Friday, March 9, 2012

I just got back from Balboa Park where there were hundreds of people playing soccer or softball or baseball or jogging or bike riding in the hundred degree heat. Men and women, old and young. No one seemed too concerned about getting a little sweaty or about the evils of direct sunlight.

So, are they crazy?

Or have too many of the rest of us gotten too lazy?|||havent u heard of "soaking up the sun" ?? lol least they should be wearing sunblock|||It depends|||well, i'm crazy but I don't do to well in the heat. I can't wait for the rainy days of fall and winter|||nope they arent i live in arizona and it is 115|||No the we are not lazy we are not stupid. You can get heat stroke when it's that hot if not properly hydrated like a majority of America probably isn't. I know I'm not. As long as you drink lots of water or Gatorade stuff you should be ok. You also need to be able to read your body, it tells you when it's had enough.


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