Friday, March 9, 2012

San Diego City Council unanimously adopted a resolution introduced by Mayor Jerry Sanders to designate July as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month."
James Hartline, who brought about 35 supporters. Hartline, a former homosexual who says he participated in "pride" events in 1998, expressed deep disappointment that the city is honoring an event "opposed by thousands of San Diegans."

Hartline told council members of the festival's involvement with homosexual porn companies such as the F Street Book store, "raunchy S & M classes" held in city-owned Balboa Park, the showcasing of porn stars such as Tommy Blade, promotion of "gay" bath houses and public nudity.

Hartline also reminded the council that last year it would not allow him to show "photographs in (your) chamber which document the filth inside of the San Diego Gay Pride parade and festival
Heterosexuals do not identify themselves by who they are sleeping with, why do homosexuals feel a need to?|||That's funny...former homosexual. As if he just woke up one day and quit cold turkey.|||Yes, and especially so because while many of those same people are calling for equal rights and touting the freedom of expression, will throw the biggest fit if you try to mention anything about religious tolerance. They would scream and holler if you tried to have a religious holiday or "pride month" type event put into place.
The constitution grants us the freedom of religion not the freedom from religion.|||Homosexuals feel this need because of the constant sexistism they fall victim to.|||Hm. Well, first of all, I think you are generalizing about homosexuals. Not all of them like this kind of public activity.

However, I have a theory that when people are pushed to unacceptable extremes, they come back with a force. A pendulum effect, if you will. Black Panthers are a great example. Do you think they would have swung so far to one side if Black Americans had been treated equally? I doubt it.

The excess at Gay Pride parades is in part a reaction to their being silenced and socially sidelined over the years. We reap what we sow.

All that said, I have no problem with them at all. Go gays!!|||They do a good job of stirring up hate, which allows them to play the victim, thus scoring a "moral victory point" is the eyes for those who simply don't care.|||i dont go to any parades and I couldnt care less about parade activities. peaceful assembly I believe is constitutional.|||heterosexuals do so identify themselves by who they sleep with--its why they think they are superior to gays|||Please. Mr. Hartline and yourself need to get lives of your own. In his case, though, as an "ex-gay," it makes perfect sense that he's "outraged" at the fact that other gay men are not as abject and self-loathing as he is, and refuse to live lives of self-denial and repression because certain narrow-minded bigots would prefer it that way. I wonder what your excuse is.

I'm gay. I'm not really into Pride parades, but I understand the reason for them. I'd try to explain, but I suppose in order to understand, you would've had to have been oppressed and abused and discriminated against your entire life simply for being who you are.|||Heterosexuals most definitely do "show off" their relationships. But most people don't care or even think twice about heterosexual couples. Think about any dance club, bar, etc. Tons of heterosexual couples. And no one thinks twice about it but if it was a gay bar, club, etc... my gosh, the UPROAR!

If straight people do it, why can't gay people do it? They are merely frustrated with a society that does not allow them to express their sexuality in public and a gay parade is PRIDE, to show people that the rumblings of homophobics won't stop them.

Some pride parades and events ARE overtly sexual. But the GLBT community is a minority group (just like racial minorities, religious minorities, etc) trying to convey and demonstrate that they can be free to love someone of the same sex (and be sexual with them as well).|||Heteros don't need parades because they have never had to hide their true identity like some sort of criminal. The reasons for these parades is to bring their issues of unequal treatment to the forefront.|||I love a good gay bashing lol with a extra helping of god for good mesher lol get a cript crow up. and just to be dam right hate full if you lot are so against it all why to your vicase and what not find it such good fun to f*** the olter boys ( ye ye ye i know but if she can say crap so can i )|||immoral
people can pick who you sleep with or not sleep with anyone.
When people ignore God and the bible they slip into increased wickedness.|||Gay pride parades are not hurting anyone. Live and let live.|||I don't think the parades do anything to help their cause of being accepted as "normal" members of society. In our city the parade portrays them as very deviant, not at all like loving, commited coupled who desire to be married and raise kids. Who thinks a guy in a gold lame thong and makeup looks like a family man?|||Not at all. There is no god.|||perhaps if you and all your sick little theist friends stopped persecuting homosexuals they wouldn't feel the need to affirm their sexuality

It's similar to the equal rights marches made by women and black people

just more fun|||I think YOU are disgraceful to society and GOD, who doesn't even exist. I live in San Diego County; thanks for letting me know. At least now good ole conservative Diego is making efforts to reform.|||Yes, I think it IS disgraceful. Call me a hypocrite if you want to (those who already answered). Actually, how does that make me a hypocrite? If I were gay and were saying bad things about gay people, THAT would make me a hypocrite. But I am not gay. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination. So yes, it is an abomination to have gay pride parades and all that other stuff.

