Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Okay; well my classes in school are going on a field trip to lake compounce & I wanna bring my step mom but we just found out shes pregnant 5-6 weeks, We are going June 3rd so she'll be like 8-9 weeks, would she be able to go on the rides at the park or would that cause a risk of losing the baby ?|||babbies will come and go...there's only one lake compounce.|||People who are pregnant are allowed to travel. Except near the end of the pregnancy.

So she is fine to go on the field trip.

As for rides that is something she should speak to the OB/GYN about.

I've had 3 kids and gone to amusement parks. Certain rides have a sign warning about pregnancy.

Here is some info I found on the subject -

Currently, there are no studies that document a problem with roller coasters while you are pregnant. Similarly, there are no studies documenting that it is safe either. Automobile accidents have caused placental abruption and other complications for women who are pregnant even when the trauma is not directly to the uterus.

That said, riding a roller coaster in very early pregnancy (such as the early part of the first trimester) is probably not likely to cause a miscarriage. In early pregnancy, the placenta is at much earlier stages of development and is less likely to be affected by jarring movements. So if you are wondering whether riding a roller coaster before you knew you were pregnant may have caused your first trimester miscarriage, it probably didn't. http://miscarriage.about.com/od/lifestyl鈥?/a>

But still she should speak to the doctor. She may have health problems that may make it more dangerous for her.

I lost 3 babies to miscarriage so there is no way I'd ride wild rides during pregnancy early or late.|||The website has some general information. Usually, the rides would have signs telling pregnant women to take caution. I'd stay away from rough rides like roller coasters. But you can check the page if you want, but I think she'll be fine.

Congrats on your baby stepbrother or sister by the way! :)

http://www.lakecompounce.com/site/inform鈥?/a>|||she should ask her midwife/doctor :-)

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