chicago" without the persistence of Rocky. She is a tomboy with a flair for fashion. CeCe has dyselxia.
Raquel "Rocky" Blue is described as the "good girl" of the two, she also is described as optimistic. Rocky was the first of the two to win a role on "Shake It Up Chicago.|||I like cece better I don't lyk rocky
Planning a trip to go to Walt Disney world and i was wondering where we should stay? We want somewhere that offers breakfast with sponge bob we were thinking the nickelodeon hotel but have heard bad reviews about it there.. any tips on finding a nice hotel that offers a lot to do with a 3 year old. thanks!|||It sounds like you are just at the beginning of planning this. There are a few basic things that you need to understand that confuse most folks early on.
Disney World is 4 theme parks, two water parks, Downtown Disney, and a whole bunch of hotels.
The 4 parks are Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom.
There is 'free' transportation from the disney hotels to all of the fun stuff at Disney.
Except for the transportation within Disney World, transportation to the other attractions in the are is not great. Your best bet is a rental car, or your own car if you drove to Orlando.
If you fly to orlando and stay at a Disney hotel, they will pick you up in a bus at the airport for 'free'. That way you don't get a rental car and you are more likely to stay on the Disney property for more days.
Sea World, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure (which includes the Harry Potter attractions) and all other parks are not part of Disney.
Tickets to Disney are good for any of the 4 disney parks. But the other parks are owned by different companies and they have different tickets.
The nickelodeon hotel is not part of Disney.
You can stay anywhere you want and travel to any theme park you want. You do not have to stay at a Disney hotel to go to disney.
At Disney, the more days you spend in their parks the cheaper per day the price gets. After about 4 days it is just a couple bucks per day to go again.
what else? Hmmm.|||There are a lot of water parks in Orlando, including two that are on Disney property. Sea World has one, but I've never been there...yet. Right next to Sea World is Discovery Cove. You can swim with Dolphins there!
There are also a lot of miniature golf places. Disney has two.
In Downtown Disney (West side) there's Disney Quest. That's an indoor Virtual amusement park.
You can go out to Cocoa Beach. That's about an hour away. Of course, maybe it doesn't take that long. My husband got lost!
NASA is out there too.
Clearwater Beach is on the Gulf side and it's farther. It takes about 90 minutes, could be longer if you hit a lot of traffic in Tampa.
There's so much more... Maybe get a vacation book on Orlando.|||There is a real confusion in this question. You say you are going to Disney World. The nickelodeon and sponge bob are not at Disney. They are part of Orlando Resorts. There is no free connection between the two different parks. BTW I have received very different comments about Nickelodeon.
Check trip advisor Where did "hear" the bad reviews. There are many other hotels at Universal.
Has anyone stayed at the Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando. I was interested in taking my kids there for a vacation and I was wanting some feedback from people who have been and how the kids enjoyed it.|||I haven't personally stayed there. It LOOKS like a lot of fun. However, I have heard from several people who HAVE stayed there that they didn't like it and wouldn't go back. The main attraction is the pool area with basically a mini-water park, but I have heard that the service is sub-par and the rooms are not very clean. I'm quite sure that's not the experience of every guest, but I have heard that from enough people that I won't stay there. You can check out reviews on TripAdvisor; you'll see that even some of the people that gave good reviews listed complaints that they had:鈥?/a>
Keep in mind that it's a pricey resort to stay at, so make sure you're prepared for any experience if you decide to book it.|||My little cousin loves Nickelodeon. He spent all day there because the hotel has so much stuff to do.
Also Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate is a nice option. The zero-entry family pool with waterslide and nearby water playground is fun. It has special kids' programs like Camp Omni Kids Escape, plus complimentary shuttle to Disney World.|||if you go to Travelocity you'll read TONS of bad reviews...but I personally liked it! The rooms are great (parents get their own bedroom, kids get a bunk bed room of their own), plenty of pools and sun and shows...we pretty much stayed in the resort for our 3-night stay. Only bad thing is almost EVERYTHING is an upcharge, even if you want a room with 'Spongebob' on the wall (so dumb), so bring tons of cash.
