Friday, March 9, 2012

One morning I was working for a political campaign in San Francisco and we all met at the Glen Park BART station. We were going to pass out the flyers around the surronding stations. I took the train to Balboa Park and got off of the train and started passing out the flyers on the platform. Some guy comes that works for BART comes up to my co-worker and tells her to leave and then comes up to me and starts yelling at me for passing out the flyers in the station and saying I can't do that. I called BART about this but I still haven't heard from them. I was told I can pass stuff out there because since it's a private property but is open to the public, you can still pass out political flyers with protection of the first amendment. Would this be harrassment and violation of my rights and what action should I take against BART? Anyone who doesn't live in the Bay Area, BART is the mass transit in Oakland and San Francisco.|||They're very hinky about any kind of activity on the platform. If you were outside the station there wouldn't have been a problem, as it's public property out there.|||Political or not passing out or selling on private property is called loitering, The owners or management of the property can have you arrested and place a trespassing order against you, banning you from the property for good. Your rights do not hold up if you are on anothers property. For your rights pass them out on the streets..


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