Friday, February 17, 2012

whats your favorite wooden roller coaster? mines boulder dash at lake compounce.|||American Eagle at Six Flags Great America|||mine is "comet" at six flags great escape in lake george NY.

it used to be at crystal beach which is near where i live and then it layed in pieces at martain's fantasy island which is also near where i live and then it was shipped and set up at great escape.
the annoying thing is they have th original and then they put in "silver comet" in at martain's fantasy island which isn't quite as good at the original when they could have just put the original there.|||My favorite wood coaster is The Voyage at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. Boulderdash happens to be a close second! I could not get enough of Boulderdash last year, and I was so sad to leave Lake Compounce. What a gem of a park.
A close third is Raven, also at Holiday World, followed by Boardwalk Bullet, located at the Kemah Boardwalk near Houston, Texas.|||Well I'm going to the USA soon, so when I visit Hershey Park, and If I ride Wildcat or Comet, They will probably become my new one :P

Well so far it would probably be Wild One at Six Flags America, or Big Dipper at blackpool pleasure beach. <-- That one was a while ago so I don't really remember it well.|||Lightning Racer at Hershey is great, but my favorite wooden one right now is El Toro at SFGAd. The first drop is nice and steep, the ride is smooth, the cable lift hill is great, and the Rolling Thunder hill (oh yeh) is the best.|||Texas Giant!!!!! Voted #1 wooden coaster in the world by coaster enthusiasts.

Gemini isn't wooden. Just it's supports are. It's made by Arrw Dynamics which is a steel roller coaster company.|||Its called annabel grealish named after the actress at a theme park in holly wood. You can search it on youtube and get a god pov.|||Terminator Salvation at Magic Mountain, and GhostRider at Knott's Berry Farm.|||My favorite is El Toro at Six Flags Great Adventure. The ride is full of many drops and turns. The first drop is almost straight down!|||Mine is El Toro at Six Flags over Jackson, NJ! It goes up to 84 miles an hour on the first drop and then there are lots of other huge drops. Totally fun!|||megafobia in oakwood in wales.|||Thunderhead from Dollywood.|||Shivering Timbers at Michigan's Adventure.|||Renegade at Valley Fair|||Giant Dipper, Santa Cruz.|||terminator salvation- six flags magic mountain|||The rattler at six flags fiest texas! the last drop is so insannly awsome that someone died from a heart attack.|||the rattler at fiesta texas since its the only one they have i think.|||Gemini at Cedar Point. It's a classic.|||el toro at six flags great adventure.|||texas giant at six flags over texas!|||giant dipper belmont park. or ghost rider at knotts berry farm

  • suzuki samurai
  • billy elliot san francisco
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