By the end of the 4th day we were a bit tired of the pool and "free" activities and so were the kids, we even left the resort earlier then we needed to. So I wouldn't stay there more then 3 days...if longer, be sure to do some theme parks (Disney, Universal, Sea World) in between.|||I have stayed at the nick hotel for a weekend. its nice as the kids have their own room with bunk beds. there is also an adult bedroom. in the living room you will find a mini fridge and a microwave oven. i lived locally to it so what I did was bought some food from home and cooked it in the room on a table top grill. I had like hot dogs burgers eggs bacon. i also bought cooked meals and reheated in microwave. a tip if your not into all the noise request a parking lot or mall view for your room. it can be a bit noisy facing the water park part of it. also at check in make sure you reserve the shows you wish to see. they tend to fill up quick. you will have a great time there|||Check the prices for Disney's value resorts first. Our granddaughter loved the Royal Pacific at Universal (4 star). She was completely blown away when we left Universal and got to Disney's Pop Century (2 star). Kid's love Disney, so do I.
Me my sister (12) and a friend (11) are looking to go for a trip to Orlando for a little 12th birthday party and have been looking at some Orlando waterpark hotels, I've been to the Nickelodeon hotel before and LOVED it but some think that we are to old so if you think the nick hotel is appropriate for our age please tell me, but something cheaper like the Clarion Resort would be good too.|||I'm not familiar with the waterpark/hotel combos in Orlando, but I can promise that the two Disney Water parks, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach are awesome. They have some of the biggest and best water slides/attractions in the world.|||What about Wet'n'Wild? I went to Orlando in May and stayed in a hotel called Monumental Movieland Hotel, which was right across from Wet'n'Wild. The hotel was cheap, and we just needed to cross the street to go back to the room to relax.|||nickelodeon the hotel is a great hotel, and I do not say Publis because nickelodeon is where I work, but has a lot of variety and Wake exelentes best for everyone is for all ages so you better go to nick hotel|||Beach Club at WDW鈥?/a>
Liki Tiki Village|||your nick hotel is great for all ages.even as an adult i had fun there.
Planning a trip with two boys, 11 and 14. Would also like to go to Discovery Cove and Nickelodeon Hotel.
Any suggestions?
Planning on staying at Hard Rock Cafe.
Feedback please?|||well first of all im going to start off by saying i would say that both parks are pretty cool.
disneyland generally entertains the ages of 1-10 and unversal studio entertaines the ages of 6 +
Disney land is generally suited for younger children and i would say is more prone to attracting little girls rather than boys (shure there are escpetions)
Your older son being 14 i dont think would want to go and hang out with buzz lightyear and micky mouse. My guess is he would be more interested in rides and other such adventures. Disney land contains more rides yet universal Studios contains more rides suiting older ages. If i had to pick which place to go i would chose Universal Studios
1. because its cheeper and you get more 4 your money
2. It has better entertainemnt for older children
3. Its less crowded gennerally and the lines seem to go much faster.
I think that discovery cove is a really cool place to take a 11 and a 14 year but i would question the Nicelodeon Hotel choice, most of the time boys their ages stop watching nickelodeon and start taking more intrest in more mature things, and shows. I have a feeling that the hotel will be packed with small children and you boys will feel slightly out of place there.
Hard Rock Cafe is a good idea over all i have absolutly no drawbacks on it what so ever.
Ask you sons where they would rather go aswell then you'll get direct feed back.
Hope this helps|||Well i think both are great. If the kids like roller coasters and thrill rides take them to Islands of Adventure. Disney World would also be great for them because they are still in the age range to go on all the rides. I'm 14 and i love every ride at Disney World down to Its A Small World. Oh if they don't like scary rides do not take them on Snow Whites Scary Adventures that ride is just creepy! lol Whats great at staying at the Hard Rock Cafe is your in walking distance of both parks and i believe you can go into the park an hour prior to the scheduled opening time. Discovery Cove its a beautiful park you almost forget your in a theme park heads up there is a large pool with a whole bunch of fish in it careful when your walking because without a warning the floor drops 20ft so that would be a nasty fall if you don't watch out for it. Hope you enjoy your time in Florida!|||i think they will enjoy universal much more than disney. we went last week and its a much better layout than the disney parks and there is more for their age.