Also, if what they are doing is not G rated, it should not be allowed on the streets where a child might see it.

Homosexuals have been oppressed because what they are doing is wrong and it is hurting society. Black people have a reason to be upset for their oppression. They were picked on because of the color of their skin. Homosexuals are "picked on" because they are not doing what is right. Yes, they are people, but they need repentance.|||I think Gay BASHERS are a disgrace to society, and one of MANY black marks on america's reputation.

Homophobia is probably one of the most shameful forms of stupidity- right up next to racism.


Why do you ask so many questions about gays? Certainly there must be better subjects to tackle? Why is this one so important to you?|||Well, shouldn't the christmas celebration you so cheerfully participate in be banned because it's a pagan rip-off and pagans may feel dishonored? Or does it all revolve around christians' wishful thinking taking over the world?

shouldn't you be stoned to death for not killing gays and adulterous women, and not making "burnt offerings" (aka animal sacrifices) and offering your god their slimmy guts and fat, and for going on birth control, getting along with people from different religions, not going through the "purification process" after giving birth to a daughter, and the holy list goes on...????

Come on. You don't do these things because they are ridiculous, BUT you think you are a righteous person by spreading hate? Do you enjoy it? In the eyes of your god, you would be a disgrace. In the eyes of your beloved society, you, my friend, are a hypocrite.

ps: "Former homosexual"? you're treating homosexuality as though it was alcoholism.

"Heterosexuals do not identify themselves by who they are sleeping with, why do homosexuals feel a need to?"

because heterosexuals have not been labeled "an abomination" by a,unfortunately, much read book, were not hunted down during WWII and are not being denigrated by posters like this.|||If you don't like gay pride parades, don't go.

It's none of your business!

Where do you go to church? Please let me know, so I can go protest your church services, hypocrite.|||Let's be truthful for once, even criminals like arm robber would admit that what they do is bad but they do it for certain reason; like for money. and shop lifters would tell you that what they are doing is bad, but they do it because they are poor or because that is a phychological disorder. but gay people are not admitting that what they do is bad, unnatural & stupid. homosexualism is wrong scientificaly, naturally and in all religion. even to the greatest bushmen. It is time to replace our congress and jurdges with the right people. Quote when you have a bad ruller the city weeps. our congress are corrupt, forgeting that this is a christain nation, which through chritainity coin the word liberty for all. Don't you all forget your God who brought you out of slavery. And with the help of God (liberty for all) so many both white and black and all other colors have gained freedom.|||It is definitly a disgrace to society. Is this how far we have come as a nation? Sad! I don't think it is the parade that is my concern. If this is what is in the hearts of the people that is what is truly disheartening. Look at Sodom, they were destroyed because the hearts of people were desperately wicked. Having said all that I totally disagree with this act of perversion. However, I do realize it is up to me to spread the love of God to these people and not judgment. To not allow lawlessness by overcoming it with love. Sometimes it means tough love. But, I do realize I don't have the corner on everything and need some tough love in my life too.|||Why are you bothered by what other people are doing? You should be worrying more that you are paying ridiculous prices for gas and housing in san diego.|||Even the Bible says..."Judge not"...we as Christians are sooo quick to point out others faults or so-called sins when we're not perfect ourselves. We act as if one sin is bigger than the other. Gays don't deserve to be disrespected or judged for having feelings and loving someone. Is sleeping w/ the same sex wrong? I believe it is. However, so is lying, cheating, stealing, killing, and JUDGING!!!! Yet we so-called Christians do it EVERYDAY. Let people live their life and let God do the judging.|||i have no problem with gay pride days, but a whole month seems a little extreme for any group.

i also agree with you (possibly for the first time) that there shouldn't be a need for gay people to flaunt their homosexuality anymore than straight people should. it doesn't offend me to see gay people being affectionate in public like straight people, but some of the things they do at those parades are just not necessary in public|||Gays are couples in meditation as Hermits are coupled with GOD. Gays mediate turbulently, therefore the Parade.|||I think gay parades are a disgrace. New Orleans has a gay convention and while we were living there some of the residents complained their children were being exposed to sex on the streets.
Of course nothing was ever done about it.|||When society's values are a few standard deviations from the norm, that is the result.

It would require at least eight or nine sigmas for that - and we are now there.

.|||God destroyed Sodom & Gommoriah for that very reason. It is a slap in God's face being gay. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.|||yes, they are pushing it so far, it's start to hurt my asss. they should call the firemen and wash them of the street.


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