discovery cove is worth every penny! they look after you as a v i p guest, the food is lovely, they provide towels, lockers wetsuits, masks and snorkels, even shampoo and body lotion|||I think since your kids are older, they'll appreciate Universal Studios more. I'm fourteen, and I really liked some of the new cool rides they offer. You have to pay extra to ride on one/some of the rides because they're so hot. I'd just ask my kids though. Their opinions count. And plus, if they start complaining about how they wish they'd gone to to the other, it won't be your fault because it was their choice ;)|||Nothing is better than WDW...the others are just cheap imitations...not that they don't have their good points, but it would be a shame to go all the way to Orlando and not visit you can spend about one day each in the Universal Parks...but it takes much longer than that to unwrap all the Disney Magic!!|||your plans sound good. i personally say disney world ~ i went when i was 17 and it was still a lot of fun. there seems to be something for every age group and interest in disney.|||disney all the way
universal is awesome but not as magical as disney|||Disney World. It is fun for every age.|||There both great but if you can only do one you have to do Disney World,We went to Disney,Universal and MGM.Universal and MGM were fun but we were blown away by Disney|||WDW level of customer service is unmatched. It's alot cleaner at the house of the Mouse|||Disnay World is better for enjoy. you can enjoy $10 off on park hopper ticket using this coupon|||Since there 11 and 14 Universal studios. I went to universal studios when I was 6 or 7 and had a blast.
Our family is taking our first major vacation in March, and I could use some advice planning a schedule. We have two children ages 4 & 2.. we're going to Disney World in Orlando for four days, and staying at the nickelodeon hotel. We plan on going to a park a day, and hanging at the pool but from what I've heard planning a schedule makes the trip easier.|||That's quite an undertaking with two young kids. I would suggest breaking up your day. Tour part of the park in the am, have lunch, take a break during which the kids take naps, and then hit the park again in the afternoon.|||Having done a few family vacations ( kids are now 8 and 5), when they are that small, I would plan on a couple of hours per day max at a park - kids that age just want to play in the water, eat and sleep. Honestly? I'd wait for another 2 yrs at least to do that parks - at this age they are not going to remember it, and need routine and familiarity right now
Good luck
Jx|||i think maybe based on teh agers of your children 2+4 you would be bet to let THEM do teh planning. the orlando parks are huge! we ahev been there twice, the first time when our youngest was11 it abut wore him out by the end of the day. get to the parks early to beat the rush do waht ya can, dotn stand in teh freaking lines go to stuff that doesnt have lines, theres so much to see and do, when tehy get tired go back to the hotel and take a nap then go back later in the day. i think thye are open till 9pm. tehy have trams, use those its MUCH better then parking, the first time we went we only rented a carf so we could go to cape canaveral and cocoa beach otherwise we just rode the monorails or took the buses they provide. FYI the movie park may not be theat great for them considering thier age, may want to do half a day there, magic kindom is prolly the ebst for thier age, some epcot center would eb ok too, if tehy like animals then the animal park too. i would consider spending the most time at MK then animal kingdom, tehn epcot then teh studio. you can swim anywhere in the world, haev fun at the parks
Has anyone been there. I want to take my son, but it's so expensive during summer. Any ideas on a good time to go including air fare from California.|||What are you looking to do in Orlando? Disney, Universal or Just vacation in general.
Im asking this in return because, yes it can get very exsepnise But, there are so many packages available w. either parks.
Im not really familier w. this hotel but I do know there are packages. I have friends who have taken there kids and have loved it and others who havent liked it the least bit. Air fare wise? Deals are going on all the time, you just gotta look, try or even ... depending on the airline, you can even go straight to there site and get cheaper deals.
It takes alot of research, Im did a summer w. disney and have been going there since iwas a child. So, if your curious in that end? I could send you in the right direction. good luck!|||They actually have a great deal on for families of 4 - $59.00 a night. However if there is only 2 of you, the best rates I could find was $279 a night. It would cost over $2000 for the week!
My best advice to you is to stay at a cheaper hotel and take your son to Universal Studio's. They have a whole Nickelodeon area where you can spend your time! I know it's obviously not the same as staying at the hotel, but you want to be spending your time outside in the parks right? If you are going to Disney, try the Disney Value or Moderate resorts. They are all very nice. If you rent a car, you could even stay at Disney and still go to all the other places you want to go, and be in a themed hotel.
Anyways, I don't know where your from in Cali, but try flying Southwest or Air Tran. They are discount air carriers and you will find a decent deal. They are always marking down flights.|||I have been there recently. We got a very good deal for Boy Scouts and took the kids for a weekend. They really enjoyed it, but I would not pay full price. The pools were fun, but the food was (as expected) extremely overpriced and most of the other activities cost additional fees.|||i didn't even know there was one|||If you're planning to go to Disney World I would suggest Disney's Pop Century Resort. It is only about $82 per night and they give your transportation around the Walt Disney World Resort and to your hotel from Orlando International Airport free.
Here is Pop Century's Website:鈥?/a>
Here are benefits of staying on Disney Property:鈥?/a>
I was just watching on YouTube the video of the burial of the time capsule of the now closed Nickelodeon studios in 1992. They relocated the time capsule to the Nickelodeon hotel in Orlando and made no public acknowledgment of it. It is scheduled to be opened in 2042 but I just you think Nickelodeon will even still be around then?|||i doubt it, id be about 75 years old when that happens. nickelodeon is already dead anyways because all the shows they put on here killed the real good shows back in 90s. :(((((((
except spongebob power rangers samurai, and supah ninjas are the only good new shows on nickelodeon.|||i will probably be dead, so it wont matter to me,
"When he was here alive, Eileen, There was a word you might have said; So never mind what I have been, Or anything, -- for you are dead.
Why, darling, why are you crying?" he said, looking into Eve's face. "Ah! I know, you are crying for joy!"
"Oh me!" said her mother, shaking her head as she spoke. "Lucien has forgotten everything already; not merely his own troubles, but ours as well
a triumph of any kind whatsoever is a sort of miracle which requires, like some other miracles for that
Laughs low for love, till jealous Salmacis Peers through the myrtle-leaves and sighs for pain of lonely bliss.|||Don't know, have never watched the show!
Anyway, in 2042, if I am still living, I'll be 107 years old. I am 76 now!!!!!!!!!!!
:-)|||Hmm, probably. They have enough stuff to broadcast, and its essentially only them and Cartoon Network in the children's television cartoon broadcasting business.|||Probably.|||Yes it will be forever just new generations.|||Yes, and the only shows left on it will be South Park,
The Simpsons and Spongebob.|||Um..that depends on if we're still around then. Some believe end of civilization is coming 12/21/12|||I most certainly do.|||sure why not
My son is 10 and my daughter is 13 they both loved it! There was so much to do, it will be impossible for you to get bored. There are activities inside and outside to keep you and your family busy. You can go online to their site and check out how the rooms look, they are decorated in different cartoon characters.
Have fun!!|||If you are a fan of Nickelodeon than you will like that hotel! Have a great stay!|||we just got back--it is VEGAS for kids anything y ou want food fun and the watersides are awesome!!! 4:45 SLIME TIME!!!!|||I wouldn't consider 10 "older" -- but maybe that's cause I'm over 30 and "ancient"! :-P
Seriously, I think you'll have plenty of fun there!|||Yes it is a lot of fun, I don't think you will have a problem at 10. Have fun and just be a kid it won't hurt..........|||Dude, WATER SLIDES!!!! You could be 50 and still have fun there. Your just the age Nick had in mind when they designed the hotel. And don't feel bad if you want to do the Spongebob Squarepants breakfast luch or dinner thing. I'm 30 and I love character dining. Have fun and enjoy being a kid, your NEVER TOO OLD TO HAVE FUN !!!|||You will have a great time.. There are water slides and a video arcade.. I would look one the website to see all the other fun attractions there..|||chea boy its alot of fun especially the pools and stuff im 12 and i still think it is fun :]
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